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SC sur Mac M2 ?


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J'ai cherché un peu partout sur google et dans plusieurs forum, mais pas moyen de trouver d'infos qui sont à jour.

Je voudrais savoir si Star Citizen pouvait fonctionner sur un Mac qui a une puce M2 ? 

Si oui, est ce qu'une machine virtuel est indispensable ( Parallels Desktop )

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From what I understand, you won't be able to play Star Citizen on an M2. The initial problem is the anti cheat software won't work with your processor. If this is eventually fixed, the second issue is likely to be low performance when trying to run through parallels. 

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Is a good page to bookmark and check to see if they will update to be supportive of MAC OS or machines that run on MAC hardware. Star Citizen is a very demanding game performance-wise, especially with GPU/RAM requirements, so assume that unless there is a "gaming MAC" released that would have equivalent types of AMD/NVidia cards that would be in the "high end gaming" range, you wouldn't be able to run it even if you're running a parallel OS. Best of luck!

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