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Any ideas on how the Merlin and Archimedes will work?


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Im curious about the role our fighters will play in space battle.  Also curious about the advantage of having a crew vs not having one.  

Do you guys think we will be able to enter the Merlin/Archimedes from inside the ship while flying in space?  

Or are they designed for local travel when your parked in a star system?  

Can a single captain pilot a connie as well and easily as a fully crewed connie?  

What will crewmen have control of?  (other than gun systems).  

So many questions...

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Im curious about the role our fighters will play in space battle.  Also curious about the advantage of having a crew vs not having one.  

Do you guys think we will be able to enter the Merlin/Archimedes from inside the ship while flying in space?  Yes, there is a ladder leading down to board your snub fighter from inside the Connie.

Or are they designed for local travel when your parked in a star system?  Yes, the snub fighters cannot mount their own jump drive but they can follow in the wake of a larger craft jumping.

Can a single captain pilot a connie as well and easily as a fully crewed connie?  Pilot yes, fight as well...no.

What will crewmen have control of?  (other than gun systems).  Shields, engine power mix, targeting data, communicaitons, extra sensors. Check out seat functions on RSI's forum under ASK A DEV.

So many questions...

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Im curious about the role our fighters will play in space battle.  Also curious about the advantage of having a crew vs not having one.  

Do you guys think we will be able to enter the Merlin/Archimedes from inside the ship while flying in space?  

Or are they designed for local travel when your parked in a star system?  

Can a single captain pilot a connie as well and easily as a fully crewed connie?  

What will crewmen have control of?  (other than gun systems).  

So many questions...


There's a hatch at the rear of the Connie for access to the underslung snub-fighter; it would be slightly nonsensical if one had to be stationary to deploy it. 


A captain on his own would only be able to pilot the Connie and use the forward facing guns and missiles. If he had an NPC crew they could man the turrets and pilot the fighter. A player crew would evidently be even more effective with their superior cognitive abilities and the ability to formulate plans with them and give complicated instructions. 


I see it this way:


Solo piloting Connie = death wish; you will be boarded...

With NPC crew = normal day to day activities, decent combat-effective Connie

With player crew = a tough foe; able to defeat several fighters. 

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 Agreed.  I plan to be with NPCs early as everyone wants to fly their ships, I get that.  But as a little time passes, I am sure people will want to be co-pilots and crewmembers (myself included) aboard others' ships.  At the minimum, I will keep NPCs around as much as I can, and let players aboard before the NPCs.  The welcome mat is always ready for anyone that wants to help me conquer the 'verse! B)


And at the minimum in "safe" space (UEE controlled), piloting the Taurus without crew can be a profitable endeavor, but still risky.

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Merlin - snub fighter

Archimedes - luxury shuttle

There's no evidence to support this speculation. All the evidence points to the same kind of small fighter, without a jump engine (short range), but newer or somehow more capable.

I think it would be useful to put a Suregrip Tractor on the front (of the Merlin) in place of the Broadsword to move space junk/rocks/ejected crewmates around and possibly into the cargo hold.

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