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  1. Fenrirrj

    Can run SC

    It is possible to run StarCitizen with an R5600 and an RTX 3060 with 16GB of RAM and an NVMe drive?
  2. OPERATION REVOLVING DOOR WHEN: Saturday, June 25th - UTC - 20:00 EST - 16:00 RALLY POINT: Everus Harbor - Hurston MISSION: Hurston Security has contracted us to perform anti Nine Tails operations on Hurston and its surrounding moons, they require us to meet the needs of any security station that requests support, and we are to investigate any security station that has gone silent. Further operational tasks may come forward as we have reports of a possible Nine Tails outpost inside the cave networks on Hurston. NOTES: - For ease of identification please wear the Morozov-SH armor variant Aftershock Terracotta (brown/orange)(Available @ HUR L1 Station). - Helmet choice is left down to each soldiers. NO PIRATE ARMOR please. - Both air and ground assets have been sighted by Hurston Security so be on the look out for ambushes by Nine Tails air assets - We have reports of Nine Tails being able to take control over the security station air-defence turrets - Be careful on approach, you may have to land outside at a distance of 1.6 KM if landing area is to hot. - Small Arms choice is left to soldiers discretion but fragmentation and explosive ordnance is prohibited - Re-arm and Re-supply is available during operation. It it is required you start the operation with at minimum 2 medi pens, combat knife and at least 5 magazines - Nearest weapon shop is HUR L1. It is also advised to bring combat rations -We have also been given permission by Hurston Security to strip and salvage, terminated Nine Tails members we come across. ROLE CALL: = Marine Infantry = Marine Driver = Marine Combat Pilot (Small Combat Craft, i.e Arrow, hurricane, etc.) = Marine Dropship Pilot (Dropship Type Craft, i.e cutlass, valkyrie, MSR, etc.) = Marine Corpsmen (Medic) = Marine Medical Ship Pilot (Cutlass Red/Carrack) = Camera Crew ALL SCB / IMPERIUM Members are welcome, Late Joiners Accepted Dedicated comm channel will be Discord - "SCB Gaming 1" Channel Please review Discord Event Announcement Please send in-game friend request to @[IMP] Psychopath or @[IMP] REIGN-11-87 for party invites
  3. Hello, i'm new to the game and recently downloaded Star Citizen. This is my first post and hopefully not my last. I'm having a lot of issues with performance, everything should be optimized for this game within my laptop, including CPU usage, graphics are set to "High/Very High" in order to initiate that extra bit of CPU output, in-game overlay is off, graphics card is up-to-date yet the game is extremely choppy and I don't have this issue with other games. I don't know what to do, i've searched everywhere for a solution - youtube, forums, troubleshooting pages. Here are my laptops specs: Asus Rog G513QM - Windows 10 x64 bit Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 SSD: 1TB Ram: 32G
  4. Dark Breed - GMT time zone Our activities: Weekly operations Murder hobo rampages Confiscating of goods that do not belong to us PvP ambushes PvE aUEC farming Trade runs Mining Messing about in the ‘verse Sodium farming Spending time in space jail Our rules: There are no ranks within the DBO any member can take the lead of an operation No politics No religion Your responsibilities Knowing when to chew the fat on voice, and when not too Following orders when on an operation Being firm in your orders when leading an operation Understanding basic ship combat – we will train you if needed Understanding basic FPS combat – we will train you if needed https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/DBO https://discord.gg/fD8P9EZz5R
  5. Hello, I downloaded Star Citizen last year without knowing it was a paid game, this week it's free so I updated it. Once updated I launched it, it crashed twice but the third one it finally opened, I ended up in the menu. straightly (as usual) I go to graphic options, but there is almost nothing to change and disable VSync doesn't change anything to the fps. So I go into the game folders to look for a config file that I don't find. So I go to Google and I have to say that I haven't find much on the subject. (and nothing in my language) I did find a console command directory: star citizen fandom : Console_commands So I tried this: sys_MaxFPS 166 r_VSync 0 It hadn't changed anything, that's why I'm here. I want to disable all post processing graphic settings like AA, motion blur, depth of field and all those graphics settings that screw up fps and make games look like crap. Then of course, I'm looking for a solution to uncap the fps. In the command directory (up above) there is a command to edit the post-processing effects but look at these affixed values: r_MotionBlur = 2/2/2/2/2 r_DepthOfField = 3/3/2/3/3 and so on I don't understand the system! It's not supposed to be written like 0/1/2/3 etc.!? Help!
