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Found 23 results

  1. Join the Gallowglass Scourge 13th Reconnaissance Squadron Today!! We are a Mercenary organization looking for members of all specialties, officer and enlisted positions available with room for advancement. We have a formidable fleet prepared to do long range escort and reconnaissance whether you’re moving cargo or a fleet we can handle it. Pilots, Infantry, crewmen, engineers, medics, and gunners urgently needed. A Polaris and Liberator have been ordered to bring our fighter squadron and ground strike teams into any system. If you’re interested in joining or have an organization in need of our services please check out our website and/or discord with the links below. Weekly Org Events and special events will be posted in Discord. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/13TGS https://discord.gg/Ys9UrMdWBH
  2. Who we Are Avalon Initiative is a Heavy Role Play, Immersion Based, and Interactive Organization. We are dedicated to playing the role of our characters in the 'verse. This means we strive to play in character for every mission, every landing, every encounter, trade, bounty, and our favorite experience: exploration. Avalon puts RP first, while playing every part of the game. Our Story The Avalon Initiative was founded in the year 2948 as part of a UEE program to establish an outpost on the very edge of UEE space from which exploration, economic, research, and even military expeditions into deep space could be launched. The leaders of the initiative thus commissioned several independent personnel to man the initiative. Now the Avalon Initiative is manned by brave explorers, traders, and mercenaries with one unified goal: finding Avalon. Our Mission and Vision -The mission of the Avalon Initiative is to Locate, Settle, and Develop an outpost on the borders of UEE space from which expeditions of a scientific, military, and economic nature can be launched to further humankind. -It is our vision that the Avalon Initiative will unite the adventurous spirits of the UEE through the development of a self-sustainable, highly defendable, and strategically located outpost in the farthest reaches of UEE space that will unlock opportunities never seen before for the advancement of humankind. Goals -Construct a self-sustainable and planet-side outpost located in fringe space. -Become an influential and a leading Org of our area. -Explore and chart the unknown during expeditions launched from the outpost. -Facilitate all playstyles through the use of the outpost as a hub for the organization. -Build a PvX-ready defense force to protect the Outpost and the Initiative's interests. What we offer - Open, honest, and transparent leadership. - Over 10 years of experience in previous MMOs - A story-driven and player-focused org. - An opportunity for you, the player, to be a founding member of an immersive, growing, and active community. - Multiple paths to fit your playstyle. - Progression within the Initiative for outstanding members. *Join the Initiative, and build humanity's future with us.* How to find us Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ayKHhUXseE RSI Page: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/AVALONINIT Contacts: Badkamikaze#9625 on discord Riji#6431 on discord
  3. Crimson Wolves is a Mandalorian Organization built around Pvp Combat, and later on, the conquering of systems Discord: https://discord.gg/j2Xn7WBxcg Org: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/CRMW Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round! Today, I stand before you as a representative of the revered Mandalorian Order, an ancient and honorable tradition passed down through generations. We are here to extend an invitation, a call to those with the heart of a warrior, the spirit of adventure, and the unyielding desire to uphold justice throughout the galaxy. In these turbulent times, when chaos threatens to consume the very fabric of our existence, the Mandalorian Order stands tall as a beacon of hope, strength, and unwavering loyalty. Our path is not an easy one, but for those who seek purpose, honor, and the chance to make a lasting difference, there is no greater calling. To become a Mandalorian is to embrace a way of life steeped in rich tradition, resilience, and skill. We are renowned for our unparalleled combat prowess, honed through rigorous training and relentless dedication. From mastering the art of marksmanship to wielding the legendary Beskar armor, we epitomize the true essence of warriors. But being a Mandalorian is not just about combat. We are more than just soldiers. We are protectors, guardians of justice, and defenders of the weak. Our code of conduct is rooted in respect, integrity, and the belief that every sentient being deserves a chance at redemption. We value the bonds of family, loyalty, and honor above all else. Joining our ranks means embarking on a path that will challenge you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You will face trials that will test your limits, pushing you beyond what you thought possible. But in the crucible of adversity, you will emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to face any challenge that comes your way. As Mandalorians, we traverse the galaxy, working tirelessly to restore balance and bring order to a chaotic universe. We fight not for personal gain or glory but for the greater good. We stand firm against tyranny, oppression, and the darkness that threatens to engulf us all. So, if you seek purpose, if you yearn for adventure and the chance to shape the destiny of the galaxy, then heed our call. The Mandalorian Order welcomes those who are willing to embrace our traditions, uphold our values, and dedicate themselves to the noble cause we strive to achieve. Take the first step on this extraordinary journey and become part of a legacy that stretches back through the ages. Join the Mandalorian Order and become an agent of change, a guardian of peace, and a champion of justice. Together, we will forge a future where honor, strength, and righteousness prevail. May the Force guide you in your decision, and may you find your true path among the Mandalorians!
