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  1. Thought it would be useful to make a post about the new ship prices that are coming in patch 3.23. All prices listed in the image below were taken from BuzzCutPsycho's Youtube channel. youtu.be/YIROlKOv9QI
  2. As i get better at making videos im doing more ship overviews. They are designed to bee quick, easy, and for those who may be new to the game. So here is my second video on the Drake Cutlass Black.
  3. New here. Saw a link to here and was looking for the link about a Daymar map. Still looking for it. Fly on, Citizens
  4. Good afternoon, I am putting up for sale my REAL ADMIRAL - LTI and RSI AURORA - LTI packages as after 8 years of waiting it has reached a point where the game no longer motivates me. It can be purchased as a whole pack or separately. Both packages have lifetime insurance. REAL ADMIRAL - LTI - $510 USD + PayPal fees. RSI AURORA - LTI - $90 USD + PayPal fees. PACK REAL ADMIRAL - LTI + RSI AURORA - LTI - $580 USD + PayPal fees. All prices are negotiable. Payment will be through Paypal platform. Thank you!
  5. Stenim

    MISC Odyssey

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on the odyssey. It looks like it has everything the Carrack has except with mining and refining... possibly better medical facilities also. It doesn't have as much for cargo capacity but might have a larger hanger. It looks like it could be really good.
  6. Good day everyone! I've been going through the old Freelancer game recently and realized that one of my major loves in that game was having to work toward getting a new ship and tricking it out. While I love giving CIG IRL money toward the development of the game, I don't actually want to have every ship in the game before the game comes out. So I'll be listing MOST of my ships at RSI Cost + ~5% to cover the international paypal fees and transfer fees that I have to do. The ones that ARE NOT RSI Cost are generally Original/Veteran versions of the ships or packages that have not been released since the original concepts. If you have questions, please PM. Verified paypal only. 1. ROC and Brawl Pack: LTI ROC and Drake Cutlass Black - $147 SOLD 2. ORIGINAL BACKER Aegis Dynamics Retaliator, LTI + Retaliator Livery Paint Pack with Invictus - $330 Removed from sale 3. Origin G12A LTI - $69 4. Origin G12 LTI - $59 5. Kruger P72 EMERALD LTI - $37 SOLD 6. Argo Mole Dig and Ditch Pack LTI: Mole with Freelancer MAX - $315 SOLD 7. Swords of Valor Pack LTI: Crusader Ares Ion and Crusader Ares Inferno with Radiance and Ember skins - $373 SOLD 8. AOPA San'Tok'Yai LTI Warbond - $205 SOLD 9. RSI Apollo Medivac Original Concept LTI - $310 10. Origin 100i starter pack, including Star Citizen game download - $75 11. Aegis Eclipse ORIGINAL CONCEPT LTI including unique serial stamp and alternative skin- $325 SOLD 12. ORIGINAL BACKER Pirate Package, Cutlass, skins, tractor beam, game pack, etc... - $210 SOLD 13. Ursa Rover Fortuna Original Concept - $70 Removed from sale 14. ORIGINAL CONCEPT Carrack LTI ($350 melt value) - $450 SOLD 15. ORIGINAL CONCEPT Reclaimer LTI ($350 Melt value) - $450 16. ORIGINAL CONCEPT MISC Prospector - $200 17. ORIGINAL CONCEPT Aegis Vulcan (Early Bird version) - $235 Withdrawn 18. ORIGINAL CONCEPT SPECIAL SKIN Valkyrie Liberator - $425 SOLD Prices are final unless there's a multiple purchase that happens (I may be willing to wheel and deal a little). Payments handled through Paypal invoice only. As always, I reserve the right to refuse offers. Cheers! Closing and making new post.
  7. UnholySeoul

    Want to Buy [WTB] Land Claims

    I'm looking to purchase land claims, if you have any and would like to sell them to me or have any questions, please PM me. I pay fees Verified Paypal transactions only If you can't reach me on here, I'm usually on Discord: UnholySeoul#6802 Thank you!
