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  1. I play KB+M personally and it feels very natural. Tried joystick, but it's not my thing. Maybe after they refine it a bit more.
  2. To keep them locked onto your current target? I don't think so. You can either have them "gimballing" so that they spin according to where the mouse is pointing, or you can lock them (basically shoot where the ship is pointing rather than where the mouse is pointing) by pressing Left-Alt.
  3. @GeraldEvans : Oh yes, I see what you mean now. Do you maybe still have a link to the thread for the homebrew? I tried finding it but to no avail.
  4. I'm playing AC with mouse+kb and the gimballed weapons are just amazing. I flew the Mustang Delta (non-gimballed weapons except for the canard on the front) and I found aiming to very difficult. On my F7C-S though, dayuuuuum, those gimballed weapons really make a difference with mouse+kb.
  5. @stellatenebrae - as a physics nerd myself (although I followed a carreer in IT, physics was always very fascinating for me so I study it in my free time) I have a bit of wisdom to also impart. This wisdom is in the form of a table which shows you exactly how stuff works. Original source is here. As far as Neutron stars go, a small thing to mention is that they aren't actually stars, they are stellar remnants (other stellar remnants include: white dwarfs, other exotic dense stars, and black holes). Basically they are star dead bodies. If a star is big enough to collapse into itself, but not heavy enough to collapse all the way into a black hole, it will become a neutron star. A neutron star can have temperatures on the surface of up to 106 K, and it is so dense (not as dense as a black hole singularity, but still) that a normal-sized matchbox containing neutron star material would have a mass of approximately 5 billion tonnes or ~1 km³ of Earth rock. For more details on Neutron stars go here.
  6. On a slightly off-topic note, will there be a twitch stream of this reveal on Friday? If so, can someone offer me some details? On-topic, racing mode sounds fun. Too bad the current Hornet is slower than the current 300i by quite a bit.
  7. Current wallpaper? (My local version is 1080p, so if you want it let me know and I will upload it. This image has been scaled down) This:
  8. Welcome to Imperium! (Bafta cu explorarea )
  9. Not if you ramp up your sensitivity and use de-coupled mode properly. I mean, the deadzone which you have with Interactive Mode gimps the first seconds of manouvers. Not overly efficient in my opinion since that time could be used for actual ship movement. Targeting becomes a bit more complicated, true, but it's easily manageable I would say.
  10. I love you VoA. Like, a lot. I nominate this post for best share, ever. Made my flying and accuracy improve 2-3 times. Heck, I love it.
  11. Been too long on the Internet, seen too many things. 2/10.
  12. I was thinking about that, but I'm worried about getting my reflexes honed with that particular joystick and then switching to something different when it matters (PU is live). I had the same issue with my steering wheel and Gran Turismo (had a cheap one for the GT5 Prologue, got used to it, and then sucked the big one until I got used to the proper steering wheel that I bought when the actual GT5 game was launched). Thanks for the tips though! I'll keep it in mind and try to make a decision before the DFM. Maybe we will have more news on SC-specific peripherals until then.
  13. I'm quite torn on what to do, but this video puts it a bit in perspective. Thank you @Byronyk! I'm actually lacking a joystick at the moment, but I'd like to have one for alpha and beta and I have a feeling that SC-specific peripherals will come along when the PU is officially launched. I'm stuck in between buying something now and waiting, but waiting means that alpha and beta practice will go down the drain, which would suck... Decisions, decisions.
  14. @Natural Killer Cell - It's unlikely that ballistic weapons will be stronger than energy weapons literally. Each will have advantages and disadvantages, with ballistic weapons having as their biggest disadvantage the use of ammo. No ammo, no shooting. But, personally, I believe energy weapons will dish out more damage per hit and will be usable at a longer range (in general) than a ballistic weapons, hence I'd say people will rather opt for shields that are better against energy weaponry. Also, ballistic weapons should have a lower heat signature (as far as my physics goes, it makes sense) and for sure will have a way, way lower EM signature. @Aethernaut - In regards to getting scouted, I'm not really concerned to be honest. You have to keep in mind that scouting will be based on 4 main elements: 1. EM detection 2. Heat detection 3. Radar detection 4. Visual detection Since I'm going to be stealth against the first three better than any other ship (except maybe a fully stealthed M50 with no weapons), the only concern would be visual detection. Now, given the fact that stealth ships will be black, even visual detection becomes cumbersome at the very least. And if you're close enough to see, you're close enough to be seen... and killed by my very long range sniper-class weapon. See where I'm going with this? If a mission requires stealth and your ship is properly equipped (and I will be investigating exactly what is the perfect "gear" to equip for stealth) there's not much somebody else can do against you. At most, they might see you and count the number of ships before getting destroyed (best case scenario, since there might be more ships that are not visible to the eye and they most likely won't appear on any scanner except for the largest, most powerful/sensitive scanners available). This means that you will get found due to voice chat, which is instant and doesn't disconnect or something if your character dies. But for sure the enemy won't be able to relay actual game data back to their main group before death (sending details of the ships to a C&C ship) and I highly doubt that they would turn back in their tracks due to a scout getting blasted. Why? Well, because all of the assumptions I make are based in a situation where the enemy is very well organized, very aware of their situation, has a very important mission and/or critical cargo and also has a group of ships which are perfectly formed into a squadron. These kind of situations will be rare, and difficult to tackle for sure, but the inherent rarity of such a complex confrontation (maybe 1 in 100 missions?) makes me feel very confident that stealth will give me the upper hand in the other 99 situations. I like those odds.
  15. I'm just gonna sort of quote myself on this since I gave a bit of thought on how I'd like my F7C-S to be geared. #1. Stealth Loadout: Out of the current weapons, I'd say I would personally prefer a loadout with one long-range gun mounted on the nose, so basically this: and two 11-Series Broadswords or two 60mm Mass Drivers for the wing tips for being as stealth as possible when shooting from close range. For the rest of the slots (waist) I'm not quite sure yet. I have to see some more stuff before I can make up my mind. Definitely no missiles though! Also as small a power core as is necessary to insure that everything can function at full capacity. This basically means balancing the thrusters, weapons and shields that have the lowest EM/heat/radar signatures with their counterparts which give you the best bang for your buck in terms of efficiency. For this part we have to wait until more "items" are launched and their stats are known before one can make a proper decision on which one would fit best. #2. Combat Loadout: Same as above mostly, with differences mostly originating from the weapons. I want to add a turret for sure in this loadout, along with missile racks on the waist slots. Since I'm assuming every other items will be, what I consider, BiS (best in slot) due to the various upgrades/overclocking we will be able to do, there's no need to change anything. I still want ballistic automatic fire and one long-range cannon / laser weapon (since it's long range I don't mind it being a laser weapon). And implicitly, probably a rank up in power core and thrusters to compensate for the extra energy usage and extra mass so that I don't lose either speed or the ability to use all my systems at 100% of their potential. Naturally, you change loadouts in the Hangar, so I would use #1 for missions/tasks that require more stealth, and #2 for missions which I know will involve heavy combat (I would say most of these will be related to group PvP as part of the Imperium Combat Ops division). Or another way of putting it, #1 is for solo play, small-group playing and stealth missions, #2 is for large-group playing.
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