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  1. Title says it all, I'm looking to join the Imperium in Star Citizen.
  2. Hello we are Apheliun an Organization dedicated to build the best Organization in the verse while creating a fun and friendly environment for everyone that joins. We plan on being a stand alone Organization that is self sustained by all gameplay loops except Piracy. We are very Organized and have a plan to run an Org with 1,000 people in it. There are opportunities to advance in the Org or you could simply chill and enjoy the game. We are very determined to achieve a great community that isn't run by a youtuber or leader who doesn't care about you everyone matters here. Join our discord to enroll. Discord: https://discord.gg/52EG6Tkq RSI Website: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/APHELIUN
  3. Hey Sternenbürger. Für alle die noch eine Aktive Orga oder Hilfe in SC benötigen möchte ich voller Stolz unsere Website vorstellen wo du alle weiteren Infos findest. Auf unserer Website findest du alle Infos zu unserer Orga und kannst von dort aus auch direkt über Discord oder Email mit uns in Kontakt treten. Für alle die keine Orga suchen und nur Hilfe brauchen, bieten wir auf der Website einen Link-Katalog mit hilfreichen Links, ein eigenes Forum und einen Orga externen Discordserver. http://www.sc-ucu.eu/ Allen Anfängern wird von erfahrenen Spielern SC nahegebracht. Niemand wird ausgegrenzt, weil er kein Profi ist oder nicht immer Zeit hat. Bei Interesse oder Fragen: Einfach auf unseren Discord Server vorbeischauen. Hier kannst du entscheiden ob du ein volles Mitglied werden willst oder nur als Gast beitreten https://discord.gg/PzvMspdzWp
  4. KEUNSO is looking for fresh pilots to join in and build the foundation of the Organization. Our goal is to operate as a family and work toward the good of all members, as well as complete contracts for anyone looking for a bit of help outside the organization. I could never feel at home with any big orgs, you just get lost in the sauce with the hundreds of members all fighting to make a name for themselves. KEUNSO will guarantee you a place at the table, so you can voice your ideas and concerns. Organization Info Our org type is Freelance work, you do you! If you want to be a miner one day and a medic the next, have at it. You play as often as you want, there are no playtime requirements. Anyone is welcome to join. Currently looking for foundational leadership positions. Membership to be capped at 99 citizens. RSI: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/KEUNSO Discord: https://discord.gg/CMPujc4n7d
  5. Hallo Citizen! Wir sind der Konzern Lionhead Industries. Gegründet auf dem Fundament der Grundsätze: “Ehrlichkeit, Aufrichtigkeit, Solidarität”, haben wir das Ziel unsere Zukunft im Verse durch verantwortungsbewusste Mitglieder selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Der Spaß jedes einzelnen steht an erster Stelle, gleichzeitig wollen wir durch strukturiertes und durchdachtes Handeln einen sicheren Hafen für unsere Mitstreiter schaffen. Dafür wünschen wir uns Interesse am Spielen im Team, Kommunikationsfähigkeit, eine gewisse geistige Reife, idealerweise ein Alter von 18+ und das Interesse an einer zukunftsorientierten Community. Erfahrung im Verse ist schön aber nicht Pflicht. Wir freuen uns den Neulingen das Freelancer Programm sowie den erprobten Citizens das Abteilungssystem unseres Konzerns vorzustellen. Als Freelancer bist du am Anfang deiner Karriere in unserem Unternehmen. Hier lernst du alle unserer Firmenstrukturen kennen. Später wirst du dich dann in einem unserer Unternehmenszweige spezialisieren um eigenständig oder im Team Aufträge in deinem jeweiligen Fachbereich zu übernehmen. Die Freelancer werden dabei von erfahrenem Personal geleitet, welche unsere neuen Mitarbeiter fachgerecht und berufsbegleitend anlernen können. Unsere Firma besteht aktuell abgesehen von unserem Freelancer Programm aus drei weiteren Konzernzweigen. Diese werden sich mit der Entwicklung von Star Citizen erweitern und vermehren und dienen dazu, die Profession unserer Mitarbeiter auf einen Teilbereich zu konzentrieren. Somit soll eine verlässliche Unternehmensstruktur gewährleistet werden um bei Großaufträgen ein effizientes und professionelles Vorgehen zu ermöglichen. Security Du kannst in stressigen Situationen einen kühlen Kopf bewahren, hast eine fliegerische Ausbildung genossen und kannst mit schweren Waffen umgehen? Dann bist du bei Lionhead Industries Security genau richtig. Unser Arbeitsbereich umfasst einfache Eskortierungs-Einsätze, die Sicherung von Eigentum, Waren und Leben. Hinzu kommen Aufgaben im privaten Sicherheitssektor wie bspw. die Suche nach Rechtsbrechern sowie militärische