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About Zeltchoron

  • Birthday 03/26/1997

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    British Columbia, Canada

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  1. To be honest, I doubt I will. I am waiting for the Banu Merchantman to be released, however I do not believe they said it would fit in the asteroid hangar as it was not sold with it. Well, I suppose I am apart of that 10% then. Anyways, I meant no offense, I was simply stating my own opinion that I don't care if they do push it back, I am enjoying life and letting time fly by at warp speed, rather then waiting and checking in day by day.
  2. If you are sitting upon the edge of your seat for a game that is no where near completion; getting angry and unsatisfied because the creators and developers continue to push back release dates of content simply so it can be of near perfect condition. Then you sir need to relax and go to sleep. Whether or not the DFM gets pushed back even further, my emotions and love for this game will remain the same. I can not predict if it will be pushed back, however they seem to be confident that it will be released on the 29th.
  3. Just remember that LTI will no longer be for sale though.
  4. 1: Not Interested, (SC is the only space game I intended to immerse myself in.) 2: They are very very late. CR has already been building up SC for a very long time now, building a very strong community. Eve can not simply post a trailer of what looks to be a, comparatively, not a very good game at all at such a time in which SC is already top in the market of what eve is now putting itself into. Conclusion: Eve will never will be able to compete with the awesome community CR has built, nor the extreme detail and thought put into SC. CCP is just waiting their time and money and what is a very bad investment. Again, this is my own opinion as a strong SC backer and enthusiast.
  5. I would also like to share some artwork of the UEE’s new Javelin-class destroyer. You may have caught a glimpse of the Javelin on this week’s _Wingman’s Hangar_… and now I’d like to share a closer look! The ship was designed by David Hobbins. David has been working hard to create not just a cool exterior, but also an interior that evokes the crowded corridors of a real world destroyer. The plan is for it to be modular, with parts we can swap out for different roles (assault destroyer, LRR destroyer and so on!) The Javelin is still in the conceptual stages… but I think it’s cool enough to share with the community! All from the Letter From the Chairman 39 Million
  6. They said they are no longer offering LTI keep in mind.
  7. Everything has a purpose, I am sure they will explain the components and the reasoning behind it in the future.
  8. To be honest I am a bigger fan of the newest concept. This new concept answers a lot of my questions and seems very well built. I absolutely love how they cleanly labeled the concept and divided it up into sections. The ship itself according to the concept is utterly massive, you can clearly see how large it is comparatively to the humans below and within the ship. From what we can see, Rotating Gun for Protection Antenna and Electronics Room Ammo Storage Bridge Living Quarters Engine Bay Receiving Room Over Looking Cargo Bay for Inspection Cargo Hold Elevators The Entrance Now lets go more in-depth on a few sections of the ship. The Cargo Hold, I love it. It appears to be able to hold a lot of cargo, it seems there are two cranes within the hold that are meant to move the cargo, however I could be wrong; to move the cargo inside we have a lift on the bottom of the ship to lower and raise cargo in and out of the hold. Receiving Room Over Looking Cargo Bay for Inspection is another phenomenal implementation! Just talking about the Cargo Hold above I was thinking how cool it would be to oversee all of the cargo, stock, and everything that is going on within the hold; that is when I looked at the concept again and realized I missed this division and they already have it! Being a huge fan of trades and industry, money, and cargo, I think this section of the ship is the seller for me. The Entrance although it is simply just an entrance, I believe there is more then what meets the eye. As we can already see where we enter the ship there is a huge area that is undefined and not labeled. I am really not sure what more they can add, however I do believe it should be noted and not forgotten. If we look on the far right we can see it rises and lowers while in flight mode and landing mode, I am really confused at this point and am just speechless because I really am very confused why and what the point of it is. These sections I find the most intriguing and this new concept makes me much happy that I purchased this ship. When I first purchased the Banu Merchantman I questioned what I was doing however cool it was. This new concept tells us how the ship will be utilized and a general perspective of how large it is, and it is fucking massive!; what a tank! Overall I am very pleased and impressed, sure glad I got myself one! P.S. Can we get the Banu Merchantman added to the list of ships we can display that we own.
  9. I would suggest for you to join a squadron, imo your best option is the 24th Joint Commerce Squadron, however you may not be able to click the link as you don't seem to be a full Fleet Member of Imperium.
  10. I think a place to start would be to sticky a few notable threads; many past threads have just been buried in this huge mess. Stickying threads that are creating good conversation would be a good idea because when new T&I players hop onto the forums they can quickly jump into the action and see what is going on and being talked about. Too often do I see good threads die out and become forgotten, though I have also seen them get bumped back up and revived! Also, I do agree that we should implement a Stickied, Important topic in which lists: "Fleet Command" "HR" "Officers of T&I" Also along with some information about T&I What we are thriving for here in Imperium in the T&I profession. Links to a bunch of great topics to jump to and I am sure we could think up even more to add to this topic TBH, I don't even know all of the FC and T&I Officers as I have been here for a few months now, since November I believe. Anyways, just a bunch of mumbling coming out of my mouth I suppose as these are just my thoughts! P.S. I have been a forum moderator in the past on many websites, as well as an administrator on many games and servers, I would be willing to put together such a thread, and "maintain" organization.
  11. Allow me to quote the conversation *4:50* Chris: "I guess that's the, what the cab probably on the..." Steve: "Cab on the mining robot." Chris: "Mining Robot." Steve: "Yeah." "5:02" Chris: "Pretty big mining robot."
  12. So I have been added lots of posts and integrating many changes to the blog. Posts: Pandren Skeletons Zombies Changes: So I decided to delete the Gallery Page along with every photo in the galleries, in return I added the Database page; this Database is a collection of publicized content from the blog postings; however the database does not have every content that is currently implemented in VoxRealm, merely a sneak peak of what is being featured in VoxRelam. The Database then splits down into several categories, that then splits into specified concepts; as such: DatabaseFactions/OrganizationsBlood OathMiscellaneousMonstersSkeletonsZombiesRacesBun-EhPandren
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