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  1. K.S

    Want to Buy Sabre Raven Code

    Want to buy an official Sabre Raven SSD-Octane Code. I buy it for the price of an actual Intel® Optane™ SSD 900P : 400$ (negociation is possible)
  2. I got 2 sabre raven package for sale. $195 each. No need to contact support service. I post here because my listing won't show up on ebay for some reason. If you don't trust me, I can send you the link of my item on ebay. P.S: If you are worry about me returning the SSD. I can show you the receipt, all these purchases are made 6 months ago. update: sold one
  3. VoA

    Aegis Sabre

    Aegis Sabre - just announced at Citizencon 2015 $170 OVERVIEWCONCEPT ARTTECHNICAL OVERVIEW Part of Aegis Dynamics’ Phase Two of new ship models, the Sabre was designed as a space superiority fighter for those situations where you need to leave a lighter footprint. The Sabre is more than capable of establishing battlefield dominance for any number of combat sorties. IN CONCEPTStats balancing in progress CONCEPT ART Download image Concept Art - Blueprint Download image Download image Concept Art - On Deck Download image Concept Art - Cockpit The Aegis Sabre and Military Ship Sale The Aegis Sabre and Military Ship Sale Something New from Aegis Part of Aegis Dynamics’ Phase Two of new ship models, the Sabre was designed as a space superiority fighter for those situations where you need to leave a lighter footprint. While no one will deny the Hornet’s place as the UEE Navy’s brawler, the Sabre offers an elegant and nimble alternative to handle an ever-evolving combat landscape. Designed to be a rapid responder, the Sabre is more than capable of establishing battlefield dominance for any number of combat sorties. Engineers looked equally to the past and the future to build the Sabre . Incorporating Aegis’ battle-tested power distribution systems into their dependable ship-hull construction while developing cutting-edge flight and system technology, the Sabre is truly a next generation fighter that represents the new Aegis. Aegis Dynamics has designed the Sabre in response to a United Empire of Earth Navy’s request for proposal for a next-generation fighter capable of outmatching the Vanduul STINGER-class heavy fighter in speed and turning. While the Navy has not yet accepted the the Sabre bid, Aegis has opted to make a run of production prototypes available to licensed civilian operators. Ship Details The Aegis Sabre is a new starfighter designed explicitly to premiere at CitizenCon 2015! The Sabre will be available from October 10, 2015 through October 19 as a concept sale. The Sabre has been designed to make use of systems already in place in Arena Commander, to allow it to come online faster than a ship that requires new game mechanics. Known Specifications LENGTH 26m BEAM 24m (Folded) 30m (Deployed) HEIGHT 5m (Gear down) 3.8m (Gear up) NULL-CARGO MASS 18’000 Kg CARGO CAPACITY None MAIN THRUSTERS 2xTR3 MANEUVERING THRUSTERS 8xSize 2 RETRO THRUSTERS 2xTR3 BODY WEAPONS 2xS3 Fixed Laser Repeaters WINGS WEAPONS 2xS2 Gimbaled Laser Cannons SHIELDS 4xLight POWER PLANTS 3xLight All specifications are subject to change for game balancing. About the Sale This ship is being offered for the first time as a limited concept sale. This means that the ship design meets our specifications, but it is not yet ready to display in your Hangar or to fight in Arena Commander. The sale includes Lifetime Insurance on the ship hull and a pair of decorative items for your Hangar. A future patch will add a poster and then once the in-game model is finished you will also be given an in-game mini ship model! In the future, the ship price will increase and the offer will not include Life Time Insurance or these extras. If you’d like to add one to your fleet, they’re available in the pledge store until October 19, 2015. Disclaimer Remember: we are offering this pledge ship to help fund Star Citizen’s development. The funding generated by sales such as this is what allows us to include deeper, non-combat oriented features in the Star Citizen world. Concept ships will be available for in-game credits in the final universe, and they are not required to start the game. Additionally, please note that the Endeavor will be entering the ship pipeline now, it will ultimately be released after other concept ships have been completed. Endeavor pods may come online at different times, as game mechanics to support them are completed. All decorative ‘flare’ items will also be available to acquire in the finished game world. The goal is to make additional ships available that give players a different experience rather than a particular advantage when the persistent universe launches. Limited sale AEGIS SABRE - LTI- Standalone Ship $170.00 USDIN STOCKMORE INFOBUY NOW
