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  1. Dedalos

    Hello :)

    Hi , I have been playing SC for few years now, but it's a first time in a org. I am coming from eve online year where I played since day with the same nick name. I will be happy to help in any way. I enjoy fps and PVE / PVP? and generally wondering around. So I could help with escorting Dedalos
  2. Hi, I played Wing Commander 1 to 4 + Prophecy (all secret missions, special operations and secret operations), a little in Privateer, a lot in Freelancer, Freespace 1 & 2 and Starlancer when these games were released (yes, I'm an old man ). Since then, I've managed to get a "fix" in my space simulator by replaying these classics and a lot of community-generated content. When I heard that CR was back with a new project, I was very excited. I ended up buying quite a few ships (Aurora, Hornet, Cutlass, Origin M50, Constellation, Vanduul fighter, Retaliator and Idris Corvette). I need to work to earn my living, so I don't have as much free time as I would like. The wife and kids also get priority in whatever free time I have.
  3. Hi there, PyroThing's the name new to the site not to Star Citizen. Just made my first purchase on here went smooth as. Currently running a Gemini with a upgrade to Carrack yet to be activated. Been waiting on the Carrack for years. Started as a Mustang then Aurora, Cutlass Black to Andromeda, to Aquila, now Gemini and soon Carrack in Feb. Playing in the AUS region hope to see you all ingame. PyroThing Handle Pyro_Thing
  4. Hi my name is Tom (Strydyr) and I've been lurking the PU for a few years, but recently pledged Dominus and am most excited about Carrack, C2, Polaris, and Idris (in what seems like the most likely order in which we'll actually receive them). If you see me on, hit me up. I love to help and love to fight bad guys (pirates, pad rammers, trolls). cheers, Strydyr Wanna Fly!!!
  5. Hi, my name is Lord_Of_The_Pot and I would love to join your organisation! My fleet is neither large or mighty but it works for me. It consists of: 1 Drake Cutlass Black It may not be much but there is definitely something I can offer to the organisation Hope to see you all in the verse. Lord_Of_The_Pot
  6. Hey what's up I'm so excited to finally get my hands on star citizen I've been following it loosely for years and now i finally have hardware to run it.I am majoring in astronautics so if you wanna talk about engineering i can go on for hours!
  7. Hi, I'm Nikopol, and i'm a Star Citizen Addict. 😋 This is my doggo, but he is bigger now.
  8. Hello my fellow Citizens, This is my introductory post, I'm an Aries who enjoys a long walk on the beach and a short walk through an airlock. I'm a Grand Admiral with a jaunty monocle, top-hat and some golden guns.... All that and $5.34 cash will get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
  9. Greetings fellow community members, I am a new Imperium member and I must say, I already feel welcomed and those I've met already, completely hilarious! I can't wait to meet more of you soon and hope we can shoot some things together!
  10. Hello, I just filed for application to join this organization through RSI website .
  11. Hey I just joined so I figured I'd come on here and introduce myself. I am Ganja, I started backing in 2016 although I've been following development since 2012. I own an LTI Merchantman and an LTI Cyclone-RC. I plan to focus primarily on trading and establishing routes. A little history about me... I started gaming on the MSN Gaming zone playing JediKnight Dark Forces II. I then moved on to StarCraft, Diablo 2, WarCraft 3, World of WarCraft, Ultima Online, Elite Dangerous, GTA V, PUBG, League of Legends, CS:GO, Overwatch, Ark: Survival Evolved, and many others. On my steam account alone I have over 3000 hours played, and more on my blizzard account. Gaming has obviously been a hobby of mine for a long time. I currently still play Overwatch and PUBG but not much of anything else. I am always looking for other players to play with and I can be found on teamspeak occasionally. I typically log off after awhile of playing by myself. I am 30 years old, I live in central USA. I can be found playing after 8:00PM Central time. Steam Name: Tom Sawyer Battle tag: Nemesis#11327 Hope to meet some people.
  12. Hello, all! I pledged support to StarCitizen way back in 2012, and spent the intervening years heavily into Star Trek Online, my first (and only, to date) MMO. Decided to jump back in and see what's changed once I got a new PC, and bought a Constellation to continue supporting the game. I cut my teeth as a kid on the Wing Commander series, and I'm excited to see where this game goes! I'm excited to be a part of an active, engaged community and look forward to seeing you out there among the stars!
  13. Hey guy's! I have been stalking this game for quite some time now and I am finally looking into pledging. Was looking for a great community and happen to stumble upon this beauty here. Hope to have some fun times in the future with many of you!
