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Hammerhead - Corvette Anti-fighter

Devil Khan

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Weapons room, not a weapons rack. Weapons room as the name implies locked door with the cheif/captain are the only access key.  there is room on top beside the over sized mess hall.

Lets be frank (or shirley), there is a few issues with design and "rooms" missing. Left or right of the main corredor lifts going down and nothing to previde vacuum of space. There is no enough pods and anyone in the front can kiss you ass good bye (front turrets and the bridge) the upstair has no way to stop it from full vacuum either. Missiles wtf was happening there? If they had what was originally pics then everything would be great, not this... this THING. He just cut/pasted the missiles top and bottom and then said "meh, that will do".

The layout and the constrution is slopy.

IF the work was better designed and

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Some people get off on that kind of game play, other's do not and can't understand why they have to pay for that / wait for that, given that was never advertised as part of the plan on the kickstarter.

It was *just* a space sim, no FPS at all.  Which is some people's definite preference.

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Actually, the ship were board-able from day one. You would shoot their way in or defend their ship. They only expanded their area to planet-side and even set down new areas in orbit.

Star Marines came from the FPS were shooting out when everyone was logging in for their first time on Port Olisor. 

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@Pharesm The kick starter never mentions FPS by name. It does show it.  It was  proposed  as a FPS all the time space sim, for immersion.  His goal was never to break your perspective. You start FPS, you get in a ship ...still FPS, get out of the chair in FPS....powered by the best FPS engine at the time by Crytek.  The first module was FPS.  I struggle to imagine an original backer thinking you would not have personal weapons.  While it was a space sim...it was definitely described  as FPS.

Wow, going back to 2012. 

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