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Found 18 results

  1. New ship from Xi'an! Very interesting concept for movement. Time for the explorers and scouts to re-look at your options! Quote: Xi’an ship design will be focused on a vertical aesthetic and maneuvering jets that can combine to thrust in multiple directions. Gimbaled, larger-than-normal thrusters sit on the four points of a star in the centerline, allowing each thruster unobstructed hemispherical coverage. The Xi’an scout can rotate on all axes and direct four thrusters to the rear or front! Because of this configuration the Xi’an ship has superb linear maneuvering abilities on all axes. This extra maneuverability comes at a cost however. Xi’an ships favor maneuverability over heavy armament or defensive protection. Xi’an Scout Unlocked! The Khartu is the light attack craft of the Xi’An military. Contrary to Human ship design, the Khartu doesn’t have a traditional main thruster, instead featuring an array of maneuvering thrusters on articulated rigs. This design allows for incredible agility, making them the bane of UEE pilots, who bestowed the nickname ‘Quark’ because when all of the thrusters are firing, the ship looks like a spark flying through space. The Xi’an Aopoa corporation also manufactures an export model, the Khartu-al, for sale to human civilians as a dedicated scout/explorer. The export model features the same Xi’an maneuvering rig, but control surfaces modified for human use and a more limited armament. (Designer: Aopoa)
  2. Khartu-Al with LTI Included in the price is piece of mind. No drama here. Please don't bring any to me. PayPal only. I am a US based seller. I'm a staff sergeant stationed at Fort Bragg in NC. I look forward to a clean fast transaction. See attached screen prints. P-72 upgrade to Khartu-Al applied and ready to gift.
  3. All prices include "middle man" fees. I sell my ships through star-hangar.com. LTI C2 Hercules (original concept) LTI Carrack Base - SOLD LTI Reclaimer Base - SOLD LTI Retaliator Bomber - SOLD LTI Khartu-Al Base - (new flight model coming!! grab one quick! also, this was CCU'd from a P72) LTI Herald Base - SOLD (had 2, both gone) LTI Hull B Base - SOLD LTI P72 Archimedes - (only 1 left!) Freelancer Max Game Package w/ 6 months insurance - (This is the old school package with both games! Squadron 42 and the PU! There are rumors the Freelancer Max is going up in price $10 at CIG and now Squadron 42 is sold separately for $45.. this is a steal. Flair: Trophy Collection - Citizencon 2946 I am happy to answer any questions you have. I’ve sold ships here before. No issues.
  4. Hello Friends: Two questions: 1. Do you think the next flight model will make the scout significantly more agile than other ships? It doesn’t have thrusters. It uses its main thrusters for all movement. 2. Do you think CIG will make any minor or major changes to the scout before persistent universe is released?
  5. Hi guys, First of all I am so glad that I found this place. I was heartbroken to see the official Star Citizen forums go because the new spectrum is such a mess, especially regarding ship discussions. So I am hoping you can help me with my problem. I am planning to get my hands on the Polaris (I already own the Cutlass Blue, Gladiator and CCU from Gladiator to Super Hornet, Reedemer, Reclaimer, Crucible and double Noxes). I am more or less done when it comes to buying new ships because I think I got everything I need except I got one problem. What do you think what ship should I get to be the designated scanning ship in the hangar bay of the Polaris? From what I understand Idris will have great scanners and Polaris will have tough time sneaking up on it unless it uses some sort of scanning ship. I was debating between Herald, Hornet Tracker, 315P, and Terrapin. Each one of them has it's own problems that are bothering me: 1) Herald: I am not sure does Herald even got any advantage over other ships when it comes to scanning? I mean it is supposed to be hacking and info runner ship I am not sure does it have any sort of specialized scanning equipment :S 2) 315P: My buddy owns one so I guess we could use that. What bothers me is how strong are it's scanners compared to other ships? 3) Hornet Tracker: I own a Gladiator and I got a CCU to Super Hornet. I was planning on using it and then just strap on the Tracker gear on top of the Super hornet. I wasn't able to figure out what exactly is the Hornet Trackers role... does it do long range scanning vs other ships and how effective is it at that? I read something about Tracker allowing other ships to achieve faster lock and detect stealthy ship etc. etc. but all I really want is a long range ship scanner 4) Terrapin: From what I read Terrapin is supposed to be the dedicated stealth long range scanner and seems like the best choice but what bothers me is it's price tag... I don't feel like getting rid of my Gladiator (or Super Hornet CCU) to get it. 5) Gladiator: I own it and I heard some speculations that it might receive some modularity. I am not sure are those just rumors but if we could strap on a powerful radar on sensors on it Gladiator would be a bit more versatile. So what do you think? Do you think that getting Tracker gear on the Super Hornet is a viable option to serve as a scout for the Polaris (that would be the cheapest bet for me) or should I look into other scanning ships from the list?
  6. With the 2016 aniversary sale continuing to wreak havoc on my Paypal account, I figured if I was going to go broke and hungry I might as well do it right. I don't like to half-ass anything. I have two additional pledges that I'm considering, and would like some input from whoever is kind enough to chime in. I think I've lost my objectivity in this orgy of ship porn so I leave it to this illustrious community to help me out. 1: Hull-C to Banu Merchantman CCU - Good idea? Why? Why not? Pros and cons? 2: Xian Scout - Any idea what it's actually good for other than looking beautiful? I mean seriously, I would love one but I just can't pin the roll of this ship.
  7. Hi guys I've got a question: I'm planning to upgrade my 315p soon to get ready for 3.0 and want to move into a forward scout/commander role in Imperium. Any advice for the best ships for the job? p.s. I think maybe something like the Hornet Tracker might be a good idea... Thanks
  8. Hazzbeen