Einsätze in verschiedenen Größenordnungen. Um strukturierte Einsätze sowie gezieltes und geplantes Vorgehen zu ermöglichen ist unsere Security Abteilung auch militärisch straff organisiert und untersteht einem Commander und seinen Offizieren. Industrial Als Mitglied vom Industrial Corp. wirst du eines von vielen Zahnrädern in einer gut geölten Maschine. In diesem Unternehmenszweig geht es um die Beschaffung und Verarbeitung von Rohstoffen zu handelsfähigen Gütern, den Weitertransport im Unternehmensnetzwerk, die Eigenversorgung mit Verbrauchsgütern und das Aufrechterhalten der internen Firmenstrukturen. Du kannst mit kleinen bis großen Fahrzeugen und Raumschiffen umgehen, kannst dich eigenständig in ein bestehendes Team einarbeiten und komplexe Aufgaben selbstständig und im Team bewältigen. Dann solltest du dir das Industrial Corp. unbedingt näher ansehen. Black Lions Du kennst dich mit verschiedenen Waffen, Raumschiffen und Taktiken aus, kannst unauffällig und im Team strukturiert unter einem Kommando dienen. Die ständige Gefahr und das stetige Risiko des Todes schrecken dich nicht ab? Dann bist du in der Black Lions genau richtig. Politisch und Rechtlich prekäre Missionen sind das Spezialgebiet der Black Lions. Taktisch hoch anspruchsvolle Einsätze gehören hier zu deinen Aufgaben. Wenn dich das nicht abschreckt und du die entsprechenden Fähigkeiten mitbringst, dann solltest du dir die Black Lions unbedingt näher ansehen. Du möchtest dich detaillierter über unsere Pläne, Struktur und Abläufe informieren? Du hast Fragen oder dein Interesse wurde geweckt? Dann komm auf unseren Discord-Server und finde deinen eigenen Platz in unserer Konzernfamilie. - Lionhead Industries https://discord.gg/uWvFFQu5EG
  6. Hi, I would like to join your Org main gameplay is resource gathering, trade and some combat
  7. Been away from SC since 2015. Came back to see what's new and now there's a new level of hype. My future vision for SC Being a part of a large fleet. Fighting off other fleets for control of resources and system(s). Fighting massive ground wars utilizing the power of said fleet (Air battles, drop ships, tanks, ground forces, etc). Org members working together to expand power and influence. Fleet includes Anvil Arrow (light fighter) CNOU Nomad (Decent cargo) MISC Prospector (Cred generator) Hardware Ryzen 7 2700x GTX 1060 6GB (Damn bots keeping my 3060 from me) 32 GB RAM Corsair k65 with Utech Venus PRO mouse Thrustmaster t16000m FCS (thinking of going dual stick) Enough BS with SC and Hardware, Who the hell are you?! I'm a really chill guy tbh. I don't take most things seriously and I just try to have a good time. I've got the body of Peter Parker and the mouth of Wade Wilson. I'm a competent gamer (though not a great dog fighter, yet). I've just gotten back into SC as stated above and kind of dove right in. Got some ships and a stick/throttle and started practicing. As I started taking the game more seriously and my hype level rose, I decided I should probably find an Org to bring my vision to closer to fruition. I'm open to questions. Any at all. I'm not shy.
  8. Hi i have completed my portal and exam
  9. xNimrodx

    New App

    New to the game, looking for active people to play with. Eu tz, aurora starter pack.
  10. Hello, I am a potential new recruit. Application submitted on the RSI site, I have a few questions about the organization before I commit though. Been a backer since 2016 and have several large ships at my disposal. I am interested in just about every part of Star Citizen.
  11. G'day, new recruit here. Thought I would drop a quick message here as a first step. Aussie interested in exploration, some mining and trade, and maybe some fringe combat roles. Happy to play support roles. Will go looking for Aussie based teams once i get a handle on the game.
  12. WHY SHOULD I JOIN VOLUND? IT IS ABOUT THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU NO DRAMA, JUST DAMAGE Come take that first step with us! Join us: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/VOLUND Talk to us: https://discord.gg/bWwYfMf Check us out: https://volund.org/
  13. SCORPIO SPLINTER SYNDICATE Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Scorpio's recruitment page. we are a pirate ORG and needing more people. we are a big and helpful org that will teach you new recruits how to play and have fun while making mad cash. If you can please join use using this link https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/SCORPIO . when you join create an application and join the discord using this link https://discord.gg/2dxykxX . Contact me at LucaBrasi in discord that you created a application thank you and hope to see you soon. if you can please comment here if you want too join the ORG.
