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Obligatory intro post


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Hey everyone. I'm new to Star Citizen but have caught the Roberts Fever from Green Avenger (I tried the doctors first but they said there isn't a cure so.. :P ) .. Anyways, I'm waiting on the game to develop more of the gathering/pirating/mining side before I become super addicted so I might not be around too much *yet* but I will definetly get into it when they start that. Thanks for having me and I'm so impressed with how massive and well managed this organization is. High five! 


p.s. Green needs a raise. 


buh bye. 

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I'm waiting on the game to develop more of the gathering/pirating/mining side

Know that Imperium is anti-pirate

As Gremlich already stated; we do not condone piracy. We want you to have fun, so if you're planning on pirating, theres better orgs for that :D


Welcome to Star Citizen and our forums Storytale! 

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Thanks for all the welcomes! I have to admit I didn't expect so many replies. I've joined plenty of forums and usually these types of posts don't get so many welcomes. Thank you!! :) 


I'm good with the no pirating part of it.. I was just throwing it in there as another aspect of the game that hasn't been developed yet. If that's the policy then it's all good.  

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