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Everything posted by Arcanus

  1. @Morgenroete That isn't the picture of the booth that you really want to see... I think that this is the picture you really want to see:
  2. Definitely come over to the CitizenCon Channel on Discord, we are currently discussing a shirt order for people attending CitizenCon, and I'm still looking for people to volunteer a few hours (when they aren't attending panels) to man our Imperium booth! Other news and activity planning for CitizenCon will probably appear there first as well.
  3. Arcanus

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    Maybe the issue that has the Idris requiring the same (or almost the same) crew as the Javelin, is the extra personnel required to run regular flight operations (aircrew, repair crew, flight deck crew, and air traffic controllers, etc.)
  4. Arcanus

    Anvil Legionnaire

    Here are the rest of the photos (of the Anvil Legionnaire) from the sale event:
  5. It's not looking good for your toilet... over 2500 votes and the Orison Shuttle is ahead by more than 7%... But hey, I'm pretty sure that a bathroom is one of those "unnecessary luxuries" that Drake designers try to avoid wasting space/mass on ships with, so it makes perfect sense in lore. Looks like this will be your best option: 😆
  6. Arcanus


    Welcome to SCB! 👨‍✈️
  7. Happy Birthday Gallitin! 🥳🎂🎁

  8. Welcome to SCB & Imperium! 👨‍✈️
  9. Here's the official Chairman's Club email , which definitely confirms that the wings do fold back! The Price looks like $200 USD with them throwing in an $11 paint pack (seen in the picture above) on the (Chairman's Club?) warbond version for free... The non-warbond version is $220
  10. Welcome to SCB, and to Imperium! 👨‍✈️
  11. Well, technically they're still called "units". (which was the designation adopted after squadrons since the term squadrons is really more of a Military designation, and didn't fit quite as well for Exploration or T&I focused groups) but we're using the "clubs" functionality that is built into the IP Board/Forum interface to create sub-forums for these units, rather than requiring the installation of secondary (and more expensive) software interfaces that basically does the same thing... Oh, and WELCOME BACK!
  12. Welcome to Star Citizen Base & Imperium! 👨‍✈️
  13. Welcome to The Fleet! 👨‍✈️
  14. So the initial wave went out, and it came time to name MY Hammerhead... I tried to snag "Mjolnir" but someone else was just a little too quick and snagged it before me (or else CIG had it reserved). So what did I do? Well, not to be discouraged, I checked through mythology for other magical, mythical, or otherwise legendary hammers.... sadly there weren't very many, and many that did occur (such as the Hammer of Hephaestus) were never actually named (or else I couldn't find the name with the limited time I had)... Not to be discouraged I decided to try the Pop Culture route instead, and I succeeded!!! What (named) hammer's occur in Pop Culture you ask? That's right, I named my Hammerhead "Grabthar", so I am now the proud owner of "Grabthar's Hammerhead"...and you shall be avenged!
  15. You sir, are a (radio astronomy) nerd 🤓, and (speaking just for myself) I wholeheartedly approve
  16. Since I know that these questions are being asked by a lot of people right now, I thought I'd jump in here and issue a statement: As of this time Imperium has not put into place any restrictions on ship names, beyond those limits imposed by CIG. Feel free (within those limits) to name your ship whatever you want. When it comes to adding an Imperium designation before your ship name (a.k.a. a "fleet tag") we have not settled on a final one for Imperium at this time, but additionally we are waiting to see if CIG plans on implementing an Org/Fleet tag system of their own. Therefore we encourage people to simply name their ship whatever they want. If you want to add an Imperium tag such as I.S.S. (Imperium Space Ship) or I.N.S. (Imperium Naval Ship), that is certainly something that we would allow, but we would add the possible warning that if CIG implements their own fleet/ship tag system, you might wind up creating a ship with a double tag such as the "I.S.S. ISS BoatyMcBoatface", therefore it might be easier to simply name your ship with whatever unique name you truly desire, secure in the knowledge that if CIG doesn't implement a unique Org tag system later, it should be (comparatively) easy to add a (user created) tag later, whereas deleting a tag (to avoid the double tag problem) might cause problems with the unique ship naming system (in that your unique name might have already been taken by someone else).
  17. Yeah GameGlass is awesome! I'm using an old Microsoft Surface tablet, but I know people using iPads, Kindle Fire Tablets, and even and Android smartphone.
  18. Welcome to Imperium! 👨‍✈️
  19. Welcome to Imperium! 👨‍✈️
  20. Welcome to Imperium! 👨‍✈️
  21. Welcome to Star Citizen Base (and hopefully to Imperium)! 👨‍✈️
  22. Well, likes I said.... 90%+ of those people aren't playing Star Citizen at any given point in time... they're just logged into Discord.... Generally there are (usually) a few playing Star Citizen, but most people are just chatting or lurking (waiting for something to happen).
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