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  1. Thanks everyone, Cheers
  2. Let's post our ideas for Star Citizen. The galaxy's a huge place, full of curiosities and splendor! Please be polite and have fun, while we discuss in detail the additions we want to see in SC. Constructive criticism is always welcome, keep it friendly... Here are a few ideas I will start us off with: -Planets- Planets should have highly varied biomes and environments. These should include ocean planets, desert worlds, jungle moons, cavernous lands, ice planets, swamps, (and a personal favorite) lava worlds! It would be cool to have various atmospheric conditions, such as excessive heat or cold or toxicity, even radioactivity, which could have specified suits designed for protection from those environments (without which players would perish!). Planets should also definitely have varying levels of gravity, some with no gravity at all, and some with intense gravitational pull and pressure, suit required. Gas giants would be really cool, where traversing the upper atmosphere would be OK. There could be floating outposts, etc. Then moving too close to the core could crush most ships... Also would be cool to see asteroid-based outposts, with subterranean areas. -Weather- Weather should factor in on at least some planets, but not all. Some planets should remain placid, while others could have weather cycles such as: sandstorms, blizzards, high winds, etc. It would also be interesting to have electrical/radiation storms where again, special shielding would be required to survive. Another interesting addition would be meteor showers, perhaps not damaging to the player in most cases... Of course, the most intense weather should be on planets with lesser city-populations. There should also be 'weather' cycles in space the likes of radiation/electrical storms, where ships' shields would be rendered ineffective. Perhaps here or there, a neutronic wave front (Star Trek, Ahem)! Deadly nebula! -Ships- The ships so far are absolutely bad-ass. Can hardly put it into words just how right they look and feel. I do have one minor issue to discuss regarding player immersion: Planetary entry/re-entry seems a bit off... It feels somewhat awkward orienting the ship into a nose-dive and then accelerating toward the planet. While that should still be an option for entry, it seems lacking, if it's the only way. Players should be allowed to let their ships drift slowly downward towards the surface (with a horizontal orientation relative to ground), all the while getting pulled to greater and greater speeds due to gravity. Currently it seems as though there is no gravity, requiring ships to nose-dive and hit the thrusters. The level of gravity should also have effects on how quickly ships take off, and how much fuel is consumed. Also some of the more lightweight craft should be capable of water-landing and flotation, some, not all. -Weaponry- Weapons are also looking pretty nice, and I can't wait to hunt some bounties and pirates with the Scourge Cannon! Turrets on ships are awesome and so are the weapons additions to the ships main systems. Weapons turrets on ships should not be automated. Automation would detract from the challenge of the game, and we never want that! Instead the player should be able to either hire NPCs or other players to man different positions aboard their ship. Also it seems some of the infantry firearms are being slightly 'overdone', so to speak. For example the Devastator shotgun seemingly has way too much level of detail and unnecessary bulk added to it. My suggestion is to lean more on the side of realism. I know it's Sci-Fi. Still I hope devs don't get hung up on making things like fancy-diamond-encrusted-platinum-laser cannons with under-barrel flame throwers..! It would be amazing to see (in rare cases), Orbital Weapons Platforms that could, if accessed, rain supreme firepower down on the planet's surface, destroying small outposts, structures or towns... Of course it would be necessary to make accessing it an extreme challenge. Accessories are nice. But keep away from over-extravagant weapon design. -Exploration- Exploration should be the fundamental, key point of the game. While some may argue that it is space battles, I tend to disagree. With so many space craft, vehicles and weapons, the gameplay will quickly become boring and the equipment redundant if there is not a vast amount of exploration. Here are a few thoughts on aspects of exploration: Artifacts, Flora and Fauna. Scattered throughout the verse there could be a plethora of different types of Artifacts to be found, only through rigorous exploring. There should be ancient ruins with old alien technology, perhaps rare weapons. There should be