  4. THE GALACTIC ORDER [0RDER] (RP)(EXPLORATION)(COMBAT)(INDUSTRY) Troopers, Engineers, Medics, & Scientists Join the ranks of TGO and secure the verse for the Future WE want! https://www.thegalacticorder.info/ https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/0RDER https://discord.gg/thegalacticorder
  5. LE MOONLIGHT HALO RECRUTE ! Omnes simul, fortius, remotius Citoyens et citoyennes, vauriens en tout genre ou personnes en freelance, Quelle que soit votre origine ou votre background, nous avons une place pour vous ! Nous mettons sur pied une modeste flotte nomade de “corsaires” : des hommes et des femmes libres, agissant en bordure de la Loi selon leurs propres règles. Pour ce faire, nous recherchons des personnes avides de découvertes et de liberté, opérant dans les domaines du mercenariat et de l’exploration, ainsi que des personnes intéressées ou spécialisées dans le domaine médical, scientifique, industriel et de la maintenance, afin de subvenir aux besoins primaires de la flotte. Le Moonlight Halo est formé de personnes toutes plus différentes les unes que les autres, mais toutes rassemblées sous une même bannière et avec un rêve commun : voyager d’un système à l’autre en explorant l’univers jusque dans ses coins les plus reculés ; ne jamais devoir s’installer définitivement ni être restreint par aucune limite ou loi ; se battre pour défendre la Liberté partout où nous allons : voici le but du Moonlight Halo. 🔰 Prends les armes pour protéger tes camarades en t’engageant dans la “Watch” 💎 Pars en quête de richesses pour la flotte en rejoignant les “Harvesters” 🧰 Aides ton prochain à avancer toujours plus loin chez les “Providers” 🔭 Et ouvres la voie pour tes frères et sœurs en suivant les “Forerunners” Peu importe d’où tu viens et où tu vas, le Moonlight Halo t’accompagnera sur cette route au sein d’une famille, soudée en parcourant les étoiles en quête de ce rêve qui nous unis tous : la Liberté ! Si vous voulez partagez ce rêve (et êtes friands de rôle-play) voici où nous trouver... Discord : https://discord.gg/5J9WZh8peJ Page de l’organisation : https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/MOONHALO
  6. Welcome to the Kitsune Space Pirates, a roleplay organization for Star Citizen players. Join us as we explore the galaxy, striking fear into our enemies and amassing wealth and power. Join us now. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/KSPX https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/KSPX
  7. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/TALS Talscion Wardens does allow ANY illegal activity and fully acts upon lawful actions. We support so that you don't have to!
  8. We are The Tyr Genesis Brigade. Our Goal is to establish an HQ on an Asteroid and Grow a fleet of the Brigade We are doing freelancing of every thing be it Security, Infiltration or even Cargo transfer as long the price is right we will do it. We Require every Asset, If you interest Apply! The spoken language is english. We use an accurate UEE ranking system for our soldiers. There's a ton of roles you can get in this organization such as engineer, security, bridge crew, fighter pilot,... You can choose between two branches the Marine Corps or the Navy. If you want more information join our discord and ask for Shin Valdra. *REQUIRED* Discord Link: https://discord.gg/szP6zSY *REQUIRED* Organization Link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/TGBRIGADE Have a nice day, Vice Admiral Cambridge, Officer Tyr Genesis Brigade Navy.