    The Pointmen

    Hi I am new here and being prior military infantry (Marine Corps 0341) myself I thought of patrols and the importance of a good pointman / pointmen / lead convoy vic. The people at the front of the formation that see everything first and report it to the command unit/center that may or may not be in sight of the objective. w/ fleets maybe they are 1-2 jump points ahead letting the still in quantum fleet know what they are about to be headed into or recon and scout the path in teams and make intel reports that could alter the entire fleets route. Maybe they are scouting for a stealth bomb run to hit a pirate trade post. Who knows?.. sky's the limit.or...space.....w/e Maybe a 2 man team with a hornet ghost/hornet tracker. or any other combination of stealthy or ships w/ enhanced scanning capabilities. Maybe they can jump to a system that the fleet cannot due to jump point size limitations or what not. I am not sure if someone else has posted anything like this. If so please drop a link. I would love to brainstorm a bit.
  9. LTI Xi'an Scout (Khartu-Al) $155+ fee Aurora MR Game Package (sq42 & sc) $35+ fee p-72 $40+ fee LTI Herald $90+ fee 300i Game Package (sq42 & sc) $35+ fee I use a middle man. It protects me and you. I have sold several ships through www.star-hangar.com and every transaction is flawless. People try to down play the importance of LTI. True it won't be a game breaker, but RSI has said the more you use insurance, the more your premium will be. Also, extra insurance will need to be purchased to cover any upgrades you make to your ship.. weapons, power plant etc. The convenience of it, the savings, only needing insurance for your upgrades.. for the ENTIRE 10 years you could play this game.. I say that's worth a little extra. with that said.. I have trust issues. I sell through star hangar. Too many scammers out there. I've sold a few ships through them already and it is a pleasure. No stress. You will have to ask them what their fee is. Thanks for reading.
  10. Hello everyone, I'm selling one Xi'an Scout, one Vanguard Warden, one Harbinger BUK and one Sentinel BUK. Comes with LTI. Added: one Aegis Sabre 1 x Aegis Sabre LTI (CCU'ed from P-72) - SOLD 1 x Xi'an Scout LTI - SOLD 1 x Aegis Vanguard Warden LTI - SOLD 1 x Harbinger BUK for Vanguard LTI - SOLD 1 x Sentinel BUK for Vanguard LTI - SOLD Xi'an Scout Terms and Conditions: Paypal only Verified Paypal accounts only RSI confirmed Paypal fees included in price You are buying a digital item, not a physical item Buyer is responsible for middleman fees, if they wish to use one.
  11. Hi there, I have recently had a child and have found there is no game time available anymore and with work it was already in short supply. I'm looking to offload the following, thet are all giftable right now. Freelancer DUR with LTI (P-72 CCU) -$150 Xian Scout with LTI (P-72 CCU)- $160 AC Aurora MR Starter Package -$30
  12. Khartu-Al with LTI for $200. I am a US based seller. I'm a staff sergeant stationed at Fort Bragg in NC. I look forward to a clean fast transaction. See attached screen prints. P-72 upgrade to Khartu-Al applied and ready to gift.
  13. Greg