Obelisks and Pyramids and rare trinkets that could be sold or held as trophies. There could be mysterious devices, like the Orbs in Mass Effect (the first game) with strange properties. There could be alien tech that could be found and then saved for use at a far later date. Regarding Flora and Fauna, there could be a huge variety of harvesting options for certain crafting items. There really ought to be many creatures, perhaps mostly neutral/friendly. However some animals, in rare cases could turn out to be hostile, and highly challenging to face. Perhaps giant worms, or insectoids! Another thing could be infected worlds, or derelict ships (think Dead Space, or The Thing) where your only choice is to fight for survival or run for your life. There should also be intact derelicts. We've seen plenty of demolished ones. Some should be intact, abandoned in space, or even on land. Exploration should not, and I can't stress this enough, should not stem solely or mostly from missions! Let the missions be vast and varying in type by all means, a multitude of missions is always welcome. But please don't conflate missions and side quests, with exploration. -Armor & Apparel- The armor should of course have good variety. Weight should factor in, which I believe it currently does. Also there should definitely be highly specialized suits for specific tasks. Of course there'll be a space suit for EVA in outer space, but adding other specializations for other armor sets/suits would be great too. There should be a set more suited for enduring intense heat, or cold or radiation. There should also mostly be non-EVA capable sets IMO. Body armor should not be conflated with EVA suits, and they should for the most part be separate, with a few exceptions. It would be cool to see a lot of options other than simple armor for combat and space suits for EVA. One thought would be a stealth-suit with either quiet movement or even invisibility. Mostly I'm hoping it will prove an actual challenge to obtain armors, so that everyone isn't immediately buffed just after they begin playing. Let there be lots of varying, quirky outfits to be found. -Miscellaneous- NPCs for hire or available as crew members should use a rating system the likes of the one used in Metal Gear Solid V. They could have a certain class of career like 'linguist' or 'gunner' or 'medic', and within that specialty a certain set of ratings. Players should be able to activate distress beacons (false or genuine). If a player's ship is captured, they should be given the option to fight aboard the enemy ship in order to escape (think Han Solo and co, the capture of Millennium Falcon!). Where are all the AIs? This is the future after all... There should be robots of some kind or another, even perhaps a sentient machine race! There should also be a minimal amount of spawn/respawn actions. I realize this is counter-intuitive, given there's a massive universe to traverse. But it will add to the replay and return-to-game value; if people can easily spawn their ships and/or fast travel around it will make things overly-easy. It's nice that there's a wait-timer for summoning ships (at least destroyed ones). However, if a ship is not at the station at which you are staying, it should take time to arrive near you, and there should be a fuel cost and fee. Having all your ships easily at your fingertips will take away from the immersion and challenge of the game. It should also be more challenging IMO, to acquire cash. Gaining millions of credits should take a very long time. The quicker people progress in the game, the quicker the MMO will die. I don't believe there should be a 'difficulty setting' option. The universe in general should prove pretty damn challenging, with areas of extreme and lesser challenges. Some mini-games would also be cool, so long as they remain within the Persistent Universe. Game modes are a bad idea. It's understandable at this point, given there are players currently in the game who want something working. But later on, when development is (mostly) "complete", having different game-modes will detract from the main MMO. All hoverbikes should remain as hoverbikes, and not be turned into flying-space-hoverbikes! Please remove the flight-function for hoverbikes. Having flight for them is ridiculous and totally misses the point of a hoverbike. While I do agree that they should have some (slight) altitude control and perhaps a jump/boost, they should not be able to simply fly away, especially up into space. A hoverbike is like a speeder from Star Wars, it's not for flight; only for elevated, fast, ground travel! This goes for all ships and vehicles; if they have a specialty let them stick to that specialty, no blurring lines, except perhaps in rare cases.
