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the p-52


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If that's the one in the Connie just make sure whoever piloting it doesn't mind dying a lot. I'm pretty sure it'll be the weakest fighter but at least its there and would be good for scouting if not giving its life for the mother ship.

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If that's the one in the Connie just make sure whoever piloting it doesn't mind dying a lot. I'm pretty sure it'll be the weakest fighter but at least its there and would be good for scouting if not giving its life for the mother ship.


Does this mean I'd get higher danger pay?  ;)

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I remember doing this a while back in the hangar clipping through the floor and checking this out in my hangar. I am added it to one of my Constellation update videos. Not much to really see though other than it fits snub in the bay. The snub bay does look quite large, it will be interesting to see if there will be another use for it in the future. Maybe one of the variants will have a different use to the Snub bay than having the P52 in there.


This video is a month old but if anyone wants to check it out the portion showing the P52 starts just after the 4 minute mark.



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If that's the one in the Connie just make sure whoever piloting it doesn't mind dying a lot. I'm pretty sure it'll be the weakest fighter but at least its there and would be good for scouting if not giving its life for the mother ship.

Hmm, but it has the same shields as the much much bigger Aurora. Considering how hard to hit it'll be due to its small size, I'd guess that it'll actually be quite tough. I'm more worried about its armament. My guess is you'll want it to sit and wait until a Constellation missile barrage drops an enemy ship's shields, then have it move in from the asteroid it was hiding on to pinpoint critical systems. But I doubt its going to ever go one on one with many enemies and win by itself.
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Does it come with the Constellation? or will you have to buy it seperatly when the game is released?

It comes with the Constellation, you can see it in the bay through the window when you walk around inside. I did notice with the latest patch they updates some textures including those of the p52 so the part of it you can see now looks nicer.

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Does it come with the Constellation? or will you have to buy it seperatly when the game is released?

Since everything is WIP it is not entirely sure. Most likely it will come with the Constellation. We are still waiting for the 2 Conny variants that will be released after the 3 Freelancer variants. We should know for sure afterwards.

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Since everything is WIP it is not entirely sure. Most likely it will come with the Constellation. We are still waiting for the 2 Conny variants that will be released after the 3 Freelancer variants. We should know for sure afterwards.

I imagine its possible that there maybe a connie variant that doesnt have the p52 and has something instead. I cant wait to see these variants when they finally appear.

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It's not even confirmed that the standard Conny will have the P-52 on board. As I said nothing's entirely sure and many ppl will be disappointed, if it's not onboard, but CIG did not confirm anything regarding that. I just want to make sure ppl don't get the wrong impression.

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The P52 was confirmed in my eyes a long long ago. If you check https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/12984-Thank-You which was a commlink post back in may after reaching $700000 it has the specs of the P52 Snub Fighter. ALong with the specs it states:


"One of the responses to last week’s post asked for specifications for the P52, the “snub fighter” included with every Constellation. We developed these internally some time ago and are happy to share them with the community"


If they go back on that and dont include it there will indeed be many complaints as the web site clearly stated it came with the P52. The P52 is also listed on the ship specs page with text stating that it comes standard with the constellation.


Thats a good enough confirmation to me :).

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The ship specs page has proven itself so often to be wrong that I don't take anything stated there as given. Your other source is very old concerning the development state and there were many speculations on the Merlin not coming with the standard Conny package.

Don't get me wrong, I HOPE the Merlin will be included, I just don't take it for granted.

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I understand where your coming from. I have seen quite a lot of chatter in the past about the P52 on the RSI forums. CiG mentioned the p52 would be included back in that commlink post and havent said much about it since. The post may be old but it is an official post. I would hazard a guess the speculation keeps coming up as people try to guess what the variants will be. I hope to see an exploration themed variant that has another module in place of the snub fighter to aid in exploration.


At this early stage of development they could potentially change anything, even the ships with brochures are still subject to change. There initial base spec included the snub fighter, if they did change there mind on it they would need to replace it with something to compensate or I would imagine a lot of angry citizens over on there forums.


Until they announce the variants we wont know for sure, even after they announce the variants they could still change there mind again. I just feel it would be bad practice for them to do make such a change, imo anyway.

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Until they announce the variants we wont know for sure, even after they announce the variants they could still change there mind again. I just feel it would be bad practice for them to do make such a change, imo anyway.

Very well said, it WOULD be bad practice. Let's hope they learned from the past.

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