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Operations Officer
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Everything posted by Trophias

  1. Off topic: @VoA check DM's
  2. If anyone wants a tour of one, hit my up on Discord!
  3. CitizenCon tickets are back up for sale https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Event-Tickets/CITIZENCON-2949-Access-Ticket
  4. RIP Crux. Sorry to hear this and thanks for sharing it with us.
  5. I've edited to make your post a bit more viewable for people. Could I also get screenshots either on the post or in my DMs to be sure that everything lines up? (I trust ya, but others may want some confirmation as well)
  6. Trophias

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    I mean, who knows anymore until it's actually in the game and functioning. Even if so...My case rests. 6+ years.
  7. Trophias

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    72 months = 6 Years. It's LTI. Let's just be honest here. 😂
  8. Trophias

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    This. Let's not assume that they had Ill-Will or Malicious Intent. While everyone has a voice and opinion, publicly slamming a company over a communication mistake (unless you are Fallout 76 Style of mistake) is petty at best. Idris owners were probably already going to get it whether it was LTI or not. Let's be real here.
  9. Trophias

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    Can I get the source of that? Because they went back on that statement last I heard and deleted all traces of that from Spectrum as it was a misunderstanding by the CIG Employee who posted it.
  10. In Soviet Russia, You welcome Trophias!
  11. Trophias

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    Ah gotcha, I read that "limited stock to those who have the Idris P on their account"
  12. Trophias

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    I'll definitely be getting this upgrade if I can, since it's limited
  13. I would like to remind everyone to be polite and kind to each other. Being a dick only leads you down the wrong path.
  14. @Ostia @Nazerath @Sir_BelialI think this may be something we want to consider.
  15. Trophias

    Drake Vulture

    hey guys <3 lets remember to be nice and respectful to one another. It seems that this is a heated topic, just remember that the game is still in "Alpha" so we need to remember that anything can change still. Bashing other members on the forums is against the forum rules and the CoC of Imperium, specifically, Don't be a dick.. If things get heated, please just walk away from the computer for a few minutes and come back with a good sense of mind
  16. I bought a premium ticket. I'm all in. Let's hope work doesn't fall through!
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