  4. I am glad to welcome you in my store upgrades. In it you can find a lot of upgrades that are not available at the moment for sale on the RSI. I have over 150 successful sales of ships Star Citizen on eBay (all with positive feedback from buyers). PM me message and I will provide a link to that sales thread. Also I have successful major sales on this site, you can see my feedback. Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final (includes PayPal fees). If you are interested - leave a comment here and send me private message with: Ship or Upgrade or Package name, your PayPal email also your corresponding RSI handle. I will send invoice for payment via PayPal. Item will be delivered buyer's PayPal email address after payment is cleared. No returns or refund as the gifting system only allow 1 time gifting and it will be account bound to the buyer's account (your payment will be refunded if I cannot deliver your item for any reason). If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. I wish you a pleasant shopping in my store:) All prices are final (includes PayPal fees) Starfarer Gemini to Carrack Upgrade - $265 Orion to A2 Hercules Upgrade - $350 600i Explorer to A2 Hercules Upgrade - $350 Starfarer to Orion Upgrade - $295 Constellation Aquila to Orion Upgrade - $290 Gladiator to Sabre Upgrade - $15 Cutlass Red to 350r Upgrade - $15 Avenger to Mustang Delta Upgrade - $15 325a to Reliant Researcher Upgrade - $15 325a to Avenger Warlock Upgrade - $28 Avenger Stalker to Reliant Skirmisher Upgrade - $16 Constellation Aquila to Vanguard Harbinger Upgrade - $18 Redeemer Warden to Vanguard Sentinel Upgrade - $35 Constellation Andromeda to Vanguard Warden Upgrade - $49 Constellation Taurus to Vanguard Hoplite Upgrade - $95 Khartu-Al to Нurricane Upgrade - $26 Constellation Taurus to Нurricane Upgrade - $75 Constellation Taurus to Banu Defender Upgrade - $60 Constellation Taurus to F7C-M Super Hornet Upgrade - $42 Constellation Taurus to F7C Hornet Wildfire Upgrade - $39 Constellation Taurus to Sabre Upgrade - $33 Constellation Taurus to Freelancer MIS Upgrade - $29 Constellation Taurus to Gladiator Upgrade - $29 Cutlass Black to Gladius Valiant Upgrade - $15 F7C-S Hornet Ghost to MISC Razor Upgrade - $49 Cutlass Black to Buccaneer Upgrade - $15 F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Cutlass Blue Upgrade - $15 325a to Herald Upgrade- $25 F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Khartu-Al- $32 Redeemer to Retaliator Bomber Upgrade - $39 F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Retaliator Base Upgrade - $20 Redeemer to Aegis Eclipse Upgrade - $70 Vanguard Sentinel to Aegis Eclipse Upgrade - $50 Esperia Vanduul Blade to Aegis Eclipse Upgrade - $65 Constellation Aquila to Starfarer Upgrade - $39 Constellation Aquila to Starfarer Gemini Upgrade - $54 Starfarer to Starfarer Gemini Upgrade - $80 Constellation Taurus to Prospector Upgrade - $15 Freelancer DUR to Prospector Upgrade - $35 F7C-S Hornet Ghost to Prospector Upgrade - $45 Constellation Taurus to Terrapin Upgrade - $90 Starfarer Gemini to Endeavor (Base) Upgrade - $29 Starfarer Gemini to Crucible Upgrade - $29 Constellation Aquila to Reclaimer Upgrade - $115 Constellation Aquila to Crucible Upgrade - $65 Modules & Upgrage KITs: Thank you for visiting my Store and I will be glad to see you again:)
  5. I want to sell my Aegis Sabre and Drake Caterpillar Pirate with 6 months insurance each. The price is negotiable, basis is 475 €, Pament via PayPal. Transfer via GIft-Function from Account to Account. If interested please contact me via PM.
  6. VoA

