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RSI Apollo = Triage + Medivac (variant)


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I like the ship, no bells or whistles. Two variants  which just add "stuff" to it and don't take  any away. 

I like the general Red Skin. However, the number of crew is two with two  "rooms" or modules. would be find if the droids could run auto instead of the semi-auto meaning a player has to tell it want to do/where to go most of the time. Also the medilifter is pretty good for a droid. IO actually like it more so than the last vulture it would seem and I am really happy that is "should" be able to land on the Endeavor (still not 100% though).

Also a very nice promo brochure too.

I should have said this as a question, but The missiles very set vertically as the ship would be running not attacking and vertical firing range would be a lot more effective

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48 minutes ago, Devil Khan said:


I like the ship, no bells or whistles. Two variants  which just add "stuff" to it and don't take  any away. 

I like the general Red Skin. However, the number of crew is two with two  "rooms" or modules. would be find if the droids could run auto instead of the semi-auto meaning a player has to tell it want to do/where to go most of the time. Also the medilifter is pretty good for a droid. IO actually like it more so than the last vulture it would seem and I am really happy that is "should" be able to land on the Endeavor (still not 100% though).

Also a very nice promo brochure too.

I should have said this as a question, but The missiles very set vertically as the ship would be running not attacking and vertical firing range would be a lot more effective

  • I just melted my Cutlass Red and picked up the Medivac Variant of the Apollo (mainly because Vanduul Space incursions will likely need more than one person rescued at a time + love the Armor on the Medivac Variant) +++ I love the drones.
  • In RTV they did talk about the Cutlass Red being more maneuverable and bring a bit more firepower (though not really that much vs the Medivac Variant).
  • Note that the Triage Apollo Base model is more maneuverable than the Medivac Apollo Variant since the variant has more armor and thus heavier (this was confirmed in RTV).
  • I also think the fact that they will Re-Design or Design as needed the Hangar Bay of the Endeavor Hope Class to work with the Apollo is a big + with this ship (and they would have to anyway since the Cutlass got bigger)
  • https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/16671-The-Shipyard-Medical-Gameplay
  • Medical Gameplay

    How It Works Today and What’s in Store for the Future

If you missed RTV (and can't wait for You-Tube post) - here are some notes from another player....

9 points·1 hour ago·edited 20 minutes ago

Caught it a few minutes in, but I'll upate as I watch:

  • The concept creation went very well, they didn't really have any issues with it compared to some previous troublesome ships. The name changed many, many times. There were a lot different color schemes tried out.

  • Picture of the Floor Layout. The ship is slightly different than this, as they had to extend it.

  • There are two rooms with medical beds which are modular, so you can swap them out depending on what level of medical gameplay you want to do.

  • There is going to be an updated design post that talks about medical gameplay, since it hasn't been discussed since Death of a Spaceman. The old design article is still fairly accurate.

  • Healing facilities will have different capabilities. Tier 3 is the lowest, Tier 1 is the highest. Not every facility will be able to fully heal you.

  • The Apollo has Tier 3 medical beds standard. You can swap out the modular rooms for two Tier 2 beds that offer more capabilities, or a Tier 1 room with a single bed that offers full capabilities.

  • Tier 3 damage is minor damage to limbs or bleeding, limb functionality can be returned with a medipen. Tier 2 damage will not go away with a medipen, and you will lose limb function if you are not healed quickly. Tier 1 is near-death state with ruined limbs, you'll need special healing facilities to fix this damage.

  • No modules will be offered initially, but will be offered at a later date.

  • There are less struts on the Apollo.

  • There are no VTOL fans on the Apollo, but it does have VTOL's. They tried to put the fans but it didn't work out during development.

  • How many Crew? Two to operate, with Two beds.

  • What are the differences between variants? The variant has a couple missiles and upgraded armor, the standard is more maneuverable.

  • Will the Apollo have flashing emergency lights? They'd like to put lights on it.

  • How long do they think it will take to fully heal a player? They're still determining it.

  • Do any vehicles fit in the Apollo? A spacebike will probably fit, but not a rover.

  • How fast is the ship intended to be in Quantum Travel? It's intended to be Freelancer/Vanguard level of quantum speed.

  • Can the drones be automated or must they be manually flown? They want it to be player-driven, but there will probably be some level of autonomous function to them.

  • Can the Drones kidnap people unwillingly? Probably not, the person must be immobile.

  • They showed a whitebox presentation of the 890j. Freelancer variants are now in greybox, while the F8 Lightning, Mustang Variants, Hammerhead are in final art.

  • Ship shape for the Apollo.

  • 6 patients, two crew, size 2 remote turret on the top-rear meant for defense.

  • 28 SCU of cargo space

  • You'll need a medical ship to do well in the medical career.