  9. THE UNISS NEEDS YOU! the UNISS is currently recruiting to expand its fleet, as a member of the UNISS, it is your goal to protect and preserver humanity as we bring law and order to the ever expanding space frontier. we are a serious RP group that wants everyone to have fun in star citizen, we are based of most western navel and marine forces in todays conflicts, with similar tactics on the ground and also in ship to ship combat. UNISS Divisions: the UNISS has 3 divisions within its fleet, these consist of the NAVY, MARINES and SUPPORT & LOGISTICS: NAVY: the NAVY is a major part in the UNISS as they will be flying the UNISS fighters in dogfights in both space and planet atmospheres, they will also be piloting marine dropships to different combat zones in major conflicts, they will also be in charge or flying UNISS cruisers and capital ships that will house personnel and ships on board. the NAVY will also experience a lot of combat and security out of ships, as they may need to secure or wipe out hostiles in space stations or pirate cruisers. MARINES: the MARINES are the back bone of the UNISS its there jobs to secure zones on planet surfaces from pirates, terrorists and corrupted military forces. the MARINES will have many vehicle assets such as recon rovers to troop carriers {APC} to main battle tanks, the will also be equipped with the latest MARINE battle armour and weapon loadouts. the Marines will work very closely with the NAVY as they are needed for troop transport, and evac runs, where at the same time the MARINES will hold great defence for the NAVY when needed. SUPPORT & LOGISTICS: SUPPORT ROLES: MEDIC: as a medic on the UNISS it is your job to look after all personnel in the UNISS fleet, this could be when you are on board a UNISS cruiser, dropship or even during a combat situation alongside the NAVY or MARINES, as a medic you will be given a combat and non combat medical uniform, aswell as a weapon loadout, as a medic you must always carry a large amount of medi-pens and Oxi-pens, as these are used to heal or give life support to people, {features yet to come } soon added features will be added to the medical system, including the ability to heal downed and injured people, aswell as carry them away from combat and treat them on medical ships. ENGINEER: as a engineer in the UNISS it is your role to repair and keep all ships and land vehicles up to date and fully repaired and fuelled, engineers will also be required to fight on the field again for vehicle repairs but also for hacking systems at rebel bases or corrupted military control points. as a engineer you will be given both a combat and non combat uniform aswell as a weapon loadout. LOGISTICS: as a UNISS logistics member it is your job to run cargo for the UNISS this can consist of carrying ships, land vehicles, and many different cargos such as ammo, medical supplies, rations. or it could be your job to carry evidence back such as data files, drugs, spices , or any other illegal items back to your Commanding Officer for them to dispose of. all logistical members are non combatants, meaning you are not there to fight , you are there to hull cargo for the UNISS, protection for all logistical members will be held by either the NAVY or MARINES. if you have any further questions related about the roles or anything about the UNISS join the discord and contact a commanding officer, discord link below: https://discord.gg/zksnp5T
  10. Welcome and thank you for viewing our recruitment post! We are an English Org, based out of the US primarily. We have other members outside of the country, though our events and meetings are based in the PDT/CST/EST time zones. Semi-Hardcore as in, we have structure and need players to go through certs to get into Divisions, but we are lenient on super strict attendance because RL comes first. Players from all walks of life are welcome. Members must be 18+. We are a Norse-Inspired Military RP Organization that has several Specialty Divisions to choose from. We are a laid-back yet structured org that prides itself on community. We have a Staff of 8 people that vote on every addition or change of the org, so there's no one person making decisions for everyone in the org. Real life comes first, as we all know, so our attendance is quite lenient. We want everyone to have fun, so we plan several events throughout the week. We especially have things set up for each weekend with OPs or Cert Training. We want to make sure every player has fun. We make sure everyone is happy. If there are any issues, we would ask that they bring it to a Staff member for discussion. So far, we haven't had any issues. ___________________________________ All new members start out as a Fledgling. Fledglings can choose to join any of these Division’s after going through certain basic or advanced certifications. Raiders: Quick and dirty, the raiders are masters of destruction and efficiency. The ASRS's primary ground force, there’s nothing the raiders won't do or kill to get paid. Berserkers: Highly elite and skilled soldiers. Chosen for their zealous love for danger and violence, the berserkers are truly feared throughout the 'Verse. Bounty Hunting specialists. Valkyries: Most pilots believe themselves to be skilled, mostly because most pilots have never fought a Valkyrie. Valkyries are the flying equivalent of imminent demise. Department of Commerce: Trading experts who know the in’s and out’s of anything related to money. These business minds manage the finances of the organization and make sure everyone walks away paid. Shielded Gunwales: Our main priority is to transport Raider Corps (Raiders/Berserkers) to their destination (AO). We will provide security with transport ships and our ground security teams as needed. We will keep the landing zones (LZ) clear and secure during the Operations. If needed, we can deploy our own security teams as support for Raider Corps during an operation. We will provide and maintain security at all LZ's. Capital Crew: Pilots and gunners that think big. Flying the largest ships in the 'Verse, capital crew operate everything related to these massive mobile command vessels. ___________________________________ Join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/62uSaBw Apply here: https://forms.gle/LffzbJuDGHBQRaaDA “One’s back is vulnerable, unless one has a Brother.” We look forward to playing with you, fly safe.