    Want to Sell WTS LTI 350R ($185)

    Price includes paypal fees for USD; add 3% extra for currency conversion fee if necessary. - Banu Merchantman LTI - $395 SOLD - 350R LTI - $185 - Xi'An Scout Khartu LTI - $200 SOLD Sold through verified paypal only; willing to use a middleman at buyer's expense. Not interested in trades, only seeking payment through paypal. I am paypal verified and have successfully sold a Caterpillar Retaliatior, and Superhornet on Reddit and this forum in the past, in addition to dealing ships through Kane and Loneshade.
  14. Hey there, I'm looking for a fellow ship captain with his/ her eyes set on exploring the PU when it launches. I own a Mustang Beta and Vanguard( my preferred flyer), so I'll be able to fly right alongside in active combat support. Don't want any filthy Vanduul cutting up any unlucky explorers, so I'll be doing my part (star ship troopers reference) to fight them off. Only requirement, positive attitude! If you have a larger ship and are interested that would be swell, due to possibly being able to refuel and rearm my more fighter based craft. It'll be a partnership, you and me dancing across the void. To friends, Doc
  15. Selling an Origin 300i LTI game package. It is a Digital Scout package with Anniversary Aurora LX upgrade and then 300i upgrade applied. Asking $145. - Have done a few sales in the past, and would like to have some dialogue with buyer before sale. verified paypal. - Pvt-Jenkins
  16. Hey folks, I've been floating around the forums and TS for a bit now, but figured I would formally introduce myself, and request a little guidance at the same time. I'm from the USA, but moved to Hong Kong in 2009. I've been living and working here since then, and have gamed the entire time, mostly on American servers with Aussie/Asian populations, or Aussie servers if they've been up and running. I came across Star Citizen back near the beginning and pledged up for a Veteran Status. Over the last year, I've pledged up to High Admiral level and built up a decent hangar of boats, hoping to build up even more! I'm extremely excited at the prospects of Star Citizen, as this is literally the game I have dreamed about since I was young. I loved games like X-Wing, TIE-Fighter, F15 Strike Eagle II, Aces over Europe, and similar, as well as FPS games, and I always hoped to have a game that combined them both, but was sorely disappointed with most games' attempts. Closest to what I wanted was SWG after JTL or games like World War II Online, but I became quickly disenchanted with the way SOE handled SWG, and while I loved the WWII combat settings, I wasn't too enthused about WWII Online. I wanted a persistent space sim, not a Sci-Fi MMO/Shooter with a flying component. Along came CR and SC and it made me have hope again! I can't wait to jump into my Connie for a cargo/support run, or my Ghost for some low emissions recon. I'm looking to find a group of Asiatic region folks to get more acquainted with, and maybe mess around some other sim/MMOs to get to know each other better. As for a guidance question: I love, LOVE scouting/Recon/Exploration, but also love providing escort for haulers. Is there a squadron or division that has a level of focus? I have looked at the different squadron/division posts and while everything is really well organized, I don't see much "hybridization" (exception maybe being the True Hawks, but my playtime wouldn't fit that schedule: UTC+8, average playtime 11:00AM-6PM UTC). Anyway, I can't wait to get to know more of the fleet, and would welcome any comms from everyone, especially Asia/Pacific folks looking for some fun gaming.
  17. I want to find out what our member's pledged! Take the strawpoll! http://strawpoll.me/665001
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