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Aegis Nautilus

Danakar Endeel

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35 minutes ago, VoA said:

Ya the Store Credit option at only  $725. made my decision a "no brainer" - especially since I planned on doing it this way anyway (the only thing that would have changed my my with the War Bond option would be if there were some other special thing you get besides a skin) ===== So I CCU'd my Tali (since I have a Harbinger and Eclipse) to a Nautilus :)

Yeah, I bought back one of my old $495 UEE Explorer Packs with my credit token and then bought a Carrack-to-Nautilus CCU. That pack already gave me a discount compared to the total ship value of that pack ($400+$220+$40=$660 ship value). So technically I now have my Nautilus CCU at a $165 'discount'. :)

I didn't apply the CCU yet though as the Nautilus wasn't flightready anyway; and a good thing too as then someone on Spectrum sent me a PM reminding me that the Carrack might see another price increase soon (probably during the Anniversary Sale in November) as it's supposed to be flightready this year. In that case I might even be able to squeeze an even bigger discount out of my Nautilus. :P

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35 minutes ago, Danakar Endeel said:

Yeah, I bought back one of my old $495 UEE Explorer Packs with my credit token and then bought a Carrack-to-Nautilus CCU. That pack already gave me a discount compared to the total ship value of that pack ($400+$220+$40=$660 ship value). So technically I now have my Nautilus CCU at a $165 'discount'. :)

I didn't apply the CCU yet though as the Nautilus wasn't flightready anyway; and a good thing too as then someone on Spectrum sent me a PM reminding me that the Carrack might see another price increase soon (probably during the Anniversary Sale in November) as it's supposed to be flightready this year. In that case I might even be able to squeeze an even bigger discount out of my Nautilus. :P

I did the same exact thing with my old UEE Explorer Pack.  If you have the opportunity to save a few $$, then you might as well take advantage when the offer is good.


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1 hour ago, Danakar Endeel said:

I didn't apply the CCU yet though as the Nautilus wasn't flightready anyway; 

Ya I never apply CCU's for ships that aren't flight ready (so I still have my Tali until then).......

One thing that happened in reverse though......... I had an Anvil Arrow that I never got around to flying ........ and I already applied my Ballista CCU (since it is operable) ---- but probably should have given the Arrow a whirl or two before I did that ;)


Please up vote this Question in the new Q&A


Today at 12:47 pm
Can Mines be employed in each of these 4 mediums ?
  • Mines in Space
  • Mines in Air
  • Mines on Ground
  • Mines Underwater
I think there currently are Mines in the Air of Lorville enforcing the No Fly Zone
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39 minutes ago, Shifty said:

I was thinking about purchasing a CCU because of that juicy twin S7.
But after that my gaze went to the rest of the turrets and their god awfull placement. I´ll pass.

ah.... you forgot something very important...... while the ship itself has a bigger blindspot area in terms of coverage compared to a Hammerhead........ the mines themselves can actually make up this coverage deficit ;)

While the Hammerhead is the perfect Gun Boat vs Fighters.......

The Nautilus should still fair decent vs fighters (not as good as the Hammehead though)...... but MUCH better vs Capital Ships than the Hammerhead with the S7 guns but also the proximity mines packing a punch equal to a S5 Torpedo ++++ the Heavy Armor and Shields

The only major weakness I see with the Nautilus is vs Bombers (Torpedoes should be able to make their way through a Minefield and pack a big enough punch vs its Heavy Armor and Shields)

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18 minutes ago, Metternich70 said:

I did check around, but did not find until when the concept will be on sale. Can anyone help me with such info?

My guess is it's for the same amount of time as the Mission to Hadrian minigame event - 11 more days from the time of this post.

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16 hours ago, Shifty said:

I was thinking about purchasing a CCU because of that juicy twin S7.
But after that my gaze went to the rest of the turrets and their god awfull placement. I´ll pass.

