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Found 7 results

  1. Welcome to the Imperium Newsletter for Jan, 2023! As it's the start of 2023, this means the Year in Review is released for 2022! You can find that here: Year in Review 2022 Prax1s VoyagerYote DOOPY Freedie1947 MochiMoshii Bloodthirsty23 Swirlz89 Redrum64 Executioner583 Xexorian MyParadox Joko-dono Naroku Bababooeyy wtfcooldown ReckerOnline Mattage Hezekah Shazzylazzy Tobias32 Human Resources @PowerWagon has been promoted to HR Officer, specifically Recruitment Officer! Academy Academy Division is seeking dedicated active members who enjoy developing training course materials and instructing courses to fellow fleet members. If you are interested in joining our staff by becoming an Academy Specialist, please submit an application here: https://portal.starcitizenbase.com/divisions/overview Contact Academy Officer @PowerWagon to let him know you submitted an application or if you have any questions about Academy. Interested in joining a Division and becoming a Specialist? All divisions are currently recruiting and want to hear from you! Please follow this link to the Division recruitment section where you may browse our Divisions and their sections to find the right place for you! Have questions? Go to Discord #help-desk and submit a ticket! A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account, please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." - @GRIZZ https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/
  2. Hello and welcome to the Imperium Newsletter for Aug. We’ve seen an increase in Imperium's ranks yet again with a few promotions while StarCitizen had the Siege of Orison event for the first half of Aug and has been working on the newest patch which should be close! Recently, the leaderboards for Arena Commander and Star Marine have started to come back online. We would like to remind everyone that the members that attain a high ranking in the leaderboards will be rewarded with ribbons which will be displayed on their portal profiles. Please read through this forum post to see what the requirements are to earn these accolades. Here is a link to the Leaderboards. @Shane is currently hosting an Emoji competition on discord and can be found in the #emoji-competition channel. This is a way to get more emotes the community likes added to our discord. Simply submit a emote in the channel and leave a vote for it, and any others you like by leaving an up arrow or some sort of reaction on the image. The top 5 will be added to the discord! A reminder that we are currently in the process of updating Discord as well as some other areas of Imperium, please bear with us while we undergo updates. If you do run into any issues, bugs, or have questions, please submit a help ticket in the #helpdesk. Fedrov Catcher-117 Defanos Cpt72Bug LFrost LoganTerrick Razorbackr3d Military @Morse has been promoted to Military Officer. The military division has opened recruitment and looking for new specialists. Trade & Industry @Adoulin Hawkledge has been promoted to T&I Specialist. Academy @PowerWagon has been promoted to Academy Officer. Interested in joining a Division and becoming a Specialist? All divisions are currently recruiting and want to hear from you! Please follow this link to the Division recruitment section where you may browse our Divisions and their sections to find the right place for you! Have questions? Go to Discord #help-desk and submit a ticket Jumptown - Aug 5 Organized & Hosted by: @Adoulin Hawkledge Scavenging OP - Aug 7 Organized & Hosted by: @J. Coren Siege of Orison - Aug 10th Organized & Hosted by: @macgivre Mining Operation - Aug 12th Organized & Hosted by: @macgivre Dogfight training - Aug 12th Organized & Hosted by: @Space-Moose Racing Event - Aug 16th Organized & Hosted by: @macgivre CQC Training Event - Aug 20th Organized & Hosted by: @J. Coren Mining OP - Aug 27th Organized & Hosted by: @CyberianK Monday Meeting - Every Monday Organized & Hosted by: @GRIZZ A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account, please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." - @GRIZZ https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/