  11. Who are we? Originally created at the release of Planetside back in 2003, BRTD is one of the most successful and active communities throughout the games history. Our focus is to create a fun, casual, and rewarding environment for all our members while ensuring we have the ability to knuckle down and get serious when necessary. These ideals have given way for our mantra; "Have fun and get shit done". We are now expanding our community into the Star Citizen universe looking for like minded players to join us. Structure - Two Organisations, Working Together Due to the diversity of careers Star Citizen will provide, we have opted to create two separate organisations. These orgs will focus on different aspects of the game while also being able to support each other. We want to give our members the option to be fluid with how they play, these two orgs will allow us to cover a large majority of available careers in an organised fashion. Jumping between the two at any time is permitted. - Better Red Than Dead Private Military Company - Planetary & Space Based Military Operations Anti-Piracy/Vanduul Militia Trade & Logistics Industry BRTD will be our main branch carrying on our militaristic history from Planetside. Primarily acting as both a Private Military Company and anti-Vanduul/anti-piracy Militia during non-contracted periods. It will also have secondary ties to conducting trade and establishing logistical and industrial networks.All fighter pilots, tank commanders, riflemen, drop ship gunners, cargo loaders, asteroid miners, and long-distance space truckers are welcome to join BRTD! Organisation page link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/BRTD - Silverwolf Exploration Science/Research Outpost & Colony Construction Surveillance & Reconnaissance Silverwolf will be our organisation for the less combat-intensive roles in Star Citizen. The organisation's primary mission is exploration; going out into the great unknowns of the universe and making them known. If you have a passion for discovery, a thirst for knowledge, the will to expand humanity's frontiers, and a low tendency for psychotic breakdowns after months of solitude while lost in space - You have a home in Silverwolf Organisation page link: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/Silverwolf What we can offer Organised game-play - During operations we aim to work as one to achieve our goals Outside of ops, all other activities are encouraged - Non-combative roles will support the organisation and grow the community Our own dedicated forums and Discord server for voice comms Staying power - We're a long-standing community of over 10 years with experience in maintaining and growing a community - We wont be disappearing any time soon Mature (18+), relaxed, but determined gaming community A gaming community - Many of our members have become long standing friends who come together to play various other online and table-top games Feel free to message me with any questions! Check out our forums for more information Click here to join us! Our current Fleet (7th Feb 2019)
  12. Looking for players who'd be happy crewing capitol combat ships like Javelin, Idris-M, and Idris-P. Pre-requisites: Good in-game rep Can be in any ORG No backstabby stuff Brief: I'm in TEST Squadron and in the mining division. My goal in the Verse is to be a mining baron. Yes, you can make fun of me... lol. I'm not personally into starting big wars and aggressive PvP/combat, but I do have x1 Javelin (might get a 2nd with my old completionist token before release) x1 Idris-M x1 Idris-P Goal is have these capitols patrol and provide security in the system area(s) I'll mine. However, the ships will be free to do missions in the same system(s) to pay for crew wages and their torpedos and repairs... and encourage having some good fun overall. I plan on having the captain role for these ships be reserved for trusted TEST members, because it's that's my main ORG, but might do random one day promotions. e.g. Janitor might be the captain for a day as a thank you for his or her hard work. So if you'd like to have a home on one of these ships, I'd be happy to have ya! RP welcomed!
