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  1. Welcome to my personal hangar. I've been a huge Star Citizen fan since 2014 and it's a great honor to further contribute towards this incredible game's development by sharing with you the many original concept ships which are no longer available. I'm NOT cashing out whatsoever. If anything, you are grabbing these extra ships from my personal inventory. You are contributing to the games development right alongside myself. A win for both you and Star Citizen's game developement. I've been an Imperium and Star Citizen Base member since 2014. You'll see I have excellent feedback and Reputation here. I've had many successful transactions both here and on Reddit. (https://www.reddit.com/user/EMPSurvivor) Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final. If you are interested - leave a comment here and send me private message with: Ship or Package name, your PayPal email also your corresponding RSI handle. I will send an invoice for payment via PayPal. Item will be delivered to buyer's PayPal email address after payment has cleared. No returns or refund as the gifting system only allows a 1 time gifting and it will be account bound to the buyer's account (your payment will be refunded if I cannot deliver your item for any reason). If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. Prices are not negotiable. I may have more than one of the items listed. If you are interested in more than one, please PM and I'll let you know how many I have. NOTE: Please understand I do have a full-time job which requires I travel around the world and I'm often working the backside of the clock. If you send me a PM, please be patient and know I will respond as soon as I can. I can gift you the item only as fast as you respond to the invoice and the PayPal payment clears. Please be assured I've not forgotten you. Often it's just that I may be asleep or working where I may not have internet. For those contacting me thinking I'm a broker, sorry, but I'm not. I only share what is in my own personal inventory. Some of my inventory here has been melted, which allows me to gift it to you after I buy it back. SHIP/ITEM Melt Value INCLUDES: PRICE - excludes PayPal: STANDALONE SHIPS (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - POLARIS - LTI $750 - Lifetime Insurance - VFG Industrial Hangar - Takuetsu Polaris Model - Polaris Poster $1180 + PP fees (ORIGINAL CONCEPT) STANDALONE SHIPS - CONSOLIDATED OUTLAND PIONEER LTI $850 - VFG Industrial Hangar - UEE Land Claim Liscense Estate Parcel - Outpost Construction Material - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Poster - Consolidated Outland Pioneer Model - Lifetime Insurance - GreyCat Estate Geotack-X Planetary Beacon $2750 + PP fees
  2. Other Items (Explicitly stated if CCU'd) Item RSI Store Price ($USD) Melt Price ($USD) Insurance QTY Status My Price ($USD) Content Pics STANDALONE SHIP - Origin 600i Explorer (CCUd from Reliant Kore LTI) $475 $310 LTI 1 Available $326 Additional contents are poster and model from OC LTI - Reliant Kore STANDALONE SHIP - Reclaimer (CCUd from Reliant Kore LTI) $400 $275 LTI 1 Available $290 Additional contents are poster and model from OC LTI - Reliant Kore Transactions will be done via Paypal Invoice I am EST, so please allow time for response, I will respond to every one. If you see something you like, message me with: Paypal Email RSI Email (if different) RSI Handle These are needed for the invoice. Original listing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/comments/sy2v46/wts_irres_great_spaceship_coaster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Not sure what happened with the colors when I pasted this. Thanks, Irres.
