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Imperium Monthly Newsletter - May


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Welcome to the May Newsletter!

We finally had 3.17 released early in the month which resulted in a boost in activity for us on Discord and the game. We started off the month strong with a lot of impromptu mining events making sure everyone started off strong financially but as most may know, some bugs resulted in many losing their AUEC which deterred many from future events. Since then, we’ve had the start of Invictus, an exciting time for all. Any new players should make sure to get in and experience the event which includes a partial tour of the Javelin and watching the UEE Fleet fly around which includes the Bengal carrier, Javelins, Idris and FC8 Lightnings! 

In regards to Imperiums staff, we've been keeping busy with our respected tasks but have been spending a good amount of time in the game enjoying the events and with family during the recent holidays. 


On behalf of Imperium, we would like to welcome all of our new recruits!

  • Dr1fter
  • Hellrazer7295
  • D_esignated
  • UpHerMoon
  • Azkul_the_Heavy
  • IStarConquestI
  • Crymsin
  • Warrski
  • Jepalaudsadsin
  • Nosferatu_Dark
  • ElwinGrey
  • Rahnny
  • Ryftae
  • Robotics
  • Zeusblazer
  • Fielden





Science has added one new specialist, @BryGen!


Trade & Industry
T&I has added one new specialist, @JeidaR!



Though not necessarily a Military task, @macgivre has been creating a ton of material on hard to find or hidden locations in StarCitizen. Its too many to link here but check out his profile to find his recent posts!


Divisions Recruiting
All divisions except Military are recruiting! Please see this page for further information.



Imperium Mining OP - May 7

Organized & Hosted by @CyberianK


Ship Training - Starfarer

Organized & Hosted by @REIGN-11-87


Monday Meetings

Organized & Hosted by @GRIZZ


Imperium did have many more events planned this month but due to the issues mentioned earlier, we decided it better to postpone when the game was more stable. We apologize for the inconvenience but we do have many impromptu events that are just randomly formed when a few people get online so come join us!


A note from our Event Coordinators:

“If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe."
-Grizz  https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/

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