  13. Hello! I'm currently studying to become a pilot and that's where I kinda got the idea of making this for my Idris. The idea is to have the pilot in Star Citizen feel that he is actually landing an actual spaceship inside another spaceship, to get that feel of immersion is what I'm after. This might be overdoing it, but I thought it would be cool to have this as a procedure for at least my Idris and eventually any bigger ship I might get to command. Don't know how this will work in the game, but I will try none the less! So I thought It would be nice to get some feedback on what I could add/remove and so on. Thanks! <3 **Still a WIP** The idea is to open up the possibility of having an ATC for a ship which can have other ships land inside it. Pilots landing When a pilot enters the control zone for, in this case, Liberty, let's say at Romeo 3, the pilot request permission to enter via ROMEO 3 for a full stop landing. The ATC will clear the pilot and give further instructions such as enter control zone via ROMEO 3 for STARBOARD FINAL. Then the pilot repeats the clearance and so on. "Holdings" are for when the flight deck is not ready to receive the landing spacecraft. ATC In real life, during landing the ATC would say the wind direction and speed, in this case I thought it would be cool for ATC to say the ships speed so that the pilot landing would know which speed to hold to match for landing. (This is of course if ships can move while others are landing.) NOTE: Distances & speeds have yet to be checked, currently just place holders. Also CIG might make something that kills this. Best Regards
  14. The story of the 254th Overlanders came from the mind of one of our very own as a book in the making, of which a short description of the 254th can be found below. We are hoping to bring the story of the book to life as a full fledged Star Citizen Realism Unit in the ‘verse of Star Citizen. The 25th Overlanders is a Military organization, capable of both tactical, and strategic operations across a wide range of military contexts. We are fully capable of combat support, logistical support, and are even fully self sustainable in combat. Established in the year 2915, the 254th Overlanders were created to fight for true moral value and standards instead of having that be decided for them by a group of politicians. Additionally, they where created to serve and protect those that agree with their idea of justice and to protect their own assets. The 254th stood on a firm foundation of their beliefs until a power struggle started between brothers which ended up costing more than just the reputation on the 254th but also many men’s lives. This effectively destroyed the, once well thought of image, of the 254th until the son of one brothers and an group of his closest comrades over threw the feud and re-instituted the original base vowing to bring the good name of the 254th back from the ashes. Hello, Your experience here in the 254th Overlanders Welcome to the 254th Overlanders Main Forum! We are excited that you have found us and have clicked here to learn more about who we are and how we operate. We are a Modern Mil-sim Realism Unit with a kick 29th Century Star Citizen sci-fi. We strive to achieve a fair and unbiased system that promotes team work; A system the keeps track of the time and effort you put in, and rewards you accordingly. Achieve epic goals while working with others that will undoubtedly become close friends in an organization that you can build a reputation in, build an immersive experience in, and ultimately feel like you are actually learning real life skills from. It is our hope that by being a part of the 254th Overlanders, you will not only walk away with an awesome experience, but you will also walk away feeling like you've become a better person in, character and in your leadership abilities and skills. We are a community of close knit gamers built with an infrastructure to withstand substantial growth and provide tons of experiences in star citizen that you would otherwise miss out on in most other organizations. We will explain why we claim this and how we plan to achieve this claim below, as we go. We hope to achieve a growth in our unit that will provide you with the ability to work alongside Pilots, Marines, Corpsman, Crewman, Engineers and many other roles every day you step aboard an Overlander spacecraft or establishment. We plan to achieve a structure where you feel like you are a part of a force to be reckoned with. A place where you are proud to be called, an Overlander. How our policy is structured We have structured our unit through countless hours of voting and thinking, kicking around ideas and voting again. We have come up with, what we feel is the best way to run this unit through tried and true methods, and a policy driven chain of command. A policy is a way that we would typically handle a particular aspect of the unit and its functions. Policies are decided by The Commanding Officers of the FCE, GCE, and CSE as well as the members of FCU HQ. That's a total of 9 members of "Command Staff". With this, we understand that our "Command Staff" ideas on how to handle a multitude of different situations, will never result in us achieving a perfect system. We also understand that others from different areas of the unit, Pvt and up, may have input that could help us over all. With this in mind, we have set aside a place within our forums for ANY member of the unit, to submit an idea for review to change these policies for the better. In this form, we may always have the best system that we can achieve to accommodate our members. CO Leadership Experience The experience and skills that we have within the unit, as it stands, comes from years of leadership experiences obtained in our time in the famed 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (15th MEU) for ARMA III. We also have real life military veterans within our ranks helping us achieve a level of attention to detail that we could not have achieved otherwise. While we are a realism unit, under no circumstance will we ever sacrifice fun, team work, and good solid community gaming. Our commanding officers are not here to be power mongers or scream at you like what would be done in the real military, to that extent we understand that this is only a game. However, with that said we do not expect any of our members to disrespect or disobey an instruction from their respective CO's. If this is done, in order to maintain our unit's integrity, there are policies in place to mitigate non-cooperation. Member Activity Aside from that, once you have completed the required training for whatever billet you have chosen to uphold with the unit, you will most likely find that being a member is rather more relaxed then you might have thought. Although you will have training's that you are expected to attend, they are in no means mandatory for you to maintain your position within the unit. It simply means that an excessive amount of inactivity with our ranks may merit you a move to our reserve platoon until such a time as you are available enough to uphold your roles again within the unit. This means that if at any point you are burnt out or too busy with life obligations you can opt to move to reserves where you can maintain your status within our ranks and regain your active status without losing any progress you had made before you went to reserves. Actually, while in reserves you STILL gain percentage toward your next rank but at 1/3 the regular pace. In short, you won't lose progress for having real life issues to attend to or wanting to take a break for our community for a while. Additionally, we reward those who are active, but also do not entirely penalize those who are in reserves. It doesn't have to always be about the Star Citizen! Don't wanna play Star Citizen all the time? That's completely fine! Play any game you want with your new friends, use our Teamspeak to hang out in and mess around in different games. We only need you to be active when you can be. To clarify, if we have an operation to complete, a contract to fill, an engagement to contest or if you have a training to do and you are available, we do expect you to attend. However, if you are on and there is nothing spectacular currently going on, feel free to do as you please! How to get started Steps to Success: 1. Find a billet that suits you. 2. Submit an application. (You may talk to a Recruiter on Teamspeak or a member on this forum and we'll help you apply) 3. Enroll in Recruit Training. 4. Enter our Infantry Academy. 5. Be assigned a billet. (To Be Continued) If you are looking to join use, please head over to http://254th.site.nfoservers.com/forums/ and fill out an application! If you are interested in our History, Manifesto, or Charter you can find it here https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/254TH See you in the 'Verse!
