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Found 25 results

  1. IMPERIUM JUMPTOWN EVENTS - WEEKEND SCHEDULE DATE: 06/07/2024 AND 07/07/24 FORM-UP TIME: 1500 UTC EVENT START TIME: 1600 UTC MEET-UP LOCATIONS: Seraphim Station Everus Harbor HUR-L1 DURATION: 8+ HOURS MISSION BRIEFING // -Hold Jumptown Loacation and extract valuable Maze -Combat Fighters and Armored Ground Vehicles requested to maintain control of JT location -CQC and Sniper Teams requested to maintain control of Ground Assets -Ground Logi Teams requested to secure and transport Maze to relevant LEO stations -Special Ops Team requested to down relevant Comm Arrays -Comms Dicipline will be utilized, keep chatter to a minimum -Leadership Group to utilize secondary Guilded Comm System MISSION NOTES // -Please have sufficient food/water/medpens stored on-person. -EVENT MAY BE RECORDED - Please behave. -Please make every effort to have your spawn set @ designated MEET-UP LOCATIONS before mission Start Time. -All IMPERIUM Members are welcome, SCB Members may require vetting. Late Joiners Accepted. -PRIMARY COMMS, Discord. MISSION ROLES: = Command (Open to Fleet Command/Officers/Specialists/Unit Administrators) = Combat Pilot / Turret Operator (Escort + Bounty Hunting) :tonk: = Ground Combat Vehicle = CQC + Sniper Team = Cargo Ops + Logi Team = Medical Ship = Camera Crew If you plan to attend, please click the emoji that represents your preferred role to facilitate planning. Let's dust off our Rail Guns and Tractor Beams, make some aUEC and have some FUN!! Any and all inquiries can be PM'd to @[IMP] REIGN-11-87 directly. 07
  2. We are the 101st Legion Marines. A tight-knit band of former UEE military personnel, bounty hunters, and other like minded individuals. Our main goal is to provide security and any other combat orientated services to the people of Stanton, and her surrounding systems. For a price. Join today! We intend to provide our wide variety of services to the people of Stanton, Nyx, and Pyro. Our services mainly include a mobile task-force of top tier infantry, pilots, and medics. Mostly for escort, security and bounty hunting services, but the 101st Legion offers any service under the sun for the right price. We blur the lines of legality but mostly try to stay on the right side of the law. Our main priority is profit, we do not take sides, the highest bidder wins our elite services. The 101st Legion Marines were founded in 2946 following a disagreement of “methods” used by the UEE Navy. Our founders believed a heavier hand was needed in certain situations, and that we no longer needed our UEE overlords to command their dogs when to bite. Years later the legion is going strong, though small, we are mighty! Security and PMC work has been the main focus of our organization since it’s inception and this will never change, Recently a change in command has left us in a predicament, we believe it is time for us to open our doors to newcomers and expand our horizons. We need able bodies with rifles or in pilot seats, any and all are welcome! While PMC work is our core focus we also need Traders and Medical personnel to tend to the less violent aspects of our organization. If you’ve read this far, consider joining. We offer new player training and benefits as well as weekly events for all! Also, since we are a brand new org, promotion opportunities for active personnel will be available; for those for show commitment. WIP Discord: HERE https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/101MARINES
  3. Hello, please find hereunder a small topic to synthethise the informations available on the Service beacons - Combat Assistance missions. Those missions can be found in the general tab, under the "service beacons" category. Those missions have a respawn rate similar to the one of bounty hunters, but they seems to be available near any space station and planet (bounty hunter missions can only be found around Hurston and Crusader). There are 4 levels of difficulty known as of now : Combat Assistance - LOW THREAT (4000 - 9000 aUEC Reward) (Complete 8 time this mission to get higher tier available) Combat Assistance - MODERATE THREAT (15000 - 25000 aUEC Reward) (Complete 2 time this mission to get higher tier available) Combat Assistance - HIGH THREAT (45000 - 95000 aUEC Reward) Combat Assistance - CRITICAL THREAT (333 000 aUEC Reward) The huge difference is due to the type of ship that can very in the same level of difficulty : a High threat level can either confront you to 2 Valkyrie and 1 Constellation, or 2 Valkyrie and 1 Hammerhead ... 4 things to know : You can have only 1 such mission accepted at a time, accepting a seconde mission will withdraw the first one You have a 5mn timer to go on site, past that timer the mission will be withdrew You may have neutral individual joining the fight on your sight, so be carefull. At the Critical level of difficulty you face an Idriss with an active railgun : you need to take the agro of the Idriss to avoid a railgun shot on your VIP to protect (its a static Hammerhead)