  8. Hey, 2 questions: 1. When is the next sale ? if soon, i would wait and then buy the game :). 2. I am ready to pay up to 80-90$ for the game, so which ship has the biggest space for transporting stuff in that price range ? I was thinking about getting the avenger titan or stalker but i dont know the differences. ps. I know nothing about this game. All i know is that there are some jobs in the game. Whats the most profitable job ? i dont know what jobs exist except delivering packages which i liked actually when hearing it
  9. Very good video by Bored Gamer... but while he thinks it is complete and his research thorough ...he actually didn't cover the announced concept ships in various Jump Point magazines as an example all the different variants of The Crucible. There are other concept ships that have been talked about by developers but not put into a publication like the Manticore. However it is still a good video and worth watching.
  10. LAST EDIT: 9/Oct/2021 Hi everyone / I have images/gifs of ships/vehicles that are either flyable or in concept, development, re-worked or from Star Citizen lore. There are also many other categories, including anything from Star Systems to Characters to Ship/FPS Equipment. I constantly add more to the albums so don't be afraid to come back here anytime for the latest images. Please Note: Because of certain, rather disappointing circumstances that are beyond my control, this page will no longer be updated. As I have a desire to preserve this archive and continue adding the latest images, a new website has been set up. Please click here and remember to bookmark the new site. VEHICLES: SHIPS LAND VEHICLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPONENTS: SHIP WEAPONS - GUNS SHIP WEAPONS - MISSILES / TORPEDOES / MINES OTHER SHIP COMPONENTS FIRST PERSON WEAPONS FIRST PERSON WEAPONS - ATTACHMENTS OTHER FIRST PERSON COMPONENTS -------------------------------------------- BONUS -------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLACES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GAMEPLAY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUADRON 42: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER:
  11. Howdy Base forum, This is from my thread on spectrum. I hope you find it thorough, and above all, helpful! (P.S. if it helps, will add pics later) How to Guide for Extracting and Modding Star Citizen assets From the older days of 2014 to now Welcome! This is a detailed tutorial for extracting and to be able to start modifying/playing with existing assets in any 3D program. Before this we had a very long legacy thread which was hard to sift through for directions on how to do anything. With the new spectrum, the following is a thorough How-To guide for new modders in the modding community. Tips and updates are usually shared on Markemp's converter thread so I recommend bookmarking that main thread. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50172/thread/howto-create-your-own-art-using-game-assets This tutorial still works using Markemp's new 3.x converter in Step 4. Step 1: -Copy or download all the Star Citizen build pak files you want to work with (see 2nd post for how to download any build) to a new folder on a drive where you have plenty of space and towards the root of the drive. If you copy these into a deeply nested folder, you'll run into NTFS folder tree/filename length limits in windows IIRC. ON OLD VERSION PRE 3.0 SC BUILDS -unpack everything using 7zip via 7za.exe and the following bat file. 7za.exe needs to be copied to same directory you're doing this in https://pastebin.com/8BRVvsVC You can run the bat file via Windows Command Prompt. If you're in windows explorer, hold down shift and right click on a nearby folder, you'll be given the option to open that folder in windows command prompt which may save you some typing. ON VERSION 3.0 AND AFTER SC BUILDS: Use SCLeaksP4KBuster to unpack the massive single archive Data.p4k file https://github.com/aftokinito/scleaksp4kbuster Step 2: -Run Eppi's texture converter in your unpacked root folder legacy forum thread is here: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/369524/sc-texture-converter/p1 And his github here https://github.com/Madfish71/SCTextureConverter It completely automates the texture conversion process with many output options as well as getting many previously missed nuances like emission maps, and gloss maps separate from the normals. Keep in mind some 3D programs like C4D don't recognize the alpha channel in decal maps. You can use Photoshop to disable all channels but the alpha channel on the decal map, select all copy, enable RGB channels and disable alpha channel, select RGB channel, paste into place, delete previous layer or flatten, save as new tiff with suffix _ALPHA so you can find it easily. You should have a black and white image where the white is all the decals and black is transparency. If you're making your own build with his github code, be sure to use windows 10 SDK, thanks to Barnes102 for sharing that tip! Step 3: -Use Alluran's HoloXPLOR.DataForge tool on source material XMLs you want to convert to proper MTLs manually. https://github.com/dolkensp/HoloXPLOR/releases This part after unserializing can get a little complicated so I'll write about that in more detail in Step 5 below. You can drag and drop entire folders on the HoloXPLOR.DataForge 2.6.0-ptu build to convert all serialized files recursively. It does take a while on a full build. Step 4: -Run Markemp's converter to start getting file file types you want. I highly recommend choosing the DAE file option. