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  1. Hello, I'm interested in Jump Point Vol 1 & 2 hardcover preferably not open but will look at anything. As for rare skins I'm interested in AMD Omega or anything else that may be brought up.
  2. Looking for a few explorers who wish to seek out the unknown. The Anvil Carrack will be our main ship but not bound to it. More info to come.... Join: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/MHP [MHP]Remon Engod
  3. This package includes a rare AMD Mustang Omega, Self-Land Hangar and SC+SQ42 access. Have this for the longest of time but I never play the game nor have plans to do so. Price: 110 USD Paypal only
  4. What's up everyone! New recruit here as of early last month and finally finding my way around. I went with the starter Mustang but have since purchased a Cutlass Black and loving it. Have been able to get a few of my friends into this as well and we're finding out some things that work and others that don't...like your crew mates can fall out the ramp door while quantum traveling (wtf was he doing back there anyway?). Flew the Blade tonight and it was cool. Want to take the Glaive out before the expo ends. Taking the Caterpillar into space from Lorville was interesting. On daily and ready to rock and roll Glad to be here, eager to play and can't wait to get into a Reclaimer or a Hammerhead VKGT
  5. RSI Credits USD $85 @ 75% Want to sell cause i dont like the game! Tom
  6. Progressive Waffle Squad is recruiting hardcore roleplayers seeking to RP as toxic pirates. Ratchet hoes need not apply. Must be 18+. Must be willing to use TS. Must not be a geocentric scumlord. Must be willing to tolerate the absurdity of Chris Robert's round earth simulator. Cannot be able to be offended by literally anything. We're primarily interested in pilots, FPS fighters on the ground, and turret gunners. We play a lot of other games together to pass the decades between SC versions. https://discord.gg/9CevSXs https://youtu.be/d4lLnD168F8
  7. I have two SC starter packages without SQ42 and wonder how I can get the SQ42 "upgrade", the site still is confusing for some things.
  8. I know some of you are fairly anti-spectrum and anti-RSI website, and consider visiting reddit to cause increased chance of cancer. A guy on reddit created a simple dev tracker in a larger format to replace the one on the main site. Looks pretty neat, if you're into that sort of thing. It also sucks in tweets and reddit posts by devs. https://developertracker.com/star-citizen/
  9. I have been keeping track of the development for the last 5 years and I'm surprised by the optimistic expectations of many backers. Really curious what the community thinks about this.
  10. Hello, As the title suggests, i'm selling 3 Mustang Omega Game packages. All packages include full (digital) access to star citizen, squadron42 and arena commander Prices : Mustang Omega = €115 Prices are ALL-in, so they include all the paypal fees. Feel free to make me an offer (also trade offers) Verified on reddit : My Ebay : http://www.ebay.nl/usr/hd050store?_trksid=p2047675.l2559
  11. Like many of you I'm really looking forward to the full release of this game. Unfortunately it is taking longer then I hoped. Since we don't hear much about the progress of SQ 42 I was curious what we can expect regarding the release of the PU. Since we already know what GIC has planned for the coming releases, I wanted to figure out when we can expect the release of the coming versions. I know GIC will make the production schedule for 3.0 available soon but I wanted to look further ahead. I took the liberty to calculate the average number of weeks for each release and based on this I used an average to project the release dates for the coming versions. Looking at the past years of development GIC is releasing a new version every 6-11 weeks. For my forecast I used an 8 week release schedule, which in my view is still optimistic. I know this is all based on statistics, but for me it gives me something to aim for. Based on the current projections it is unlikely we will see the release of 4.0 this year. A bit of a dissappointment but not a big surprise. Which means the acutal PU will probably be released late 2018 at the earliest. So it looks like we still have to wait at least a year for the release of the PU. I wish I was more patient.
  12. What a journey it has been, its great to see your channel improve and gain subs. I hope the trend continues well into next year and beyond!
  13. WTS 2 x Starfarer - LTI Standalone Ships $250 each - Including all paypal fee's. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Time Insurance Starfarer Stand Alone Ship Two Ships Available for sale Serious buyers only please as these are buybacks and I will not be purchasing them until I have a confirmed and trusted buyer $250 Each Including all paypal fee's PP Verified only Paypal email must match RSI account email Previous trade history / reputation gives priority ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All trades are 100% safe as I have dealt with hundreds of trades and sales as well as my free LTI service back in 2013 and onwards. Trusted with proof of dealing with thousands of dollars worth of ships in the past! STAR-ZJHZ-HB2Y feel free to use my recruitment code when creating your Star Citizen account -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. Given the amount of comparisons that people have been doing versus NMS and SC, it's bound to happen that people will do comparison videos and articles out the wazoo. However, in this guy's case, he not only made a video, but admitted he had wrong impressions when he'd made a video previously. It's short, but feel free to watch and enjoy.
  15. WTS 5x Digital Starter Packages SC+SQ42 $40 each - Including all paypal fee's. Had loads saved for friends these are my last one's. Starting Money 1000UEC 3 Month Insurance Selfland Hangar Digital SC Manual SQ42 Digital Download SC Digital Download $40 Each Including all paypal fee's - RSI Value is $30 5 available PP Verified only Paypal email must match RSI account email Previous trade history / reputation gives priority All trades are 100% safe as I have dealt with hundreds of trades and sales as well as my free LTI service back in 2013 and onwards. Trusted with proof of dealing with thousands of dollars worth of ships in the past! [redacted] feel free to use my recruitment code
  16. Hi, I am selling starter package, it's 5$ below the current price in the RSI store. Maybe You know somebody who is looking for it Self Land Hangar Starting Money: 1,000 UEC 3 Month Insurance Digital Star Citizen Manual Squadron 42 Digital Download Star Citizen Digital Download Price: 55 USD$ - including PayPal fees Verified PayPal only
  17. I was really impressed by this - think they did a great job and look forward to it being released on the 19th Published on Apr 16, 2015 Hunter is a fan fiction comic set in the Star Citizen universe. The comic launches Sunday, April 19th and will be available at the following link: http://hunter.thecomic.ninja
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