Well, the placement is actually perfect if you view the ship as an Isosceles triangle. :)


You see, it has one turret on each side (and the big one at the tip). Now coverage, overlap, and effectiveness of the twin-S3 turrets against opponents is another matter entirely and I also don't believe these turrets have the degree of motion as the ones used on the Hammerhead (the turret pods on the Nautilus appear to be unable to rotate up-down; only side-to-side) but from a minimalistic point of view it has each side of its triangle shape covered by 1 turret and is able to fire in a forward cone with 4 S3 and 2 S7 weapons. :P

Ofcourse it's a far cry from the Hammerhead which has much better placement, coverage, overlap, and effectiveness (due to the turret pod design and 4xS4 guns). But that's why I have both a Hammerhead and a Nautilus. ;) 

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27 minutes ago, Danakar Endeel said:

Well, the placement is actually perfect if you view the ship as an Isosceles triangle. :)


You see, it has one turret on each side (and the big one at the tip). Now coverage, overlap, and effectiveness of the twin-S3 turrets against opponents is another matter entirely and I also don't believe these turrets have the degree of motion as the ones used on the Hammerhead (the turret pods on the Nautilus appear to be unable to rotate up-down; only side-to-side) but from a minimalistic point of view it has each side of its triangle shape covered by 1 turret and is able to fire in a forward cone with 4 S3 and 2 S7 weapons. :P

Ofcourse it's a far cry from the Hammerhead which has much better placement, coverage, overlap, and effectiveness (due to the turret pod design and 4xS4 guns). But that's why I have both a Hammerhead and a Nautilus. ;) 

Actually it does appear from the concept images that the turrets do rotate in all directions (just not to the same degree of motion of the Hammerhead).

The other point of fact we discussed last evening in our Blood Moon Unit meeting (every Monday at 6pm - PST = no on Discord instead of TS = all Imperium members welcome).......... 

...... is that the rear turret is a Missile Turret which is perfect for a rear turret........ why......... because if it was a regular gun turret it would only likely damage ships before that ship can move out of its arc of fire....... where a missile turret (even though more expensive to operate) - is more likely to either destroy or more severely cripple an enemy (assuming it gets past its countermeasures or doesn't miss via the enemy maneuvering). - Image of the Missile Rear turret (since the brochure images don't show it) - from the slide presentation



Image below shows a side turret firing upwards as an example...


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Besides Torpedoes being the Nautilus' major weakness (per a previous post)........ below is another potential weakness (but keep in mind it has far more strengths than weaknesses compared to most ships and it is suited to more types of combat scenarios - again - more than most ships)

I posted this on the Sabre Raven thread from another player...

Good question from a player after the Release of the Nautilus:


With the release of mines, do you think emp focused ships just got another added functionality? It seems like a Sabre Raven could fly into a minefield and emp all nearby mines rendering them inert?


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1 hour ago, VoA said:

Actually it does appear from the concept images that the turrets do rotate in all directions (just not to the same degree of motion of the Hammerhead).

Ah, that's good to hear then that it at least has some up-down motion to it. I rechecked the info and images and now indeed notice they appear to be 'ball turrets' so I assume the canopy is sitting atop a ball-joint giving it a bit more movement as a whole. :)

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On 8/24/2019 at 7:52 PM, Fizzlefuse said:

This is all really cool but to be honest I'm personally getting a little tired of seeing CIG come up with new mechanics while we're still lacking a sh*t tonne of already announced mechanics. This new mine layer mechanic is sure to become another headache for CIG to balance because everyone knows this will be exploited to hell and back, with trolls putting their mines where they're not supposed to go just to be a d*ck. I can see how laying mines could be a good way to protect certain assets but come on, you know some people will mine the most basic of areas just to piss people off and be a ass.

^ that

On one hand, CIG has stated that it is their desire to limit griefing and associated undesirable behavior.  On the other hand, CIG introduces mechanics like EMP weapons, hacking of ship security systems, and now mines which facilitate such behavior.  The game would be better off without these unnecessary mechanics.

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[PSA] Many of the top voted questions in the Nautilus Q&A have already be answered

title... in the last few days a lot of info was collected from the Aegis Event see:




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Very specific gameplay mechanics .... 
In terms of technical implication this stuff will add dozen or hundred objects in an area ... the basic objective of minelaying is to saturate an area ... so how will it be managed in game ? Will the mine stay forever in space ? Does a minefield of hundred of thousands mines will not make the game crash ? 

+1 Buckaroo, let's make a game first ... we are deep in the feature creep syndrom ...

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3+m into the video it is explained that any ship can really deploy mines (or at least "bring them in") so what really differentiates the Nautilus is the control of the mines and the ability to function as a mine sweeper.    Another important confirmation is that distortion or EMP weapons can disable mines (had a Warlock until I picked up the Sabre Raven which will be perfect for this)..... and even a Vanguard Sentinel.

