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Everything posted by Karmaslap

  1. The cheapest you'll get a pack now is 45$ for both the PU and SQ42, or 30$ for one of them
  2. How much UEC do you have on your account already? If it's pretty high, then I'd do nothing. If it's the basic 5000, I'd melt the omnisky VI guns for cash. It's nice having a bit of extra money at the beginning of a patch after a wipe, lets you buy everything you want immediately.
  3. I can't wait for similar tech to be adopted for other games. I'd love a medieval fantasy game set around an entire planet, and procedural tools would certainly help create and populate it.
  4. They'll spawn derelicts with parts to salvage, spawn areas to mine, and loot at places like the Miles Eckhart mission showcase are supposed to be unclaimed to allow the player to pick them up without stealing. CIG will be spawning a lot of loot, most of it in a believable "left by NPCs" way. From years ago, they said that they wouldn't be spawning much actual usable equipment- so you won't be finding legendary overclocked guns and such, just regular trinkets and cargo that's believable left there. If someone boards your ship they probably have bad plans for you, Terra or not. I think it would fall under "home defense" and while it may be illegal in some of the larger cities (analog to Chicago and places in CA) I expect it will be fine to shoot intruders in most other civilized places.
  5. I dunno, I think it would be smart to go and unload someone's cargo from their ship in some cases. Stealing a ground vehicle or searching for some expensive crates when you aren't there. Perhaps breaking into a ship is far easier than hot-wiring it and getting away, and so it's effective to just steal the cargo for profit and make a getaway. I agree with you on the second point. I'd just blast him, criminal rating or not. I am sure that Imperium will allow us to submit footage/testimony if we have a pirate rating from something like that and I'm sure that there will be plenty of in-game ways to get rid of your rating assuming you are usually a law abiding citizen.
  6. I would hope that you would need to register the cargo as your own- either declaring it at a port or reporting it or such as found cargo. At that point, it should be insured as if you had purchased it and be legally yours. If it just ends up on your ship then it should still belong to the universe until you can make it to a port.
  7. They are going for 1:10 scale for planets and such Each planet and moon is hand-designed through the aid of procedural tools, which is the same for just about every other game: an artist inputs general guidelines for the terrain they want, they use tools to generate it, then edit it by hand, then add plantlife and trees procedurally, then edit and finalize and move on. The difference between a game like Skyrim and what CIG is doing is the scale. There have been several ATVs that have shown the process of CIG artist painting kilometer-long zones for deserts or forests or grasslands, or editing a specific location to make a lake or landing zone, and a lot of discussion about how their use of procedural tools isn't different from other open world AAA games. CIG has been talking about procedual cities too in the last month! One of their guys who used to work at Crytech has a lot of experience with them.
  8. I agree. CIG is focusing on completing newer concept ships instead of building or finishing older ones backers have waited patiently for years to see in production. The Nox was complete on concept sale arrival, the Tumblir is being worked on already, the Terrapin is in late greybox/detail passes. I understand they are easier to make and get flyable, but CIG still has the Redeemer, Freelancer variants, crucible, Vanduul Blade, Reliant variants, and necessary reworks for several ships (300 series) used by thousands of entry level backers. That's not even mentioning the small capital sized craft. I sincerely hope that these new ships aren't being rushed ahead for use in SQ42- they have to feature lock it at some point.
  9. There are two dozen places to go to in just one planet and orbiting moons in 2.6, I think that we'd be sitting at several hundred unique locations with a few systems and several thousand locations if you include duplicates (same wreck, same refueling station) with 5-10 systems. If even 1/4 of backers are ever online at the same time that would be dozens of people in each location if they were spread out evenly. In some cases that would be great having plenty of people, but people aren't going to spread evenly and you'd end up with tons and tons of people in small areas, which would overload small stations like Olisar or GrimHex severely. I would love for CIG to compromise and give us 5-10 detailed, fully fleshed out and completed systems and another 10 or so "barren" systems with one or two detailed parts and mostly proc-gen areas for players to explore. Simpler and quicker to create, it would be easy for CIG to patch content into these systems to keep gameplay fresh while they focus on creating more complete ones. They could also give us some Vanduul systems which, aside from wreckage and a lot of hostile encounters, would likely not have any landing zones or super detailed stations.
  10. Too bad that players who choose to ride around in ships like that can't take a reputation hit with NPCs who don't share their sense of childish humor
  11. If you're in a capital craft there is plenty to do. If you're in a fighter or small ship, how much cargo management can you do? little to none. There would be almost no things in-game to be doing for the smaller ships, which comprise most of the craft purchased so far. I don't see how a comparison to Elite is poor: you can't walk around your ship but you can chart your journey, look up lists of available merchandise and ship equipment prices, chat with other players, or view and interact with other ships traveling past lightspeed on your screen. It's more than a cutscene and doesn't really help the fact that you are waiting for a long time to actually get to where you want to be to do what you want to be doing. It's another space sim and while it and SC are very different games there is a lot to be learned there.
  12. Karmaslap

    RSI Ursa Rover

    I don't think they'd need to: their addition of cave systems and "no-fly" zones as showed off last year will give wheeled vehicles a place. I just don't think that for urban areas that ground vehicles make any sense; we have so much traffic on earth that if they can fly that easily I think they'd be doing it. I don't think that low-flying hovering vehicles would work either because you'd want them to be able to fly at different altitudes for best efficiency. I would love to see both flying and ground vehicles as you say. There's no need for trucks to carry cargo (so much faster to hop into orbit and descend) but maybe making a distinction between urban and rural areas one of mostly flying vs cheaper wheeled vehicles would help differentiate the areas and provide a good feel for players.
  13. Karmaslap