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Hmmm, so the 2 medical areas are modular and come standard with the lowest Tier 3 setup (2x3 beds for treating minor injuries). Odd that CIG didn't immediately offer the optional Tier 1 and Tier 2 modules as well.

Not so sure about the Tier 3 rooms though as it sound like the beds will have the same effect as ramming a medi-pen into yourself (provided the drones can even get to someone before they bleed out). Guess I'll have to wait for those Tier 1 and Tier 2 modules then and hope they aren't ridiculously expensive as I'd much rather have two Tier 1 rooms with full capabilities over two Tier 3 rooms that won't be much better than giving someone a medi-pen.

Anyways, I bought me a Andromeda-to-Medivac CCU so I have the more white version available if I decide to keep it. :) 



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To be perfectly honest, it is prefect for the role of medivac ship. Just think an extra person would be handy, 2 med bays, piloting and receptionist(with minimum pay :D  ).

Think they should reverse the teir system T3 is the highest and T1 the lowest.

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18 minutes ago, Danakar Endeel said:

Hmmm, so the 2 medical areas are modular and come standard with the lowest Tier 3 setup (2x3 beds for treating minor injuries). Odd that CIG didn't immediately offer the optional Tier 1 and Tier 2 modules as well.

This was explained in RTV - they are just waiting on the Marketing team to assign a value for these modules (its likely this all got put together for this concept sale a the last minute)


Not so sure about the Tier 3 rooms though as it sound like the beds will have the same effect as ramming a medi-pen into yourself (provided the drones can even get to someone before they bleed out)

Actually no - the Medi-Pen's are a temporary mechanic and will be changed.   Medi-Pens will likely only stop pain, treat illness, etc.... but will not stop bleeding or provide a split for broken bones etc....   There will be First Aid kits that will do this..... but again this is just "in the field bandages".....  The Tier 3 will actually treat these minor injuries.


Guess I'll have to wait for those Tier 1 and Tier 2 modules then and hope they aren't ridiculously expensive as I'd much rather have two Tier 1 rooms with full capabilities over two Tier 3 rooms that won't be much better than giving someone a medi-pen.

I think the Endeavor modules were not that expensive - so I don't see how they can justify much more than this (and which modules you bring to the field in your Apollo will be dependent on how many other medical ships / Hope class hospitals - you are bringing to the battlefield or scenerio)

Landing Bay

Focus Size Installation Limit Price (USD)
Ship Storage & Spawn 2x1 One per ship 75

Medical Bay

Focus Size Installation Limit Price (USD)
Respawn & Heal 2x2 One per ship (due to size) 75
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+++ This is a new guy I found today - Good Video :) below...


Q&A: RSI Apollo

July 18th at 5:57 am
Hello everyone, 

Did you watch ShipShape/RtV and still have questions about the RSI Apollo? Now is your chance to ask! 
Post your questions in this thread and up-vote the ones you want to be answered most. We'll collect the top questions, present them to the developers, and post the answers in a Q&A Comm-Link soon.

Based on your feedback on previous Q&A’s we’ll also mix things up a bit this time. In addition to the top-voted questions, we’ll add some more that we believe will be interesting for all medics-to-be.

Additional info on the RSI Apollo
Reverse the Verse LIVE: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/16684-Reverse-The-Verse-LIVE
RSI Apollo: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/16672-Apollo-To-The-Rescue

Question Guidelines
  • Post only ONE question at a time. Replies with more than one question will be removed.
  • You may post as many questions as you'd like, as long as they are in individual replies to the OP.
  • Only post replies to the OP. This is for easy voting and sorting of your questions. THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR CONVERSATION, NESTED OR OTHERWISE. Replies to submitted questions will be removed and thus not considered.
  • You may (and should) vote on as many questions you want to see answered as you can.
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I just CCU'ed my Terrapin to the Medivac variant. I am more interested in the search and rescue gameplay. I hope there is some overlap with the scanning gameplay, as the Medivac is listed as having a Large radar versus the Terrapin's medium. Also, the 2-man crew on the Medivac versus one for the Terrapin isn't too bad. 

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3 hours ago, Fleischwolf said:

I just CCU'ed my Terrapin to the Medivac variant. I am more interested in the search and rescue gameplay. I hope there is some overlap with the scanning gameplay, as the Medivac is listed as having a Large radar versus the Terrapin's medium. Also, the 2-man crew on the Medivac versus one for the Terrapin isn't too bad. 

See below...

55 minutes ago, Devil Khan said:

Well... WTF ... I didn't notice that the terrapin has been clipped it's wings and the Apollo has a large radar, compared medium dish on the terrapin.

