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Chris Roberts Interview re: Community & Release Dates


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Hey, folks.  I'm pretty new here, but this looks like the place to post this stuff.

This was a pretty cool article I noticed on a Star Citizen Facebook group.

In it, CR explains a number of things nicely.
Amongst other things, this:  

"The problem online is a small number of people over-amplify their voice, which can distort the feedback.
They trample over other people's opinions."


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Actually, the even bigger "problem online" is that those targeted by feedback more often than not use that quote as a convenient excuse to completely ignore the voice of those who, unlike the "poor" silent and dignified ones, care enough to actually speak up. Must be nice to get to disregard off hand any criticism you don't like to hear with "bah, it's just trolls"...

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This is a much better pull quote from that article. One with I which I completely agree...



Of course, all those players aren’t waiting for Roberts’ fancy voice technology to make their feelings known. With such a huge community playing builds of the game as they’re released, the game’s forums are jam-packed with opinions.

“The problem online is a small number of people over-amplify their voice, which can distort the feedback. They trample over other people’s opinions.” 

When it comes to forums, Roberts has some advice: “Read everything, see everything, but don’t take things personally. I only respond if something resonates with me.” He goes onto to explain that much of it is just difference of opinion. However, despite being open to ideas, his message to some commenters is: “People have supported me to make the game; they haven’t supported me to make your game.”

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Truer words were never spoken.

When I see people complain that Chris won't put certain mechanics into the game, that he wants it to be a certain way that they don't like.. or, heaven forbid, tell us that if they and their (insert social media) followers complain enough chris will turn things to their favour and make the game that they want it to be... it just pisses me off.
If Chris wants it in the game, it will be. if Chris doesn't want it, it wont be.

CIG will listen to feedback, sure, but anyone who expects chris will bend over backwards to make someone else's game, is delusional.

It's not going to please everyone and I'm sure there will be some things in the game that I personally don't like (I'm not a fan of PvP combat, for instance)... but we all initially backed because we trusted Chris Roberts to make his game a reality. If everyone would get their way it would be a mess.

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