  3. I am glad to welcome you in my store upgrades. In it you can find a lot of upgrades that are not available at the moment for sale on the RSI. I have over 150 successful sales of ships Star Citizen on eBay (all with positive feedback from buyers). PM me message and I will provide a link to that sales thread. Also I have successful major sales on this site, you can see my feedback. Please read the Terms & Conditions of Service: Transactions through PayPal (Verified PayPal only). All prices are final (includes PayPal fees). If you are interested - leave a comment here and send me private message with: Ship or Upgrade or Package name, your PayPal email also your corresponding RSI handle. I will send invoice for payment via PayPal. Item will be delivered buyer's PayPal email address after payment is cleared. No returns or refund as the gifting system only allow 1 time gifting and it will be account bound to the buyer's account (your payment will be refunded if I cannot deliver your item for any reason). If you are unsure about the item or have any questions, feel free to ask. You must own a copy of Star Citizen, and are required to have an account in order to accept item (ship/upgrade). Item will be delivered to the buyer's PayPal email address. You can claim the item by clicking on the link provided in the email about "gift" and sign in your RSI account. Be careful to be logged into the correct RSI account when you redeem your email about "gift" containing the transmitted ship/upgrade. Tracking is provided by "Hangar Log" on RSI website and will be used as a proof of delivery. I wish you a pleasant shopping in my store:) All prices are final (includes PayPal fees) Starfarer Gemini to Carrack Upgrade - $265 Orion to A2 Hercules Upgrade - $350 600i Explorer to A2 Hercules Upgrade - $350 Starfarer to Orion Upgrade - $295 Constellation Aquila to Orion Upgrade - $290 Gladiator to Sabre Upgrade - $15 Cutlass Red to 350r Upgrade - $15 Avenger to Mustang Delta Upgrade - $15 325a to Reliant Researcher Upgrade - $15 325a to Avenger Warlock Upgrade - $28 Avenger Stalker to Reliant Skirmisher Upgrade - $16 Constellation Aquila to Vanguard Harbinger Upgrade - $18 Redeemer Warden to Vanguard Sentinel Upgrade - $35 Constellation Andromeda to Vanguard Warden Upgrade - $49 Constellation Taurus to Vanguard Hoplite Upgrade - $95 Khartu-Al to Нurricane Upgrade - $26 Constellation Taurus to Нurricane Upgrade - $75 Constellation Taurus to Banu Defender Upgrade - $60 Constellation Taurus to F7C-M Super Hornet Upgrade - $42 Constellation Taurus to F7C Hornet Wildfire Upgrade - $39 Constellation Taurus to Sabre Upgrade - $33 Constellation Taurus to Freelancer MIS Upgrade - $29 Constellation Taurus to Gladiator Upgrade - $29 Cutlass Black to Gladius Valiant Upgrade - $15 F7C-S Hornet Ghost to MISC Razor Upgrade - $49 Cutlass Black to Buccaneer Upgrade - $15 F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Cutlass Blue Upgrade - $15 325a to Herald Upgrade- $25 F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Khartu-Al- $32 Redeemer to Retaliator Bomber Upgrade - $39 F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Retaliator Base Upgrade - $20 Redeemer to Aegis Eclipse Upgrade - $70 Vanguard Sentinel to Aegis Eclipse Upgrade - $50 Esperia Vanduul Blade to Aegis Eclipse Upgrade - $65 Constellation Aquila to Starfarer Upgrade - $39 Constellation Aquila to Starfarer Gemini Upgrade - $54 Starfarer to Starfarer Gemini Upgrade - $80 Constellation Taurus to Prospector Upgrade - $15 Freelancer DUR to Prospector Upgrade - $35 F7C-S Hornet Ghost to Prospector Upgrade - $45 Constellation Taurus to Terrapin Upgrade - $90 Starfarer Gemini to Endeavor (Base) Upgrade - $29 Starfarer Gemini to Crucible Upgrade - $29 Constellation Aquila to Reclaimer Upgrade - $115 Constellation Aquila to Crucible Upgrade - $65 Modules & Upgrage KITs: Thank you for visiting my Store and I will be glad to see you again:)
  4. All prices include "middle man" fees. I sell my ships through star-hangar.com. LTI C2 Hercules (original concept) LTI Carrack Base - SOLD LTI Reclaimer Base - SOLD LTI Retaliator Bomber - SOLD LTI Khartu-Al Base - (new flight model coming!! grab one quick! also, this was CCU'd from a P72) LTI Herald Base - SOLD (had 2, both gone) LTI Hull B Base - SOLD LTI P72 Archimedes - (only 1 left!) Freelancer Max Game Package w/ 6 months insurance - (This is the old school package with both games! Squadron 42 and the PU! There are rumors the Freelancer Max is going up in price $10 at CIG and now Squadron 42 is sold separately for $45.. this is a steal. Flair: Trophy Collection - Citizencon 2946 I am happy to answer any questions you have. I’ve sold ships here before. No issues.
  5. A lot of people tend to forget the original design behind the Reclaimer, and this only solidifies the description. "Dedicated salvage AND exploration". In a way the ship is more valuable than the Carrack because it can also make money.
  6. WTS my COLONEL - LTI with upgrade Reclaimer. Exchange price is 430$ (This will remove the pledge, including any upgrades (such as customizations or CCUs) from your account awarding $430.00 USD in store credit.) I'm looking for 390$ I might be interest in an mormal colonel LTI with hornet as trade or something similar.