  3. We are Black Star Initiative! Black Star Initiative is a UEE Aligned Anti-Piracy Private Military Corporation with 60% our focus on combat related security of UEE Space and 40% towards all other non-combat roles. We use a structured branch to organize players more efficiently. See link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Yc7m8bP8Izeg6x2QbtwaqqpmnMk1gtY1SRPLu9kM3mY/edit#slide=id.p3 We do require all of our members (Non-combat also) to be willing to fight on notice as we are firstly a PMC and all other non-security jobs provide the backbone of operations. As well, we understand your primary gameplay focus might include additional non-related gameplay, IE A Primary focus on Bounty Hunting and a Secondary Focus on Agriculture. Our Hot List of combat and non-combat roles in-need: Fleet Bomber Crew/Bomber Pilots, Medics, Weapons Operators(Turrets/Torps), Boarding Ship Pilots. If any of the above fits planned play-style please note when responding. We are however also non-specific currently. Interested to know more? Join us on our Discord: https://discord.gg/0Vq6b9nrXiNhOlPn More Info: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50177/thread/tbsi-black-star-initiative Official RSI Org Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/TBSI
  4. -WTS- SELL STAR CITIZEN ALPHA ACCOUNT RSI Store Price - $500 MAIN PACKAGE - AURORA MR STAR CITIZEN + SQUADRON 42 COMBO(Single Player , MP and MMO) Kruger P-72 Archimedes with LTI(Life Time Insurance) , CCU , Standalone Ships StarFarer with LTI(Life Time Insurance) , CCU , Standalone Ships Add-Ons Game Universe Digital StarMAP UEC - 31000 SPACE GLOBES UEE TOWEL OMNI ROLE COMBAT ARMOR (ORC) MK9 DECEMBER 2014 BACKER REWARD CHRISTMAS 2014 REWARD! EXPLORER-CLASS MOBIGLAS RIG HADESIAN ARTIFACT ENGINE TUNING KIT XI’AN SPACE PLANT BB-12 MANNED MANEUVERING UNIT 5PREACHER ARMAMENT INQUISITION XXII GATLING J-SPAN CRYO-STAR COOLER 2944 WAR BOND http://imgur.com/a/ZiWWG Price - $425 Im the Original Alpha Account Owner.I have a Verified PayPal and RSI.PayPal fees included
  5. Up front, I'm not going to pretend to be certain about any facts I present, any references or claims are only what I have heard from another person, and if my memory serves correct, so please revise anything incorrect. I heard, and I think many (especially early) backers will agree that Star Citizen was promised to be entirely independent of your real wallet, that the money you make outside of the game is entirely inconsequential to your gameplay and progression in the universe. A lot of people complained and are complaining that being able to buy ships for real money is pay-to-win, but I think it's necessary to fund the game, and is altogether not a huge factor. I mean, you can really fly one ship at a time, so having them is hardly something that would affect you, and most backers would only have a few at most at release. Then I saw this: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/extras?product_id=41 In case the link doesn't work, or whatever may happen, essentially one can purchase UEC with real money, and even if the page is taken down, it has been said that it is planned for this to be a part of future income. I have seen a few youtube channels (BoredGamer, among them) saying this. In a lot of cases, the argument is that you can only buy a limited amount of UEC in a given length of time, and that this was 'for the people that don't have the time to grind in game'... Well, for the first point, the simple fact that you can purchase in-game currency (and therefore progression) sort of destroys the allure and pride of owning UEC. For the second point, everyone knows that's just an excuse to sell it, but taking it as a legitimate argument, I'll say that if you're short on time, buying progression in a game so that you can play it a little when you can is not fun at all, and it ruins the game for everyone else at the same time. You can't buy another queen in a chess match because you didn't have the time to think through a move and expect people to take the game seriously. Basically, we need to fix this problem early, before it becomes anything. The backers who backed the game in hopes of a true universe, where players make their own stories, actions have consequences, and hard work is rewarded, and any money you own in this universe doesn't carry over to the next-those backers I expect will be and are disappointed in this turn and will respond and ensure their investment is still in what they thought it was. Edit: I used p2w out of a lack of a better word.. I suppose in this case, its more pay-for-an-advantage, even though it's small, it still means they are letting a person's wallet affect in-game. For me, I think it's really less of a worry about some players having that advantage, and more that you can't look at someone without wondering if they got stuff spawned in for them.
