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To find this cave, go to Hurston, in Stanton System. 
Jump to OM-1 (North Pole) then HDSF Ishmael (near the north pole). 
As this cave is positionned in a High Lattitude it is alway under daylight. 

From there, head toward 143° for 145.9km
You should cross a sea : look for the following shape of the coastline


in this alignement, look for the following hill : 

The entrance is in the flank of the hill, on the other side you are coming from : 

If you are lost, the exact coordinates of the cave are the following : 
OM 1 : 483.2
OM 2 : 2428.6
OM 4 : 1696.4
OM 6 : 1614.3

From the cave entrance, the direction toward HDMS Ishmael are the following : 
heading 162°

Distance 145.9km


Please note that this cave features at least 2 separate levels : 
The lower one is the most obvious, you can see it when you reach the bottom. 
The upper one is a little bit tricky, it is a small aperture on a platform between the bottom and the entrance.
There is a dead female body at the bottom of the 2nd level, for an "Investigate missing client" mission. She should have read her *notepad* better.



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