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Found 7 results

  1. (FFK)Fleet of The Faithful Knights ⋯ LORE ⋯ The Holy Knight has long since been forgotten for 1,500 years, For centuries the Holy Order of Knights had dedicated themselves to the safe passage of pilgrims to the Holy Land. They protected the travelers from thieves, robbers, and entire enemy armies. They were elite holy warriors. They dedicated their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to this cause. Through force, they brought peace and security to the land. Now, in the year 2950, the Holy Order of Knights has once again risen to combat the ever-rising threat of the Vanduul, and of pirates, that plague this universe. The Fleet of the Faithful Knights is a beacon of light in a dark verse - and we are growing in numbers daily. FFK Divisions ⋯ RECRUITMENT ⋯ ❖ Gunners ❖ Pilots ❖ Explorers ❖ Traders ❖ Industrialists ❖ Scouts ❖ Logistics Personnel ⋯ OFFERS ⋯ ⨳ Comradery & Activity ⨳ Survey Contracts ⨳ Training & Resources ⋯ ENLIST ⋯ A Faithful Knight is truly a fearless warrior that will never shy away from battles. If you are honorable, you will welcome us. If you are also brave, then you will wish to join us and be a member of a truly powerful organization that has one mission: To be a beacon of light in a dark universe and crush the darkness wherever it hides. If you are an enemy of the pure, the righteous, and the kind, then YOU WILL FEAR US! Discord Website RSI Page
  2. (FFK) Flotter der Treu Ritter Rekrutierung Der heilige Ritter ist längst 1500 Jahre in Vergessenheit geraten, jahrhundertelang hatte sich der Ritterorden dem sicheren Weg der Pilger ins Heilige Land verschrieben. Sie schützten die Reisenden vor Dieben, Räubern und ganzen feindlichen Armeen. Sie waren elitäre heilige Krieger. Sie widmeten ihr Leben, ihr Vermögen und ihre heilige Ehre dieser Sache. Mit Gewalt brachten sie Frieden und Sicherheit ins Land. Jetzt, im Jahr 2949, ist der Heilige Ritterorden erneut auferstanden, um die ständig wachsende Bedrohung durch die Vanduul und die Piraten, dieses Pestuniversum, zu bekämpfen. Die Flotte der treu Ritter ist ein Leuchtfeuer in einem dunklen Vers - und wir wachsen täglich an Zahl. Hast du die Kraft und tapfere Kraft, ein Treu Ritter zu sein? Ein treu Ritter ist wirklich ein furchtloser Krieger, der niemals vor dem Kampf zurückschreckt. Wenn Sie Ehrenwert sind, werden Sie uns willkommen heißen. Wenn du auch mutig bist, dann wirst du zu uns kommen wollen. Und wenn du ein Feind der Reinen, der Gerechten und der Art bist, dann WIRST DU UNS fürchten. Wir suchen Flotter Kanoniere, Jagdgeschwader Piloten, Bombenflugzeuge, Flottenführer, Händler/Kaufleute, die helfen, Kapital zu generieren, um unsere Flotte zu betreiben, Entdecker, militärische Späher, industrielle (Bergleute, Bergung, Wissenschaft, Landwirtschaft) und Unterstützen von Aufgaben, um bei der medizinischen, Betankung und Reparatur zu helfen. Was auch immer Ihr Spielen-Stil ist, wir haben es und brauchen Ihre Hilfe. Ihr werdet den Schutz der Flotte der treu Ritter haben und Mitglied einer wirklich mächtigen Organisation sein, die eine Mission hat: ein Leuchtfeuer in einem dunklen Vers zu sein und die Dunkelheit zu zermalmen, wo immer sie sich versteckt. Für alle neuen Mitglieder. Bitte schließen Sie sich uns in unserem Discord und einige Spiel spielen, wie wir Ihre Anwendung betrachten. Begleiten Sie uns JETZT in unseren Bemühungen, die UEE zu einem besseren Ort zu machen! Begleiten Sie unsere Discord hier:https://discord.gg/W9YFCN8 Unsere Website: Faithfulknights.com RSI Org. Seite:https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/FFK
  3. Hello Again @Imperium Members We’re returning after a short hiatus to bring you a new version of Game Day, one where we are going to include other games aside from Star Citizen! We wanted to improve the experience of Game Day overall and felt that with Star Citizen in its current state just doesn’t warrant the amount of effort that we had once been able to put into it. IE. Custom Scenarios, Hype Trailers, Streaming, Competitions. Eventually that will change again and we can get back to the game that we are so anxiously awaiting. Until that time we would like to keep Game Day’s focus as a team building event that gives us a regular time each month that we can set aside to play games as an org. You’ll notice at the top of this post there is a poll with several games as options. If you plan on taking part in this Game Day, please vote for your favorite choice from this list, and those that play in the chosen game will be added into a raffle! The poll will close on this Friday, the 27th. You’ll still be free to join in with anyone else that would be playing Star Citizen, so don’t worry if you don’t have any of the games in the list. If you would like to suggest game to play together as an org on future Game Day’s please leave us suggestions in this thread and we will add them to the poll for the next event. We’ll also be shortening the duration of Game Day for this month. Instead of 1600 UTC through 0400 UTC, we’ll be starting at 1800 UTC and run to 0400 UTC. Joining Game Day For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on Teamspeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com), and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! Raffles As for most other Game Day’s, we will be providing raffles for participants that play games in Star Citizen. However, this month we will be only conducting a participation raffle, so if you join any Star Citizen games created by other Imperium members, you’ll be entered into the raffle! As mentioned above, we will also be conducting a participation raffle for the winning game from the poll. Said game will have several TS channels created for players to meet up and play together, and doing so will enter you into this second raffle as well! Since we are hosting two games at once, be sure to check in with an officer or specialist that your name was added to the raffle of the game you played in! (As much as we may pretend otherwise, our Game Day hosts are still human, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on your chance to win free stuff) The prizes for both raffles will be $10 Star Citizen gift cards, and the winners of the raffles will be PM’d in the following week to confirm their prizes. New to Star Citizen? Read this post for information on the game and our Game Days:
  4. Hello again@Imperium Members! I'm sure you've all heard, 3.0 has been released to Live! Game Day for January will take place on the 27th. Previous Game Day: Would like to thank everyone who attended last Game Day! We had lots of fun! Special thanks goes out to @XLB and @Space-Moose who make a special effort to be present and provide flight training for anyone who wants to practice. It’s not everyday you get to train with the best! For those of you who don’t know these pilots are already offering something similar outside of Game Day as well, so if you can’t make it for the one on Game Day, or just want to train a little more please check out this link where you can get more information regarding flight training: Also, congratulations go out to @SylasTG, @Rellim, @LucaDena, @rain2reign who won gift cards for their participation in the 4 different game-day events. Winner's have until the next scheduled Game Day to accept their gift card otherwise we may send them to future winners. Standard Game Day Details Joining Game Day For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on TeamSpeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com), and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! If you decide to take part in on the fun, please consider recording any events you take part in. We like to turn collected footage into fun promotional videos for our Website or YouTube channel! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in an official Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend getting in touch with us on Teamspeak or, checking this link out:
  5. Hello @Imperium Members! I would like to make an announcement regarding the next Imperium Game Day’s activities! As you may know already Patch 3.0 is (not so rapidly) approaching and it’s within the realm of possibility that the next scheduled Game Day may fall on a date where PTU is out of Evocati and semi-public. It’s reasonable to expect some sort of layered release as usual and not everyone will have access at the same time. With that said here are the contingencies for the next Game Day. Game Day for October will take place on the 28th. If 3.0 is not in a semi-public PTU or still with Evocati we will treat this month’s Game Day as a last attempt to get some practice in on our EVA, FPS, and Flight skills before 3.0. You can expect the usual, Star Marine, Flight Training, Game modes like, Zombie mode, Drunken Citizen, etc.. If 3.0 is in semi-public PTU we will be indulging the patience of those who have been foaming at the mouth for months and will prioritize playing 3.0 and streaming it for those who might not yet have access. If in some unholy change of events Chris holds an impromptu naked drunken late night stream and releases 3.0 public, we will be holding an Official 3.0 Imperium Game Day Event with lots of giveaways / Prizes. I would expect this not to happen before next month, though I will elaborate on the 3.0 Public Release Event further down. Of course, things get delayed and that is why we have plans for each option. We will learn more this coming Friday with the weekly 3.0 update and have an even better idea after the CitCon presentation on the 27th. Previous Game Day: Would like to thank everyone who attended last Game Day! We had lots of fun! Special thanks goes out to @XLB and @Space-Moose who make a special effort to be present and provide flight training for anyone who wants to practice. It’s not everyday you get to train with the best! For those of you who don’t know these pilots are already offering something similar outside of Game Day as well, so if you can’t make it for the one on Game Day, or just want to train a little more please check out this link where you can get more information regarding flight training: Also, congratulations go out to @Zeus Omega, @Tom Villder, @ark_bird, and @Tieloon who won gift cards for their participation in the 4 different game-day events. As mentioned in the contingency for this upcoming GameDay, we have special plans for the Public release of patch 3.0 Regardless of the date of the previous or future GameDay’s we are going to hold a special event to celebrate this long awaited patch the weekend of it’s release. Please understand that we may not be able to give much notice ahead of time but if you keep up with the CIG’s weekly updates you should have a good idea when to expect it. Of course, when we have a firm date we will post a much more flashy announcement and ping everyone via Forum/E-mail. Please keep this special event in mind and join us the weekend of the public 3.0 launch. We promise you will not be disappointed. Some of you may even leave with a new ship in your hangar! Details will be posted upon date confirmation from CIG. Standard Game Day Details Joining Game Day For those of you that want to make a return visit, or show up for the first time, you only need to enter the Landing Channel on TeamSpeak (ts.starcitizenbase.com), and one of our Hosts will direct you to the action! If you decide to take part in on the fun, please consider recording any events you take part in, as we will be turning all footage we get into some excellent content, as you saw above! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in an official Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend getting in touch with us on Teamspeak or, checking this link out:
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/685cv1/im_importing_ships_into_ue4_branding_them_for/ Would be great if we contacted him to see if he could make an Imperium-themed decal!
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