  3. Its been a great month for both StarCitizen and Imperium! We’ve just had the release of 3.17.2 opening servers up to 100 people and limited to 75 during Siege of Orison. Speaking of Siege of Orison, SC will have both Siege and Jump Town on alternating days from July 30th to August 11th, Imperium is already getting groups together and setting up events, make sure to check out the #event-calendar and LFG channel! In Imperium news, we’ve started implementing more updates to the Discord. You may see that some channels have changed names and/or locations so please take a moment to readjust yourself to the new layout and features. We’ve also changed our #help-desk channel from open discussion to Tickets! Allowing more specific assistance with what you need and everything to be kept private between you and Human Resources. If you have any questions, please make a ticket in the #help-desk! Rule_Bender W0ders Aldwulf Hotshot_Goose Whiskey_Priest XenoPenguin WhaleBait None Human Resources HR is officially splitting into sections: Moderation, Recruitment, and Personnel. With sections, we hope to find more people interested in Human Resources and joining the section they’re interested in, rather than spreading all of our members across the board. You may have also noticed we’re adding a new section called Personnel! Personnel is focused on making our community a better place for everyone by various means of gathering data, feedback, suggestions as well as finding areas where we can improve in the hopes of making our community better for all. Aka Community Health. Interested in joining a Division and becoming a Specialist? All divisions except Military are currently recruiting and want to hear from you! Please use this link and follow it to the Division recruitment section where you may browse our Divisions and their sections to find the right place for you! Have questions? Go to Discord #help-desk and submit a ticket Jump Town - July 2-3 Organized & Hosted: @Sir_Belial, @J. Coren, @macgivre, @Space-Moose Ninetails Blockade - July 4 Organized and Hosted by: @Adoulin Hawkledge Reclaimer 101 - July 11 Organized & Hosted by: @GRIZZ Carrier operations - July 12 Organized & Hosted: @macgivre & @Morse Combat Flight Training - July 15 Organized & Hosted by: @Space-Moose Siege of Orison - July 30-31 Organized and Hosted by: @Sir_Belial, @J. Coren, @macgivre, @Space-Moose Monday Meeting - Every Monday Organized and Hosted by: @GRIZZ A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account, please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." -Grizz https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/
  4. Welcome to the Imperium Newsletter for June! Let's start off with some updates to our Discord. We have added a new bot that handles temporary voice channels. To use this bot, simply find the “Other Voice” section in Discord, then join the “Create Voice Channel” and a new voice channel will be created for you! Second, Discord has added a new feature, Text chats in every voice channel. To find this, hover over the voice channel you would like to type in, you will see a chat bubble appear to the right of the name, click on it and you will see the text chat. Please get used to this feature as we have removed our Voice-text channel. Another topic related to Discord is, start thinking of some emotes you would like added to the server! We’re getting around to some Discord updates and one will be getting suggestions from you the community on Emotes you would like to see! We will create a way to track the nominations so hold onto them for now but look for it in the near future! We’ve had a great turn out for our events this month. They’ve been great fun and we appreciate all that create, help and attend. If you would like to create, host or help an event, please contact @REIGN-11-87 or @GRIZZ our event coordinators and they will help you! Lastly, welcome to all our new & returning members! If you have any feedback in regards to anything Imperium, especially things you’d like to see in the Newsletter, please contact @Switch on Discord and let's have a chat! We are always looking to improve and provide better content for our community, help us by providing input! Dimossa TheExchange Fireball08 Sicarius_Cato Ironcladpharoah zYomi VIPERCHIEFTAIN Seadoubleyoujay NightHawk555 Lock01 PurpleLilek GraySel None HR Human Resources has promoted a new officer: @Switch Divisions Recruiting All divisions except Military are recruiting! Please see this page for further information. Imperium Mining Op - June 11 Organized & Hosted by: @REIGN-11-87 Hammerhead Duels - June 17 Organized & Hosted by: @Morse & @macgivre Imperium Naked Bunker Runs - June 25 Organized & Hosted by: @J. Coren & @Sir_Belial Operation Revolving Door - June 25 Organized & Hosted by: @REIGN-11-87 & @Psychopath Monday Meeting - Every Monday Organized & Hosted by: @GRIZZ A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." -Grizz https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/