  7. LOL ummm, ok so this is a thing! 😂😂😂
  8. What the title sad. CCU`d Carrack/Reclaimer for the 315$ (melt value 285$), ship has 400$ upgrade value. Dragonfly LTI -> Constellation Taurus to F7C-M Super Hornet (15$ saving) -> Redeemer -> Banu Merchantmen (100$ saving) -> Carrack/Reclaimer Your paypal account must be verified !!! Also have: BMM - 235$ Origin 600i Touring - 300$ Origin 600i Explorer - 325$ Esperia Prowler - 315$
  9. I missed my opportunity to grab one before the sale so trying my luck here. Looking to purchase Constellation Aquila to Reclaimer CCU. Please PM me for any offers. Thanks you
  10. All ships are LTI, and price includes Fees. Only Pay Pal verified. Hornet FC7+ Upgrade Super Hornet LTI - 175$ (First Concept Sale) Hornet Ghost LTI- 125$ (First Concept Sale) Reclaimer LTI - 350$ (First Concept Sale) Banu Merchman LTI - 265$ (First Concept sale) Gladiator LTI - 225$ (First Concept sale) Aurora LN LTI StandAlone Ship - 50$ (First Concept sale) Retaliator Heavy Bomber LTI - 300$ (First Concept sale) Cutlass + Bonus LTI - 115$ (First Concept sale) ORigin 350 LTI - 135$ Physical Rear Admiral+ Constellation Phoenix LTI- 450$ (First Concept sale) Xían Karthu LTI - 180$ (First Concept sale) Cheers
  11. Lately I've been digging around at what ships have been designed for, and what players plan on doing with those ships. It has also been brought up that CIG has been re-working ships based on these modular ideas of both the player and what the ship can do or be. "As for the lessons learned, the feedback, we learned that you guys are very interest in having modular ships - that was something that was a big take-away from that. You're very interested in being able to swap out the internal components of ships, so rather than just exterior components, being able to say, "hey I want these crew quarters to be 'this' now," so that's something we've been exploring and hopefully we'll have more information on soon." "So, if you have an Aegis ship which is supposed to be a mining vessel - well, the Reclaimer is actually not a mining vessel. But, as an example let's assume there was an Aegis ship that was a mining vessel. We would start off with mining equipment as references, and then we'd go ahead and apply the Aegis aesthetic on top of that. So we'd have smooth curves. We'd have like… space shuttling panelling, since that's part of the look for them, and we'd probably have the intakes on the top since that's like an Aegis thing. So, we have style guides which define some of the elements that these ships need to have and that's kind of how we arrive at the look. And we'll do variations of that and pick the coolest one." $65 million strech goal: After doing such research, I've come to the conclusion that making the Reclaimer a mining ship wouldn't be very hard at all. In fact the arm that stretches out to grab stuff could very well stay attached and all the processes that go into breaking down ships and pieces of stations internally would stay as well. How do you guys feel about the Reclaimer being able to be dual purpose such as mining, too? Personally I love the aspect of it and hope that we can explore additional options with the ship, and maybe even see modular parts go on sale.
  12. Want to sell my original Carrack LTI and Reclaimer LTI, with melting value of $350, selling for $350 each, Online e-transfer is preferred, since there is no additional fee required, but if you want to go paypal, you have to pay the additional fees :(( Skype is preferred during the process More info:
  13. Well folks, I have a few spare buyback ships and packages that I thought I would list in case anybody wanted one. I will try to add information on all the packages soon. Standalone Ships Ship Manufacturer Insurance Type Price, USD Price, EUR Availablity P-72 Archimedes Kruger LTI Original $88 €83 x4 Aurora LX RSI LTI Original $66 €63 x1 Herald Drake LTI Original $101 €96 x1 Hull A MISC LTI Original $88 €83 x2 Hull D MISC LTI Original $414 €393 x2 350r Origin 6 Month Original $142 €135 x1 Reclaimer Aegis LTI Original $404 €384 x2 Reliant MISC LTI Original $92 €87 x5 Starfarer Aegis 24 Month Original $222 €211 x1 Vanguard Aegis LTI Original $282 €268 x1 Ship Packages Ship Manufacturer Insurance Type Price, USD Price, EUR Availablity M50 Origin 4 Month Original $157 €149 x1 Aurora MR+ RSI 3 Month Original $81 €77 x1 Aurora LX RSI 24 Month Original $100 €95 x1 Next Gen Aurora RSI LTI Original $92 €87 SOLD Buyer must be PayPal verified. Please send me PM containing ship name, your PayPal email and currency of invoice (USD or EUR). Ship will be sent as a gift to the payer's PayPal email. Claimed gift (after purchase) will be bounded to your account. All prices include PayPal fees. The ship packages include Star Citizen and Squadron 42 access