  4. IMPERIUM XENOTHREAT OP ---------------------------------- WHEN: Thurs. Feb.3 - 17:00 UTC (10:00 MST) RALLY POINT: MIC L1 MISSION: -Ops Duration: ALL DAY -Locate cargo wrecks and deploy Boarding Parties to exterminate remaining NPC's on foot -Transfer required cargo to our own cargo ships and transport to Jericho -Repel continuous waves of NPC ships as well as probable Hostile Players -We may have a long wait until XT goes live. We will use that time to finalize our loadouts and possibly do some bounties NOTES: - Combat Fighters needed! NO fighter turned away! Ion, Inferno, Sabre, Hornet, Talon, Gladius +++ - Combat Pilots AND Turret Gunners needed! NO combat ship will be turned away! Suggested Multicrew Ships: Hurricane, Redeemer, Hammerhead - Cargo Ships needed! NO cargo ship will be turned away! Suggested Cargo Ships: Cutlass Black, Valkyrie, Caterpillar, Carrack - Boarding Parties required to kill NPC's on foot! You'll need armor, guns and ammo! Don't forget your med pens and Med Gun - Box Movers will require a Greycat Multitool with Tractor Beam attatchment. Bring extras!! - Please have sufficient food/water/medpens stored on-person and appropriate personal armor/FPS weapons - EVENTS WILL BE RECORDED - Please behave - Please make every effort to have your spawn set @ designated Rally Point BEFORE Op Start Time - ALL SCB / IMPERIUM Members are welcome, Late Joiners Accepted - Discord comms to be used - "SCB / Imperium Events" Channel - Please send in-game friend request to REIGN-11-87 for party invites - Command personnel please download and install Microsoft Whiteboard for Operation Tracking (https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/microsoft-365/microsoft-whiteboard/digital-whiteboard-app) ROLE CALL: = Command (Open to Fleet Command/Officers/Specialists/Unit Administrators) = Medical Ship = Cargo Ship Pilot = Combat Fighter = Combat Multicrew Ship = Combat Turret Gunner = Boarding Party = Camera Crew = Food Truck If you plan to attend, please respond with the colored shape that represents your preferred role (see Discord announcement) to facilitate planning. Let's dust off our guns, make some aUEC and have some FUN!! Any and all inquiries can be PM'd to @[IMP] REIGN-11-87 directly. 07 @Events @LFG - Star Citizen
  5. IMPERIUM MILITARY OP -------------------------------------- Date : Saturday 22nd 2022 Time : starting at 15h UTC (be there on time please) Rally point : ARC-L1 Organizers : @Morse & @macgivre Unfolding : - Preparing the assets (14h to 15h UTC) - Briefing (15h to 15h15) - FPS scenario (start at 15h20 UTC) - Debrief / feedback or maybe a 2nd run if people are interested Equipment needed : You need nothing ! Armor and weapons will be provided for the event. The classic rifleman role will consist of a P4-AR rifle with a Behring x4 optic. Specialist roles will be in limited number and they will have different weapons loadout (anti-tank, marksman, machine gunner). What is this event about : The goal is to try a PvP ground OP scenario where each side will have their own briefing and an objective to complete in multiple steps. You may think of it like the "Rush" game mode in Battlefield. For those who don't know what this gamemode is, it is basically an "attack/defend" scenario. There are multiples objectives and the attacking team must complete an objective before moving on to the next one. Victory is achieved either when all attackers are dead or if attackers managed to complete all objectives. However, depending on the number of players interested, the scenario's complexity and assets involved may change. The bare-bone scenario is to have the UEE marines engage a Ninetails underground bunker. It will be the main target with NPCs inside and some Ninetails players outside to help defend it. The mission will at least be focusing on those aspects : - mechanized infantry battle (mechanized =! armored, so no Nova tonks) - infantry medium-range engagement - infantry Close Quarter Battle (CQB) - EVA boarding and hacking of a comm array - medical gameplay in a combat environment - communication between squads Potential aspects of the mission if we are a lot of players : - Close Air