While I picked up a Nautilus you maybe wondering why I support these "nerfs" on the Nautilus itself..... because honestly I still the the ship is OP vs its price point.   During the presentation it was discussed that there were 24 mines...... so that's likely 2 Nemo Mines and 11 Turret + 11 proximity mines equal to a S5 Torpedo)......... so with that + the Turrets on this ship (including the S7 weapons)....... and the heavy armor would have otherwise make this ship OP in my opinion.

While something like a Hull C maybe able to "bring in" a bunch more mines......... they won't have the control of them down........ and I don't think even a drone ship like the Vulcan can control them (thinking it is more of a software + hardware sync issue vs what the ship is designed for).

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Taken from the latest JumpPoint :)


Regarding the missing Captain's Quarters that's nowhere to be found on the floorplan image above: 


As the team began to develop the marketing shots that would be released to the community at a special Concierge event in August 2019, they had one last realization - they’d forgotten to make space for a captain’s room. Luckily, the versatility of the initial design saved the day once more and the room was added to the existing layout without significant change to the deck plans that had been so carefully developed. 



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Still not a fan of the turret coverage. I´d have prefered the side turrets to be one on the top side and one on the bottom side. Still not convinced that this is a great ship for anything else than mine laying. So I´ll probably make this one of my ingame goals rather than dumping money on it right now.

One more thought: How does the Naut do the mine sweeping? The drone is just another enemy vessel that´s a potential target to a hostile mine. So it has to have some sort of E-War jamming device to either disable the mine temporarily or it´s able to  Equipping long range guns on the huge S7 mounts to blow them up seems the obvious choice but any ship with decent guns can do that.

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24 minutes ago, Shifty said:

Still not a fan of the turret coverage. I´d have prefered the side turrets to be one on the top side and one on the bottom side.

FYI a turret placed on a flat plan surface of a ship - like the "Top" or "Bottom" as you were hoping for has less coverage than a turret placed on an "Edge" or "Side" of a ship 😲

26 minutes ago, Shifty said:

Still not convinced that this is a great ship for anything else than mine laying. 

Really - it is more of a multi-role ship than most (see slide below) ......... I think of it like the Andromeda or Terrapin (with the armor) and the Nautilus has many unique combat options (mines and turrets to combat small ships...... with Large Turret to combat large ships Proximity mines at a payload of a S5 Torpedo will also do damage to large ships)....... being able to land on Planets...... having cargo options like a Freelancer....... etc...


31 minutes ago, Shifty said:

One more thought: How does the Naut do the mine sweeping? 

Comes with 2 Nemo Drones........ though it is described that you can sweep effectively with just one Nemo Drone with the other being more of a "back-up"

33 minutes ago, Shifty said:

One more thought: How does the Naut do the mine sweeping? The drone is just another enemy vessel that´s a potential target to a hostile mine. So it has to have some sort of E-War jamming device to either disable the mine temporarily 

Haven't read JP mag yet but I agree - the Nemo Drones have to have some kind of E-war option to jamb the hostile maines from triggering.   We know that EMPs will work on mines (per CIG)....... which makes Sabre Ravens and Warlocks +  Sentinels (E-war)  or distortion guns more useful in the game

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25 minutes ago, VoA said:

FYI a turret placed on a flat plan surface of a ship - like the "Top" or "Bottom" as you were hoping for has less coverage than a turret placed on an "Edge" or "Side" of a ship 😲

Yes, but the Naut is not flat. For example a turret placed on the spine could cover more than what the current palcement could, due to the angled armor plating.
There would still be a blindspot on the rear that´s only covered by the missile turret (limited in capacity) but at least the turrets could shoot at stuff comming from the top and bottom rear. The turret would be temporarily blocked by the mine laying device but the firing arc would still be better than with the current setting.

This is what I imagine, the turret is not scaled up, it was just cut and moved in paint. I think that would be a lot better, but that´s just my opinion.



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1 hour ago, Shifty said:

Yes, but the Naut is not flat.

An easier way to think of it is.........  if the ship is a Sphere (a round ball shape)......... it doesn't matter where on the sphere the turret is on the surface = all turret placements would have equal coverage or degree of fire.   Now imagine that shame Sphere ship gets flattened top to bottom ........ the more the sphere gets flattened the less arc of fire or coverage of a turret on the top or bottom of that shape gets less and less as the shape become more and more flattened............ while at the same time....... the coverage or arc of fire of any turret along the edge of the ship increases its arc of fire or coverage the flatter the ship becomes. 

Same principle applies to the Nautilus ...... the any turret on the top or bottom of its "flattened shape"...... has siginificanly less coverage or arc of fire compared to a turret on the edge of the shape (like the two side turrets in this case)

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