  14. Hey everyone :). So my name is Christoph or Bartfresse on the internet. I pledged pretty much a year ago and so far I got myself an Avenger Stalker and Reclaimer LTI (Constellation Andromeda Rental currently) I am obviously most looking forward on the Reclaimer and Version 3.2 but I will gladly settle for the first planetary version of 3.0 :). That is going to be sweet once its finally out in a couple of months. Otherwise I am more on the creative side of things, I have my own youtube channel which you can visit here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4-f5_hJi8zca4x0k4ntEnQ I have already made one Star Citizen gameplay video a while back but I intend for more content regarding SC in the future so stay tuned :). I am so happy about the new camera system implementation since 2.6 . It already enabled so many creative people to create amazing media. Can't wait what future updates in this field might include. Anyone attending Citizen Con Frankfurt this year? Let me know, maybe we can meet up then :). Greetings, Chris
  15. I have one more ship to choose, but I don't know what to upgrade and I have too many options. My plan was to upgrade the Gladiator in the Carrier Air Wing Pack to a Constellation Aquila and then upgrade it to a Crucible, but I still don't know if this is the right ship so I have a hangar full of $0 CCUs from the Crucible to Reclaimer, Endeavour or a Hull D and back again or even another Prowler. I know a Crucible will be useful when it is needed, but I don't know how often I'll need it or whether a different ship would be more fun . I've also got the option of getting a Banu Merchantman or a Caterpillar instead and, even though I'm not a massive trader, maybe it will be useful. Alternatively, do I just go for a Warden Sentinel, because why not go big on the ECM/EW front... My current, and fluid, plan is as follows: Carrier Air Wing Polaris - Keep Sabre - Keep Super Hornet - Keep Freelancer MIS - CCU to Terrapin Retaliator - CCU to Carrack Gladius - Keep or upgrade to Freelancer/Cutlass Gladiator - Help.... Lightspeed 350R - keep Esperia Prowler - keep or sell on grey market next year to recover some cash Digital Colonel - unmelt for free 2nd char and upgrade to Freelancer/BMM/Caterpillar or buy back with cash and gift to son Please fill me with your words of wisdom.
  16. Greetings, I would sell the following items: ships have been ccu'd from a Drake Dragonfly and all packages icludes SQ42 and PU paypal Fees included PM if interested Name Type Ass. Note USD EUR GBP Melt Value Vanguard Warden Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 250RSI$ Vanguard Sentinel Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 265RSI$ Vanguard Harbinger Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 280RSI$ Hull-E Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 500RSI$ Hull-D Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 350RSI$ Reclaimer Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 350RSI$ Crucible Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 350RSI$ Endeavor Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 350RSI$ Banu Merchant Man Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 250RSI$ Caterpillar Ship LTI CCU from DragonFly LTI Out of stock 245RSI$ Aurora LX Ship LTI Aurora LX Upgraded to LN Sold 50€ 45,5£ 35RSI$ DragonFly Ship LTI yellow or Black Out of stock 36,5€ 32,5£ 35RSI$ MPUV Cargo Ship LTI Argo Out of stock 36,5€ 32,5£ 35RSI$ Advanced Hunter Package LTI Avenger Sold Digital Freelancer Package LTI Freelancer 175$ 160€ - 125RSI$ Cutlass + Bonus Ship LTI Skull&Bones Skin;Tractor beam Sold Arbiter Package LTI 325A 125$ 115€ - 80RSI$ Omega Package 2Mo Mustang Sold Digital Bounty Hunter Package LTI 300i upgraded to 325A Sold Polaris Warbond Ship LTI Batch production 300/400 770$ 700€ - 625RSI$ if you are a new player register your account with this code: STAR-N37D-5ZTH you will get 5000UECs
  17. Hay there, i got a couple ships for sale considering Christmas coming up and got to get gifts for family. I have got: reclaimer LTI 370$ Carrack LTI 370$ sabre 175$ super hornet 170$ cutlass 100$ i also have just got a polaris which iam now kinda of regretting so i may consider selling that for right price, pm me if u interested in any i can provide screenshots of ships if wanted , thanks
  18. Bansky

    Complete Orion , Reclaimer

