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Found 22 results

  1. Greetings citizens, my nick is Ju Xin and I came a long way from far away until i finally found this place. By smuggling and honest trading I was able to buy myself one or two rusty ships and I hope to be able contribute some fun and help to this cummunity. I am not the youngest but I still do learn new things. So thank you for the warm welcome and hope to see you soon .... saludos from Germany
  2. So Hello readers! I recently applied to the Imperium. I normally avoid big groups, so if I am shy that's why. I plan to be a all-rounder type of player. however, my current focus is on FPS gameplay (combat medic). Things I wanna learn to do better are piloting and mining. Currently my PC struggles to run the game, due partly from a old 4th gen I7 processor. my next rig should be built and operational before the end of the year. my play times are currently any time, but will shift in the future from IRL stuff. Lets see, I backed the game back in 2012, and been a subscriber since 2016. If you wish to know what ships I have available. just ask and I'll post them. Few things about me (IRL): -Ex-Military (USN - ETN2(SW), 9yrs) -Streamer (Vtuber on twitch, currently taking a break until I get my new pc/model to get back into streaming.) -Returning to college for Electrical Engineering. -I have the most Adorable English Bulldog (female, named 'Xena') If you wish to know more about me, just ask!
  3. I pledged for Sabre, BMM and will upgrade my aurora game pack into something one day. I am most excited for coordinated ship combat and learning how to fly real good
  4. LtnTomahawk ready to enroll the fleet. I hope soon my friends list is full of active and serious commanders. 07
  5. I got hooked watching Youtube videos of the new update and wanted to give it a try! There's.... quite a learning curve. Some folks are helpful but others are pretty nasty. "Watch more youtube videos" and "figure it out, noob!" Looking for some folks to tag along with and learn the ropes by doing I guess. A lot of the old stuff is from previous patches and not really applicable. I AM waiting on some more RAM for my computer since apparently to be smooth the game requires quite a bit. Till then I'm pretty laggy and exploring at a pretty slow pace. I should be up to speed (so to peak) in another week. There's so much to explore and do it looks like! I'm thinking it might be fun to do search and rescue missions, medic and mining or shuttling. My character is based on a mix of Fifth Element and Firefly influences. A veteran medic/medevac pilot doing odd jobs. (I don't know how fleshed out the medic role is yet, and I really need to get better at flying though!) (The Cutlass Red looks amazing, with so much potential for the future!) If you see me in game, say hi. I'll probably be dying doing something stupid trying to figure thing out 😃
  6. Id like to take this oppertunity to say hello and how glad i am to have joined such a highly regarded organisation lets hope for a long 'career' within Star Citizen and Imperium.
  7. Hello! New player maybe coming from elite dangerous! I am vr player so hows this? Is it possible? Tell me all pros and cons from this game?
  8. Guest

    Howdy, newbie on board :)

