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Role of the Nautilus


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So iv been thinking about the Nautilus and Polaris and their use in fleet combat and it dawned on me that the Nautilus while weaker in fire power may be the better ship for offensive campaigns, The Polaris is limited buy its 2 medium size fuel tanks and 2 large shields while the Nautilus has a large fuel tank and 3 large shields this means that in offensive campaigns where supply lines maybe a issue a ship with more fuel allows a more flexibility and the ability to stay in a battle longer, the increased shields also help as shields regenerate as opposed to armour that requires repair. I believe that for prolonged missions the Nautilus would be a better choice while hands down in system with good supply lines the Polaris is a better choice. but what do you guys think? is the Nautilus just a minelayer am I reading to much in to it?

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I'm really interested in both ships, but who knows what gameplay CIG will create around the Nautilus mines. In single ship roles, the Polaris is more suited towards offense and the Nautilus towards defense, but those roles can easily be switched in fleet situations. The Nautilus will be a bit more of a tank, but the Polaris will dish out significantly more damage in normal combat. The Polaris is definitely suited to attack larger ships, so I wonder if Nautilus mines will be just as capable against larger ships. I'm really hoping the Nautilus comes with both proximity detection type mines and proximity attack mines. It would be fun to use this ship to detect unauthorized movement in Imperium areas, or to lure someone into a mine trap. In terms of which is going to be more valuable to Imperium interests, who knows. One day CIG will reveal their true Nautilus intentions!


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If the Nautilus can deploy mines at speed it opens up the possibility to disrupt enemy lines buy charging through and basically bombing them with the explosive mines. Used together I can see a fleet of Nautiluses and Polarises overwhelming even large threats

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