Support / Dropship / Gunship - Air superiority fighter - Ship boarding in EVA In order to prepare the briefings, gather the loot and prepare the objectives, we need to have an estimation of the number of participants and what they would like to do. If you are interested, please let us know by reacting with either of the emoji below. ROLE CALL : 🔺️= vehicle crewmember (driver or turret operator) 🔶️= infantry (rifleman, specialist, combat medic) 🔴= combat pilot/crewmen (pilot or turret operators in dropship, gunship, fighter) Once we have a better understanding of what everyone is willing to do, we will provide teams setup and then you will be able to choose a faction (in order to keep the teams somewhat balanced). Keep in mind tho that this event is focused on ground warfare, so we need a lot of people on the ground and none or only a few in the air. NOTES : - EVENTS MAY BE RECORDED - Please behave - Please make every effort to have your spawn set @ designated Rally Points BEFORE Op Start Time - ALL SCB / IMPERIUM Members are welcome, - Late joiners will struggle to join the event. Please, try to be ready on time for the briefing and OP start - Please send in-game friend request to morse27400 for party invites - Command personnel please download and install Microsoft Whiteboard for Operation Tracking (https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/microsoft-365/microsoft-whiteboard/digital-whiteboard-app) If you plan to attend, please see the discord announcement and respond with the colored shape that represents your preferred role to facilitate planning. Any and all inquiries can be PM'd to @Morse directly.
  6. Org: U.C.U Specialization: [Combat] Commitment: [Regular] Role Play: [No] Main Language: [German] Region/Timezone: [Europa] info: [Hey Citizen, wir suchen für folgende Bereiche noch Verstärkung UCU Marine Corps (Luft/Bodenkampf und Eskorte) Wenn dich dieser Bereiche anspricht kannst du dich gerne bei mir Melden um noch offene fragen deinerseits zu klären. Kurze Infos zur Orga: 25 Mitglieder, Aktiv, Hilfsbereit, uvm]
  7. Quantum Jump Medical is a combat medical group. We are looking to fill many positions in our org including Full-time, Part-time, and Non-combat. All members are medically trained and will do Search and Rescue. We are an active org mainly doing hauling and mining in our off time. During 3.11 we will be doing our best to assist people with food, water, medpens, and rescue as well as some events with other organizations. This includes but not limited to assisting organizations with combat training to helping racing organizations with medical staff and emergency relief. Some of the orgs we work with are Void Runners, BadToken Race Club, Badlands Nation Republic, Gallog, and even ATMO (Daymar Rally). As we continue to expand we will continue to assist more orgs out there. So if you want to join one of the most passionate and active medical organization come by our main office to talk to a representative. Full-time includes: Combat Medics, Security, Doctors, and Pilots Part-time includes: Combat Medics, Security and back up pilots. Non-combat roles are other members who work with us doing other items like: Mining, Hauling, Data, and Exploration to name a few. Links: Office: https://discord.gg/nqxfPsh RSI: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/QJMEDICAL
  8. Black Wing Federation The Black Wing Federation recognizes the value in another’s honor. It is for this value that we provide proxy services to those that would wish to retain their honor from activities they may deem unsavory. Our Objective Our goal is to provide a contracting service to other organizations and groups. Providing total anonymity to all clients. Whether you need to fill personnel gaps for whatever you wish to accomplish, or you need a task completed, but do not want your name or org attached, we are here to fill that gap. Requirements Feasible Participation – What you put in, we return 110%. Respect for your kin and the contracts made. Team player – We must work together to complete contracts. Maturity What The Black Wing Federation Provides Dedication - We’re aiming on bringing good people to this group. We treat you with respect and will have your back 100%, and we expect the same in return. Foresight - We are seizing a unique business model that can provide prosperity and comradery. Community - We are a new org, but as we grow, so will our family, where you can make new stories, share experiences, and ejoy your moments in, and out of the verse. If you have any questions, feel free to join us at https://discord.gg/ymWUrbq Apply at our Website at https://www.blackwingfederation.com And check out our Org page at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/BWFED