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50172/thread/howto-create-your-own-art-using-game-assets https://github.com/Markemp/Cryengine-Converter/releases/ - - This is the line of code I use in command prompt for OBJs (not recommended) https://pastebin.com/kpMBxV8a - - This is the powershell script I use... { WARNING: study windows powershell basics before trying this, using powershell can be dangerous to your windows installation if you type something you shouldn't } ...for DAE files which are more robust and include the helper nodes. Replace the directory information I used with what you have. I had my converter is a different folder location (one directory up) which is why I needed to run this powershell script as opposed to the one Markemp gave in his tutorial. foreach ($file in (get-childitem -Recurse *.cga,*.cgf,*.skin,*.chr)) { a:\created\sc263\cgf-converter.exe $file -tif -objectdir "a:\created\sc263\data" } Step 5: SKIP TO BOTTOM OF THIS STEP, this old info just keep for record if you're working on PRE Alpha 3.0 builds -Convert your unserialized XMLs material directions to standard Wavefront MTLs so your OBJs import with textures 70%+ correctly This will save you a lot of time and even more time if automated via a script. For some of your assets, you'll have a non-standard serialized XML which breaks down each material referenced in your new object files. Un-serialize them with step 3 to begin this step. The best way to explain this is to just show you. We'll use the Aurora as an example, lines beginning with hashtags are comments. You need to go from this https://pastebin.com/nN95FShU To this Star Citizen - How to convert XML material blocks to MTL https://pastebin.com/Hzgrqd6P Here's what to convert to in the MTL as you write it Ka for indirect color values, Kd for diffuse values, (the 0 to 1 decimal values can be times by 255 per value to get RGB standard colors if you want to adjust them easily) Ks for specular values, Ns for specular exponent value I believe, Ke is for emission via mtl on lots of engines from doing some online research/reading. d for transparency, map_bump for ddna file, map_Kd for diffuse map, map_d for opacity texture map, map_Ks for specular map, map_Ns for specular map something.. usually is the exact same file as specular map with Markemp's cgf converter's outputs disp for displacement map, decal for decal map, Currently, what's missing from this MTL conversion process is: blend map directions, gloss map directions, environmental map directions, and a few other details related to custom shaders Here's an update for the new RGBA blend map for LayerBlend shader that CIG now used for assets like armor and helmets https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50172/thread/help-to-understand-3-0-s-new-material-system See thread by alex on this Step 6: -Use whatever 3D program you're most comfortable with.Blender is imo the best free option. But C4D is also user friendly, and Max and Maya are more professional solutions and accessible with free access for students. Step 7: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50172/thread/unstoppable-decal-issues-solved-addendum-to-asset- EXTRA NOTES: I use the Holoview models CTM (use OpenCTM to convert them to OBJ) as references when rebuilding the ships.You can find the holoview CTM download links quickly by using a URL sniffer plugin for your browser and just observe when you load the holoviewer for the ship model you want.The lists on reddit are missing many of the ships and CIG may eventually change the holoview models to fix the ones that aren't correct. So imo it's best just to look and get them per ship you're working on at the time. The couple things missing from this tutorial is how to convert cryengine prefabs to rebuild large structures automatically via the prefab files.Like hangars and bases.Ship prefabs (such as weapon and thruster placement) might be done programmatically because I have not found prefab directions yet in the game files for that. I asked CIG in the Ask a Dev forum concerning this but not sure if I'll ever get an answer in this forum. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50259/thread/for-the-love-of-the-modding-community-teach-us-how Dymek Made a new conversion kit to use Star Citizen 3.0 assets IN CRYENGINE, check out his thread https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50172/thread/star-citizen-in-cryengine-tools-converters-shaders Good luck, pop into the art thread linked at the top of this thread whenever you need help. Some clarifications and additions to above. How to download previous builds As a backer (afaik) you can download any of the previous public builds down to version 1.1.5 v2 , provided CIG keeps them hosted and allows access to them. AFAIK, as long as you're logged into your client, you should be able to download both the JSON and build files for the Public build you want to convert assets from. The following are all public builds http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-1.3.0/273590.json -this is SC 1.3 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-115/169905.json -this is SC 1.1.5 Final http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-116/173766.json -this is SC 1.1.6 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-116/186168.json -this is SC 1.1.6a http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-120/248856j.json -this is SC 1.2 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.0.0/305217.json -this is SC 2.0 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.1.0/311865.json -this is SC 2.1.0 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.1.0/313699.json -this is SC 2.1.1 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.1.0/315233.json -this is SC 2.1.2 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.2.0/327398.json -this is SC 2.2.0 