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  1. Please find hereunder the direction to find the derelict outpost close to Kudre Ore outpost on Daymar. First go to Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton. Then jump to Kudre Ore. There aim for North for 27.8km. The exact location is : OM 1 : 641km OM 2 : 363km OM 4 : 330km OM5 : 370km BACK TO INDEX
  2. Please find hereunder the direction to find the Lyria's wrecksite #1. Go to Lyria, moon of Arcorp in Stanton system. Go to Shubin Mining Facility SAL-5 (North hemisphere) From there take a heading 331° for 22.2 km The site is pretty tricky to find as there are no reference point. In doubt, activate your quantum, point toward Shubin SAL-5, and adjust your position until you see thoses coordinates (heading 151°, 22,2km distance) BACK TO INDEX
  3. To find the Savanah biome, go to Hurston, in Stanton system. Then jump to Orbital Marker 1 : (North Pole). From there look at the heading 235° You should see 2 big water mass On the top left corner you should see HDMS Oparei From there you can either jump directly to HDMS Oparei or go to one of the 2 land mass. I advise to go to the right landmass (with a fork shape) and then head to a 70° along the green corridor toward the second land mass. Please find herunder the Farrister's location spotlight about HDMS Oparei : BACK TO INDEX
  4. Please find hereunder the directions to the HDMS Pinewood racetrack Go to Hurston, in Stanton System. Jump to HDMS Pinewood. You are looking for the hills located 2km South of the outpost. BACK TO INDEX
  5. Please find hereunder the directions to get to the derelict outpost close to Shubin Mining Facility SCD-1 on Daymar. First, go to Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton system. Then, jump to Shubin Mining Facility SCD-1. From there, head to 353° for 1.8 km. The exact location is : OM 1 : 284km OM 2 : 680km OM 4 : 380km OM 5 : 406km BACK TO INDEX :
  6. Please, find hereunder the direction to find Whistler's Crypt, the derelict town with wreck of 600i and Mercury staruner and a cave to explore. Be advised that the area is inhabited by hostile gangers. First get to Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton. Then look at the personnal mission and look for a "retrieval ops" located at Whistler's Crypt. if you get it you will have a beacon toward the site. If not : Go to Orbital Marker 3 (OM-3) and from there head toward 46° and pitch 3° down for 282km. The exact location of the settlement is : OM 1 : 464km OM 2 : 573km OM 3 : 283km OM5 : 339km BACK TO INDEX :
  7. Please find hereunder the direction to get to this derelict outpost : Get to Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton system. Jump to Brio's Breaker Yard. Head toward 55° for 1400 meters (1.4 Km) BACK TO INDEX
  8. Hello, please find hereunder the direction to find the derelict outpost #tbd on Hurston. This point of interest is located in a breathable atmosphere. As of 3.19.0, it is an active spawn point for hostile NPC, with air reinforcement (Cutlass). To get there, go to Hurston, in Stanton system. Then, jump to Orbital Marker 1 (OM-1). From there take a heading 185° and pitch 73° nose down. Get to the surface following those directions. Once on the surface, correct to have those distances toward those points : HDSF-Tompkins : 970Km (heading 10°) HDMS-Stanhope : 732Km (heading 275°) Everus Harbor : 1099Km (heading 195°) Back to Index :
  9. Please find hereunder the location to the Snake Pit racetrack, this is the first racetrack found by the community and validated by the CIG's devs. The validation leads to the setup of dedicated infrastructure to support the race. To find the place go to Clio, moon of Microtech in Stanton. From there, jump on Rayari McGrath Research Outpost. The racetrack is located 10.5km from the outpost, on a heading 293° from the outpost BACK TO INDEX
  10. Please find here under instructions to find the eastern lack race track at New Babbage First get to Microtech, then jump to New Babbage. From there, land at the common ground entrance and get your racing vehicule. The race track is located East to the metro loop and consist in a simple turn around the 3 small Islands. BACK TO INDEX
  11. Please find hereunder the direction to go to the Caterpillar wreck site on Daymar Go to Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton system. Jump to Brio's Breaker Yard. From there take a heading to North West (48°) for 8.5 km. From the point the direction to Brio's Breaker Yard are as follow : Be Carefull as the wreck is on a cliff, you might no be able to get there with a ground vehicle. BACK TO INDEX
  12. First go to Calliope, the moon of Crusader in Stanton System. Then jump to OM-2 (South Pole) From there, aim toward heading 16° with an inclination of 28° The exact location of the site is not easily find with visual clue. Go directly up to the ground and use the coordinates for final directions. The coordinates are the following : OM-1 : 575.7 km OM-2 : 178.9 km OM-4 : 326.7 km OM-5 : 397.3 km The site is close to a small hill on its East. BACK TO INDEX
  13. This vista can be found on Daymar at Arc Corp mining Area 141. It can spawn rovers for you to go on exploration. As Daymar is a sand planet, this place with mountain and snow is very unique.
