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Found 12 results

  1. There doesn't seem to be much to do solo as a CS5 so I figured I'd share some of my research on what I think is an actual viable mission loop. A CS5 has non-crim allies/party members. They QT onto the CS5 when the CS5 does an assassination mmission. The CS5 uses an eclipse to remove the 3 to 4 escorts fast. Then a ghost to soft death the main target. The non-crim allies loot the cargo. 3 hard deaths should == one soft death. Master Assassin mission cargoes are divided into two half sized cargo loot tables and 1 small sized cargo loot table. The half sized cargo has 5% chance of quantanium and 6% chance of all "low valued drugs". The other half sized cargo includes 9% drugs and 5% quantanium. And INCLUDES Maze. The small loot table is 30% weevil eggs or 70% taranite which sells for the price of gold. With these loot tables I find that master Assassin missions are far...far superior to ERT bounty loot tables. As far as I can tell they have not been nerfed in 3.22.0a I can't really find other "viable" mission loops for CS5. Bunkers are one way trips because of elevator camping. Mining claims are low pay. If you get lucky you get some space missions off comms... I don't find the comms towers to be viable because your bounty is a target and the comms tower just tells people you're vulnerable. Salvage is a valid game loop because you can take those missions and you can be in-out fast enough to be off comms during the vulnerable parts. But I think landing at Grim is a crapshoot. As someone who steals CMAT at Grim and knows how to sell it at Grim. I'd prefer Salvage to just be a bonus when I torpedo a reclaimer who thinks Grim is a convenient space port. Also yes, you can sell stolen goods at Grim. I won't tell here how to do it. It's Google-able. But as far as I know it's an exploit to be patched. So hence won't share the method. I also don't think you're really living with a CS5 if you're just getting comms taken down. Anyone can do anything without crime stat when that is the case. Also regarding klescher. I can do the Parkor including the 5 tigerclaw locations in under 10minutes. I have NEVER. Not once. Been able to spawn a vehicle in either of the 2 vehicle bays. Urchins or whatever they are. So I have NO clue what's up with that "need an out" mission. It's led me to think of staging ships near Klescher. But I do not have the patience to test their persistence and if persistence is per shard only. Theoretically per game session it'll persist plenty. So I might consider leaving a nomad or something at Klescher to run to whenever I need. Just recently my non-crim org members helped me SPK away my CS5 run It took about 30minutes of spamming away the murders. I did 25% of the misdemeanors before giving up and just logging off and respawning at home base. Paying off the remaining "vehicle crimes" was over 1mil in credits. If there's no cap to klescher time (I hear mixed results) than my recent CS5 run at 4.5hours per murder and I think it's an hour for vehicle destructions...equalled: 220hours or so. I've been told the klescher time caps out at 24hours or 400hours. I really don't know what the real answer to that is. I estimate you can pay off 16hours every 30minutes or 15minutes with take-downs and looting hadanite and doing deep O2 missions. But I think for a solo I'd prefer the staged vehicle the most. Just park it and backspace outta there. For orgs obviously you can maybe get a pick up. But I don't like to rely on orgs for that. If your org is super fancy you can stage a mule full of tiger claws in Klescher to pay off the time. Been told a backpack worth is 900,000 credits.
  2. Please find hereunder the direction to find the Lyria's wrecksite #1. Go to Lyria, moon of Arcorp in Stanton system. Go to Shubin Mining Facility SAL-5 (North hemisphere) From there take a heading 331° for 22.2 km The site is pretty tricky to find as there are no reference point. In doubt, activate your quantum, point toward Shubin SAL-5, and adjust your position until you see thoses coordinates (heading 151°, 22,2km distance) BACK TO INDEX
  3. Please find hereunder the direction to get to this derelict outpost : Get to Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton system. Jump to Brio's Breaker Yard. Head toward 55° for 1400 meters (1.4 Km) BACK TO INDEX
  4. Hello, please find hereunder the direction to find the derelict outpost #tbd on Hurston. This point of interest is located in a breathable atmosphere. As of 3.19.0, it is an active spawn point for hostile NPC, with air reinforcement (Cutlass). To get there, go to Hurston, in Stanton system. Then, jump to Orbital Marker 1 (OM-1). From there take a heading 185° and pitch 73° nose down. Get to the surface following those directions. Once on the surface, correct to have those distances toward those points : HDSF-Tompkins : 970Km (heading 10°) HDMS-Stanhope : 732Km (heading 275°) Everus Harbor : 1099Km (heading 195°) Back to Index :
  5. This wreck site can be found on Wala, moon of Arccorp, in Stanton system. Go to Arcorp mining area 45 Head toward 175° for 33 km Beyond this mountain range, we will see a vast plain, and a small hill The wreck is nested in a small valley of this hill From there the direction to Arcorp mining Area 45 are : Heading 355 Distance 33,4 km BACK TO INDEX
  6. This outpost can be found in Stanton system on Arc Corp moon Wala : Samson & son's possess a marker to jump on : BACK TO INDEX