  9. Sentinel Corps INTEGRITY | BRAVERY | SERVICE Are you sick of pirates taking the precious cargo that you spent forever looking for and working towards? Tired of having to take the long way around the pirate-infested space? With the help of the Sentinel Corps, you can always take the shortcut through those pirate-infested areas with ease as we will provide top of the line security in making sure that you will get to your destination safely. We also have a non-combat civilian-based division for those who are not interested in PvE/PvP. Join us today! RSI Page Join our Discord this is where we plan everything out and is our main source of communications! Discord *Join Here First* We focus on the security and safety of those within the universe. Five Divisions to suit all your gameplay desires from mining to flying! Active and friendly members. The Sentinel Corps is a new Private Military Company who is funded by ~~REDACTED~~, their funds are what gives us enough to perform our duties and rid pirates of Stanton. We are looking for new recruits and these are the divisions that we offer. Divisions: Logistics Division: Logistics is the backbone of the whole organization. Logistics is in charge of refueling, rearming, repairing and transportation.is to gather information before an operation on pirates, illegal tenants, and bounties. They will be the stealth fighters. Support Division: Within the support division, roles include Medical, Search and Rescue, Engineering, Science Security Division: The security division is where the main fight takes place. Within it are three subdivisions you can be a part of. Fleet Security, where you will be assigned to a multi-crew ship or a fighter to keep the fleet safe during an operation or prisoner transport. Mobile infantry, these corpsmen are the troops on the ground that will fight pirates and intergalactic species, they will be the best fighters that Stanton has to offer. And last but not least, the Armored infantry, this will be ground vehicles transporting troops, tanks, and weaponized vehicles for the front lines. Intelligence Division: In the intelligence division their main purpose and goal Trade and Commerce Division: In the trade and commerce division, roles include mining, reclaiming, outpost construction and acquisition.
  10. AFTERSHOCK - United we stand, whatever it takes. Endeavoring to further humanity’s heroic venture into the stars, Aftershock aims to facilitate and further legal activities throughout the dark expanse of the cosmos, be it exploration, reconnaissance, medical, security or more. History: Per aspera ad astra. Through hardship to the stars. Further to the 2948 Intergalactic Aerospace Expo and the evidence of ever more capable and militarized spacecraft, it became clear that a common effort to uphold the UEE’s charters will be required. Thus, Aftershock was formed. With the common purpose of ensuring and promoting legality among the stars, the members of Aftershock remain steadfast in their duties. Activities: Section A – Combat As primarily a peacekeeping unit, Aftershock’s combat wing possesses the express purpose of securing hostile space and neutralizing hot zones. To this effect, any combat assignment can focus on, but is not limited to: Protecting new pilots while they learn the ropes, Defending neutral areas of space from attackers, Disabling monitoring devices planted by criminals, Clearing a base/station/area of hostile occupation, Escorting vulnerable ships, i.e cargo haulers, fuel transports etc. and Collection of bounties placed on hostiles by other pilots or the UEE’s Advocacy. Other, more advanced combative efforts require and are as such completed under larger plans. Section B – Exploration Aiming to further humanity’s journey across the cosmos, Aftershock’s exploration wing is tasked with investigating the dark expanse and plotting routes across it. An assignment for this wing can include: Discovering/maintaining jump points between systems, Finding habitable or otherwise suitable worlds for clients, General reconnaissance; recording hostile activity in other systems, Searching for astronomical phenomena, such as nebulae and black holes and Preemptive reconnaissance pending military action by Aftershock or its allies. Tasks that fall under the minor transport category should also be handled by the exploration wing. Section C – Medical Assuring that engagements are fair and survivable for both sides, Aftershock’s medical wing serves as a bulwark