  14. Hello all, First of all I'm really thankful for accepting me. Although I'm new here I am thrilled with the level of organisation that I see, really great work. I am fond of anything "sci-fi" or "space stuff" from watching Expanse and Fringe to playing SWTOR or W40K, from reading Asimov to having bookmarked NASA and ESA . I am also from Greece and soon I'll be reading this forum from a sunny beach , yeah I know this doesn't sound too sci-fi but it's really nice trust me . What I am looking here , is a cosy,funny,friendly community which will make the empty,grim,dark void ... a brighter place. P.S Last phrase was cool right ?
  15. Hi all, I new Imperium member and I'm from the city of Thessaloniki in Greece. My name is Yiannis (John) and callsing "Agrios".
  16. My call sign is Fahku. I am a huge fan of Star Citizen, have been for quite some time now. Exploration is my ambition, hoping to help with the growth of Imperium in the verse. Glad to be here and any guidance game wise or forum wise is much appreciated and welcome.
  17. Backer Level: Bounty Hunter Package: Aegis Avenger: Stalker Preferred Aesthetic: Aegis Aerospace Flight Skill Level: Moderate to Middling Preferred Area: Intrigue and Operations Who Am I: Well, I skirted around the basics long enough, I am a twenty-seven year old father of three, divorcee. I have long been enamoured by the scientific community and sociology as a whole, and with the sciences. I am working my way back into college for Biological Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Majors with Minor Fields in Computer Sciences and Engineering. Sociology and Psychology is a pastime of mine that comes as a low level class entrance of mine. I came to Imperium because, while I liked the community and fun prospects of some joking communities of things like WHP, I am a Marine Brat, born and raised, though my service was cut extremely short due to a medical condition, the structure of a good system remains. Most Orgs I cross just don't have it. Polymath, my Affiliate Org are good people, friends I made in my early days, though mostly inactive currently, they're bent mostly on exploration. I look forward to joining the ranks of the Imperium, if you would have me.
  18. Hey everyone! I'm Jake (Ol_Nilla in game), a 22 y.o. college student in New York, USA. I'm studying Aerospace Engineering and Computer Engineering, and I like to play video games with cool people (hopefully y'all!). I've been shadowing SC for a couple years, but only recently pulled the trigger and bought the Aurora starter pledge. I've played FPS's and RPG's my whole life, and flight sims as well (though never this accurate a flight model for spaceflight), and I feel I could fill most roles for the Imperium. I like a mix of serious / non-serious gameplay, and it seems that the Imperium could provide that. I'm excited mostly about 3.0-3.4, as exploration and discovery are driving elements for me in a game like this. Also 2.6 because of STAR MARINE! Anyways, my Discord is L3dge3nd #5499 if anyone wants to play, or needs a little simple goodness in their lives.
  19. Hello, I'm TGMayhem and a new member of IMP. As a disclaimer: I speak/type English. I'm really glad to be involved in a growing community full of people of whom I share interests with, that interest being Star Citizen of course. For you information you can check me out on: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlZoQ1qleGePlTOnCTHbKQ Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tacticalgamingmayhem/ I have been playing Star Citizen for 2 years now, i really enjoy the game and of course really hyped for new updates and content including ships or environment changes. I love space sims very much, I have played Elite Dangerous and a little bit of EVE. One of my most played games would include Planet Side 2 and Rust. I'm also currently looking for a Unit, so any suggestions would be awesome. Obviously I am new the this Organisation, I may not know many or all of you but I would love to, so send me a PM on Team speak and post a comment down below if you want to get to know me. Current Owned Ships on SC: - Retaliator - Avenger Stalker Ships I would love to buy: - Super Hornet - And... pretty much everything else. But hey, I'm not Santa clause. Things I experience a lot InGame: - Requesting ship at Terminal > Walk to Landing pad > find out that my ships is spinning off into the distance around 700-1000 M Away. Cheers from all the help as well! Much appreciation to: - SnowOwl - Rellim These two really helped me out, when in came down to learning about the Organisation. Also, giving me an extensive amount of advice and information which can help me now and in the future. See You in the VERSE!
  20. Hello everyone! My name is Doom and I love to fly. When I'm not playing flight sims I'm usually flying helicopters in college or fueling aircraft for work. I joined Imperium because I want to be apart of the best org in the verse and I look forward to being apart of an elite combat unit in the PU. I pledged back in 2014 and I have a Super Hornet and a Redeemer gunship so If you ever need to bring the rain you know who to call!
  21. foxy0116


    Hi all, Just wanted to introduce myself as new to the forum. I bought into SC in October 2015 and LOVE the game!!! I'm here as I I'm interested in buying a freelancer with LTI and everytime I search online I end up looking on SCB Currently own an Aurora LN, its pretty kick ass for a small ship tbh and serves a role. I def want something bigger though! I don't currently have any friends on SC so always play alone, all my friends game on consoles so not many PC friends to play with. Thanks for reading Foxy
  22. Hi I am Kryzenshteiner and I am glad to join ya guys. I am into exploration and i got myself a Freelancer Dur. Cant wait to roam the Universe.