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.2.0/328656.json -this is SC 2.2.1 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.2.0/330834.json -this is SC 2.2.2 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.2.0/333246.json -this is SC 2.2.3 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.3.0/336649.json -this is SC 2.3.0 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.3.0/341778.json -this is SC 2.3.1 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.4.0/363258-xml.json -this is SC 2.4.0 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.4.0/368250-code.json -this is SC 2.4.1 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.5.0/393743.json -this is SC 2.5 final release http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.6.0/490789-c.json -this is SC 2.6.0 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.6.0/506099.json -this is SC 2.6.1 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.6.0/521494-c.json -this is SC 2.6.2 http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/FileIndex/sc-alpha-2.6.0/523988-c.json -this is SC 2.6.3 You can open any of these json files in Microsoft Wordpad (for readability) or note pad or a json viewer of your choice. To assemble the links, you would use the web root URL + build prefix + the directory tree + the pak file name. So for Build 2.6.3 #1 you take the web root URL http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/ #2 Then add the Build prefix after the web root URL, which is located toward the bottom of the json eg http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/GameBuilds/sc-alpha-2.6.0/523988-c/StarCitizen #3 Then add the directory tree and pak file contained in the filelist tree in the json eg http://1.webseed.robertsspaceindustries.com/GameBuilds/sc-alpha-2.6.0/523988-c/StarCitizen/Data/Objects-part0.pak Provided CIG continues to allow backers to download previous builds for modding/fan art, the above directions should work until a newer system is implemented. *at one point I was downloading a bunch of old builds for testing conversions and I got blocked from downloading more pak files from that build, I logged into my launcher and then all of a sudden I was able to download the rest of the build pak files manually. So that lead me to believe that IP access for builds is authorized by the launcher, but it could be just a fluke. However this happened twice for me and each time, re-logging into the launcher worked in allowing me to continue to download the rest of the pak files from old builds. So.. seems this is the case but it may not be. Now for another tidbit of info. Decal Textures and Alpha maps So if you noticed, after converting textures with EPPI's tool. Alpha channels are still in the diffusion and specular map files for many textures. These are typically not use-able as is in most 3D programs. You'll need to extract the alpha channel with Photoshop or another image editing software to be usable. Here's what I do in Photoshop Open diffusion or specular tif file Check if alpha is all white or has any black if white close file, everything okay check next file if anything other than all white present proceed. Select alpha channel and disable RGB channels on background (the texture) Copy Create new layer Make sure new layer is selected in layer viewer RGB channel for this new layer should be visible by default after creation, but confirm select > Edit > Paste Special > Paste into place You should end up with a black and white alpha map in the new layer Save as a copy > Tif > no layers and no alpha and as a copy check marked > save tiff with _ALPHA at end of file name before .tif extension Use this file in the opacity map in Substance painter or in any 3D program for the decal material. Now in addition to alpha maps, sometimes it's not an alpha map but an emmisive map or some other kind of odd map (occasionally you'll get something that's not an emmisive or an alpha.. use your best judgement). For the emmisive maps, you'll need to maintain your color from the RGB channels. What I do is copy the alpha channel out as a layer mask to get the color in the emmisive (would be white areas) and the rest of the non-emmisive areas are black. Decals: Method on getting decals to display properly when they are exploded/lifted off the mesh on their own polys https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50172/thread/unstoppable-decal-issues-solved-addendum-to-asset- Link to my original Tutorial is https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50172/thread/how-to-start-modding-existing-star-citizen-assets
  12. [PSA] Update on ships in development <<-- Good thread where this guy is datamining the XML files to determine the following (which according to what we know is very likely to be true.... - no big surprises except work being done on Crucible - could be for baby PU repair practice mechanic - CIG wanting to explore the game mechanic with players) +++ CR mentioned that we will likely see the Starfarer hangar ready this month (in yesterday's 10ftc) by alluran I've been comparing 2.0 to 2.1, and there's a few new Ship implementations, at least XML-wise, in the files. It looks like the following ships have been getting some love: Aegis Sabre Anvil Crucible Argo MPV Drake Herald (Appears to almost be Hangar ready) Drake Caterpillar Greycat Industries Cydnus MISC Reliant XIAN Scout (Woo!) Vanduul Blade Vanduul Void Bomber I know a bunch of these are known, but there's a few others that people may not have been aware that they're actively working on (assuming that the new presence of these files means they're working on them)
  13. I have a Starfarer Gemini and a Vanguard Warden I need to part with. I will sell the Gemini for $315 and the Warden for $235.
