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Hi! Maybe I'm missing something... but I don't understand how this works and maybe somebody can help

I haven't played in a while and just started again yesterday. I have a cutlass black package which I ugraded to the cutlass red.
But with the new medical system, I found out that I don't want the red (I used to use it to respawn in the ship) and want to go back to the black.
So I went to the hangar to exchange the package and it's giving me back 140$, but that's the current price of the cutlass black, so if I do that, I will be loosing value because I will have a cheaper ship (red > black) but no money left.
Can someone explain me why is this happening? Is this how it is supposed to work? Do the upgrade doesn't count when I exhange the package?

Thnaks in advance!

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Hello Dolgand,

It may be that your Cutlass Black was at a discounted price at the time.

For downgrades to ships/packages that are a priced less than your upgrade, you will need to contact RSI Support - https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

I had the same issue downgrading a Polaris game package down to a Perseus.

Kind Regards


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9 hours ago, dolgand said:

So I went to the hangar to exchange the package and it's giving me back 140$, but that's the current price of the cutlass black, so if I do that, I will be loosing value because I will have a cheaper ship (red > black) but no money left.

What SHOULD happen is if you melt the package, it will give you back all the money you put in and you should be able to buy back the ship package at the ORIGINAL price that you bought it, so you would get it for the original pricing. However, to make sure of this, I would recommend reaching out to the CS people to ensure that this is still the case for your specific package.

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Ok, thank you @Zepheris! I will do that

Thanks @Chimaera! I don't remember buying it in a disccount price, maybe they changed the price? I don't know, but looking at the log file I spent 140$ so I understand why it's giving me 140$ back. What bothers me is that if I actually do that (exchanging and buying cutlass black package) I'll lose "ingame value" to put it in a way... but thank for your answer!

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54 minutes ago, dolgand said:

What bothers me is that if I actually do that (exchanging and buying cutlass black package) I'll lose "ingame value" to put it in a way... but thank for your answer!

So you understand, the original prices of the packages and etc... (i.e. the 2012 pricings for example) have inflated over time and some packages no longer exist for purchase. If you're concerned about the in-game value of a ship and upgrade then you should hold onto the package and then upgrade the Red to something like a Blue during the IAE sale in a couple of weeks. Your "inherent value" of the Red will count toward the Blue or whatever ship you would want to add to the package. CIG always has the CURRENT MSRP of the ships as the baseline for upgrades, not your original paid price. For example: I have a Banu Merchantman that I originally got for $250 at its concept price. It now is worth $600 MSRP and if I want to upgrade to a Perseus, all I need to do is buy a $25 USD upgrade even though I only paid $250 to start.

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