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Aegis Vulcan - Multi Profession 'Starter' Ship

Danakar Endeel

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The first concept sale of 2018 will be for the

Aegis Dynamics Vulcan (multi profession 'starter' ship)

Refuelling - Repairing - Rearming

Concept sale starts February 22 and will run for an extended period through the remainder of March


Warbond price = $185

Regular price = $200







It's a support ship that's not focused on combat but more on helping other ships with repair, refuel or rearm capabilities. It's a 3-man ship with a pilot and 2 support staff who can either control the guns or the drones. The ship has 4 drones which can be set to perform tasks of repairing, refuelling or rearming a ship in need.

Basically a 'Roadside Assistance' type of ship (like the AAA in the US or ANWB Wegenwacht in the Netherlands) :P

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Sigh. It's so ugly it's beautiful. That cockpit looks amazing.
Its a support craft that does repair, refuel and rearming.
It looks like a mini Reclaimer. This looks like a ship i'd love to fly on support runs.

I think I need one.

Now, what does it cost? That's the question.

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refuel. repair. rearm.

Make versatility a reality with the 2948 Vulcan from Aegis Dynamics. A support ship redefining the three R’s to mean -- Refuel. Repair. Rearm.

Refuel stranded ships or top off those toeing the line. Industrious design from famed Aegis engineer Parnell Rowan means the Vulcan is ready to work for you. Whether on a refueling run or hauling supplies in the rear cargo hold, the word that might best embody the Vulcan is resourceful.

Repair damaged ships without risking a spacewalk. The Vulcan comes standard with BARD drones and support stations to oversee repairs. Built in drone launchers put their deployment and repair right at your fingertips. Another tool on the Vulcan’s versatile utility belt.

Rearm others when needed most. Balancing fire power and protection, the Vulcan holds its own in a scrap. Countless UEE Navy pilots can attest to its capabilities, as the ship has been a battlefield staple for centuries.


The Aegis Vulcan is being offered for the first time as a limited concept ship pledge. This means that the vehicle design meets our specifications, but it is not yet ready to display in your Hangar or to fight in Star Citizen. This pledge includes Lifetime Insurance on the vehicle hull and an exclusive in-game wearable service uniform. In the future, the vehicle price will increase and the offer will not include Lifetime Insurance or these extras.

If you are interested in adding one to your fleet, a quantity of War Bond Vulcan hulls are available for pledging during this event. The Vulcan will be available in the pledge store until April 2, 2018. You can also view a detailed schematic of this new pledge vehicle in the Holo Viewer in the Tech Overview of the vehicle page.

As with every concept ship pledge, we will also be doing a Q&A post. If you have additional questions, there will be a forum thread on Spectrum to take your questions. Make sure to vote for the questions you most want to see answered and we will be posting the dev’s responses next week. Look for the Comm-Link Schedule next week to find out when that post will go up.


Remember: we offer pledge ships and vehicles to help fund Star Citizen’s development. The funding received from events such as these are what allow us to include deeper features in the Star Citizen world. Concept vehicles will be available for in-game credits in the final universe, and they are not required to start the game.

Additionally, please note that the Vulcan will be entering the development pipeline now and may be released after other concept ships and vehicles have been completed. All additional in-game items will also be available to acquire in the finished game world. The goal is to make additional ships and vehicles available that expand the depth and variety of the game world and give players a different experience rather than any particular advantage.



Warbond $185

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1 minute ago, Painmiester said:

Front line  multi support ship, not to shabby ,for the price. this keeps the big boys further back and some what safe.

Not really, I think that it is poorly shielded and armour making them to stay away.  Sure the "cockpit/bridge" moved out to particle cover the "glass".


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6 hours ago, Devil Khan said:

It doesn't look like a Aegis as the Reclaimer doesn't either. Great ships, wrong brand. The Style is angler and clean.

Also I don't the front white patch of the UEE military.



I'm personally not too concerned about that yet as we're still supposed to get the ability to paint our ships. So mine will likely end up Hammerhead grey with orange. :P 


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I don't think that $200 (my guess post-warbond) and "starter" go in the same sentence.  But the concept is great, a piece that was definitely missing that I didn't even know was missing. Not sure I want to buy one with RL money though, seems like something I could buy in-game.  I'm still of the opinion that RL money is best spent on ships that will likely need and use their LTI, i.e. combat ships.  The rest I'd rather earn in-game.

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I'd not call it a starter ship. I would call it a specialized ship. Just like the ones we ran in EvE.

Cept this one looks a lot better.

One day Ill have one of these, a mining scow, and a DUR. Gee Ill be so busy, I may have to quit my real job, and come play full time.

Good thing Im set to retire in a few years. Let all you young bucks (&clucks) pay for my new ships :-)



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1 hour ago, Danakar Endeel said:

I'm personally not too concerned about that yet as we're still supposed to get the ability to paint our ships. So mine will likely end up Hammerhead grey with orange. :P 


Umm there is no way that they are going to allow free paint. Why else are they offering free skins. If we can paint freely what is the point and day 1 flying dicks or with curse written across the board. They never said anything about paint freely. ED has skins at a charge, something like $5. 

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3 hours ago, Devil Khan said:

Umm there is no way that they are going to allow free paint. Why else are they offering free skins. If we can paint freely what is the point and day 1 flying dicks or with curse written across the board. They never said anything about paint freely. ED has skins at a charge, something like $5. 

I never said anything about 'freepainting' with the ability to add decals of dicks or other juvenile stuff as far as I know. I simply said "paint our ships" to change the original colors into different colors. ;)

Paint, paintschemes, and decals are separate things though. I was talking about modifying the base colors of a skin which CIG already showed off and talked about during their livestream in 2016. :)


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Listening to the ATV, I think they shed some light on how refueling and repairing may be more "skill-based". 

They stated the Vulcan has four drones, but can only use two at most. The other two are just redundant backups. The drones can be destroyed in the process of working. I imagine the better you are at operating the drone, the more you can do before you run out of them and have to resupply. 

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I'd love to buy a starter ship with this profile, but this ain't that. Way, way, way too rich for my blood. Also, I can't shake the feeling that there is an awful lot of space in this thing being used for not very much whatsoever aka being wasted. Almost as if they've embiggened it just to "justify" the price. Oh, and if anyone happens to be shooting - I'd watch that tank under the belly...

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I like the idea of a "starting support ship".  Considering most other ships in this category are near the $400-$500 range, something that is roughly half the price yet is able to be an all-in-one support ship is something is a very enticing proposition.

I'll definitely be buying one.

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