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Everything posted by Etzo

  1. Looking to Sell my REAR ADMIRAL - LTI for $400 Contains a lot of goodies: Constellation Andromeda Lifetime Insurance Deluxe Silver Collector's Box Spaceship-shaped USB Drive CD of Game Soundtrack Glossy Fold-up Star Map 5 Spaceship Blueprints 3 Inch Model of Spaceship Hardback Making-of Star Citizen Legacy Alpha Squadron 42 Digital Download Star Citizen Digital Download Starting Money:10,000 UEC Digital Star Citizen Manual Cheers Etzo
  2. Has anyone seen a list of limited addition ships that are currently available but are not usually? I would like to get the CCU to these ships.
  3. Etzo

    Aegis Avenger Warlock

    you would hope its bigger than that bubble...
  4. Really, cause there would be a lot of people who have never played AC.
  5. Well you might be in luck, at this rate you will be in in 3 days. 1000 - 20 000 is a 20x increase Tomorrow it will be 20 times more than today, so 400 000 Sunday it will be 8 million...
  6. Agree, and it has to be just the ship, and not an base connie to phoenix upgrade.
  7. The Phoenix is going back on sale for the AnniVERSEary Sale, Thursday, November 26th to Sunday the 29th https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15067-AnniVERSEary-Sale-Kickoff
  8. VOA if you are going to post everything, at least format it and stop just copying and pasting.
  9. CIG will be like "If you get sued by that Joker and need money, let us know and we will refund your pledge, and you can keep your ships/game."
  10. Same, qualifying was funny though. Good to see the teams getting a bit silly.
  11. Anniversary sale would be massive if its a mostly bug free release at the same time. The way I see it is managing the backlash. I don't think its possible to release a game that is exactly what chris wants on time. So he will have to find the right balance between bugs and delays. One thing for sure though, people will soon forget a delay if the game is mostly bug free. But if the game is unplayable that will damage it a lot. And if there are lengthy delays and its still unplayable than SC will go down in flames. Not trying to be negative, but with the pressure of late they need to get this right.
  12. What Daishi means is before we were waiting for them to fix bugs in Star Marine. Now they are skipping Star Marine and are just going straight to SC alpha 2.0. Which means we are now waiting for then to fix the bugs in SC alpha 2.0. So keep your expectations low. Will we be playing this month, not likely. We will be playing by Christmas, I wouldn't be surprised if we are still waiting. Funny thing is that Star Marine will not be in the first release... Anyway, it will come. And when it does..... O boy it will be a ripper. Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk
  13. Did I see an Imperium flag in the line up?
  14. Yes*... * There is no information about it, I'm just pulling your leg.
  15. Interior Damage - WOW
  16. As good as it is, I dont think it will help much. They better be quick, cause CitizenCon is not far away, after that there will be no doubt about what Chris and CIG have been up to.
  17. That is not really that much compared to other sales. Its only raised $300k so far, much less than previous sales. I'm not even sure it will push us over $90mill.
  18. Is there something wrong with the Funding page? If its up to date, than this ship is not selling at all?
  19. Agree, lets stop posting it, commenting etc, mods please lock this, and destroy any post/thread that mentions his name.
  20. If you think its click bait, why post it on here then?
  21. They should really fix the polls. The first option should be "I don't care" A lot of people don't care, and just pick the first option. This throws the votes quite a bit.
  22. Asia is really big, Bangkok to Syria is 6500kms (4000 miles). From Syria to London its only about half that, 3700kms (2300miles) Here is a map showing what countries lie within 6500kms of Syria. Although Thailand is in Asia, this is not another "something exploded somewhere in Asia" article.
  23. I was impressed, but I really want to play that FPS, it looks ready to me... The demo was good, but I hope they also produce an edited version for promotion.
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