  5. Welcome to the May Newsletter! We finally had 3.17 released early in the month which resulted in a boost in activity for us on Discord and the game. We started off the month strong with a lot of impromptu mining events making sure everyone started off strong financially but as most may know, some bugs resulted in many losing their AUEC which deterred many from future events. Since then, we’ve had the start of Invictus, an exciting time for all. Any new players should make sure to get in and experience the event which includes a partial tour of the Javelin and watching the UEE Fleet fly around which includes the Bengal carrier, Javelins, Idris and FC8 Lightnings! In regards to Imperiums staff, we've been keeping busy with our respected tasks but have been spending a good amount of time in the game enjoying the events and with family during the recent holidays. On behalf of Imperium, we would like to welcome all of our new recruits! Dr1fter Hellrazer7295 D_esignated UpHerMoon Azkul_the_Heavy IStarConquestI Crymsin Warrski LOST_NOMAD Jepalaudsadsin Nosferatu_Dark ElwinGrey Rahnny Ryftae Robotics Zeusblazer Fielden None Science Science has added one new specialist, @BryGen! Trade & Industry T&I has added one new specialist, @JeidaR! Military Though not necessarily a Military task, @macgivre has been creating a ton of material on hard to find or hidden locations in StarCitizen. Its too many to link here but check out his profile to find his recent posts! Divisions Recruiting All divisions except Military are recruiting! Please see this page for further information. Imperium Mining OP - May 7 Organized & Hosted by @CyberianK Ship Training - Starfarer Organized & Hosted by @REIGN-11-87 Monday Meetings Organized & Hosted by @GRIZZ Imperium did have many more events planned this month but due to the issues mentioned earlier, we decided it better to postpone when the game was more stable. We apologize for the inconvenience but we do have many impromptu events that are just randomly formed when a few people get online so come join us! A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." -Grizz https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/
  6. Welcome back to Imperium's monthly Newsletter! Compared to January, February is looking a bit quiet but that doesn't mean our people aren't hard at work. We wont have anything fancy like divisions changing names this month but we'll jump through what we have. With a influx of new specialists and members, we've received many great suggestions and new ideas flowing in giving life to otherwise dormant areas. Not dormant by choice but simply put, we don't have the specialized manpower for everything we would like to do. At the moment Imperium is looking into improving our social outreach. Recently we've claimed ownership of r/IMPERIUMSC Reddit and are setting it up to be of use, adding it to our current list of social media platforms. We do not currently have a Social Media Manager so don't expect anything just yet but if you would be interested in this position, please contact a Human Resources member and they can get you in touch with the right people! Back to the topic at hand, the IMPERIUMSC Reddit will be open in due time and since we're working on a schedule/list of topics for Reddit, we will be attempting to add this activity to other platforms in the hope of greater interaction with the general StarCitizen community. If you haven't already please take a moment to follow Imperium's social media accounts which can be located near the top right of any page on SCB, you'll see a horizontal row of icons. Moving to Discord, so far so good in regards to our newly created bot, we're happy to say it's working as intended and no bugs! For anyone that may be missing context, the bot helps with permissions and roles, linking our custom built Portal to Discord. Next for Discord, you may have noticed our Welcome & Information channels look kinda... well, not great. Well good news, this will be updated shortly! We currently have Trophias updating our #Welcome channel to be much more presentable. Though its basically ready, we're waiting on artwork and some input from leadership before we push it out. We want Imperium to be something our members can be proud of and at least presentable, if not impressive, for those just visiting. If you do find any issues or areas of improvement, contact HR! As I've written this a few times just now, I realize it may be worth mentioning by itself. If you ever need any help, this can be: Not knowing who you should talk to about something you want to do for Imperium, questions about Imperium, a complaint, issue, concern, review, ANYTHING regarding Imperium, please contact a Human Resource member. You will not be bothering us by contacting us, our task is to help you, amongst many other things, but first and foremost keep the community healthy by keeping our members happy. Moving on to the Newsletter sections! RAMT_HD Kranacoi Jawsy No official Awards or Ribbons have given during February but we did have a media contest hosted by one of our Fleet Commanders. Chimaera opened