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Found 6 results

  1. "David has been working hard to create not just a cool exterior, but also an interior that evokes the crowded corridors of a real world destroyer. The plan is for it to be modular, with parts we can swap out for different roles (assault destroyer, LRR destroyer and so on!) The Javelin is still in the conceptual stages… but I think it’s cool enough to share with the community!" Feast your eyes on these beauties! I'm curious as to it's size in relation to the Idris,what sort of modules it can have and as to how powerful that big turret on the top is. Reminds me of the cormorant destroyer from EVE. Also, in one of the images it says 'hangar doors' and they are flush with the deck. In the other ones it looks more like a single-ship landing pad. One last observation, the last image seems to have two 'prongs' on the side whilst the others have three. Curious.
  2. I want to sell a RSI Polaris Corvette with LTI edit: not longer available
  3. After this last week and the sale of the Polaris that I had to pick up I thoroughly studied the manual with the drawings and started wondering about use of escape pods, and that ultimately led me to a much more important aspect of how would everyone get to escape pods. I wanted to see what, if anything, others have heard about how damage and destruction on the capitals will work. Will one of the manned stations be able to see damage reports around the ship? Since the size of these ships makes the damage system extremely complex I can see this being both a good thing to delve into. For instance a direct torpedo hit to the Polaris on one of the side turrets could very well take out a whole chunk of the ship. But other than depressurizing the corridor and removing the weapon emplacement... maybe a little structural weakening... it effectively would have no real damage done. However, if fire is concentrated on lets say... the torpedo storage bay, or the reactors location if known and they are damaged/destroyed clearly that would have an entirely different reaction. And even this could be mitigated with proper safety systems that I think would be in place in the real world like the ability to jettison a damaged power core before it would blow up the ship, etc. There is so much I would like to know and get into on this subject, along with more than a few torpedo tactics but that's for another thread. Any knowledge on this given out by the dev's? If not some theory crafting is always good in my opinion.
  4. Recently, I viewed the video below discussing Capital Ship cost structures. After viewing it.. I had several take aways. The main feeling I had is that with the size and resources required to run Capital Ships it makes sense to me that everyone on board and the vertically integrated resource channels should be militarized primarily to save cost. In real life this is no more evident than PMC vs Traditional Army. Here is a article to illustrate the point: http://work.chron.com/private-military-company-pay-vs-army-pay-24574.html These are just my thoughts. Let me know what you think.
  5. Wonder if we'll see any other capitals from the Banu or Xi'an for pledge...I would be pretty damn tempted to swap my Javelin for a Xi'an destroyer or the Banu equivalent (they don't have a proper navy as such). Ben seems to think the answer isn't a total no apparently. Doesn't mean yes, but surprises are good. https://youtu.be/3BMi4VkmsFk?t=3252 The interior design of a vertical ship on that scale really interests me, opposed to what we're used to. The feel I'm aiming for atm with my larger ships lends itself more towards alien design as well so one of those would be much appreciated.. ;p
  6. I'm rather salivating at the though of this ship. Could it be the massive ship that dwarfs a Bengal that CR mentioned? The Behring Applied Technology transmission a while back had this to say on it: A single Ship Buster forms the keel mount of the Bengal carrier, while a series of the weapons forms the fighting power of the Retribution-class. Looking at the size of that railgun on the Bengal a "series" of them would certainly require an immense ship! Here's what dev Robbie Elms had to say about it: "The Retribution is manufactured by multiple companies working together..." "...What info we have on the Retribution states its class is Super Dreadnought." https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/95615/squadron-42-design/p8 !Super Dreadnought! P.S. Just realised I made a thread on this ship back in March... sorry, .
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