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Master Clovis

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Everything posted by Master Clovis

  1. Master Clovis

    Feedback Wanted CES 2016: Asus ROG

    I like the mouse especially, most either have too much buttons on the side or too little. I'm using a Razer DeathAdder right now, love it but I wouldn't mind an additional 2-3 buttons on the side.
  2. Nothing to see here, move along... http://youtu.be/rSjK2Oqrgic

  3. There might be some delays. I wouldn't mind waiting a little longer if it helps improving the game (read: keeps the game from crashing on my pc, bugs are to be expected). One thing we can expect is huge delays for the update. We won't all be able to download and install the same day they release the DFM. (I also believe CIG mentioned releasing it to smaller groups first)
  4. All those that pledged before they reached the stretch goal should get one.
  5. Welcome to the Fleet Wouter! Imperium is all about fun! another Belgian! where from exactly?
  6. edit: Austin powers is not in my the list of bad movies! but I had to share because of the sharks with friggin lasers
  7. After Sharknado we now get Poseidon Rex
  8. I don't believe we need more 'permanent' subforums. If you want to talk about a specific subject for a time we can always create a temporary one.
  9. I also want to remind everyone that this thread is situated in the public part of our forums. So before someone starts talking internal fleet subjects and organisation, please keep our OPSEC in mind.
  10. Welcome to the base Kiwi Ric! we have tonnes of interesting stuff here so don't forget to visit once in while.
  11. Welcome OBDisk, here in Imperium you'll definitely find some people who will want to explore the verse with you!
  12. On that last question, I believe one of our members, Luetin, made an interesting youtube explanation about the instancing: edit: @Luetin , love the work.
  13. In my country the new episodes air one week after they aired in the US (payed television). English version with subtitles, as it should be . I hate dubbed movies (even if it's a Korean or Chinese movie). But to be hones, I can't manage to wait another week. What's your favorite letter of the alphabet? mine is 'ARRRRR' or was it 'CCCCC'(read: sea)?.....
  14. Well atm most is speculation. But Imperium and the will be prepared when the PU goes live.
  15. Shouldn't take too long until they got you processed Look for orange
  16. This is something my wallet can't handle at the moment.
  17. HR will be there to help you in no time. Here is a useful link: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/16594/imperium-fleet-recruitment-america-asia-europe
  18. And his interest in games, especially CR games seems a bit like an act to me. I don't want to sound sexist but imo they should have picked a female ambassador/gamer babe
  19. Are they really paying the community ambassador guy? waste of good money imo.
  20. I suspect mine would be a Freelancer or Caterpillar: VW Caravall (long version)
  21. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ship-specs,
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