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Everything posted by 0+0=0

  1. Good luck on that sale man, I may be wrong but I see sometimes they ask you to post pics with that stuff if possible. Also nice work on the Op Pitchfork site! I need to get into the org as an affiliate..
  2. Great work man..had me laughing.. Strauss certainly brings a different level of engagement to the Star Citizen universe
  3. I'm amazed at the flak you're getting on the RSI forums by people who suppose it'd be "damn boring," it's like c'mon.. I agree that people who are interested in the sort of "meta-game" surrounding exploration and trade would be interested in the board game. I personally think it'd be amazing, if jump times were long enough, to actually include this in a lounge on a ship.
  4. Very interesting post! Great insight from CR not only into CIG's handling of the upcoming API's but how the tech is being used in the industry I have to note that FFXV demo... I really hope they don't assume every player is going to have a computer with FOUR TITAN cards in it...otherwise how will that game run on a console? :^) 8k x 8k textures.. jesus.
  5. haha Seriously though, I'm okay with it all. As they've said and as they'll do: it's about the progress towards a great finished product
  6. Nice post Gerald! Back on the scene here, easy to find the info on our forums than sign up for ptu just for patch notes:D
  7. this is hardcore O_O I wonder where it will lead.. but I'm slightly confused. This can potentially blind you every time if activates? Or if they tried to activate it and leave it on.
  8. yes thanks for the info
  9. a lot of interesting points to note there. Personally a little disappointed they nerfed 350r hardpoints. Oh well! Thruster buff should be nice tradeoff though.. Kinda worried about the m50 myself but I don't see it losing it's capability as a racer at all. M50 has always accelerated and cut corners way better than a 350r
  10. Yeah.. I like the floating warehouse label for now also.. Seems like a huge, beasty ship,yes...but in the way a cargo ship has tons of things within its huge structure. It can still be taken by a small boat of pirates should it have weak defenses. I can't imagine it being 1000+... that's a little crazy unless you can fit hornets in the storage pods haha edit: hornets in storage pods...?
  11. I actually really enjoyed this, and I hadn't known about guard frequency before!
  12. 0+0=0

    Origin 890 JUMP

    Just read over this last page, but gotta agree with the modularity.. I think this ship has two main things going for it....... Modularity capacity (3-4 rooms?!) and crowd demand (6000 page thread on RSI forums..) It'll probably hold a 300 series, or two, or get some other restructure.. Even the guy that re-organized the space in the same dimensions showed you could fit 4 85x's just moving things around. Even CR mentions running away from capitol ship battles in an 890, since it's not equipped to fight an Idris or something. Ahem... you're worried about fighting an Idris? Ok I think I'll check off my worries for other, smaller ships. (Hello! Turreted missile racks, small boat bay, high-tier cannons)
  13. this is awesome! it feels very concise, it's great you source everything too
  14. I actually want the skin more than the Avenger but... either way.. haha
  15. @danredda Generous idea! Cheers to your milestone then.. I suppose I should sign up out of courtesy!! Haha.
  16. I don't think I'm downloading all this just to finally use missiles on my 350r O_O hopefully patch is out next week anyway
  17. let's theorycraft haha Did you see some of the panel videos? There was a moment when someone mentions an Aurora pilot who goes to mine 100 ore vs a BMM equipped with mining lasers. Obviously, the BMM will outperform in every aspect. However, the overhead costs of running the BMM greatly outweigh the reward for a quest as simple as mining 100 ore, whereas the cost/reward for an Aurora pilot will help him get a better ship much faster. I'd have to assume almost all ships with identical roles (Explo,Mining,Lux,etc) will match a different scale. In the case of the MIS and the Andromeda, it's "Miltia" vs "Multi-function role" and as you say, "MIS is a leaner ship" I'd have to guess the MIS will go further for longer, and be the choice in terms of speed and power versus pirates. The Andromeda will clearly have more cargo for it's size, even proportionally, but may not out-gun or out-run a similarly sized ship that is out for it's cargo.
  18. Aw hahaha it's ok something will come along soon! maybe something for your mustang lineup:P
  19. That's it, there is no input needed. Chris Roberts, as acting CEO of that company, has the say in what happens to those VD items. This will come up as an issue later, without any doubt whatsoever. They are -probably- not going to shaft every backer that picked up an item by having to get them to pay for insurance on them Question: Would you sell more product advertising "LTI" on the weapon upgrades too? "Any backer who pledged before [insert date here] will have LTI on all their Voyager Direct purchases! As courtesy to our other backers who may not have had an item or incentive in the past, we will extend this LTI benefit to all Voyager Direct store items until [insert another date just before/after a holiday sale here]" Go ahead. Tell me CIG shouldn't fire Sandi and hire me.. I at least PLAY arena commander. (just kidding ) nice I picked up two 227's also..nigh regrettably but I'm enjoying their output so far.. Haven't gotten to try em on the 350r tho How late did you pledge?! hahaha
  20. I've asked this question and I'm concerned myself, haven't heard a straight answer anywhere if i'm also expected to purchase insurance it would've been very nice for that to have been stipulated..Hell insurance isn't even mentioned on ANY pledge page and it's a significant part of purchasing a non-LTI ship..
  21. well I wouldn't say I'm ignoring it. I didn't acknowledge it but I suggested that two analog inputs are best for two controls that require that range of input. I've never tried with a joystick on the left hand, I actually think it may be confusing for me but I assume forward and backward are the same, then left and right are your strafe? I've also never really been dexterous enough to manage multiple devices within those rush situations haha. and @Osclin that's why I think i'd be bad too. but left hand joystick must control strafe somehow?
  22. They previously had gimbals auto-aim but enough crying on the forums eventually got that removed If you ask me, you're all hopeless. The only realistic way to manage two separate analog controls is with two separate analog inputs. The best bet so far is simply mouse+kb.. there's nothing that can even control the two needs so effectively until polished tracking comes in.. I've given up with joystick
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