  6. I decided to give this game a shot. The video and sound are very choppy, even when I set the graphis to low. I don't know if its my GPU (NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Super) or something else. The game takes a few minutes just to start. Is there a work around for this?
  7. <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DhYgs20gKs0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. Started a Thread for Hangers 2.0 and we already have Ship threads - but we are now getting more and more work done on the characters themselves so I also wanted to start a thread for Characters 2.0. Please post images of RSI characters, personal weapons, armor, etc... including any special outfits you may get down the road (like environmental coats, EVA suits, etc...). We will be getting images, videos, Dev posts, etc... about the WIP that CIG is now starting to reveal on Characters (FPS). We can use this thread to collate all new WIP items about Characters (FPS) like these sister (archive) threads: We currently don't have many images to go with - but post what you have found from Jump Point or other RSI sources. We just got an image from Sandi on the Female Character - so wanted to post that: Female Character: Male Character: Character Weapons: And the Fan created Vanduul Knife from Operation Pitchfork (will be created in Star Citizen):
  9. If you haven't seen it yet, (I believe) this is the first FPS mission that has been put into the game. I recorded it as CIG wanted feedback on the mission, the AI, and Kareah, but I thought I'd share it here in case you haven't seen it yet. AI behavior leaves a lot to be desired, but it's a step in the right direction.
  10. When the game goes live, I foresee myself eventually settling down on a planet that I fall in love with during my exploration, in an attempt to establish the Rally Point Bar. It will feature a companion fiction, and will hopefully turn into something quite spectacular as I improve my cinematography. While thinking of various settings for my stories to take place in, I thought of a new type of ship to fulfill an as-yet empty niche; other than building outposts with a Pioneer, there is no way to quickly deploy ground fortifications. Rather than build a static defensive structure, mobile forces would need to pack up and move while maintaining their ability to defend themselves for attack. The Anvil Aerospace "Rampart" will fulfill the role of "mobile ground fortification" in a number of unique ways. I am no artist, so I can't provide a visual representation but I will do my best to describe it. The Rampart has two flight modes- SCM and HOV. SCM speed is used to transport the Rampart, and in this mode has limited defenses. Once it gets near the ground, it can deploy into HOV mode which deploys AI-controlled turrets along its flanks and belly. Provided the ground under it can support it, the Rampart can anchor itself with landing gear. With its engines disabled, the Rampart can shunt power into the weapons and shields to better support troops on the ground. When it's anchored to the ground, it acts like a small and feature-light outpost. Up to 16 soldiers can sleep in its barracks, though the ship only has eight manned seats- one for each turret, plus the pilot and co-pilot. This would be sufficient to serve as a homebase for small player groups, and allow for larger orgs to maintain squad cohesion. I see it as a merger between a Terrapin and a Hammerhead- A rugged and durable zone of exclusion. Hostile infantry won't be able to penetrate its starship-grade shield with small arms, and the small turret size will allow it to slaughter light vehicles that encroach too close. It is countered by anything that would counter other structures- siege scenarios where the shields are pounded from afar. The Rampart will not be able to fend off air attacks easily, meaning fighter escort and clever placement is essential. Just some brain candy that I thought I'd share. I think we all have things we would love to see in-game, even if the chances are less than zero. Tl;dr is that the Rampart would be a cost-effective way for groups of players to get a first home base, or larger orgs to have well-defended ground squad housing. In HOV mode, it can travel with ground forces at slower speeds to provide fire support.
