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Fleet Command
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Chimaera last won the day on December 26 2023

Chimaera had the most liked content!

About Chimaera

Donator Monthly - $5-$24
Donator One Time - $25-$99
  • Birthday 05/02/1984

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    Hong Kong
  • Interests
    Gaming, hiking, hunting, fishing, flying, shooting, and diplomacy.

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  1. IBC Root Beer, closely followed by their Cream Soda, and cannot forget Mtn Dew THROWBACK
  2. https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042417374-Star-Citizen-Minimum-System-Requirements Is a good page to bookmark and check to see if they will update to be supportive of MAC OS or machines that run on MAC hardware. Star Citizen is a very demanding game performance-wise, especially with GPU/RAM requirements, so assume that unless there is a "gaming MAC" released that would have equivalent types of AMD/NVidia cards that would be in the "high end gaming" range, you wouldn't be able to run it even if you're running a parallel OS. Best of luck!
  3. Sadly, this game will not perform well without forking out a fair bit for a good card. It's not just the VRam amount, but the entirety of the card that can make a difference. I don't know much about the AMD side, but for the Nvidia side, the LOWEST I've seen people play with is usually a 3060ti/4060ti, but that's for getting medium settings. Usually a XX70/ti or XX80/ti tend to be the cards people get. Sorry if that's disheartening, but it's better to fork out for something that WILL work for a bit more money than to put money into a card that won't work to a level worth trying.
  4. @Johnny120178you can always hop into our discord. We have groups running missions of many types. It's usually good to try to get in with some people who know the game and also can maybe help troubleshoot why you're crashing a lot.
  5. Try shift + W or spacebar. It also could be that the server you're on has poor stability and has a bed-stuck bug going on. We're a fan forum for SC, the official forums are https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC and they also have troubleshooting there, too. FYI, if you don't have SC on a SSD, then you will have an almost impossible experience.
  6. Hello, you should go to spectrum on the RSI site. We're just a fan forum.
  7. @tismojsaber comet's been sold every IAE/ILW during Aegis. I had a similar convo related to this with some CIG devs in the past, but overall it's an issue with the marketing folks.
  8. IAE price increases: Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet | $185 (+$5) RSI Constellation Taurus | $200 (+$10) RSI Constellation Aquila | $315 (+$5) Aegis Redeemer | $330 (+$5) MISC Hull D | $550 (+$100) RSI Orion | $650 (+$75) Source: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/intergalactic-aerospace-expo-2953-pledge-updates-2/6378448 Yes, he wasn't talking out his ass. This is something that often happens around IAE and Invictus. Both as an "inflation" measure, but also to put a dent in CCU chains that CIG don't like people using.
  9. Chimaera

    Can run SC

    That would be your likely frames in space or on planets but not in cities and that's the average/likely rate.
  10. Chimaera

    Can run SC

    It's possible, but it won't be able to run well on higher settings and you'll likely notice performance issues in cities and highly populated areas. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/telemetry can give you a decent expectation of your performance with your rig.
  11. If you used a VPN, they always fail. You can only try to buy via your actual country connection.
  12. @iffywizardif you're wanting an 890J, November's sale should have Store Credit versions available, you'll just have to compete with other folks. If you want a LTI version, that's a different story. Best of luck.
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