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Xi'an & Banu Capital Ships


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Wonder if we'll see any other capitals from the Banu or Xi'an for pledge...I would be pretty damn tempted to swap my Javelin for a Xi'an destroyer or the Banu equivalent (they don't have a proper navy as such).

Ben seems to think the answer isn't a total no apparently.  Doesn't mean yes, but surprises are good. :P



The interior design of a vertical ship on that scale really interests me, opposed to what we're used to.  The feel I'm aiming for atm with my larger ships lends itself more towards alien design as well so one of those would be much appreciated.. ;p

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3 minutes ago, GalYurr said:

Wonder if we'll see any other capitals from the Banu or Xi'an for pledge...I would be pretty damn tempted to swap my Javelin for a Xi'an destroyer or the Banu equivalent (they don't have a proper navy as such).

Ben seems to think the answer isn't a total no apparently.  Doesn't mean yes, but surprises are good. :P



The interior design of a vertical ship on that scale really interests me, opposed to what we're used to.  The feel I'm aiming for atm with my larger ships lends itself more towards alien design as well so one of those would be much appreciated.. ;p

I am against the idea of selling more Destroyer ships except for the yeary allotment of 200 with minor corrections either way based on population growth. That would be very bad. But if they were to sell Xian destroyers instead of Javelins that would be ok I guess. Though personally I kind of lose a bit of the RP feel in an alien ship and after playing an advanced liche in BSGO I always wanted to switch it to a Halberd and that taught me to go for human made ships over alien ones.

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I agree about keeping destroyer numbers limited; maybe they would just outright sell a different destroyer one year like you said, but I'll keep my optimism in check (gimme dat straight ccu xD).  

The reason I'd consider a swap is I'm really into the lore and aesthetic of the Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40k atm (hard to work into Imperium, but i'll get there xD) and it's not easy to transfer that onto human ships.  I guess it'll also come down to how much freedom we get when customising our ship interiors to personal taste as well (lighting, colour etc).

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5 hours ago, GalYurr said:

I agree about keeping destroyer numbers limited; maybe they would just outright sell a different destroyer one year like you said, but I'll keep my optimism in check (gimme dat straight ccu xD).  

The reason I'd consider a swap is I'm really into the lore and aesthetic of the Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40k atm (hard to work into Imperium, but i'll get there xD) and it's not easy to transfer that onto human ships.  I guess it'll also come down to how much freedom we get when customising our ship interiors to personal taste as well (lighting, colour etc).



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7 hours ago, GalYurr said:



The interior design of a vertical ship on that scale really interests me, opposed to what we're used to.  The feel I'm aiming for atm with my larger ships lends itself more towards alien design as well so one of those would be much appreciated.. ;p

Ender:  Zero gravity.  There’s no up or down.  We need a way to orient ourselves.  What if an enemy breaches a door

A ship being "Vertical" will be highly interesting considering player battle tactics. Seeing how important yaw is in positioning ships on a 2d plane, and that most players are used to fighting in a plane like that, a tall and skinny ship would have an advantage bringing the guns to bear over a human-style long and skinny ship.

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I suppose the option of simply swapping to an alternate alien ship in-game is always there as well if you work up the reputation.  Nobody said the upcoming corvette had to be human made either hehe.

Then I just need...some more arms!





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10 hours ago, Brightmist said:

Is there a reason for Xi'an/Banu to sell capital ships to humans tho, except maybe immense amounts of profit.

Well they sell human made knockoff Vanduul Glaives, so there's no reason there wouldn't be something similar going on. For example a bunch of derelict Xian corvettes from the last Human-Xian war that some enterpricing company has salvaged and restored with human tech. They were ok with selling knock-off variants of their fighters and cooperating with Musashi on the reliant. Banu are all about selling stuff, so why not? I suspect most of what is going to be "secret milspec" stuff is going to be all the guns and gear you slot into a ship hull, not the hull itself. 

However with the immense amount of man-hours needed for ships this big, and only the Bengal, Idris and Javelin having been shown anywhere close to playable, I wouldn't expect the next year to see more than one or two human and one or two vanduul capitals. Most probably the first chapter of sq42 will see the Idris, shubin mining base, and a single smaller vanduul capital being all that is presentable enough to be in game. 

From this would follow the assumption that if there were to be some kind of limited alien capital sale it would be whatever vanduul corvette/cruiser they end up finishing in time to be the end-boss of sq42 chapter 1

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I don't think that there will be many if any vanduul in the first released chapter of SQ42, or am I wrong?

I sincerly hope that CIG has the larger Vanduul ships ready for Pitchfork, even if they're not boardable (I couldnt conceive of them not hacing Vanduul capitals ready, CIG has to be excited for Pitchfork too). I think they will need the assets for the next chapters of SQ42 anyways. 


Some stripped down Ex Banu or Xi'an capitals would be PERFECT. It would place them on an even field with the Javelin.

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as much as i want to say they won't do an alien cap ship for us....  later as they drop content into the game to keep it fresh, who knows what they will do. imagine the buzz in a patch 5 years from now, when they release that a few cap ships of alien design are floating out there. explorers would loose their bloody minds. orgs would bankrupt themselves trying to get there first, and hold em. those status symbols is what will drive massive wars, strain economies, and create a flood of opportunities for pirates to take advantage of. well, at lest that is what the dude wearing a rabbit costume told me outside a fastfood joint. i am inclined to believe him, but you can make your own call.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd surely like to see more alien ships, including at least somewhat larger ones, in size ranges across Constellation, Carrack, Endeavor, Crucible.

Certainly would be nice if the planned new Corvette got matching pendants from Xi'An and Banu!

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