  11. Great watch and explains/answers a lot of questions. Is Star Citizen 3.0 Server Capped - "Why I get playable frames... and others don't" - #nobullshit
  12. Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 Emails have been sent out to 'public' first wave ptu participators. You are as of now able to copy your account and start patching. Video by me: Video by Hasgaha: Also, if you're on the PTU and want to try out spectrum org functions, join our 'fake' ptu org (or just create your own): https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/orgs/IMPERIUM/ Visit spectrum here: https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/spectrum Patch notes Full 2.6.0 patch notes 2.6.0i (current build) 2.6.0i - 488815 is now open to Wave 1 Testers & RSI Subscribers! Patch Notes PTU Site https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/comm-link//15644-Star-Citizen-Alpha-260i Spectrum https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/star-citizen-alpha-2-6-0i Feedback We will be collecting feedback from dedicated feedback posts on the PTU Website. Please be sure to use the correct section of the PTU Issue-Council. Star Citizen https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen Star Marine https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/community/issue-council/star-marine For the duration of this PTU we will be using Spectrum and not Discord for our communications https://ptu.cloudimperiumgames.com/spectrum/ Screenshot album from me:
  13. Anyone want to make a real go at season 3? I'll prob be around gold with the skill rank changes. Season starts december 1 afaik.
  14. PC Gamer gives a brief overview of their experience with Star Citizen during the free flight period. Starts at 00:14:36 (If my direct link didn't work).
  15. Impulze

    Comp CSGO

    Hello SCB, I am new here an was wondering if anyone played Comp CSGO. I was ranked SMFC before taking a break and now ranked LE. Looking to get back in Comp play until SC is released. I have played in a couple of seasons of ESEA-O and Cevo-O, and I have played in LANs vs Pro and semi pro teams (most well known was Winterfox). So if you are interested please message me I would like to get a 5man and run some 10mans with people from this org.
  16. I have found using the keyboard for EVAing a bit difficult because it is hard to strafe in a lot of directions. I want to eva strafe like I dogfighting in fighter. With https://www.reddit.com/user/DJChosen help from reddit, I was able to get my pedals to control two eva strafe axis. You can't directly keybind a joystick to EVA movement even using xml files. How to do this: You go to http://www.x360ce.com/ and download it for 64-bit games. http://www.x360ce.com/Files/x360ce_x64.zip. Extract the file, It will go through and create a controller for each joystick (windows game controller). New Device Detected should pop up and just hit next. I have mfg crosswinds that come up as Controller 1. I have bound strafe up/down and left/right to the left thumb stick see image. I have strafe left/right bound to twist on my pedals/ My toe breaks are one axis using MFG's software. My right toe brake strafes up, and my left toe brake strafes down. Next, you go to the 2nd row/ advanced button, device section, and device sub type. Set Device to Gamepad. Next go to game settings in the 1st row. Make sure you have 64-bit v 9.1 and 64-bit v 1.3 as XInput Files and the details of the image are the same. Then copy the .dll files to the right game directory. C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public\Bin64 You will then need to use an xml keybind. This makes the gamepad left thumb stick the right strafe axis and clears out some of the commands that are normally bound to the left thumb stick. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59132661/SC/EVA Pedals/EVA_Pedal_Rebind_2.5.xml Image below is most of the xml commands Put the xml file in this directory C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public\USER\Controls\Mappings In Star Citizen open the console (~) and type pp_rebindkeys eva_pedal_rebind_2.5.xml Negatives: In the end, you can't use a gamepad with this setup. I am sure there is a way to do it and be able to use your gamepad probably. I you find out how to do that then put it below. heads up to FPS guys @Sir_Belial, @Core Military and dogfighters (have pedals) @Nazerath, @Doopsums, @XLB, @Space-Moose, @Hlao, @Vaderhexagon Content Creators @TheNOOBIFIER1337