  14. Please find hereunder 3 hidden spots of Grim Hex that can be worth showcasing to a new citizen : Pad 03 hidden Hab : An Habitation module is hidden under Pad 03 : Secondary Entrance : This entrance leads you to a coursive behind the bar Habitation quarter A : It has been quite a mess there, but, if you go on level 2 you will find what was probably the housing of the insane guy behind Benny's henge BACK TO INDEX
  15. Please find hereunder a list of propositions of racetrack on Daymar's canyons. They are sorted following their nearest outpost. Dunlow Ridge Shelter : Racetrack 1 : From Dunlow Ridge Shelter : Heading : 225 Distance : 21.2 km From this point the coordinates toward Dunlow ridge shelter are the following A closer look if you see other circuit opportunities BACK TO INDEX
  16. To find this Wreck site, you need to go on Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton System. First jump to OM-3 Then head toward the planet in heading toward North East (45°) Your are looking for this spot on the brighter yellow part between 3 hills : Please find Hereunder Farrister's location spotlight on the area : OM-1 : 577.0 km OM-2 : 459.4 km OM-3 : 204.5 km OM-5 : 492,2 km 58° heading 60° pitch BACK TO INDEX
  17. This wreck site can be found on Wala, moon of Arccorp, in Stanton system. Go to Arcorp mining area 45 Head toward 175° for 33 km Beyond this mountain range, we will see a vast plain, and a small hill The wreck is nested in a small valley of this hill From there the direction to Arcorp mining Area 45 are : Heading 355 Distance 33,4 km BACK TO INDEX
  18. To find the river (and possibly the satchman), go to Microtech, in Stanton system. From there jump to New Babbage : point toward 210° and try to gain altitude Stay at high altitude, you should fly above snowy landscape. You are looking for a green area like this : The distance should be around 440 Km from New Babbage. BACK TO INDEX
  19. To find this satellite wreck go to Lorville on Hurston, in Stanton system. From Lorville, head to 85° for 96,5 km From the distance you should be able to see the plume of smoke. The exact location of this site is : OM 1 : 1186.1 km OM 2 : 2174.3 km OM 4 : 904.5 km OM 6 : 1544.3 km From this location, the direction to Lorville is : Heading : 267° Distance : 96.6 km BACK TO INDEX
  20. This cave can be found on Hurston, in Stanton system. Please note that this cave can only be accessed by ship (it is a sinkhole) To find it, jump to HDSF Damaris. From there, head toward 60° for 122 km. The cave will looks like this : The exact coordinates of the cave are the following : OM 1 : 1911.5 km OM 2 : 1576.2 km OM 3 : 1467.3 km OM 6 : 633.8 km From this location, the direction toward HDSF Damaris are the following : Heading : 300° Distance : 122km BACK TO INDEX
  21. To find this cave, go to Hurston, in Stanton System. Jump to OM-1 (North Pole) then HDSF Ishmael (near the north pole). As this cave is positionned in a High Lattitude it is alway under daylight. From there, head toward 143° for 145.9km You should cross a sea : look for the following shape of the coastline in this alignement, look for the following hill : The entrance is in the flank of the hill, on the other side you are coming from : If you are lost, the exact coordinates of the cave are the following : OM 1 : 483.2 OM 2 : 2428.6 OM 4 : 1696.4 OM 6 : 1614.3 From the cave entrance, the direction toward HDMS Ishmael are the following : heading 162° Distance 145.9km Please note that this cave features at least 2 separate levels : The lower one is the most obvious, you can see it when you reach the bottom. The upper one is a little bit tricky, it is a small aperture on a platform between the bottom and the entrance. There is a dead female body at the bottom of the 2nd level, for an "Investigate missing client" mission. She should have read her *notepad* better. BACK TO INDEX
  22. Lorville is the main city on Hurston, it host a relatively complex transportation system that is pictured at the entrance of metro stations : An aerial picture of the city gives a more synthetic vision : If you want to pickup a vehicule, you can rendez vous at gates 3 or 4 that are the closest to the spaceport. A township can be found at gate 4 So the big signature building, housing the Hurston family can be called the Central Business District. Please note that behind this building, a canyon is ideal for vehicule races, it can be accessed from both Gates 1 and 6. In the East, from Gate 1, the coastline is close by a few dozen kilometers. BACK TO INDEX
  23. The abandonned mine is located at HDMO Dobbs, on Aberdeen, a moon of Hurston, in the Stanton system. As the place is equiped of a quantum beacon, you can jump there directly. Please find hereunder the Farrister's location spotlight : BACK TO INDEX
  24. The sleeping Volcano can be found on Cellin, moon of Crusader, in Stanton system. The volcano is located near Mogote Aid Shelter. This point is a possess a quantum beacon. Please find hereunder the Farrister's location spotlight about the area : BACK TO INDEX
  25. Please find here under instructions to find the following easter eggs at New Babbage. Please note that as of 3.17 tears of fire paint seems to not be available anymore. First get to Microtech, then jump to New Babbage. At any point if you want to check the distance to New Babbage, engage the quantum drive and point toward New Babbage. Your Heading is displayed on top of your Heads Up Display. The entrance to the cave hosting the campfire is located beneath the tram line going under Aspire Grande. To enter there you need a small ship (pisces, hornet, ...). follow the tram line toward the tower aspire grande. At some point we will see that the tram line take some elevation on a viaduc, sneak in under the viaduc following the direction of the tram line, you will see the trench leading the cave. The Lakeside chair is found on a small island of the lake : In doubt, when you are at the location pointing to Aspire grande you should get a heading 146° and 10km distance to New Babbage : Close to this location you can find a hidden entrance to the commons : For the mountain view, you need to get to the Aspire grande tower and looks at heading 35°. The spot you are looking for is next to the observatory I mean really close : In doubt, look back at Aspire Grande, at the exact location you should have a heading 215° and a 17.9km to New Babbage. BACK TO INDEX
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