    Sabre Raven

    Sabre Raven - WAVE 5 - Concept Ship I'll add more details as we get them (or post news on this thread if you can) on the Xi'an Nox ship as seen in the production schedule below..... +++ Also See WAVE 6 - Concept Ships - Dedicated Civilian Ships [POLL] Could this image be the new Sabre Raven?
  7. Inspired by the awesome "277 shades of Star Citizen", I made this ! Hope you like it !
  8. Selling various ships. With this past anniversary sale I'm starting to get a better idea of how I want my own personal fleet to take form so giving people the chance to grab some of my buybacks. Prices and melt value as well as whether they are concept sales or CCU'd have been listed. Payment can be sent via paypal FROM VERIFIED ACCOUNTS ONLY. Prices include fees. Discount can be provided for f&f, is that even allowed? If it's allowed then it's true lol, if it's not allowed then obviously disregard. I can send pictures of stuff upon request, I'm just honestly too lazy to do it. Orion Concept Sale LTI - Price $400USD - Melt Value $325 Aegis Redeemer Concept Sale LTI - Price $275USD - Melt Value $250 Aegis Redeemer Concept Sale LTI Package - $325 - Melt Value $265 Aegis Vanguard Warden Concept Sale LTI - Price $275USD - Melt Value $250 Drake Buccaneer Concept Sale LTI - Price $135USD - Melt Value $110 Hull C Concept Sale LTI - Price $240USD - Melt Value $200 Banu Defender Concept Sale LTI - Price $210USD - Melt Value $185 Banu Merchantman (24 Months insurance) - Price $300USD - Melt Value $250 Superhornet (6 months insurance) - Price $175USD - Melt Value $165 Model II Arclight Sidearm - Price $15USD - Melt Value $5 I can also CCU to a bunch of ships with either LTI or non-LTI in particular superhornet and sabre as well as some of the others. For the CCUs just message me letting me know what you're looking for and I can let you know 1) if I can do it 2) price 3) the melt value 4) what kind of insurance it would have. Let me know if you have any questions!
  9. Hi folks. My eBay store and trade history : https://www.ebay.com/usr/zorik79 ----------Original Concept STANDALONE SHIPS---------- Anvil Hurricane - LTI - 220 USD Anvil Arrow LTI - 85 USD Avenger Titan Renegade - LTI -95USD AEGIS Gladius Valiant - LTI - 140USD ORIGIN 85X - LTI - 68 USD ARGO COMBO PACK (MPUV CARGO and MPUV PERSONNEL)- LTI - 86USD MPUV Personnel - LTI - 55 USD ANVIL Terrapin - LTI - 230 USD ADD-ONS - URSA Rover- LTI - 60USD DRAKE Buccaneer - LTI - 135USD MISC Prospector - LTI - 170USD Aopoa San'tok.yāi Anniversary 2018 Warbond - 220USD --------------CCU'd Ships------------ Gladius Valiant 120USD F7C-M Super Hornet 180USD F7C Hornet Wildfire 175USD Sabre 175USD Hull C - 250 USD Sabre Comet 190USD Freelancer MIS 175USD Gladiator 170USD Khartu-Al 175USD Hurricane 205USD AEGIS Vulcan 210USD Caterpillar 310USD Apollo Triage 250USD Hull B -95USD Herald 85USD Retaliator Bomber 275USD Vanguard Harbinger 285USD Starfarer Gemini 350USD RSI Polaris Ask Vanguard Sentinel 270USD Starfarer 300USD If You want to buy CCU ship with VFG Hangar add 15 USD (ship cost above 110USD) If You want to get "Digital Download" add 15 USD (Ship cost above 65USD) All prices include PayPal fee Verified PayPal only