against the loss of life and limb, striving to protect and serve the wounded. Assignments to this wing can encompass: Detecting and testing the required services per engagement, Negotiating a safe treaty ensuring those who cannot fight can be treated, Performing medevac and/or search and rescue duties, Rapid transport to more advanced facilities should patients require it and Assisting other medical workers from other organisations. It should be noted that members of Aftershock’s medical wing should be experienced in other fields, especially combat and exploration. Section D – Industrial For those in pursuit of a profit-focused career, Aftershock’s industrial wing facilitates the gain of resources supporting other aspects of the organisation. Assignments may focus on: Mining for raw materials or profit, Haulage of goods across systems, Mass passenger transport between worlds/systems, Fabrication of materials for ship repair/general maintenance and Freelancing work throughout the entire organisation, supporting other wings. Other tasks that do not fit the mission profile of the aforementioned wings may be undertaken by this wing. Additionally, we also intend to offer; A mature environment for those passionate about Star Citizen, A tactical and authentic experience throughout all org operations, Partnership in the ShipShare program, facilitating local transport and ship trials, A (number-based) organization bank for possible capital-grade purchases in the future, A competitive area where members can hone their skills (recorded Star Marine and Arena Commander games, likely with inter-wing squad-based teams) and A general aim to have fun across the vastness of space! Requirements: Teamwork (it makes the dream work, after all), A mature and rational attitude to gameplay (remember, it is only a game), A willingness to be involved in org activities (though temporary inactivity is fine, just tell us) and The use of Discord until VOIP/FOIP is fully implemented. Things to note: We currently only operate in Europe and play around 16:00 UTC onwards; any regions are wanted and accepted, however. We welcome elements of roleplay, especially for tactical reasons, but this is not required. Any ages are welcome as long as they comply with the maturity outlined above. English is our primary language so we must insist upon it; though squads in other languages are welcome provided some level of understanding. Interested? If so, apply here. Please let us know you came via this post. Questions? Ask in our Discord server. Otherwise, continue to enjoy fighting, exploring, hauling or racing across the galaxy, citizen!
  11. I was fortunate enough to get a couple of minutes to discuss Star Citizen's Combat AI and animations with @CIG_Tiki_Bartender on Spectrum. The content they are working on is currently planned for 3.2 but this was more about the issues surrounding the development, with no specific details. To clarify at Tiki's request the car analogy used was as a real world example that can be used as a concept and not directly transposed onto the Star Citizen verse!
  12. Hey guys, I was just trying to spur some discussion on the news that came out of the recent interview with Erin Roberts by BoredGamer. Here it is below: Some things I found most interesting were: Ground Battles: Ground & Space Battles both can be of epic scale & in a lot of situations will bleed over to combat over ground, air & space. The System allows for an Idris to go close to a planet and unload it’s weaponry. They are adding Tracked Vehicles, Static Defenses, Tanks, Missile Systems & more. And a lot more of this is planning on coming with 3.1 as well, they want locations where you cannot take ships because there are anti-air or ship defenses that would need to be disabled first, so you would have to go in on the ground with a group OR stealth in. Base Building: They have plans for Base Building mechanics later down the road too, you’ll be able to spawn there, defend it, use it to store goods & ships. But they will be attack-able too & ground vehicles & installations will be a big part of the combat there. Players will be able to build functional bases, walls, habitation modules & lots more. Thinking about the recent sale with the Nox, it seems CIG has the capability to branch out by selling more ground vehicles. I think right now we have the Greycat, Dragonfly, Nox, and Ursa Rover in terms of ground vehicles. Do you think people would be interested in buying a tracked vehicle or tank? I can only imagine it might be some time in 2018 where we start seeing these kinds of vehicles on concept sale.