    Looking for this beautys for a good price
  19. Changing to complete. Will repost ad.
  20. Greetings folks. i would like to finalize my ship line up by trading one of the 2 LTI carracks i own, for a LTI reclaimer. (one in an explorer package, i'll kep it, the other one ccud from an argo. I'll trade that one). I was hoping to purchase a carraack to reclaimer during citizencon or during the anniversary sales, but i may be abroad for a mission and might not be able not make it. Therefore i have no other choice but to ask you for a little help. If you are interrested in this offer please feel free to send me a message Best Regards
  21. Greetings, I would sell the following ships that have been ccu'd from a Drake Dragonfly LTI. accepting only Store Credits Retaliator Bomber LTI________________________________390Rsi$ Vanguard Warden LTI__________________________________370Rsi$ Reclaimer LTI________________________________________500Rsi$ HullD LTI____________________________________________500Rsi$ Crucible LTI_________________________________________500Rsi$ Banu Merchant Man LTI________________________________390Rsi$ Endeavor LTI_________________________________________500Rsi$ Vanduul Blade LTI____________________________________390Rsi$ Caterpillar LTI______________________________________390Rsi$ Super Hornet LTI_____________________________________285RSI$ Gladiator LTI________________________________________285RSI$ Freelancer MIS LTI___________________________________285RSI$
  22. Let me know your prices via PM Thanks! T
  23. It's a slow news week without the 10ftC on Monday, and I would love having a chat with anyone interested. I read on the official forums that one guy plans (or was joking about) to salvage his own LTI ships for easy money and it made me wonder a lot of things about how RSI could possibly prevent this. I know insurance fraud prevention is probably a long way off, and RSI will have to adapt it over time like a anti-cheat engine, but there is a whole new list of "What if's" with the salvage mechanic. Obviously parking a ship and then salvaging it is fraud that would need detection but there are so many ways someone could cheat the system. You could crash into a rock of purpose and salvage your own wreck, you could find a very easy enemy and let them take out your ship then quickly return to easily take them and salvage them and your ship. I have a friend who wants to dogfight and would allow me to tag along and have salvage rights after he gets first pick. But what if he is having a bad night and looses a ship, would I get flagged if I salvage him more than a couple times? The whole insurance fraud thing is one of those things Roberts promised but seems so easy to defeat. My best possible solution to this is a Piracy Timer. After an insured piece of hardware becomes a wreck there is a timer where touching it before the timer is up would make it pirated goods. When the timer expires you can be free to salvage it without worry.
  24. Greetings, I'm offering the following list of ships and upgrades: dollars are accepted at current exchange rate - Carrack - LTI CCU'd_______________________________300€ - Endeavor - LTI CCU'd______________________________300€ - Reclaimer - LTI CCU'd_____________________________300€ - Crucible - LTI CCU'd______________________________300€ - Hull-D - LTI CCU'd________________________________300€ - StarFarer Gemini - LTI CCU'd______________________285€ - F7A upgrade________________________________________60€ Sold - TAURUS TO SABRE UPGRADE____________________________35€ - TAURUS TO FREELANCER MIS UPGRADE___________________30€ - TAURUS TO SUPERHORNET UPGRADE______________________30€ - DIGITAL FREELANCER - LTI__________________________170€ - DIGITAL BOUNTY HUNTER - LTI_______________________100€ - ADVANCED HUNTER - LTI_____________________________120€ - Aurora MR LTI______________________________________50€ Sold - P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI______________________________55€ Sold - P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI______________________________55€ Sold - P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI______________________________55€ Sold - P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI______________________________55€ - P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI______________________________55€ - AEGIS RECLAIMER - LTI_____________________________450€ - GENESIS STARLINER - LTI___________________________500€ - ENDEAVOR HOPE-CLASS - LTI_________________________575€ - ENDEAVOR DISCOVERY-CLASS - LTI____________________520€ - CONNIE Andromeda>Gemini upgrade____________________45€ 4X sold - ADD-ONS - LANDING BAY - LTI_______________________110€ - ADD-ONS - SUPERCOLLIDER POD - LTI_________________160€ - ADD-ONS - BIODOME POD - LTI_______________________140€ - ADD-ONS - FUEL POD - LTI___________________________55€ - ADD-ONS - GENERAL SCIENCE POD - LTI________________70€ - ADD-ONS - GENERAL RESEARCH POD - LTI_______________70€ - ADD-ONS - SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND CREW POD - LTI_____40€ - ADD-ONS - TELESCOPE ARRAY POD - LTI_______________170€
  25. Hi all, looking to buy this upgrades if you have them. - Aquila to Carrak. - Aquila to Reclaimer. - Aquila to Endevor. - Aquila to Crucible. - Andromeda to Banomerchantman. - Aquila to Orion. Looking to pay for this at cost plus 10 usd for your personal gain plus paypal fees. NOT LOOKING TO BUY FULL SHIPS, JUST THE UPGRADES THANK YOU.
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