    Complete Sabre Raven

    I want to buy a code. I'd pay 60$ or best offer. Reputable & trusted seller required. PayPal verified. My nick is the same here, in Reddit, and also in SC. Serious seller + serious buyer = always great & safe deals.
  11. Willing to sell my lovely Sabre LTI. I'm in a situation where I need money so, It must go... I'm selling it for 170€. Accepting PayPal; must be PayPal verified and email for PayPal and Gifting must be the same. Payment must be received prior to delivery to complete the transaction. No Refunds or Cancellations will be available. Mi RSI Account: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/By-Jokese
  12. Got two Optane drives and 2 Sabre Raven codes. One is for me and the other one is up for sale. I will send the code AND the picture of the code card. No physical shippment of the items.
  13. I've ended up with one more Sabre Raven code than I need and decided to sell it off for around $200. I'll be sending a photo of the code in the box and can also PM the code for those of you who might have sight problems.
  14. Hello fellows, Yesterday I received my Sabre and test it on Multiplayer Vandul Swarm and I finished it in first try. Next I joined Squad Match, there where my drama start. When I saw same guy with Drake Buccaneer, he just kill me instant, EVERYTIME. He was using "Behring M6A Laser Cannon" I am not pro player and that match my second attempt to fly with Sabre. But I don't expect to die instant against same tier fighter. Mybe not just him maybe others shooting me also I realy don't know but he killed me everytime not any other enemy What is your thought? Regards.
  15. Hi gents and ladies, Getting engaged soon and decided to sell my little nest egg of ships. Got a verified PP and have a history of deals here on SCB. Buying? PM me with your RSI handle and PayPal email. Buyer pays fees. STANDALONE SHIP - AEGIS SABRE - LTI $175 SHIP UPGRADES - SABRE TO BANU DEFENDER UPGRADE $50 STANDALONE SHIP - KRUGER P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI CCU'D to Mustang Beta $55 STANDALONE SHIP - KRUGER P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI CCU'D to F7C-M Super Hornet $180 STANDALONE SHIP - RELIANT MINI HAULER - LTI CCU'D to Freelancer MIS $165 Tips not required but greatly appreciated for ring fund Regards: Hefty
  16. Hi all, Looking to sell my account and ARMADA package with LTI. Will be via paypal of course and will use escrow.com if you are concerned if you cover costs. Also includes a token for a buyback of a JUMP 890 with LTI. Looking to move this along. Thanks, T.
  17. jhutchpdx

    Want to Sell Multi-Ship Sale - LTI

    Hi guys, it has come time for me to unload my ships. New job, no time, need a new laptop. Notes: Some ships are CCU-d, some come with additional items. Prices include Paypal fee. Available Ships Buccaneer - LTI ($110) Constellation Andromeda - LTI ($225) Super Hornet - LTI ($165) Sabre - LTI ($170) 350R - LTI ($125) Freelancer MIS - LTI ($165) Merchantman - LTI ($250) Harbinger - LTI ($280) SENTINEL BATTLEFIELD UPGRADE KIT - ANNIVERSARY - 3 yr ($25) PM me if interested, I will update the above as sold I am Paypal verified, please be so as well I have done transactions through the site previously Invoice will be sent via Paypal for Payment Buyer's go first No Refunds once transaction is complete
  18. spases