    Hey, happy to found the base MacOwain here, in short Mac or Owi and I'm from germany. I'm super new to SC, but follower since the beginning. Finally I managed to enter the verse with a freelancer pledge and for the beginning, I really enjoy flying some trade routes. But let's see where SC will bring me up in the future... I'm most excited for: exploring the verse and ofc all upcoming patches Ah and btw, I've submitted an organization application.
  9. Heeeelo New to the game and forums, watched unlimited amounts of videos on youtube, before i upgraded my comp' to play this game. 33 Years old, so should really know better plus my wife actually "allowed" me to upgrade and purchase the base universe game with starter ship Aurora MR. I have been warned not to spend anymore money on larger ships already, so i value my life and feel it would be beneficial for me to stay within my wife's good books, at least until the UEC allows us to purchase ships with that hard-in-game-earned-cash. I've not played much to be honest, as with working hours it's hard to get any game time in, however...I am able to jump on after work now after changing jobs recently so more so looking for any fellow minded players who fancy doing a bit of everything really or to show me different places to visit or cool things to see...if you had a bigger ship then ideal, if not then i could perhaps tail along behind you? Anyhoo...safe travels Steve
  10. After much research, I decided to apply to to Imperium! I'm a former EVE pilot, and my late game experience was with a smaller organization that held operations in a wormhole. It was a great experience, but I think I missed out on a lot of larger scale organized game play that the alliances got to experience in null-sec. My requirements for an organization were the following: zero tolerance for piracy large scale organization gameplay with specialty units null-sec operations effective organization through technology From my limited understanding of Imperium I hope this is where my Star Citizen career can thrive. I look forward to meeting you all, if y'all will have me! I'm a kickstarter supporter from November 2012. I've been looking forward to this game for a very long time! I've also pledged for an Outland Pioneer, since I enjoy economic side of gaming as much as the pewpews. Gotta end with a joke, so here's a practical one: I fly planes for a living, so this meme is kinda accurate Edit: Added my package & ship info
  11. Hey folks, I've been out and away since 2014. Heard rumblings about 3.0 being on the horizon, so I've dived back in. A bit about me- I'm a Golden Ticket holder, with an Arbiter package (back from way back when). It's given me an Origin 325a with LTI, which I absolutely adore. I am also looking at acquiring a larger vessel for future group play, including a Carrack and/or Banu Merchantman. Looking forward to being more involved in Imperium, and Star Citizen in general! I don't know if I need to re-apply as I was previously interviewed and accepted, but I'll start reaching out to the relevant people. Edit: accidental double post, if a mod could please delete one!
  12. Well, guess I'll start by saying that I JUST NOW got the urge to actually involve myself with the Star Citizen community. I have been looking at this game from a distance for a few years now, but I guess this game is actually a serious thing. Hoping to learn as much as I can about how the game would work before any actual release, as well as getting to know some of the groups playing~
  13. Discovered SC about 5 weeks ago and can't believe I hadn't heard of it until now. Bought a few ships, getting active on the forums and soaking up the lore as we await 2.6 and 3.0. I'm currently a member of another organisation but looking to change as they don't seem to be very active at present. They seem like a nice bunch of guys, but I'm hoping to get busy with an organisation now. The way I see it, an organisation's team building/game play efforts should be proactive now, so when SC expands they're ready to make their mark through coordinated team work. Hope you guys agree
  14. Hey Guys, New guy here. I'm 34 and a newly married lawyer based out of the Philippines (Cebu), Interested in Deep Space Exploration, Salvage and some Combat wouldn't hurt. I have the Mega-Exploration Pack with the Super & Tracker Hornets, as well as a Retaliator Bomber and Vanguard in case we 'accidentally' encounter a Kingship. For Dirtier Blackops/Non-Flagged Ops I have a Caterpillar and a Buccaneer. Yes.. I am tamag0chi and I am a Shipaholic.. (My wallet says "StaHp", but my Hangar says "Feed Meeeh")
  15. *Ships explodes* Oh well. Hey! I am RedEagle from =MGN=. My passion is understanding how people connect in virtual spaces. I have come to learn all I can about that here in Star Citizen. I run a clan of 20K mostly-mobile gamers and I am considering creating a SC node to expand our horizons. First, I would love to get to know you all! What ships do you fly? What made you come to SC?
  16. Hello all, I am new here. I would like to eventually create an island with all of my ships, any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  17. Greetings fellow citizens! Just a quick hello to introduce myself, another citizen from the Oceanic time zone. Looking forward to all aspects of this massive game, and joining a quality community of like minded gamers. Cheers, K.
  18. Hello there im new to this site i like roleplay but NOT the hardcore kind. i am here to get some help, how do i explore and trade
  19. Here you go, it's not perfect! This is my first time I ever edited any recorded videos. I'm using PowerDirector (user friendly/noob friendly) It's music on it, and i like to think that's from the internal soundsystem from my 300i So anyways, this is how I like to drift...
  20. Hi there Fellow Imperium Space Goers! My pledge level is Arbiter(Freelancer), however i have bought the Aurora LN and next month i shall be purchasing either the Constellation or Hornet F7C-S. Hope to speak to everyone and anyone! See you in space soon!
  21. I'm very much looking forward to providing Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) and Command and Control, Battle Management (C2BM). It is my hope the Intelligence Air Wing has vacancy.
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