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Want to Sell Original LTI Ships and Rare items, see inside


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All ships are LTI, original - not ccu'd or upgraded in the past

  1. Kruger P-72 Archimedes LTI - 42 USD$ (including fees) sold
  2. Aurora LN LTI - 47 USD$ (including fees)
  3. AEGIS DYNAMICS AVENGER - LTI - 72 USD$ (including fees)
  4. 325A FIGHTER LTI-80 USD$ (including fees)
  5. HULL C -220 USD$ (including fees)

I can upgrade it to 

  • Khartu-Al
  • Banu MM

Rare items

  2. Model II Arclight Sidearm - 12 USD$ (including fees) -SOLD
  3. Origin Racing Suit - 17 USD$ (including fees) RESERVED
  4. UEE - 12 USD$ (including fees) Coat 
  5. Advocacy tools - 12 USD$ (including fees) -SOLD

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