  14. I'm curious to know how many ships are in the UEE. I would like compare his strenght with other sci-fi fleets organizations
  15. Hey folks! I had some thought on how the Unit was to be setup when we fly together in the verse. Reading the Whitepaper we have one main and one backup Endeavor. I do agree to have one ship as standardized for research - I simply love that aspect of the Endeavor and I think that is sort of what we are about. I do however like the idea of having Hangar Modules on them as we are then able to carry some fighters, like Sabres or Hornets for quick and efficient defense of the Unit. The Carrack is a good option for exploring no doubt and it will help us tons. Since the Endeavor explorer can not really jump it is not suited for deep space exploration without the drive unit but is a viable option for going down on planets we "stay at" for research and equivalent. I am pretty sure the Freelancer can be landed in the Endeavor hangar module simply because there is only a 5m length difference to the Cutlass Red! (Which they mention can be landed a few in one Hangar Module) Starfarer - hands down a need just as the whitepaper says cause of the fuel, when I think exploration of the verse it is truly going for deep space exploration and finding all its riches! Any thoughts :)? I love to talk about these sorts of things!
  16. In the game, I can spawn in about 12 extra ships that are not shown in my RSI hangar on the website. I can spawn them in, fly them, do whatever. Is this an exploit, and can I get banned for it?
  17. Those in Concierge may have noticed Third's topic on the $0 CCU removal having backfired completely, by formulating the database operation incorrectly. Some $0 CCUs that originally cost money before pricing changes were removed A lot of $0 CCUs that were free, now have a value due to price changes and have been left on accounts.
  18. Darius Marx

    closed by staff Account Deletion Sale

    I've been following star citizen since October 17, 2012, it was a dream of mine to play this game but recent events have lead me away from gaming altogether. Recently my mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer and she needs help. I've also been wanting to quit gaming for a while now so I'm taking this as a wake up call. My star citizen account has a trove of digital treasures that you will enjoy, so I'm offering up my whole for sale. If after a while the account can't be sold I will be selling everything separately. I've donated a total of $2560.00 to this project. This is what the account contains; REAR ADMIRAL LTI PACKAGE - HAMMERHEAD DIGITAL COLONEL LTI PACKAGE - SUPER HORNET ADVANCED HUNTER LTI PACKAGE - SUPER HORNET ADVANCED HUNTER LTI PACKAGE - SUPER HORNET DIGITAL BOUNTY HUNTER LTI PACKAGE - CUTLASS BLACK ADVANCED HUNTER LTI PACKAGE - AVENGER STALKER ADVANCED HUNTER LTI PACKAGE - AVENGER STALKER NEXT GENERATION AURORA LTI PACKAGE - M50 DIGITAL COLONEL LTI PACKAGAE - ANDROMEDA AQUILA DRAKE DRAGONFLY YELLOWJACKET LTI DRAKE DRAGONFLY YELLOWJACKET LTI BANU MERCHANTMAN LTI F7A HORNET UPGRADE F7A HORNET UPGRADE F7A HORNET UPGRADE AVENGER TO ARROW UPGRADE AVENGER TO ARROW UPGRADE GRAND ADMIRAL PERKS ALL MILESTONE UPGRADES Selling the entire account for 2000$, that's 560$ I'd be losing - plus the value of the other rewards and perks that were gifted to me over the course of the campaign. My loss your gain. Message me for more details or with your offers. I've got paypal and have been a part of this community for years, you can trust me.