  13. Hey guys. So on the April 29th at 17:00 UTC (1pm EDT, 10am PDT) match going on where the top pilots from different orgs are going to go against one another. Twitch link https://www.twitch.tv/starcitizenccc So far Imperium has 3 teams that will be participating in the match. The first team is @Deonaldi and my friend @FlyingDutchMaster. Our team name is "#Blackouts_for_Jesus" because people tend to blackout in these games alot xD The second team will be @Space-Moose and @XLB. There team name is "StahpRunning" because people like to run alot in Arena Commander xD The last team will be @Cincinnatus and @Deadlife. There team name is "Doggie Snakes" because its a weird name I guess xD Wish us luck guys.... Some of us are training hard for this.... except for me and my teammate cause were too good. jk jk were just yoloing it ****Description from the site**** The Star Citizen Competitive Combat Club is hosting our second 2v2 AC tournament on April 29th at 17:00 UTC (1pm EDT, 10am PDT). There will be a 30 minute pregame show before the matches begin at 17:30. https://www.twitch.tv/starcitizenccc The tournament will be structured as a double-elimination bracket (http://starcitizencompetitivecombatclub.challonge.com/2v2_262), with seeding based on performance in the previous tournament. Each match will be decided by a best of 7 rounds and will be held in a Free Flight game. For each round, the two teams will square off at 10km, ready up, and then fight until one side is eliminated (see specific rules below). The first team to win 4 rounds wins the match. The prize pool is starting at **$102** (to contribute, donate here: https://streampro.io/tip/starcitizenccc) and will be split 70/30 between 1st and 2nd place (via paypal). **Both players must be in the SC4 Discord channel (https://discord.gg/qK7sXrE) to participate**. This is how we set up matches and communicate. ****Tournament Bracket**** *Subject to change* **** UPDATE **** Congratz to @Space-Moose and @XLB for getting 3rd Pace. They did a super awesome job! Congratz once again to these guys and to @Deadlife and @Cincinnatus for participating, next time you guys will get far with practice o7 Next time we will have more Imperium members in the higher winning brackets and no broken joysticks FINAL RESULTS:
  14. Just playing a lot of 2.5 in crusader, did a little bit of streaming for some of the members who couldn't join in,
  15. Recently, I viewed the video below discussing Capital Ship cost structures. After viewing it.. I had several take aways. The main feeling I had is that with the size and resources required to run Capital Ships it makes sense to me that everyone on board and the vertically integrated resource channels should be militarized primarily to save cost. In real life this is no more evident than PMC vs Traditional Army. Here is a article to illustrate the point: http://work.chron.com/private-military-company-pay-vs-army-pay-24574.html These are just my thoughts. Let me know what you think.
  16. After watching the new Gamescon presentation and waiting to talk about this for some time. My main points- 1. The speed at which people shoot at each other and movement 2. Blow up time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic 1 I think that the smaller-medium ships should have their thrusters to move around be slowed down so that they cant be pulling all of these very hard 180* turns all the time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic 2 Smaller Topic but after seeing the damage states of ships in videos from CIG and pictures, will ships not totally blow up for a time? Also going back to the blow up thing i know right now every time ships totally blow up but later on once your ship has been damage to point were systems say its going to blow up how much time do you think you will get to escape and will be based on amour left and how big it is and if the person attacking or entity attacking you if they keep firing what is there to stop them from doing so besides becoming a outlaw. I ask this because if they are already an outlaw they could care less about killing you or letting you escape. im sure when CIG comes to salvaging mechanics we will see changes to Damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. The point of this post it to theory craft the hull series in a combat role. The team at CIG says, basically the modularity of the Hull E far outshines any other craft being offered at this point in time. So I'm curious what you have to say in reference to the Hull series could be in a combat role, direct or otherwise. My example theory craft would be, if the Hull series can carry ship parts, why not full ships? And could those ships be magnetically clamped to an appropriate landing surface mod that attaches to those spindles? Therefore allowing a super cheap, yet super vulnerable craft transport be utilized to conserve resources in the long run. Ooo! Or maybe the Hull C you own is chalk full of mines in its cargo hold, which could easily be jettisoned mid flight to stitch some form of "No-Man's-Land" like lines threw space! Possibly blocking the entrance/ exit of a thick asteroid cluster to prevent capital ships from breaching your mining operation. If that theory doesn't tickle your fancy, feel free to reply with your own!
  18. The Doucet Interplanetary Assets and Stellar Exploration (D.I.A.S.E.) is recruiting pilots with a knack towards exploration, engineering and trading. With a strong passion for tackling new challenges, we seek to expand and develop over the coming years. If interested, you can join D.I.A.S.E. at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/DIASE "ICE" is the company's code reference to its security department, in honor of the department's past as a PMC called Independent Contractor Enterprises (I.C.E.). ICE is now a department of D.I.A.S.E. responsible for the protection of the company's assets and property, as well as for escorting the company's expeditions. ICE enjoys a degree of independence within D.I.A.S.E.; ICE pilots are available for hire by third parties, as long as those assignments are legal and don't harm D.I.A.S.E. or its associates. For more information and enlisting, visit https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/ICEDEPT Small security organizations having trouble boosting their numbers are welcome to join with ICE. They will be treated as a squadron, retaining their chain of command and decals. If you have any questions, let us know! D.I.A.S.E. (and ICE) are all about game immersion. We encourage roleplaying, and we support an elitist-free gaming experience (but of course we strive to be as good as we can get in the game). We praise teamwork and mutual support. Both D.I.A.S.E. and ICE started out as small groups of real-life friends, which brings a certain degree of coordination by default. Hope to see you onboard!