    RSI Ursa Rover

    I think it would be weirder if most people in urban areas still went around in vehicles with wheels. Same thing though, CIG doesn't have any commuter cars and the closest thing they have is the 85X, which still has guns. Totally want a pickup rover, though. Something for collecting all of that sweet sand nomad armor in after I clean house.
  14. Just made some ribs last night. I would never leave them in for just an hour unless I was on a huge time crunch for some reason, they'll be done but they'll never be as good. 2 hours works great though.
  15. I don't play Elite:Dangerous anymore because of the boring, long, and manual travel times. I would just watch TV on my second monitor at first while I was trying to get somewhere, but finally realized that 90% of my interest was watching TV when I was playing unless I was in combat or a port and that I hated that. Players in Elite also voted for long travel times for "immersion" and a lot of players hate them. If I only have an hour or two to play, I don't want to spend a majority of it traveling somewhere so that I can team up with people with my own ship. If CIG is going to make long travel times it's going to heavily affect player interest, so I hope they have some sort of limited AI that can handle basic travel- you click on a point to get to, the AI plans the shortest route and you can AFK while it goes there, just have to watch your computer to make sure you aren't getting pulled out by pirates or anything. I would complain a lot less about long travel times if I didn't have to micromanage the whole trip every time. Long travel times will also heavily affect reinforcements for battle and I think CIG would want people nearby to be able to make it to a large fight but still leave time for quick ambushes to be successful. I hope that's what they balance around.
  16. If it isn't, should message Thrustmaster about it anyways/throw it up on Reddit. That's the new model, it shouldn't be broken already from normal use and people should know if they are prone to breaking.
  17. I saw that on Reddit and thought it was pretty cool, and he said he was making a TEST black and yellow one next. Unfortunately Imperium's decal doesn't really lend itself well to being put on a ship and it isn't really recognizable to just about anyone. I see you have it in your signature but it looks like a cool coin instead of an iconic image, it's got a lot going on. I'd be a fan of just going with the laurels though that's CIG's thing, mostly I just thing it'd be nice if Imperium had a more recognizable and more well-known symbol. Did you ask him to do one, though? I'm all for it!
  18. I don't see why anyone would have permissions to access Imperium assets solo unless they had already been deemed trustworthy long before. I suspect that the Imperium "fleet bank" for capitals will only be accessible by a small circle consisting of the top officers and that any time a capital is pulled out there will be plenty of players around to ensure nobody is stealing stuff. If someone steals off a private Jav owned by someone in Imperium, that's the owners fault
  19. And the cost of getting the large weapons and setting them up is supposed to be roughly equivalent to the cost of buying a Javelin in the first place, but cash to UEC conversion. There's a lot of theorycrafting on it somewhere in these forums and Imperium has policies regarding it. I'm sure you know, but in case others don't
  20. Trading vessels need to be large to keep a lot of goods in supply, and the bigger the better. We know that the Xi'an have large cargo ships, but I think that the Merchantman is the largest Banu vessels we know of able to haul cargo (so far)
  21. Karmaslap

    Boarding Ops

    As long as the Endeavor can fit a hospital and a hangar, then parking one next to a Hull C/D fit with fighters (if they can be unloaded in space- I think I remember seeing that they couldn't) or a Panther Escort Carrier or whatever works is going to get pilots back in the fight and I'm sure it's what will be commonly done by larger orgs in engagements outside of spawn station range. The contract system (or at least what I've seen and heard of it) seems great for general jobs but it's not going to be effective for military operations which require quick execution. Fleet Operations and Military divisions will handle that without people needing war assignments. I think Imperium will be large enough and have enough competent officers to organize things without needing set assignments or anything like that. I'll love trying to board and capture enemy ships just for fun and I hope/know that there will be plenty of opportunities to do so against Imperium's enemies. I'm sure that 95% of all boarding operations will just be a couple guys in chat saying "hey, let's try and do this for fun" when an enemy ship is sighted, with exceptions maybe if there's a Bengal or hard-to-get ship that command wants. It's also important that Imperium not be seen as common ship thieves even if we only steal from pirates or our enemies.
  22. It's certainly the best entry point ship and so I think that a lot of people have purchased it and later upgraded to a better connie. You're right in that you get more per dollar with the Taurus than the other constellations, but I think that lower price probably earns CIG more from people upgrading and purchasing it in the first place.
  23. I hope not. CIG has enough to pay for development with their monthly income without jacking up prices, and the Taurus is the lowest-tier medium-sized ship and the entry point for a lot of people. If you compare its price/mass and function vs a Hornet or some other smaller ship it seems low, but I think that's because everything else is overpriced, not because the Taurus is under-priced. These ships already cost a hell of a lot of money for something you can get by playing.
  24. Obligatory complaint: CIG artists are so bad with struts, I swear that they don't even fly the ships that they model. Nobody has been able to talk about flying it yet, but if they just moved the struts 2 feet back or thinned them out nobody would have anything to complain about and there wouldn't even be the slightest bit of annoyance
  25. I'm pretty sure you're talking about present-day glass here. Glass isn't a liquid, it's an amorphous solid. "Glass" just refers to some type of fused silicon dioxide. It's also much harder than steel but shatters much more easily, as we all know. @Fizzlefuse See: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/13169-News-Update-Kaizen Star Citizen glass is "diamond laminate"
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