  23. Hello everybody. I'm OrionTheHunter, but you can just call me Orion. I hail from Colorado in the US. I did not pledge, but once the game comes out I want to be an escort pilot and explore as a hobby. Maybe do some bounty hunting. Khartu-AL is my goal escort ship.
  24. Hello everyone The name is Gazoo and I look forward to meeting some new friends here at Imperium and sharing some great adventures. I have flown a flight sim for over 15 years, leading a fighter squadron, so getting my fellow pilots from point A to point B unscathed should be what I do best in the 'Verse. But when I'm not escorting, I'll be looking for escorts to protect me while I'm causing carnage in my Tali or taking a low-rider's tour through space with my Banu MM. It feels good to be here and thanks for having me. My character's story is as follows... How I ended up here with Imperium is actually quite a story that begins over one thousand years ago. Born in Germany in 1901, I grew up in a modest household and helped tend to our family's farm. At the age of 15 (a year early due to me lying about my age), I joined my country's military to help fight a war which had started two years prior. This war was called "World War 1" and the conditions that my commrades and I persevered were things a nightmare would have troubles dreaming up. Days and nights of trench warfare, horrendous gas-attacks, starvation and disease were only a few things that tried very hard to end my life prematurely but somehow I carried on through to see the end of the war. A war that I hoped would be the last I would ever have to experience. In 1939, and only 21 years later, our country fell into another war. This time, I joined my country's airforce. Having fought on the ground and achieved rank in the first world war, I soon assumed a leadership position and became the commander of a unit within a fighter squadron called Jagdgeschwader 54 "Grunherz" (Fighter Wing 54 "Green Hearts"). Our staffel excelled at attacking the enemy in many varieties of aircraft but our prefered machine of choice was called a Messerschmitt Bf109. As the years and the war waged on, our pilot numbers were spread alarmingly thin and had us putting countless combat hours in. These times had me wishing I could be in a different place altogether, but no matter how hard I wished, the enemy kept applying pressure. Pressure, and more pressure. Until one day in 1942, two of my wingmen and I were assigned a mission deep behind enemy lines on what could have been the worst days for weather I have ever seen, ...but of course, it didn't start out that way. The day started out just fine with the sun and a few clouds dapping the backdrop. We carried 4x50lb bombs strapped to our bellies as we sped towards our prize, a train carrying special cargo that our intel had finally located lay 500km to the east. We were confident and flew our vector's using our compasses along with spotting landmarks to navigate our ways along the rivers and across the forests, and at last, the train's tracks. But as we pushed closer and closer to our target, the skies grew darker and darker... Before I knew it, I was consumed by low lying clouds that appeared as a purple haze. Unable to see the tracks at treetop height, I broke radio silence to alert my wingmen to abort but there was nothing but static. Then began the turblulance that was unlike anything I had experienced. Alone, nervous, and being thrown around my cockpit, I turned to my compass to lead me back but my compasss seemed to just sit in it's bubble motionless, as if glued into position. I scan for ground but am unsure how far from it I am, my altimeter remains motionless at 43 meters and I am growing pale with fear ...I can feel it. The plane shakes so violently that I can't even make out an image in my vision, although there is a dark blur approaching that I fight with every muscle to steer away from but my efforts seem useless as it grows closer ..and darker. Then instantly a quiet and calm falls on me like a warm blanket, the violent shaking and the noise of my shaking plane stops as if by a switch and all I am left with is the dark, and silence. The next thing I know, I awake aboard one of Imperium's 890 Jumps, one thousand and two years later. After rehabilitation, Imperium took me in and gave me a start to my new career and life, here in the future. The rest is about to be history. Year - Age - Event 1901 - 00 - (born) 1916 - 15 - (joined WW1) 1918 - 17 - (WW1 ends) 1925 - 24 - (stubs toe real bad) 1939 - 38 - (WW2 begins) 1942 - 41 - (experience time travel?) 2944 - 41 - (arrival from the past) 2946 - 43 - (present date)
  25. Hello everyone ! I'm new here and i'm happy to discovered this web site ! English it's not my native language but I'm determined to broke a maximum of boundaries for have a good feeling for communicate on the forum and on Ts or other vocal. I'm 20 years old, i'm french and i'm going to become very soon a web designer. Star citizen excites me, I can't wait for next features ! My favorite ship is the retaliator but unfortunately my hangar got only a mustang alpha. I often go on arena commander for rent and test some ships. My previous games are The Secret World for the RP and Counter-Strike global offensive, my rank was Global Elite. I am a very calm and thoughtful, I'm pretty fun normally but i don't know if i can tell jokes in English. I hope you enjoy having me on your side ! Have a good night and see you later ! (Sorry for the mistakes, I do my best !)
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