I would assume that the size of the radar determines the strength of the scan - however - the Apollo Scanner is calibrated to pick up people...... where-as the Terrapin is more of a Tactical Scanner vs other ships ((( so..... the Apollo Scanner - even while Bigger - won't scan ships and their EM / IR / Etc.... as well as the Terrapin ))).   Likewise the Scanner's on the Reliant Sen will be different than the Reliant Mako - etc....    Just like Stealth Armor does something specific vs Radar.... while other Armor adds to strength = in other words you need to look at their specific use (and it is more important than "size")


A potentially relevant video...


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5 hours ago, VoA said:

I would assume that the size of the radar determines the strength of the scan - however - the Apollo Scanner is calibrated to pick up people...... where-as the Terrapin is more of a Tactical Scanner vs other ships ((( so..... the Apollo Scanner - even while Bigger - won't scan ships and their EM / IR / Etc.... as well as the Terrapin ))).   Likewise the Scanner's on the Reliant Sen will be different than the Reliant Mako - etc....    Just like Stealth Armor does something specific vs Radar.... while other Armor adds to strength = in other words you need to look at their specific use (and it is more important than "size")

Do you have a source on the idea of radars being "calibrated" on ship roles? I could not find it in any design posts. 

The only thing I could find was this:


From what I understand, the Large radar will have roughly 3:1 the output of the Medium radar on the Terrapin. I also hope scanning gameplay is more consistent, and not specific to the ship. It will be important for the Medivac to locate ships (especially destroyed ones) as well as individuals floating in space. 

I understand that there will be Military, Civilian, Industrial, Competition, and Stealth components, but I think they can be swapped freely for various effects on performance:


The Medivac variant also has "heavy" armor and minimal weaponry same as the Terrapin. The Medivac also has more than zero SCU of cargo, which is a plus. However, the Medivac is about twice the size of the Terrapin and is about the same as a Vanguard or Freelancer. It really comes down to if being classified as a small versus a medium will change anything jump point wise. 

I just thought about it more, and the idea of playing a 1-man exploration ship in an MMO seemed so strange. I really like the idea of having 2-man ships (Vanguard, Hurricane, etc...)

Plus, access to these missions seems like it would be interesting:


The Recovery missions seem more like exploration with a specific goal in mind, which I like. I like the idea of having investigative gameplay.

EDIT: I would also like to add how well designed the Apollo seems to be, from a layout and functionality perspective. It seems the ship design team is making ships differently now versus in the past. Now they seem to have a function in mind, then they design a silhouette around that core layout. This is also evident be recent concept ships such as the Vulture, Vulcan, and Hammerhead. With the Terrapin, I feel like they came out with the silhouette of the ship first, and then were like "lets just put a big chair right in the middle of this room". 


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53 minutes ago, Fleischwolf said:

Do you have a source on the idea of radars being "calibrated" on ship roles? I could not find it in any design posts. 

Yes the Game itself and what CIG has said before.  Example: - Look at the Radar on the Prospector.... it is unique for finding Ore.   You can scan also with your Hornet Planet Side but it will not give you any Data back regarding Ore Deposits.   Same thing for an Apollo Scanner - it is calibrated to finding Humans......... just like the Vulture's is Calibrated to finding Scrap (this is also in the Vulture's Concept sale and Q/A).

Some are even trying to swap Drones (it is sad how some want their ship to be completely modular and just swap everything out so they can perform all roles - it doesn't work that way and only a few ships like the Endeavor are modular this way).  See quotes from a Reddit Post....

We will be able to mix and match drones, right?

For example, if I wanted a repair drone and a medical drone on my Reclaimer, the drone bay would support that right? Seems extremely useful to be able to repair my own ship in deep space or maybe repair a broken down wreck I find that’s mostly in tact. Or to stabilize my crew tha has been hurt on the job and get them back on board safely without risking more crew. Opens up a lot of possibilities for gameplay and would make ships with drone bays much more versatile.

No, you will not be able to mix and match your drones.....


Examples of different Drones you can't mix and match...

See Video image of Apollo Drone at 1:33m into video..

Can't be swapped for Mining Drones ... etc...


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2 hours ago, VoA said:

Yes the Game itself and what CIG has said before.  Example: - Look at the Radar on the Prospector.... it is unique for finding Ore.   You can scan also with your Hornet Planet Side but it will not give you any Data back regarding Ore Deposits.   Same thing for an Apollo Scanner - it is calibrated to finding Humans......... just like the Vulture's is Calibrated to finding Scrap (this is also in the Vulture's Concept sale and Q/A).

So I think I found the bit you were referencing.


