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Ongoing Discussion New Roccat Powergrid SC App released -ArgonHUD-


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When scrolling the forums I encountered a new app called the ArgonHUD by Argon91, and thought it would be another great share.

I've made a new topic for this one. I decided it after I searched all related topics here on SCB. But at the end I decided for a new topic as it is a newly released app.

Kudos to: Argon91, Original thread: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/314099/argonhud-accurate-star-citizen-hud-plugin-for-roccat-power-grid#latest




Introducing ArgonHUD

Hello fellow Citizens!

After having worked on this for quite a while, I'm proud to introduce <a href="http://www.roccat.org/en-US/Products/Gaming-Software/Power-Grid/Store/Grids/Games/MMO/700/">ArgonHUD</a>. It is a plugin for <a href="http://www.roccat.org/en-US/Products/Gaming-Software/Power-Grid/Download/">Roccat Power Grid</a> with the intention of accurately controlling displays in Star Citizen by using a secondary screen (most likely tablet or phone) that runs Roccat Power Grid. I started developing this plugin after I tested a few existing Star Citizen Grids, which left me somewhat dissatisfied. I appreciate the work others have put in, but those grids only give "toggle" control over the interfaces. A common example: Shields reset, or front shields at 100%. This plugin intends to give full and gradual control over these interfaces.

Note that this is a work in process. Star Citizen does not (yet) officially support secondary screen interaction, and therefore all communication with the game is one-sided. It is currently impossible to get feedback from the game as to which interface is shown, or where a certain crosshair is located. I intend to update this plugin when Star Citizen offers more support for custom scripts, or when requests for other HUD interfaces are high. I might also do more skins for different ship manufacturers when those requests become popular (or when Star Citizen has a more solid style guide).


Apologies for the bad quality of the GIFs, it is quite hard to capture both screens simultaneously. 


thumb_165_1453244842-TdZPH.png thumb_165_1453244840-pL02w.png thumb_165_1453244838-HCJtr.png thumb_165_1453244835-RdVzJ.png thumb_165_1453244824-vo29f.png


ArgonHUD is a WIP. Currently, I created Shield and Power interfaces, both in Landscape and Portrait mode. Both shield and power interfaces are available in the default, generic style. Shield interfaces are also available in RSI style.
Note that power and shield control elements can be mixed on the same grid.
Due to limitations by the current Star Citizen build, I was not able to create a gradual control for power management. Although the plugin is set up to easily include future improvements on Star Citizen, currently the key presses for power change increase too drastically within the game itself. 
ArgonHUD control elements offer customization for keybindings, and a "snap-to-grid" percentage. 


Right now, Star Citizen does not support secondary screen applications, and therefore a lot of ingame information can not be accessed. I intend to update ArgonHUD to include the following, once a more solid interaction is possible:

- Weapon selection: Right now not entirely impossible, but it would require a less robust series of key presses to disable for example weapon group 1. With all the different ships (and interfaces), it's going to be a bit tricky, but I might include this in an update soon™.
- Target selection: Entirely impossible right now, but a very cool feature once Star Citizen has support for this.
- Damage overview: ditto
- Radar: ditto


-REQUIRED- Download/Install: http://www.roccat.org/en-US/Products/Gaming-Software/Power-Grid/Download/
1) Install host software.
2) Create/Login Roccat account.
3) Search for your IP adress at the settings tab.
4) Download/Run the mobile app on a supported device.
5) Connected to IP adress found in step 3).

-REQUIRED- Download/Install v1.0 ArgunHUD plugin: http://www.roccat.org/en-US/Products/Gaming-Software/Power-Grid/Store/Grids/Games/MMO/700/
1) After downloading, you can install the plugin by doubling clicking it (assuming .rpgp files are set to open with Roccat Power Grid) or by clicking on 'Import Package' in Roccat Power Grid and going to your download location.
2) After succesful plugin installation, restart Roccat Power Grid (Note that you need to close it in your system tray!)
3) After restarting Roccat Power Grid, you can find the plugin control elements in the editor in the 'Controls: Plugin Controls -> -Plugin- ArgonHUD' menu.

At this point, you can either make your own grid by using ArgonHUD control elements, or download my prebuild grid package below.

[RECOMMENDED] Download/Install v1.0 ArgonHUD Package: http://www.roccat.org/en-US/Products/Gaming-Software/Power-Grid/Store/Grids/Games/MMO/701/">  prebuild grids
1) You can install the grid package the same way you installed the plugin.
2) A menu will appear in Roccat Power Grid, which lets you select multiple Grids from the package. If you're unsure, select all and click import.
3) The grids will now appear in the custom grid list, from which you can select one. It will now become visible on the right screen. You can customize control elements inside the editor, e.g. keybindings or a different background.
4) Do not forget to save the grid, and add it to your bar (should show up on the bottom right part in Roccat Power Grid). You can have up to 2 different custom grids in your bar for free, but additional space can be bought from Roccat.


- You might need to run Roccat Power Grid with administrator rights. 
- ArgonPWR (Power interface) input is currently limited to either balanced power, or 100% to G1/G2/G3. This is caused by the current Star Citizen build. Basically, the shortest macro (or key press) in-game still results in a rather large change in power. It is therefore impossible at this moment to create gradual control (like the shield interface).
- ArgonHUD control elements include a "Sensitivity" setting. This parameter maps the device input to the game's display output and should only be changed if input and output do not 'sync' (e.g. if an input of 50% shields to front only results in 25% shields to front in-game, you need to increase the sensitivity parameter).
- ArgonHUD assumes Star Citizen's default mouse/keyboard keybindings (but you can customize the control elements).


I am very eager to hear if it works for everybody, and if you would like to see some changes. Please report your findings in this thread! In case you encounter problems, please specify your ship and game mode.


- @SuperLemrick  for testing an early version
- CIG, for HUD design
- SC community, for being awesome



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