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As this position can be seen in all three of the current subdivisions of Professions, I thought it should have it's own tab to deal with commanding multi-crew ships as well as strike groups, squadrons, battle groups and the like. There is plenty to discuss here, and if it comes to larger orgs I am sure this can be considered a profession on its own considering the complexity of managing multiple ships both capital and strike craft and understanding space combat ect. On the smaller side discussing the ability of commanders in ships like the Reclaimer, Starfarrer and even the Constellation would make this a rather larger sub thread if created. There is plenty of theory crafting I have on tactics and abilities.
Good Morning/Afternoon ALCON, I'll make this short and sweet, and for those veterans who understand the importance of medical support and the role we play, it will be a refresher. Introductions: I have provided a lot of medical support over the years, in real life and video games. It makes me happy to help the mission, heal people, and eventually accomplish the goal. Whether it's being a Aerospace Doctor, or a Combat Search and Rescue Operator, I've realized it comes down to team playing, and team focus. My sole purpose in SC will be to provide medical support to all allied ships. The Future: With the upcoming ships/features that will be implemented, a fully crewed Endeavor with a couple Cutlass Reds will be of vital importance. Simply jumping an Endeavor (7 seconds of warp behind) into near-combat zones will allow a very distinct advantage to the mission. While the cost of this ship has yet to be announced, I will go out on a limb and buy one completely, myself. The Mission: In order to fully support the combat mission, I will need some crew. By signing up with me as either a medical assistant or medical pilot, you will be providing a much needed service in support of the combat mission.
Tuesday 18th February 2014 Imperium has appointed a new Combat Ops Officer! INN is privileged to be the first to congratulate Nazerath on his new appointment. This reporter has known Nazerath for a while and seen his many contributions on the forums as well as hearing many favourable things about him. I’m sure that he’ll do the position proud. This isn’t the last new Officer that will be appointed to Combat Ops! As the largest section of Imperium there is consideration for further Officers. Applicants will be appointed in the next one to three months, anyone who feels interested and capable of filling these roles will be able to send a message to current Combat Ops officers. These applicants will then be reviewed and discussed before a final selection is made. So get those applications in, stay active in chat and the forums and show your worth to the division! A Welcome Addition It’s no secret that Imperium has been rapidly expanding! There are those of us who have been around before Imperium had more than a few hundred members, and have seen the community that was built here attract more and more members. The most recent addition to the Imperium family is a group of gamers that many EVE Online players may recognise. Disavowed has made a decision to add their skill and numbers to Imperiums own. They have been a renowned mercenary alliance in the popular EVE Online game for some time now, and information on them has spread far and wide. So I invite all Imperium members to salute this powerful addition to their ranks and welcome their new brothers in arms! DFM at PAX East Many people have speculated about the release date of the much anticipated “Dog Fighting Module”. Almost everyone who had backed RSI and the Star Citizen project had an opinion ranging from not caring about polish and tweaking of an alpha game before release, to satisfaction that RSI was showing the care and attention-to-detail for which Chris Roberts has a widely regarded reputation. Love or hate the idea of the delay, it was a decision that was made after much consideration. Amazingly for a computer game reporting a delay, the fans and backers seemed largely positive about this decision, showing a level of patience and understanding that internet communities are not normally associated with. That tolerance, acceptance and approval looks to be rewarded shortly. It was confirmed in Wingman’s Hangar what many had already speculated: RSI would like to release the ‘DFM’ at PAX East. Information from the Chairman himself has suggested that the initial plan to have ‘only hornets’ in game at release may well have changed as parallel development continued. Players may be able to expect the Aurora and the 300i to be included as well as the Hornet, however all of this is subject to change based on how well development goes. The decision to host this release in a large, public manner is in keeping with the GamesCom ‘Hangar Module’ release which was a surprise reward which was met with much approval. Will history repeat itself? Will the DFM achieve a standard that RSI would be happy to approve a release to the eager masses? Only time will tell, and at the time of the writing of this article, April 10th seems both disturbingly far away and temptingly close. This has been your INN Newsbrief for Tuesday 18th February 2014. INN: Bringing you all the latest news just as soon as we've finished saving the world. WarWulf INN Community Reporter Is there something you’d like to see happen on INN? We’re here for you - be heard in the comments, or shoot us an email at Click here to view the article
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Imperium-Wide TeamSpeak Meeting TONIGHT! With the rapid expansion of Imperium over the past couple of weeks (at the time that this report was written we were only 50 members away from 2000!), Gallitin and the members of Fleet Command have decided that this was an appropriate time to open up a meeting to all members of Imperium. This has been reported in INN news all week aswell as being discussed on the forums and teamspeak and all active members should be well aware of this by now. However new information has come to light that the officers will actually be broadcasting part of their Officer meeting live! For those of you who are relatively new, you may be unaware that previously all Officer meetings have been conducted behind ‘closed doors’ as they consider matters that could be considered sensitive information. The broadcast of this meeting is an unexpected move by Command, which will help shine some light on what goes on during these meetings, what your Officers are doing for you, how they operate and much more. To this end INN is encouraging all members to listen into this event which will be broadcast using Executive Officer Stoffs own twitch channel ( and will show the last 30 minutes of the meeting. (Controversial image of Stoff (left) being compared to Justin Bieber (right, wearing headset)) The Officer meeting will be broadcast from 21:30 UTC (9:30pm UTC) for those who aren’t sure about how to convert to their personal time zone, there is a UTC clock on the front page of SCB which you can use to convert the difference. The open TeamSpeak meeting will be commencing from 22:00 UTC (10:00pm UTC). This will be a discussion on many topics which you’ve been able to post on SCB (which you can access by clicking ). As always, INN would like to remind you that involvement in these meetings is a great way to get your opinion and information heard. Decisions may be made which affect YOU and are conducted in this way to give you the maximum opportunity to participate in decision making. If you can attend then do so, this is how the future of Imperium is being shaped and you have the opportunity to be a part of that. Teamspeak Setup For those of you who aren’t already on teamspeak then you can find instructions on how to set it up . Try to arrive early if you need your priveliges set up in order to allow HR help you without disturbing the course of the meeting. This has been your INN News Flash for Saturday, 1st February 2014 INN - filling your brain with useful information. Is there something you’d like to see happen on INN? We’re here for you - be heard in the comments, or shoot us an email at Click here to view the article