  6. Howdy ho @Imperium Member! As this will probably be the last Game Day we have before 3.0 comes out, we figured it would be good idea to get some flight preparations going! But we'll of course keep the usual Star Marine Banter we all enjoy oh so much. We're also green this month! Firstly, let’s congratulate last months gift card winners; @Federal, @moggimus and @Weehamster! three well deserving victors! Also, some applauds are in order for @Switch's amazing compilation of what transpired last Game Day. This is also a good reminder for everyone who has the capability, and interest to record to do so, the more footage the more amazing videos by people like Switch. If you have footage you wish to submit then go here: http://seafile.celeris.io:8000/u/d/66d5dde2f2/ As we quickly mentioned at the beginning this next Game Day we’re going to offer flight instructions for the willing. We’ve asked some of the best pilots in Imperium to come in and give some tips and tricks to anyone who wants to improve or learn, now these pilots are of course @Cincinnatus and @Space-Moose. For those of you who have missed it, these pilots are already offering something similar outside of Game Day as well, so if you can’t make it for the one on Game Day, or simply want to be at your peek come Game day, read more here! Raffles and Prizes As every other Game Day, we’ll be offering raffle prizes based on individual participation levels! Raffles will be based on individual activities during Game Day, so here is the list of raffles you can enter: Participation Raffle - by checking in with a host in the Landing Channel, you can be entered Arena Commander Raffle - by attempting any mode within Arena Commander, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Host Created event Raffle - by taking part in a Host Created event, completing it, and providing a screenshot, you will be entered Custom Events Raffle - by taking part in an official Custom Event run, you will be entered into this final raffle All the raffle prizes will be $10 RSI gift cards (Additional prizes may be provided, and will be announced at the start of Game Day) Newbie Info If you’re brand new to Star Citizen, we recommend getting in touch with us on Teamspeak or, checking this link out: See you on the 24th!
  7. SELL STAR CITIZEN ALPHA ACCOUNT MAIN PACKAGE - AURORA MR STAR CITIZEN + SQUADRON 42 COMBO(Single Player , MP and MMO) Kruger P-72 Archimedes with LTI(Life Time Insurance) , CCU , Standalone Ships StarFarer with LTI(Life Time Insurance) , CCU , Standalone Ships Add-Ons Game Universe Digital StarMAP UEC - 31000 SPACE GLOBES UEE TOWEL OMNI ROLE COMBAT ARMOR (ORC) MK9 DECEMBER 2014 BACKER REWARD CHRISTMAS 2014 REWARD! EXPLORER-CLASS MOBIGLAS RIG HADESIAN ARTIFACT ENGINE TUNING KIT XI’AN SPACE PLANT BB-12 MANNED MANEUVERING UNIT 5PREACHER ARMAMENT INQUISITION XXII GATLING J-SPAN CRYO-STAR COOLER 2944 WAR BOND http://i.hizliresim.com/40YdRA.jpg http://i.hizliresim.com/OEJWd4.jpg http://i.hizliresim.com/znQWE7.jpg http://i.hizliresim.com/yV2ynk.jpg http://i.hizliresim.com/J3d5EJ.jpg Price - $499
  8. This Ebook captures the adventure of Starwars and Star Citizen, check it out! https://www.amazon.com/Starlance-Chronicles-1-Mindhacker-ebook/dp/B01M5JLT0N/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1480177738&sr=8-1&keywords=starlance As a promotional offer it will be %100 FREE from the 1st of December to the 5th of December. Share it with your friends, 100% FREE on Amazon.com Enjoy!