  19. sooooo on a scale of yes it needs to happen to not gonna happen, do you think we can eventually refit ships to different roles? lets say take the terrapin and make it a cozy little mobile apartment? i would like to see a hull-e as a floating space port honestly
  20. The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo is here! Ship sales and free flights are available for one and all. For those interested: The Anniversary Sale main page: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/IAE_Free_Fly The Anniversary Sale gameplay guide for new players: https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012238394
  21. Great RTV and lots to talk about for ships next year
  22. Hello. I`m starting to say that I loved this game, from 2014 when I was in USA and I bought my Hotas Warthog and soon after some custom rudders from Europe. But that was then and now is now. My kid was born in 2017 and I love him much more then SR and I simply don`t have the time or the money to keep this game and I have to sell the whole account because I can`t invest in it anymore to make bound items tradable. I have the following items in it: 31500UEC 150USD Main Package - Advanced Hunter - LTI - Avenger Stalker and 8 items $75.00 USD "Starting Money: 2,000 UEC Lifetime Insurance Digital Game Soundtrack Digital Star Map Digital Star Citizen Manual Squadron 42 Digital Download Star Citizen Digital Download" Add-Ons - Harbinger Battlefield Upgrade Kit LTI $45.00 USD Standalone Ship - Aegis Vanguard - LTI $250.00 USD Standalone Ship - Anvil Carrack - LTI $350.00 USD Standalone Ship - Reliant Mini Hauler - LTI upgraded to Crusader Mercury Star Runner $225.00 USD Crusader Mercury Nightrunner Skin Epoch Society T-Shirt Aeon Club T-Shirt Christmas Reward 2016! Hangar decoration 100M Reward - 2944 War Bond Hangar decoration 56M Reward - J-Span Cryo-Star Cooler 55M Reward - Preacher Armament Inquisition XXII Gatling Space Globes Hangar decoration Christmas 2014 reward! Holiday Wreath December 2014 Backer Reward: Takuetsu Consolidated Outland Mustang / Mustang Box On buyback history I have many ships that I got and then melted to make this final fleet. If anyone is interested I can show him/her all my items with skype/discord share screen. Melted value of all items is 1095USD. I hope to get 1095 if is possible, me paying paypal fees. edit: here is my buyback list, I have multiple ships of same type but I only listed them once Standalone Ship - Aegis Eclipse LTI Standalone Ship - Hull A - LTI (multiple) Standalone Ship - Hull B - LTI (multiple) Standalone Ship - Drake Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI Standalone Ship - Aopoa Nox LTI (multiple) Standalone Ship - Aegis Sabre - LTI Standalone Ship - Drake Herald - LTI (multiple) Standalone Ship - Kruger P-72 Archimedes - LTI (multiple) Standalone Ship - Reliant Mini Hauler - LTI (multiple) Ship Upgrades - Avenger to Sabre Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Cutlass Black to Cutlass Blue Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Cutlass Blue to F7C-M Super Hornet Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Cutlass Blue to Retaliator Base Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Cutlass Blue to Sabre Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Vanguard Warden to Merchantman Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Vanguard Warden to Harbinger Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Hull B to M50 Interceptor Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Sabre to Khartu-Al Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Sabre to F7C Hornet Wildfire Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Sabre to Hurricane Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Gladiator to F7C-M Super Hornet Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Gladiator to Sabre Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Gladiator to Freelancer MIS Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Gladiator to Khartu-Al Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Gladiator to Freelancer MIS Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Dragonfly Yellowjacket to Anvil Terrapin Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Freelancer MIS to F7C-M Super Hornet Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Freelancer MIS to Gladiator Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Freelancer DUR to 350r Upgrade Ship Upgrades - Freelancer DUR to Freelancer MIS Upgrade Ship Upgrades - F7C-S Hornet Ghost to 350r Upgrade Ship Upgrades - F7C-M Super Hornet to Freelancer MIS Upgrade Ship Upgrades - F7C-M Super Hornet to Gladiator Upgrade Ship Upgrades - M50 Interceptor to Cutlass Black Upgrade Add-Ons - Sentinel Battlefield Upgrade Kit LTI for Vanguard Warden Add-Ons - Advocacy Tools Add-Ons - Origin Racing Suit Add-Ons - Model II Arclight Sidearm Add-Ons - UEE Environment Coat (on a side note anyone can tell how much can I sell a EU BDO account with full tri boss set on 2 characters lvl 56, many pets, maids, costumes etc.?)
  23. I’m new to the group. I like long walks at sunset, sand between my toes and giving away starships. Yeah, that's right, I said it. Wanna fight about it...LOL Hoping to meet many who want to interact and play the game.
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