  15. A fun roleplaying minigame to play. I'm an interested customer and find the "890 JUMP" desirable but I still have my doubts. You are the merchant/salesperson/sellout from Origin Jumpworks. Try to sell me the 890 JUMP! Here is the link to the 890 page so you don't have to look for it. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/890-jump/890-JUMP
  16. So what i like to do in Arena Commander is hop into a race sim, fly off into some distant buildings and roleplay as a real pilot and park my ship inside one of the little "landing areas" within the buildings. Anyone else?
  17. (Due to current stretching, you should increase quality manually) ⇊Reference link | »RSI Forum link A good day to you! This thread will serve, as explained by the AI, for any communication and interaction. Do we need it because there is close cooperation? Surely not. However, it is good to be "on the radar" early, should the need actually arise. Personally? I'm sure that sooner or later, this will happen with an organization of your size. We look forward to a good relationship in the future while expressing our commendation on this community. A good place.
  18. Sie sind immer noch auf der Suche nach einer Möglichkeit in den Weiten des Universums viel Geld zu verdienen? Schauen Sie doch bei der TLCORP vorbei und arbeiten Sie mit Menschen zusammen, die das tiefe ökonomische System der unendlichen Weiten verstehen und verdienen Sie mit uns zusammen das große Geld. Wir suchen von Piloten bis Lageristen alles. Wollen Sie Aufträge alleine mit Ihrem Frachter fahren, kein Problem unsere Marktspezialisten zeigen Ihnen die lukrativsten Auftäge, damit Sie garantiert keinen Leerflug mehr haben werden. Alternativ können Sie helfen, unsere Lager auf einem unserer Containerschiffe zu verwalten, damit auch jeder das bekommt was er bestellt hat. Nach längerer Zeit können Sie auch im Lager eines der TSECC Träger arbeiten wenn Sie wollen. Bewerbungen mit Ordnungswahn werden bevorzugt. Damit wir schnell handeln können setzen wir auf eine Kombination von verschiedensten Schiffen in verschiedenen Größen. Große Schiffe, mit denen lange Strecken möglichst effizient geflogen werden oder kleine, um kurze Strecken und Notlieferungen zu fliegen. Nicht zu unterschätzen ist unser familiärer Vertrag mit TSECC, welcher uns ermöglicht kostengünstige Begleitungen einzustellen, damit auch Ihr Flug durchs All sicher vor Piraterie ist, denn wer will schon eine volle Fracht Diamanten verlieren? Was Ihnen eher liegt? Finden sie es heraus bei einem interessanten Job in der TLCORP. Bewerben sie sich noch heute auf unseren Holoboard unter: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/TLCORP oder finden sie sich im ts unter ts3.tdc-clan.eu ein. Sicheren Flug durch das Universum - Hermes CEO of TLCORP
  19. Greetings Citizens! Cerberus Network, a paramilitary human-survivalist medium-heavy RP organization recently posted a list of various positions available and is actively recruiting! Brief History Cerberus arose from the tumult of the Third Contact War, later known as First Tevarin War. Cerberus took its part in both First Tevarin and Second Tevarin Wars. Cerberus slogan is: “Humanity first. Whatever the cost”, which means that all means to advance Humanity over all other races are entirely justified! Cerberus is divided into numerous independent cells which have no knowledge of their counterparts. This ensures that should one cell be compromised, the others would not be captured. Current Status Due to recent military cleansing operations towards several Cerberus cells, subsequently followed by a series of arrests and criminal cases to our agents, a lot of classified data was acquired and decrypted by UEE, that nearly drained all our resources. Our data servers could not withstand a cyber attack launched by UEE hackers and had to be shut down and eventually destroyed. This cell was recently created with a primary goal of reestablishing the Cerberus Network. Principles Cerberus Network is intended as a fully anonymous and autonomous cell, with its own net of spies, operating in various UEE organizations, agents and engineers. Communication inside organization is strictly forbidden. Almost all profiles must be Hidden or at least set as Redacted. All communication means will be handled by Cerberus Network Server. The development of that server will begin as soon as we recruit enough members(~30) Currently opened top-management roles: Coordinator(officer) - a person who bears responsibility for all processes inside Cerberus Network, along with Chief Coordinator. That person is a likely candidate for a Shadow Broker(info refiner) position, when opened. Recruitment Agent - a person, who can combine a position of Project Operator and a recruiter, since their goals are very similar. Cerberus Network offer following positions: Helping Hand, later promoted to Undercover Agent Description: Helping Hand is an untested Undercover Agent without much expertise. Their incentive is profit. They are basically spies, that load Cerberus