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1st Royal Aerospace Squadron is Recruiting

Mr Everything

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The 1st Royal Aerospace Squadron is recruiting


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Website: http://1ras.enjin.com


Timezone: USA mostly


Commo: TS3


Focus: Casual Play, some RP, and Moderate Competitive play. Fun


Description: The 1st Royal Aerospace Squadron is an Independant Squadron from the UEE Marines. In Which is Give the freedom to maneuver where ever is needed of them. We have Ships dedicated to exploration, and Patroling the boarders, as well as the lawless areas of Space. we accept request for assistance from Civilians who might need help or protection from Pirates or just any hostiles, We are not a unit that Engages in Smuggling nor Piracy, we are a Loyal Unit of the UEE.


To apply: Visit your local UEE recruiter on planet or visit 1ras.enjin.com

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think its a very cool idea as well.  For logistics and role-playing.  We know that CIG's instancing system plans to make heavy use of NPCs and there may be some players who like the idea of making one planet or system their homebase.  There's also something to be said for letting enemy players know where they can find you at all times.  


Also, I love your youtube videos Mr. Everything.  Very informative and they're what turned me on to the game!  So cool to see you here as well.  



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