  19. The Dogs of War are a small paramilitary corporation who will be specialising in small scale operations. Ranging from escort duty's for trade ships & perimeter patrols for space stations to bounty hunting & deploying a full squadron as part of larger fleet actions. Dogs of War was one of the best clans in the Black Prophecy game for 2 years now with the end of BP we have found a new home on the servers of Moon Breakers & soon Star Citizen.We are active and competitive dog fighters,traders & explorers. We are recruiting for the Combat.Trade & Exploration squadron's. All citizens are welcome to apply to join us at Dogs of War See how we fly in Moon Breakers/Star Conflict
  20. Star Citizen Development Instances and Combat[KOR subbed] - is a good video that CIG will hopefully see. It is different than @Lutin earlier video but similar. His concept of pseudo space is interesting. Enjoy
  21. Eclipsed Armed Solutions is a PMC currently looking for skilled military contractors and exceptional combat pilots. If you are looking for a combat-centric line of work, whether you're directly involved or not, look no further. Eclipsed wants you. We aim to provide superior services to our clientele. Whether it be guarding a mining convoy, obtaining cargo from an enemy ship, or thinning your rival's ranks, you can count on Eclipsed to complete the objective swiftly and effectively. If you are an organization, Eclipsed wants you to get what you want. How? By helping, that’s how. Feel free to contact any officials of Eclipsed Armed Solutions to get an account set up with us. We appreciate your business, and depreciate your enemy’s business. Unless they pay more. If you are a contractor, be prepared to taste the sweet thrill of glorious combat, feel the soothing sting of bullets, and hear the beautiful 'ping' of a successful monetary deposit into your account. If you are a pilot, be prepared to fly into and clear hot LZ's, execute scouting operations, perform troop runs, engage in electronic warfare, and participate in infantry combat missions. Applicants start out as contractors, holding basic time-based contracts with Eclipsed. As contractors complete and renew their contracts, they have the opportunity to rise in rank, perhaps even reaching the coveted R5 rank, Tactician, to help steer the battle from both HQ and on the front lines. Show even more prowess, and you could find yourself landing a COO spot at Eclipsed Armed Solutions, with direct say in the direction of the organization. Soon to come: Eclipsed Utilities Division Please follow this link to our official RSI webpage where you can apply, and read a little bit more about Eclipsed and what we do. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them here or send me a direct message. I'm always quick to respond. If you aspire to greatness, aspire to Eclipsed Armed Solutions. Cullenftw, CEO, Eclipsed Armed Solutions, LLC
  22. "Sail is fundamental to the story of the modern world. Great men willingly risked everything sailing into the eternal darkness of the unknown. Traders, Navigators, Naval officers, Pirates and Privateers were roaming the seas in pursuit of fame and treasure. Our goal is to create exciting and realistic naval combat game. We want to give players the first-hand experience of the most beautiful period of naval history - when sailing ships ruled the seas." Website
  23. Just an enquiry more than anything, Will Imperium be running any "battle simulations" during the dog fighting module, alpha, beta or after release? I ask this because I would be a great team building exercise and a way for all our forces to hone there skills before a real situation erupts, if we are practiced fleet and dog fighting combat then we will most certainly be much stronger. Training all players in there respective ships even if there role is a miner or an explorer, someone who isn't necessarily going to end up in combat, if they were trained they would still be able to hold there own. I for one am poor when it comes to combat and I am hoping to join the Exploration Division, I know that I would feel much more comfortable knowing that I had trained in dog fighting and fleet tactics so I could participate in fleet battles if I was needed, and so that if I'm out in a dangerous or unknown region of space for Imperium's future expansion plans I would be able to fend for myself even if I was alone. Sorry if its a naive or silly thing to ask, was just curious
  24. Plain and simple, which spacecraft(s) are best for dogfighting and general combat. I want to enroll in the Military branch of the Imperium fleet and need to know what pledge to buy for the best ship built for dog fighting and combat. I have taken a look at two different lists which compare everything from hardpoints and weapon mounts to how many restrooms are on board, but I still didn't get anywhere with what's the best or optimum dogfighter.
  25. Visit us here to apply and for more information: http://citadelspace.com
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