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Tumbril - Nova "Tonk" Tank


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10 hours ago, Devil Khan said:

The Javelin can't as it has no where to put a tank. He'd already said the very same about the Polaris and many other ships.

Many others? Please provide proof of this then, I'm absolutely curious about this. It'd be good to know which ships could actually carry these tonks, and if you've got more accurate info or dare I say, "insider" info than we do that'd be great to confirm.

AFAIK it's just the Jav and the Polaris, being as they are catered to different roles.

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Seriously... Bengal, Pegasus, Retribution are unable of direct landing and take off repeatedly. Should I go in to non-UEE caps Kingship, Hunter, Mauler and Xi'an Cap ship(no name given but no landing tanks). However none of those ship can EVER be owner by a player. The Idris is the only ownable ship at the moment that can take the Nova.

It's said by the CIG that it isn't meant to be transported really, which is stupid really.

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See, those are good things to mention beforehand bud. In any case you would already know which Capital Ships are meant for these types of Operations because if it cannot land or it doesn't have the proper facilities or equipment to deliver vehicles like these then you would know it's unsuitable for transport.

Perhaps some of the other larger vessels which we still know little of would be fit for transporting ground-based vehicles, as it would only make sense to have troop transports or specialized methods of delivery for these things. One example that comes to mind is the Invasion of Normandy, during D-Day. Sherman Tanks are not amphibious, or rather they weren't before the plans for the invasion were thought up. The British had an ingenious idea to make it possible and thus you had the creation of the "DD" variants of the parent tanks at the time. You also had the creation of "TLCs" or Tank Landing Crafts created specifically for transporting the bulk of the armored forces. These were larger and more roomy than the regular landing craft that were used on the beachheads.

Point being that transporting armored vehicles and mechanized units was never an easy feat and nothing is ever going to be the perfect fit for everything. You can't have a huge spaceship be multi-purpose because it defeats the advantage of being specialized in certain areas. I'm sure we'll see more info revealed about which ships can specifically transport large vehicles in the future.

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Idris can land on planes and can fit 3-4 with ease, so it would be the perfect tank carrier .... but .... i fear CIG is likely to launch a new overpriced concept for a dedicated tank carrier that will drop them on the ground three of them from orbit without even the need to land thanks to a new anti-gravitational mega-protonic super beam (named Wa11&T-RAp&R).

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Do you think an Argo MPUV could haul one into combat? Or is it too small to carry it? I know it's not ideal but I feel like Metternich is right, they will absolutely release a dedicated vehicle carrier concept to go with these things. There's definitely more ground vehicles on the way so it only makes sense.

And like I said above you already have Capital Ships that are meant for very specific roles and unless you want the Dev Team to spend an additional 2-4 weeks each on redesigning already designed ships then the only solution is a brand new concept.

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a Nova is bigger than the Argo, not just the module even

Rover = 8 x 5 x 3.5 m

Nova =  16 x 7 x 5 m

Argo  =  9.3 x 8.5 x 4.5 m

The Nova was the worse sale numbers/amount btw. Even the GCATs were more successful :D

Anyway, the Height will go up with 5m



Why should I have a battle tank if nearly no ship can transport it into combat?

Ground vehicles can already be spawned planet-side, and a large proportion of ground vehicles usually never leave the planet they were spawned on originally.



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Did you check the pioneer should have the capacity to haul 1 or 2  .the crucible. ...?....

And if a drop ship, or somthing is made to bring these to the surface...then cool.


Fixed defense,s and mobile tanks for defence  or offensive use...

No matter how they sold. They did.and they will be employed  in some fashion. 

Must embrace  your TONK.....  

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Yeah I think we'll have purchasable addons or upgrades/retrofits for certain larger ships to cater to these, if not a new original concept as well. As it stands right now from what we've been debating nothing really fits the role to transport these things.

Although it's stated they won't really leave the planet they are spawned on I feel like CIG will change that tune and add something for ground vehicle transportation down the line. It just makes sense. It'd fall in line with the realistic systems they have in place for logistics and transportation right now. Plus how bad ass would it be to see a large drop pod coming down from a Frigate/Destroyer, touch down and open those doors with tons of Marines storming out supported by a huge Nova tonk?

That's bad ass to me. 

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On 1/11/2018 at 10:00 AM, FoxChard said:

Tonk tonk tonk.


While I understand why people are using "tonk." I don't find the continued use of it funny in the least. Why? You guys do know that the French Dev that pronounced Tank the way you all "heard" it is kinda put out and almost embarrassed. Foreigners pronounce "English" words based on their language rules not ours. The letter "a" in most western languages besides English /American/Australian is only pronounced "ah" which you all are spelling tank as tonk (it's an unstressed "a" to us). We on the NA continent have both "ah" and "ay" (short (unstressed) and long) (germans say "pahnzer" not "paynzer" or "paenzer" - are people pronouncing panzer as ponzer? No.)

Take IKEA, for instance. Only on the North American continent is it pronounced like "idea". EVERYWHERE else, it is pronounced ih-kay-a, the "word" being an abbreviation combining the founder's name and the name of the place he's from.

Yeah, language bully here, but using tonk is unsophisticated.



one other thing, nobody is taking into account the mass/weight of the Nova. I estimate 55-65 tons based on it dimension and my background as an actual armor crewman on M48/M60A1/M60A2/XM-1 tanks. Irrespective of how many can fit, it's a question of whether the vessel being used to convey the Nova can actually take off/land with it because of its mass/weight.

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On 1/15/2018 at 6:07 AM, Booster Terrik said:

Could 1 or 2 Nova's fit on a Starfarer instead of the large volume containers in the back?

That's what I'm thinking could be possible, it being the only ship configured close to what a transporter might be. Anything else that people think they can puzzle piece the Nova into isn't considering mass/weight.

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34 minutes ago, GeraldEvans said:

The Tonk is larger than an Argo, and the Argo won't fit in the Starfarer.  So it's improbable to think the Tonk will fit inside.

You mean it won't fit in the cargo bay or it won't fit in a rack system that would replace the fuel containers?

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9 hours ago, GeraldEvans said:
10 hours ago, Booster Terrik said:
You mean it won't fit in the cargo bay or it won't fit in a rack system that would replace the fuel containers?

It wouldn't for in the cargo bay. I think you could easily hang a few from the racks utilized for fuel pods. Or inside a mass dry goods box.

Yes, that's what I thought. I doubt CIG will allow it though, they will probably introduce a special heavy dropship for $400 just for dropping heavy armor onto planets :rolleyes: 

Weight and balance wise it would make perfect sense for the Starfarer to be able to transport at least 1 and more likely 2 Novas. I find it a little sad that they seem to think you will only use a Nova in 1 location once you spawn it there (personally I find the whole spawning thing a bit silly too unless it involves a substantial waiting time that is corresponding with the time it will take for a transport to fly the Nova from your hangar/the factory/the guy you bought it from to the intended location). Maybe all those guys with Idri can make some extra cash ferrying Nova's around the universe ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: that video from a gamer, the Nova is a tank. As I have been an armor crewman IRL, the idea that it is an IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) is just being ignorant. Really. The Nova mounts a large caliber maingun and it does NOT carry troops (like the Israeli Merkava does, which, btw, is classified an MBT, btw.)

IFV =  is a type of armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide direct fire support. (This is the accepted definition of IFV/AFV)

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