So the way I interpret that answer is that ALL ships will have a baseline ability to scan, ping, etc..., but the various profession ships with have additional scanners and a user interface pertaining to its profession. So a prospector might see ore concentrations in rocks easier , and a Vulture may see components or cargo easier, and a Apollo may be able to detect life signs easier, and so on. 

I am not sure what specifically the Terrapin's radar will be able to do over any other radar, and I am not even sure CIG knows, as scanning is still a first iteration. I was most concerned with detecting other ships, which I think all ships' radars will be able to do, and I think a larger radar may be more useful for that purpose. 

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1 hour ago, Fleischwolf said:

So I think I found the bit you were referencing.


So the way I interpret that answer is that ALL ships will have a baseline ability to scan, ping, etc..., but the various profession ships with have additional scanners and a user interface pertaining to its profession. So a prospector might see ore concentrations in rocks easier , and a Vulture may see components or cargo easier, and a Apollo may be able to detect life signs easier, and so on. 

Yes - right on.   Remember - if people were allowed to have one ship -- that is fully modular --- that can do everything - then there wouldn't be many goals in the game.   Ideally in the game you want to get specialized ships that can do roles better than the Jack of All Trades Ships (master of none).

1 hour ago, Fleischwolf said:

I am not sure what specifically the Terrapin's radar will be able to do over any other radar, and I am not even sure CIG knows, as scanning is still a first iteration. I was most concerned with detecting other ships, which I think all ships' radars will be able to do, and I think a larger radar may be more useful for that purpose. 

The "default" on how you should look at each ship is to identify and understand CIG's "intent" for the ship.   My understanding is that the Terrapin is like the Mid-Grade Ship for Tactical Scanning......... and the Hornet Tracker is the same thing - but a "Starter Ship of that Profession".   So the Hornet Tracker is like the Cutlass Red and the Terrapin is like the Apollo for their relative professions.   They may give the Terrapin more "exploration" scanning options.... but not really "mapping of JPs" - like other Exploration ships do.   Terrapin is really designed as a forward tactical scout to assess enemy fleet strength.

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++++ here is another video on the Apollo (not related to the scanning conversation)


+++ a size comparison again


++++ Some Endeavor Hope fans are pointing out...

Even if the Apollo can upgrade its beds to tier 1 I still think there will be a big leap up to the Endeavor. Besides when paired with a hangar bay we get options like:
they are granted access to a waiting room where they’re able to order any of several smaller ships that will fit within the Medical Module’s Hangar Bay. The Endeavor’s owner has to pay a premium for the rapid and remote delivery of such ships, and in turn is able to dictate the amount of profit that they require. Upon arrival of the ship, the respawned player – and any of their party members that are also residing within the waiting room – may enter the Hangar Bay, board the new ship, and continue on their way.
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[Wishing thinking...]  I absolutely love the look of this ship, but don't have a need for a medical ship.  I wonder if this ship will become modular in the future, let you remove the beds/interior for say a smaller cargo area with a lift like the Constellations have.  It could be comparable to the Drake Cutlass.  RSI doesn't have a cargo ship in that class size yet.  I'd buy that in a heartbeat!  Or perhaps instead of a medical bay, give it a few more turrets/guns and slap "Police" on the side...

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1 hour ago, Buckaroo said:

[Wishing thinking...]  I absolutely love the look of this ship, but don't have a need for a medical ship.  I wonder if this ship will become modular in the future, let you remove the beds/interior for say a smaller cargo area with a lift like the Constellations have.  It could be comparable to the Drake Cutlass.  RSI doesn't have a cargo ship in that class size yet.  I'd buy that in a heartbeat!  Or perhaps instead of a medical bay, give it a few more turrets/guns and slap "Police" on the side...

Many are hoping for Variants - you may want to read this Spectrum thread -->> Apollo ship design is awesome. We need combat and explorer variants.

I think you should seriously think of getting a Constellation Taurus.   I think it is a great ship :wub:....... and probably the "best value" at only $150 now of any ship relative to its price (the BMM used to hold this top spot).... though it is debatable if the Hull B is also great vs is $90 price tag (clearly value vs $ but not as many options as the Taurus).   Remember the Taurus can be upgraded quite a bit and it comes standard with smuggling holds with a great deal more cargo capacity than the Freelancer Max.   You could also consider the Freelance Max and also a Hull A or Hull B.

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Hey guys i have a quick question regarding the game to unlock the variant. I have a top score of 265k but nothing visable has been unlocked to allow me to purchase the variant, so how does tgis happen in your experience?



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Hey guys i have a quick question regarding the game to unlock the variant. I have a top score of 265k but nothing visable has been unlocked to allow me to purchase the variant, so how does tgis happen in your experience?
Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk
I thought the same thing Astrojack! Scroll down to where u see the different options to purchase the ship. Then scroll down more u will see the medivac option.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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