a media contest for all Imperium members and the winners have been chosen! @GRIZZ, @Kurokokoro, and @Buckaroo Congratulations to them and we appreciate everyone that took the time to submit a entry! Science As previously mentioned in the last Newsletter, Exploration has changed to Science and @CC-Corp, our current Science Officer, made a document to help show what will be changing! Human Resources @KKillroyV2 has joined HR as a Recruiter! You may remember he was mentioned in the first newsletter as member with a good suggestion and now he's joined the ranks to helping make Imperium a better place! Divisions Recruiting All divisions are currently recruiting! Please see the application page located on Portal. This Months Events: Imperium Xenothreat OP - Feb. 3 Organized & Hosted by: @REIGN-11-87 Imperium Xenothreat Weekend Operations - Feb. 4 & 5 Organized & Hosted by: Friday: @Space-Moose & @J. Coren Saturday:@Morse & @macgivre Sadly, there is no documentation to keep track of all our Impromptu events but be aware they are happening, especially during In-game events such as Xenothreat. Watch the #events channel in Discord for notifications! A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." -Grizz https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/
  7. Monthly Newsletters are here! Look forward to the first of the month to get an update on what Imperium has been up to! Also, don't forget to check out the Year In Review for 2021! To start the year off, Imperium has pushed many updates recently, including to our structure; not only does that mean adding/removing staff to our roster, but actual structure changes! As of 1/29/21, after an extensive officer meeting and many meetings prior, the Exploration Division has changed to the Science Division, and its color is going from green to blue. Military will be changing from blue to green as Military being green just makes sense, and Science being blue, well… we have a few Star Trek fans. This change was a proposal from one of Imperium's members, @KKillroyV2, from a casual conversation on what he’d like to see changed, which was turned into a presentable document and sent up the chain of command, which then approved the idea! Why change from Exploration to Science, you may ask? Exploration doesn't allow much room for growth under it. The name defines what the Division covers, and though Exploration is a vast topic, it's limiting. Changing to Science, we can now expand the division's reach to many more avenues, including medical gameplay! After many discussions on the topic, Imperium leaders decided it was the perfect opportunity to take this time and review their divisions for any other significant updates. This leads us to Division sections! Simply put, sections of a division allow for more focus in one area and help allocate responsibility and expertise. We hope adding these sections will allow a greater range of specialists to join the ranks. Maybe you’d like to help by being a recruiter but not moderate, well now you can! ~After the update is implemented. In other news, you may have noticed a cat on our discord staring at you ominously. We have our bot up and working through a lot of hard work from @Trophias, @Kraan Rastaban, and Vladdy! They plan to expand the bot in the future with some neat features, but currently it is handling all of our permissions which frees up another task from HR which is very appreciative! Have a special skill, good idea or want to brainstorm some things for Imperium? Post it in the Suggestion Sub forum and lets talk it out! You could make the next big change for Imperium! https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/forum/181-suggestion-subforum/ Star_Runner_Orion Tha1en IronEntropy Morgen-Black Dracanan St-Nevsky (See Year In Review for details) Exemplary Member Award - @Federal - @Grigg Member of the Year - @macgivre Officer of the Year - @Trophias - @REIGN-11-87 Military Military has had the addition of 2 specialists recently! @Space-Moose and @macgivre Academy @PowerWagon is now a specialist for Academy! He is still a member of HR but plans to help get Academy off the ground! Human Resources @Federal has joined the team as a recruiter, helping new players to StarCitizen get settled in! Divisions Recruiting All divisions are currently recruiting! Please see the application page located on Portal. A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." -Grizz https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/” This Months Events: 1/07 & 1/08/2022 IMPERIUM MINING OP - WEEKEND Organized by Reign 1/15/22 IMPERIUM COMBINED OP Organized by Macgivre and Morse 1/22/2022 IMPERIUM MILITARY OP Organized by Macgivre and Morse Upcoming Events: Xeno Threat!
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