  7. Please find hereunder direction to find Yela easily and efficiently : Go to Yela, moon of Crusader, in Stanton system. Jump to OM-5. From there align with the following coordinates : heading 245°, pitch down to -25° Once you go down, adjust until getting the following coordinates : OM 1 : 487.3 km OM 2 : 611.3 km OM 3 : 417.8 km OM 5 : 247.8 km The approach should gives you something like that : From the ground you should see this : BACK TO INDEX
  8. Please find hereunder the direction to find the Lyria wreck site #2 Go to Lyria, moon of Arccorp in the Stanton system. Go to outpost Shunbin mining facility SAL-2. From there, head to 271° for 19,4 km. When you will start a small mountain range start to look for the reference points highlighted in green BACK TO INDEX
  9. Please find hereunder the direction to find caterpillar's wreck #2 on Wala. Go to Wala, moon of Arccorp in Stanton System. Go to Arcorp mining area 48 Head toward 171° for 25.6 km BACK TO INDEX
  10. Please find hereunder the direction to find the abandonned outpost on Yela. Go to Yela, moon of Crusader in Stanton system. Jump to Talarine Divide Aid Shelter. From there take a heading to 95° for 24.2 km. From the ground, on location, you should see thoses coordinates BACK TO INDEX
  11. Let's post our ideas for Star Citizen. The galaxy's a huge place, full of curiosities and splendor! Please be polite and have fun, while we discuss in detail the additions we want to see in SC. Constructive criticism is always welcome, keep it friendly... Here are a few ideas I will start us off with: -Planets- Planets should have highly varied biomes and environments. These should include ocean planets, desert worlds, jungle moons, cavernous lands, ice planets, swamps, (and a personal favorite) lava worlds! It would be cool to have various atmospheric conditions, such as excessive heat or cold or toxicity, even radioactivity, which could have specified suits designed for protection from those environments (without which players would perish!). Planets should also definitely have varying levels of gravity, some with no gravity at all, and some with intense gravitational pull and pressure, suit required. Gas giants would be really cool, where traversing the upper atmosphere would be OK. There could be floating outposts, etc. Then moving too close to the core could crush most ships... Also would be cool to see asteroid-based outposts, with subterranean areas. -Weather- Weather should factor in on at least some planets, but not all. Some planets should remain placid, while others could have weather cycles such as: sandstorms, blizzards, high winds, etc. It would also be interesting to have electrical/radiation storms where again, special shielding would be required to survive. Another interesting addition would be meteor showers, perhaps not damaging to the player in most cases... Of course, the most intense weather should be on planets with lesser city-populations. There should also be 'weather' cycles in space the likes of radiation/electrical storms, where ships' shields would be rendered ineffective. Perhaps here or there, a neutronic wave front (Star Trek, Ahem)! Deadly nebula! -Ships- The ships so far are absolutely bad-ass. Can hardly put it into words just how right they look and feel. I do have one minor issue to discuss regarding player immersion: Planetary entry/re-entry seems a bit off... It feels somewhat awkward orienting the ship into a nose-dive and then accelerating toward the planet. While that should still be an option for entry, it seems lacking, if it's the only way. Players should be allowed to let their ships drift slowly downward towards the surface (with a horizontal orientation relative to ground), all the while getting pulled to greater and greater speeds due to gravity. Currently it seems as though there is no gravity, requiring ships to nose-dive and hit the thrusters. The level of gravity should also have effects on how quickly ships take off, and how much fuel is consumed. Also some of the more lightweight craft should be capable of water-landing and flotation, some, not all. -Weaponry- Weapons are also looking pretty nice, and I can't wait to hunt some bounties and pirates with the Scourge Cannon! Turrets on ships are awesome and so are the weapons additions to the ships main systems. Weapons turrets on ships should not be automated. Automation would detract from the challenge of the game, and we never want that! Instead the player should be able to either hire NPCs or other players to man different positions aboard their ship. Also it seems some of the infantry firearms are being slightly 'overdone', so to speak. For example the Devastator shotgun seemingly has way too much level of detail and unnecessary bulk added to it. My suggestion is to lean more on the side of realism. I know it's Sci-Fi. Still I hope devs don't get hung up on making things like fancy-diamond-encrusted-platinum-laser cannons with under-barrel flame throwers..! It would be amazing to see (in rare cases), Orbital Weapons Platforms that could, if accessed, rain supreme firepower down on the planet's surface, destroying small outposts, structures or towns... Of course it would be necessary to make accessing it an extreme challenge. Accessories are nice. But keep away from over-extravagant weapon design. -Exploration- Exploration should be the fundamental, key point of the game. While some may argue that it is space battles, I tend to disagree. With so many space