Network with various information, regarding organization businesses, be it rival organization or the main Helping Hand org. If the information is validated by Shadow Broker, then the project is created, which is handled by Enforcers and Combat Engineers. After successful completion, Helping Hand gets a percentage of valuables acquired through project progress. Helping Hands start with lowest possible rank of Field Agent, and is promoted after successful operation execution, based on data leak provided by that Helping Hand. Higher ranked Helping Hands and Undercover Agents receive a bigger percentage of funds acquired due to data leak during and after operation, and can reach 40% of total cargo/salvage/captive ransom/etc cost. Helping Hand is a time-bomb spy, that lives his life in the organization and can activate at any time when valuable information passes by, and he wants to share it. Helping Hand identity remains unrevealed to everybody even after project completion, so it’s considered a perfect way to earn funds. ​Requirements: The information should fall under Cerberus roleplay principles: humanity advancement. So simple piracy won’t work, but oppressing the ships trading with Xens or Xens themselves - is ok. You should take part in at least one organization, top management position preferable. Hardcore play is preferred, Regular is enough, Casual is possible. You should always set your membership status to “Hidden Affiliation” or at least “Redacted”. Tasks include: Spying Data flows monitoring Data leaks performing Project Operator Description: Project Operator is a military officer, specially trained in group control, agent recruiting, aircraft operation and various field tactics. Project Operator commands his squad during project execution. Project Operator chooses the project he wants to take part in. There is only one Project Operator in squad, but there is a possibility of Shadow Broker dividing a big project into smaller sub-projects, so several Project Operators can take part in that project, each with their own squad. Project Operator should be a loyal to Cerberus and its idea, and thus should consider Cerberus Network as a main organization. He also gets a bigger percentage of valuables collected than Enforcer or Combat Engineer. Project Operator is encouraged to form his own squad of Enforcers and Combat Engineers, so he can better know their strengths and weaknesses and therefore assume a better control of a group. Project Operator start with lowest possible rank of Field Agent, and is promoted after successful operation execution, higher rank means bigger percentage of valuables cost in UEC. Requirements: Cerberus Network should be your main organization Regular or Hardcore play is preferred, no Casual. It’s better to set your membership status to “Redacted”, but it is possible to keep it visible, if you prefer. Tasks include: Project choosing Agent assignment Squad forming Project monitoring Project execution Enforcer and Combat Engineer Description: Enforcers and Combat Engineers are highly trained shock troopers that are used by Cerberus to perform all kind of military operations. Enforcers and Combat Engineers receive various combat training, including advanced warfare familiarize procedures and aircraft operation. Combat Engineers receive additional special training, including advanced aircraft operation and repairing, field medkits usage, explosives usage, etc Enforcers are more battle-oriented according to their roles, and Combat Engineers tend to be more support-providing characters, but the difference is primarily a RP choice, since there are no restrictions on gear, at least for now. Nobody says that Combat Engineer can’t be a great marksman with a two handed Gatling Gun, and an invaluable Dogfighter, but it’s more expected to see that kind of behavior from Enforcer. Enforcers and Combat Engineers start with lowest possible rank of Private, and are promoted after successful operation execution, higher rank means bigger percentage of valuables cost in UEC. Requirements: No requirements as long as you can get the Job done, be it a bounty on your head, or a slaver tattoo on your forehead, we almost always don’t care. Casual, Regular or Hardcore play, as you like it. Tasks include: All kind of Military operations Providing support Working with top tech. Repurposing salvage. Anything to complete the project If you don’t like any of the categories listed, but want to help the cause, apply, there are no limitations. Conclusion Cerberus Network allows you to live a double-life if you keep low profile. You can be a humble merchant, and a fierce Enforcer, spreading the idea of human advancement with your every bullet, when Project Operator calls to you. You can be a good officer of an organization, sharing some valuable info about your rivals, confidentially, to get your profit. You can also be a not-so-good officer which sells his own organization secrets, again, confidentially. Please notice that we only accept English Speaking adults. If you are interested, please feel free to browse through our group at RSI: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/CERBERI We use bots to keep complete anonymity. So please do not hesitate to ask It any questions, all info will be private: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/profile/454095/cerberusbot