  14. MaxPSVR

    Hi all

    Hi all. I've been a fan of Star Citizen for years now but only just started last weekend. Long story won't bore you here. im currently looking to be part of a crew on a mining ship like the mole one hopefully the Orion when it launches. Also when the mechanic skill comes out I'll be heavy involved in ship repairs and maintenance. A grease monkey of the verse. I'm also interested in exploration as I would like to speak out new life and new civilisations. Im not that interested in combat as I don't really have a computer for it. But I'll be happy to jump behind a turret. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to seeing you guys in the verse
  15. Posidonius


    Hello, Not sure how this works haha. I put in an application looking to hit the verse with some fine folks!
  16. Hello fellow teammates! I've been playing SC since 3.0 but I've been watching the development since the beginning. I'm an avid fan of space and exploration and love all things that are challenging. The end-goal results of this game have been something I've been waiting for through my gaming history. I've been playing solo since 3.0 but have met a lot of great people through the game. I figured I'm done with my learning stage and testing things on my own so I'm ready to commit to an organization. I met SPCFS and a few others Wednesday night while I was testing a new computer. We had a good time; it was short but sweet and he even gave me a bottled water. I look forward to upcoming adventures and learning what's possible with this game with a team of loyal and trustworthy people. I’ve been impressed with the organization skills of this org and I can tell there is plenty of talent throughout. I believe in family 1st, work 2nd, and SC 3rd. If we all agree on that, I hope to show my worth. Let the adventures begin! Nuex (nukes)
  17. THE UNISS NEEDS YOU! the UNISS is currently recruiting to expand its fleet, as a member of the UNISS, it is your goal to protect and preserver humanity as we bring law and order to the ever expanding space frontier. we are a serious RP group that wants everyone to have fun in star citizen, we are based of most western navel and marine forces in todays conflicts, with similar tactics on the ground and also in ship to ship combat. UNISS Divisions: the UNISS has 3 divisions within its fleet, these consist of the NAVY, MARINES and SUPPORT & LOGISTICS: NAVY: the NAVY is a major part in the UNISS as they will be flying the UNISS fighters in dogfights in both space and planet atmospheres, they will also be piloting marine dropships to different combat zones in major conflicts, they will also be in charge or flying UNISS cruisers and capital ships that will house personnel and ships on board. the NAVY will also experience a lot of combat and security out of ships, as they may need to secure or wipe out hostiles in space stations or pirate cruisers. MARINES: the MARINES are the back bone of the UNISS its there jobs to secure zones on planet surfaces from pirates, terrorists and corrupted military forces. the MARINES will have many vehicle assets such as recon rovers to troop carriers {APC} to main battle tanks, the will also be equipped with the latest MARINE battle armour and weapon loadouts. the Marines will work very closely with the NAVY as they are needed for troop transport, and evac runs, where at the same time the MARINES will hold great defence for the NAVY when needed. SUPPORT & LOGISTICS: SUPPORT ROLES: MEDIC: as a medic on the UNISS it is your job to look after all personnel in the UNISS fleet, this could be when you are on board a UNISS cruiser, dropship or even during a combat situation alongside the NAVY or MARINES, as a medic you will be given a combat and non combat medical uniform, aswell as a weapon loadout, as a medic you must always carry a large amount of medi-pens and Oxi-pens, as these are used to heal or give life support to people, {features yet to come } soon added features will be added to the medical system, including the ability to heal downed and injured people, aswell as carry them away from combat and treat them on medical ships. ENGINEER: as a engineer in the UNISS it is your role to repair and keep all ships and land vehicles up to date and fully repaired and fuelled, engineers will also be required to fight on the field again for vehicle repairs but also for hacking systems at rebel bases or corrupted military control points. as a engineer you will be given both a combat and non combat uniform aswell as a weapon loadout. LOGISTICS: as a UNISS logistics member it is your job to run cargo for the UNISS this can consist of carrying ships, land vehicles, and many different cargos such as ammo, medical supplies, rations. or it could be your job to carry evidence back such as data files, drugs, spices , or any other illegal items back to your Commanding Officer for them to dispose of. all logistical members are non combatants, meaning you are not there to fight , you are there to hull cargo for the UNISS, protection for all logistical members will be held by either the NAVY or MARINES. if you have any further questions related about the roles or anything about the UNISS join the discord and contact a commanding officer, discord link below: https://discord.gg/zksnp5T
  18. Hey yall, My name is Moote, and I am a new applicant to Imperium. I've been a backer since early 2015, and I have recently found my love for the mining mechanic. I am looking for a good community that reminds me of a helpful EQ1 server. I enjoyed the rules of your org, and I hope that you accept my application. Only then, can we both see if we are a good fit for each other. Thanks, Moote
  19. I recently applied to join this amazing organization. Hopefully I'll be officially joining your ranks soon. A little info about me. I was born in the F.CAS on Earth and moved to Aremis when I was just three years old. My family was career military and I was proud to continue that tradition and become a proud citizen of our Empire. It had only been 3 months since I received my first assignment in the UEE Colonization command corp when they arrived. My family was there when the Vanduul fleets attacked without warning. They obliterated entire cities, ending the lives of millions of people. I shall not burden you with my tales of loss, but my pain runs deep. The Vanduul must be stopped. We must hold the line... When the time comes to exact vengeance, my A2 Hercules will be there to answer the call. Glory to the Imperium and the United Empire of Earth! Death to the Vanduul! ----------------------------------------------------------------- RPG mode off: Super excited to journey into the verse with like minded individuals. My main interests are Base Building and Helping others with refueling/repairing with occasional combat operations etc. I have a pioneer as well and I'll happily contribute to Imperium's base building goals. Thanks guys for the consideration!