craft, vehicles and weapons, the gameplay will quickly become boring and the equipment redundant if there is not a vast amount of exploration. Here are a few thoughts on aspects of exploration: Artifacts, Flora and Fauna. Scattered throughout the verse there could be a plethora of different types of Artifacts to be found, only through rigorous exploring. There should be ancient ruins with old alien technology, perhaps rare weapons. There should be Obelisks and Pyramids and rare trinkets that could be sold or held as trophies. There could be mysterious devices, like the Orbs in Mass Effect (the first game) with strange properties. There could be alien tech that could be found and then saved for use at a far later date. Regarding Flora and Fauna, there could be a huge variety of harvesting options for certain crafting items. There really ought to be many creatures, perhaps mostly neutral/friendly. However some animals, in rare cases could turn out to be hostile, and highly challenging to face. Perhaps giant worms, or insectoids! Another thing could be infected worlds, or derelict ships (think Dead Space, or The Thing) where your only choice is to fight for survival or run for your life. There should also be intact derelicts. We've seen plenty of demolished ones. Some should be intact, abandoned in space, or even on land. Exploration should not, and I can't stress this enough, should not stem solely or mostly from missions! Let the missions be vast and varying in type by all means, a multitude of missions is always welcome. But please don't conflate missions and side quests, with exploration. -Armor & Apparel- The armor should of course have good variety. Weight should factor in, which I believe it currently does. Also there should definitely be highly specialized suits for specific tasks. Of course there'll be a space suit for EVA in outer space, but adding other specializations for other armor sets/suits would be great too. There should be a set more suited for enduring intense heat, or cold or radiation. There should also mostly be non-EVA capable sets IMO. Body armor should not be conflated with EVA suits, and they should for the most part be separate, with a few exceptions. It would be cool to see a lot of options other than simple armor for combat and space suits for EVA. One thought would be a stealth-suit with either quiet movement or even invisibility. Mostly I'm hoping it will prove an actual challenge to obtain armors, so that everyone isn't immediately buffed just after they begin playing. Let there be lots of varying, quirky outfits to be found. -Miscellaneous- NPCs for hire or available as crew members should use a rating system the likes of the one used in Metal Gear Solid V. They could have a certain class of career like 'linguist' or 'gunner' or 'medic', and within that specialty a certain set of ratings. Players should be able to activate distress beacons (false or genuine). If a player's ship is captured, they should be given the option to fight aboard the enemy ship in order to escape (think Han Solo and co, the capture of Millennium Falcon!). Where are all the AIs? This is the future after all... There should be robots of some kind or another, even perhaps a sentient machine race! There should also be a minimal amount of spawn/respawn actions. I realize this is counter-intuitive, given there's a massive universe to traverse. But it will add to the replay and return-to-game value; if people can easily spawn their ships and/or fast travel around it will make things overly-easy. It's nice that there's a wait-timer for summoning ships (at least destroyed ones). However, if a ship is not at the station at which you are staying, it should take time to arrive near you, and there should be a fuel cost and fee. Having all your ships easily at your fingertips will take away from the immersion and challenge of the game. It should also be more challenging IMO, to acquire cash. Gaining millions of credits should take a very long time. The quicker people progress in the game, the quicker the MMO will die. I don't believe there should be a 'difficulty setting' option. The universe in general should prove pretty damn challenging, with areas of extreme and lesser challenges. Some mini-games would also be cool, so long as they remain within the Persistent Universe. Game modes are a bad idea. It's understandable at this point, given there are players currently in the game who want something working. But later on, when development is (mostly) "complete", having different game-modes will detract from the main MMO. All hoverbikes should remain as hoverbikes, and not be turned into flying-space-hoverbikes! Please remove the flight-function for hoverbikes. Having flight for them is ridiculous and totally misses the point of a hoverbike. While I do agree that they should have some (slight) altitude control and perhaps a jump/boost, they should not be able to simply fly away, especially up into space. A hoverbike is like a speeder from Star Wars, it's not for flight; only for elevated, fast, ground travel! This goes for all ships and vehicles; if they have a specialty let them stick to that specialty, no blurring lines, except perhaps in rare cases.
  12. How Activision Uses Matchmaking Tricks to Sell In-Game Items In-game purchases are a multi-billion dollar business for Activision. Destiny 2's Eververse Trading Co. sells items for silver which has to be purchased with cash
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