  9. Hey guys, The active SC community is somewhat broken up. Let's bring it together! Post your in-game name, discord info etc. & lets connect the active SC community! Discord ID or link: Steam: Play times: My reply: Discord ID: #4480 Discord link: https://discord.gg/6mzTjAD (Mods feel free to remove the link if that is an issue) Steam: =MGN=RedEagle Play times: Early or Late US Pacific.
  10. An Impressive Article,considering the other ones out there, regarding the Star Citizen Development and an in depth look of the troubles they faced. Beware it is a long read. Source: http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2016/09/23/inside-the-troubled-development-of-star-citizen?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
  12. It's happening folks! Since the movie comes out today I'm setting up this thread for us to discuss; to make things more correct here are a couple of rules: USE SPOILER TAGS It's alrighty not to use spoilers, but only if, well, there are no spoilers. Expectations? Got my ticket for midnight and I'm dying already.
  13. So I had no idea this was in production let alone being made but this looks dark and freaking awesome!
  14. http://m.ign.com/articles/2016/03/30/the-bold-new-age-of-space-simulators Nice little fluff piece about No Man Sky with numerous references to Star citizen and Elite Dangerous. Always good to see an article on IGN about Star Citizen that isn't about money.
  15. I have followed the progress of SWGEmu for years and have played off and on, but there is a new project that just popped up on my radar, SWG Legends. The server is an NGE server, I know a bunch of people will scoff, but I enjoyed just about every iteration of SWG. The server is fully functional with all planets including JTL, loved SWG space combat. Anyone interested in hopping on the server here is more info: http://www.swglegends.com/forums/content.php?tabid=8 Instructions are fairly simple to get playing, if you have issues with updating there is a copy of the game with all updates on the site. I haven't had any issues as of yet and I have been messing around on all the planets just to see everything again and hopped into space a couple times to fool around.
  16. Switch

    Ongoing Discussion Titan ACS - Touch controls

    I've seen many rigs with touch screens in them and I know alot of us have been waiting for a software relating to StarCitizen, I don't know much about this company PMaxx or reviews on the software TITAN ACS (Advanced control system) yet, but I'm happy to see one is released this early on and for $5.45 US. Website RSI forum Features • Intuitive access to your ship's controls: • Navigate your ship's HUD from a stylish touch-screen interface. • Control you ship's targeting systems and countermeasures and more on the weapons interface. • Easy access to your ship's shield distribution. • Distribute power to different functions of your ship, as well as controlling your ship's main power throttle and toggle individual functions. • Access and control the navigation functions of your ship as well as different flight/landing modes and more on the navigation interface of Titan ACS. • Gain quick access to important EVA/On foot functions all from one intuitive interface. • Adds to immersion compared to (or in conjunction with) using a keyboard! • Great looking interface • Customizable themes • Touch-screen controls for your ship and EVA • Just install and play; no configuration required* • Includes FREE lifetime updates • And more! *You must enter the local IP address of the machine the server is running on the first time you open the client application.
  17. Explored around Port Olisar and found the solar panels I could never seem to find from the pictures. They were quite mesmerizing up close so thought I'd share with others. Reddit RSI YouTube
  18. Found this Chrome plugin that blocks Star Wars spoilers and it's been working great, already saved me once; thought you guys might like it. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/force-block-the-star-wars/bplpphlobgcnjhoglonpnkooaaenlmol
  19. Anniversary sale! The time where your wallet and wife cry in agony as you give away the money you saved up for food and presents away to the all mighty Chris Overlord. I know you all are guilty of having bought or CCUd something. Tell me. I melted my Redeemer to purchase an LTI Crucible - 100$ I CCUd my LTI Sabre to a LTI Carrack - Around 80$ and last but not least I CCUd my Vanguard Warden to a Merchantman - 0$ The only 2 things left in my hangar that haven't changed are my Super Hornet and my Conni Pheonix.
  20. Can you hear it guys? Chugga Chugga Chugga choo-choo. Time for another Hype thread! When you realise that you're European and the game awards are at nearly 3 am
  21. That demo though? your thoughts? Mine: i had to change cloths lets just say that
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