  20. We are Black Star Initiative! Black Star Initiative is a UEE Aligned Anti-Piracy Private Military Corporation with 60% our focus on combat related security of UEE Space and 40% towards all other non-combat roles. We use a structured branch to organize players more efficiently. See link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Yc7m8bP8Izeg6x2QbtwaqqpmnMk1gtY1SRPLu9kM3mY/edit#slide=id.p3 We do require all of our members (Non-combat also) to be willing to fight on notice as we are firstly a PMC and all other non-security jobs provide the backbone of operations. As well, we understand your primary gameplay focus might include additional non-related gameplay, IE A Primary focus on Bounty Hunting and a Secondary Focus on Agriculture. Our Hot List of combat and non-combat roles in-need: Fleet Bomber Crew/Bomber Pilots, Medics, Weapons Operators(Turrets/Torps), Boarding Ship Pilots. If any of the above fits planned play-style please note when responding. We are however also non-specific currently. Interested to know more? Join us on our Discord: https://discord.gg/0Vq6b9nrXiNhOlPn More Info: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50177/thread/tbsi-black-star-initiative Official RSI Org Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/TBSI
  21. Hello all! Newcomer here, I've been quietly watching Star Citizen since my initial backing via Kickstarter years ago. With the 3.0 release, however choppy it may be, I've decided to come back and start getting the hang of things. I initially backed as a Vice Admiral and received a Constellation with it but I melted that down and downsized to an Avenger Stalker due to personal reasons, still have that LTI though! Glad to meet you all!
  22. Hi, my name is Jimmyhatt and i have recently become fairly involved in SC. I found your organization via youtube and was impressed. I have the following ships: Herald, p-52, Orion, Argo MPUV, Ursa Rover, Hawk, Constellation & an 8x8 plot of land. This has granted me the concierge level of memberships. I'm hoping to accumulate massive amounts of wealth and gain my way into the biggest ships in the game. Ultimately i want to use industry to fund my PVP addiction.
  23. Greetings all Here i am, the new guy I live in cold austria between the mountains. Working as a dental technician and sculptor. Have my little studio making many different things. I like the imperiums goals in game, very close to my gaming styl as a hunter and the enemy of the pirates and criminals. (smuggling is ok ) Played many years eve online 2004-2017 in a very big alliances in small gangs and later only solo (now, not very active) have a moracha and my core gamestyl was hunting criminals and pirates, very successfull , made many enemys . I hope much more fun in star citizen after my old spreadsheet game, EvE online not so difficult to reach this goal So time to work IRL, working on a new sculpture cu John Winchester
  24. Hi guys, My name is Jurai and hail from the wonderful state of Virginia in the United States. I work in IT and love it. Definitely a giant compute nerd. As for my pledge status, I am consider a Golden Observer on RSI. It basically means I've spent WAY too much money. I took a break from the SC community and looking to get back into it. It looks like my old fleet has faded, so I thought it'd be good to join a very active fleet like Imperium. I'm interested in a mix of game play within Star Citizen. I mostly like support roles on a large scale. If I am going to fight, I want to protect others like escort missions. I am really interested in large scale mining and exploration ops as the logistics are complicated and that makes for interesting game play! Really like high risk, high reward missions but understand risk needs to be properly mitigated. That's what makes SC so exciting for me. Let me know if you have questions. Happy to answer. Cheers, Jurai
  25. Hey everyone! In game name's Mondain. I hail as a retired space-rich wormhole dweller from eve-online. I pledged for this game when it was first announced with the 300i package and haven't really touched the alpha until 2.6 came out. Since than, I bought a few ships... my current lineup is the Hornet F7C, Cutlass Black, and Constellation. I'm looking forward to hopefully joining and being a part of some military organization looking for some good fights. Cant wait to fly with ya'll
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