Hello and well met.
Looking forward to joining the verse. I will probably be around these parts quite a bit. I tend to be a forum junkie.
I played Ultima Online from 99 up until a few years ago with intermittent forays back into the game here and there. Plsayed on Legends Shards under the handle of Omnicron. PvP and wealth accumulation was my goal there. I also played WoW to some extent, EvE and Star Wars Old Republic.
For the last few years ive been mainly playing console FPS. Mainly on PS4 under my gamer tag The_Hot_Sauce.
I was always consumed with PvP and wealth accumulation. That has always been my goal. To be the best and most wealthy. As it will be here. I intend to get the hang of the game, learn it in and out and become something of a PvP herald. In the months coming I intend to hone my skills, start an organization and accumulate wealth and kills. Thats the current plan anyways.
I look forward to meeting everyone in the verse, good and bad....