  20. The Eos Corporation offers exciting and challenging careers and opportunities in a variety of professional areas. We recruit qualified and personnel, including professionals from the private sector as well as former UEE military and Advocacy. The company searches for people of the utmost caliber; accountability, integrity and professionalism – all of which are what we look for in an Eos hire. Our employees and contractors enjoy a workplace filled with other highly motivated individuals dedicated to maintaining a cohesive and productive work environment. More than Fifty percent of all Eos employees are former military or Advocacy. They may no longer wear a UEE uniform, but Eos employees are continuing proud service to their species in a civilian or citizen's capacity. Eos employees perform brilliantly at their contracts, be it market prediction, freight, security, or the services of our legal offices, our customers know this and have come to expect it. Simply put, Eos employees strive to be the best in the business. The Eos Corporation is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants receive consideration without regard to race, species, ethnicity, religion, gender, planetary origin, citizenship status, disability or any other basis prohibited by UEE law. OOC: Eos in an heavy RP group, focused on marketing and trade along with a lesser focus in security and exploration. In addition we've also incorporated a legal department, who will represent as hired in IAG cases or other disputes. Our RSI page can be found here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/EOSINC/
  21. Im looking to Sign on People who enjoy roleplay and can be sirius when necessary. The peace Keepers at thier core are lawful mercenaries also bounty hunters and security officers. So sign up today and take up arms and help police the universe. Apply here https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/PEAK .
  22. Join The Peace Keepers and say no to the 45%. The Retrieval squad will only have room for 10 so act fast or be hunted. Apply now https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/PEAK . When the game begins the story will start and plans for a digital comic will be discussed. Every one involved will have their place in the glory. So if you want to be part of a community were your voice will be heard Join us now.
  23. VISIT HERE FOR MORE INFO AND OUR ORG PAGE TO JOIN! --------------------------------------------- Formed in 2942 by Vexina “Vex” Nyx. SIGMA; otherwise known as: STRATEGIC INTERSTELLAR GROUP of MERCENARIES ALLIANCE is a highly militaristic PMC of mercenaries and bounty hunters based within Moscow, Russia on Planet Earth, Sol System. While primarily being a leading contractor and target elimination company within the bounty hunting sector, SIGMA is also a leading security and risk management company with project experience in over 20 solar systems. SIGMA has a galaxy-wide client-base including governments, international agencies and the international corporate sector. SIGMA is also a major security provider to the UEE while also offering services to the general public as long as their target has a negative standing with the UEE or law enforcement division. Please note, requests to intervene with non-human races will be immediately rejected by our management team unless we are informed by the UEE to reconsider. SIGMA also offers comprehensive advice on every aspect of security from corporate operations, commercial risk and foreign investment to counter-terrorism, close protection and support to governments. SIGMA runs a galactic network of offices, contacts and associates. Our clients benefit from the extensive capabilities of our personnel, built up through careers in the military, diplomatic and intelligence services, as well as in the police, journalism, finance and commerce. SIGMA today is a diverse and comprehensive organisation operating in systems spread across several star clusters in a variety of service streams yet primarily operates within the field of bounty hunting and target elimination. SIGMA offers a promising career path for the brave, the adventurous and the determined, we guarantee a position to suit you best. From a trusty pilot to a ground combat specialist, SIGMA Careers will allow you to go far, and with our family assurance scheme, your descendants will receive a financial donation directly from our offices to help cover the possibility of having to cover your funeral costs if events were to turn for the worst. Be sure to have your full Citizenship documentation with you when applying for a position within our ranks. “Revenge is our speciality” Join us TODAY!
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