  17. There’s no better way to showcase our improved Vision Stabilization system than to head into Port Olisar and cause some chaos. With plenty of aiming, shooting, and handling of weapons, this 60 frames per second video highlights just one of the many great features we’re currently working on. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/15511-Sneak-Peek
  18. just wanted to share this, while i was surfing the internet i came across this movie "hardcore henry" (i watched the cam version) it's theam is a fps shooter and surpriseingly i found it to be a very enjoyable movie,,, if you happen to like fps shooter games (also action, lots of that too) as the reviews are mixed i've found from skiming over them here is the trailer
  19. Shadows Lead to Oblivion BLOOD MOON Vanduul Hunters Squadron BLOOD MOON Squadron - Star Marine (SM)(FPS) Scheduled Events + Discoveries SM Schedule Events + Discoveries is a squadron-focused event calendar or times when we want to get together and accomplish a common goal in Star Marine (includes Sataball) (Note - it is not available to play yet). These threads will be supplemented by an Event Calendar later on once we get up and running (and regular play going on). This thread will be focused on (and everyone can post here to create events - just note what type of event it is): Monthly Large Planned Events (*these may eventually have their own thread - but post newly introduced ones here as well) Weekly Medium Planned Events (*these may eventually have their own thread - but post newly introduced ones here as well) Daily Play - Post whenever you are on and in SM (so others know to join you in TS and in-game) Post when you plan on join or start up a Tournament or E-sport Team (* Eventually this will be done through CITIZEN ARENA <<-- See link) Post important discoveries or new way of doing things (training) - If important enough elevate it to a communication with an appropriate Imperium Officer + Post when you are available to show people your new discovered tricks / tactics / strategies Anything else relative to Star Marine
  20. War of Rights is a crowd funded FPS in the American Civil War and looks pretty gorgious. You can check it out here: https://warofrights.com/ FAQ Q: What is War of Rights? A: War of Rights is a large-scale online authentic civil war first person experience featuring massive battles, a chain of command system, regiments and an extraordinary historical attention to detail. Q: The civil war had a massive front line. What can we expect to experience in War of Rights? A: At this current moment in development, we are creating four maps: Harper’s Ferry, South Mountain, Antietam and Shepherdstown. They are to represent our first campaign, the Maryland campaign of 1862. We are planning to add additional campaigns at a later stage. Q: When will War of Rights be available to play? A: The first version of our smaller scaled engagements titled Skirmishes. This version will only available as a reward for Kickstarter backers. Q: What game engine will War of Rights be running on? A: War of Rights runs on Crytek’s powerful CRYENGINE. Q: Which gaming systems will be able to run War of Rights? A: We are exclusively developing War of Rights for the Windows PC platform at this point. Q: Will there be AI soldiers in War of Rights A: At this stage in development, we have no plans of adding AI soldiers to War of Rights. Q: What are the hardware requirements to be able to run War of Rights? A: We are too early in the development process to estimate hardware requirements at this stage. Q: I heard War of Rights would feature massive online battles. How many players will be able to play on a single server? A: We cannot give an exact number at this point, but the end goal is “several hundred”. Q: How can I support War of Rights the most? A: Spread the word! We have a relatively small community at this point – we would love to expand that. You can join the community at our forum here: http://warofrightsforum.com/. As stated above, War of Rights is currently without any other form of funding than the goodwill of the community. If you would like to support us with money, you can back the game here: KICKSTARTER. Q: Where can I keep up to date on the development news of War of Rights? A: You can follow us at indieDB here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/war-of-rights. You can also like us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/WarOfRights?ref=bookmarks. And subscribe to us on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA1QYzsuDBilAxa6IDougDA.
  21. This is a video I threw together with some footage captured Between myself and space-moose. I am not pro at video editing. Managed to get a few people to FPS with us. The POV switches back and forth. Enjoy.
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