    Want to Buy WTB M50 Upgrade

    I am looking for a ship upgrade from an M50. The ship I'm looking for isn't set in stone yet, but I need a combat ship. Anyone out there have one?
  19. Hi all, Looking for some friendly advice here. I am a new recruit and currently have a Super Hornet in my hangar. (And I love it) However, this anniversary sale has me going out of my mind! The Sabre Comet looks so sexy with it's dog-fighting loadout and would only be a $20 upgrade from my SH. What do you think? Is it worth it? Super Hornet or Sabre Comet? Gaaaaah!
  20. Hello fellow pilots and citizens I have initiated a clean up of my buy back section, full of little LTI tokens, thinking they could be useful for a lot of people. I bought them back and upgraded them to one of the best ship currently available in the game: The SABRE I'll sell the ships without making any profit on it. I swear I'm just willing to help for those who want Sabres, but can not afford extra $ (due to prices on the grey market). Priority is given to IMPERIUM members Payment: Paypal is mandatory. You must be paypal verified. Being french, i'll prefer invoicing in Euro. What Can I offer? 1 x LTI P72 Archimedes upgraded to Sabre: $ 178 / 169€ Comes with P72 model + a poster and a self land hangar. (edit: sold one to Archangel) 1x LTI ARGO, upgraded to Sabre: $ 178/169€ Comes with an argo model, an argo poster and a selfland Hangar 1x LTI advanced hunter Package upgraded to SABRE: $ 230/ 210 € this package includes: * Starting Money: 2,000 UEC * Lifetime Insurance * Digital Game Soundtrack * Digital Star Map * Digital Star Citizen Manual * Squadron 42 Digital Download * Star Citizen Digital Download I hope this Helps! Best regards history: Edit #1: updated quantity for LTI SABRE ccu'd from P72: Q=2 -> Q=1 sold the reliant.
  21. I have 5 ships that are gift-able all CCU'd with LTI. Sabre, Xi'an Scout, 350R, Mustang Delta and Mustang Gamma. Ship values: Sabre $170 USD, Xi'an Scout $150 USD, 350R $125 USD, Mustang Delta $65 USD, Mustang Gamma $55 USD I have an account with an Aurora MR package worth $30 USD, a Herald with LTI that was CCU'd from a reliant worth $85 USD. In the buybacks is a CCU for Herald to Avenger Warlock zero value. This account is worth $115 dollars, would like $100 for the account.
  22. I'm selling 1x Aegis Sabre that was CCU'ed from a P-72. It comes with LTI 1 X Aegis Sabre LTI - $170 USD Terms and Conditions: Paypal only Verified Paypal accounts only RSI confirmed Paypal fees included in price You are buying a digital item, not a physical item Buyer is responsible for middleman fees, if they wish to use one.
  23. All buyers must have a verified PayPal Account. Buyer pays then the ship will be gifted on RSI Standalone Sabre: 6 Month Insurance Price - £105 Package Carrack: (Constellation Andromeda upgraded to Carrack) 6 Month Insurance 10,000 UEC Price - £250 £225 PM me for more detail Prices Negotiable to an extent
  24. Selling an original concept sale LTI Sabre for $180USD. This is the one that includes the model and poster. Price is inclusive of paypal fees, payment via paypal can ONLY be done from a verified account. If you are Canadian I can accept payment via interac e-transfer (if this isn't allowed please let me know and I'll remove it) and can adjust the price so you are charged in CAD.
  25. I want to reduce my fleet a little bit so here are nearly all ships I can sell. I will not sell them all and let you decide what I will keep after some are sold. I will also list some rare ships and packages that I can buy back for you, but maybe the prices are not so interesting because I have to pay 19 percent VAT here in germany when buying back nowadays in the RSI store. If you wish to pay with paypal you have to use a verified account. But I will also accept classic bank transfer, bitcoin and cash if you are in my hometown. please contact me via pm if you are interested. Here comes the list: these LTI ships are all upgraded from P72-Archimedes LTI: Reliant Kore LTI , 90 USD SOLD Avenger Stalker LTI , 100 USD SOLD Hull A LTI , 100 USD SOLD 315P LTI , 105 USD SOLD Reliant Tana Skirmisher LTI , 120 USD 325A LTI , 110 USD SOLD Reliant Sen Researcher LTI , 115 USD SOLD Avenger Warlock LTI , 125 USD SOLD Drake Herlad LTI, 125 USD SOLD Reliant Mako News Van LTI , 145 USD Gladius LTI , 120 USD SOLD Hull B LTI , 120 USD SOLD Cutlass Black LTI , 130 USD SOLD M50 Interceptor , 130 USD SOLD Cutlass Red LTI , 145 USD SOLD Freelancer DUR LTI , 150 USD SOLD Freelancer MAX LTI , 165 USD SOLD Constellation Taurus LTI , 190 USD Cutlass Blue LTI , 190 USD Khartu-AL Scout LTI , 175 USD SOLD Retaliator Base LTI , 190 USD Sabre LTI , 230 USD Constellation Andromeda LTI , 270 USD Starfarer LTI, 319 USD Starfarer Gemini LTI , 255 USD 450 USD Caterpillar LTI , 290 USD Banu Merchantman LTI , 285 USD Redeemer LTI , 285 USD Vanguard Warden LTI , 265 USD SOLD Vanguard Sentinel LTI , 299 USD Constellation Aquila LTI , 299 USD Retaliator Bomber LTI , 299 USD Vanguard Harbinger LTI , 319 USD Orion LTI , 385 USD Carrack LTI , 395 USD Crucible LTI , 395 USD Endeavor LTI , 395 USD Hull D LTI , 395 USD Reclaimer LTI , 395 USD Genesis Starliner LTI , 465 USD Hull E LTI , 620 USD Vanduul Glaive LTI , 650 USD upgrades, add-ons and packages: F7A military hornet upgrade , 45 USD SOLD Advanced Hunter package LTI , 140 USD SOLD Warden Battlefield upgrade kit , 24 month insurance , 30 USD Sentinel Battlefield upgrade kit LTI , 70 USD other rare ships: MISC Reliant Mako News Van, Anniversary Sale, 3year insurance , 130 USD MISC Reliant Mako News Van LTI, upgraded from a Reliant Kore LTI , 160 USD MISC Reliant Sen Researcher LTI, upgraded from a Reliant Kore LTI , 150 USD SOLD MISC Reliant Tana Skirmisher LTI, upgraded from a Reliant Kore LTI , 140 USD
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