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Found 14 results

  1. I've upgraded very rare package to KHARTU-AL. Aeroview Hangar Starting Money: 1,000 UEC Lifetime Insurance Legacy Alpha Squadron 42 Digital Download Star Citizen Digital Download Digital Star Citizen Manual Verified Paypal Only Price 190$USD
  2. c4artist

    closed by staff Khartu-Al w/ LTI (ccu'd) $200

    I have 2 Khartu-Als to sell. They are LTI and we're ccu'd up from an original concept P-72 Archimedes. Paypal invoice. $200 includes fees. $200 is all you pay. Willing to video chat. Serious inquiries only. Thanks.
  3. New ship from Xi'an! Very interesting concept for movement. Time for the explorers and scouts to re-look at your options! Quote: Xi’an ship design will be focused on a vertical aesthetic and maneuvering jets that can combine to thrust in multiple directions. Gimbaled, larger-than-normal thrusters sit on the four points of a star in the centerline, allowing each thruster unobstructed hemispherical coverage. The Xi’an scout can rotate on all axes and direct four thrusters to the rear or front! Because of this configuration the Xi’an ship has superb linear maneuvering abilities on all axes. This extra maneuverability comes at a cost however. Xi’an ships favor maneuverability over heavy armament or defensive protection. Xi’an Scout Unlocked! The Khartu is the light attack craft of the Xi’An military. Contrary to Human ship design, the Khartu doesn’t have a traditional main thruster, instead featuring an array of maneuvering thrusters on articulated rigs. This design allows for incredible agility, making them the bane of UEE pilots, who bestowed the nickname ‘Quark’ because when all of the thrusters are firing, the ship looks like a spark flying through space. The Xi’an Aopoa corporation also manufactures an export model, the Khartu-al, for sale to human civilians as a dedicated scout/explorer. The export model features the same Xi’an maneuvering rig, but control surfaces modified for human use and a more limited armament. (Designer: Aopoa)
  4. Khartu-Al with LTI Included in the price is piece of mind. No drama here. Please don't bring any to me. PayPal only. I am a US based seller. I'm a staff sergeant stationed at Fort Bragg in NC. I look forward to a clean fast transaction. See attached screen prints. P-72 upgrade to Khartu-Al applied and ready to gift.
  5. Hello Friends: Two questions: 1. Do you think the next flight model will make the scout significantly more agile than other ships? It doesn’t have thrusters. It uses its main thrusters for all movement. 2. Do you think CIG will make any minor or major changes to the scout before persistent universe is released?
  6. Ships CCU'd from Dragonfly LTI Caterpillar Esperia Blade Reliant Skirmisher Mustang Delta 350R Racer M50 Interceptor Concept Sale ( not CCU'd) Drake Buccaneer - Concept Sale Misc Prospector - Concept Sale COMBO - CATERPILLAR & DRAGONFLY PACK - LTI -365 USD$ Non-LTI PACKAGE: AURORA MR AC STARTER - 55 USD$ 325A -95 USD$ LTI PACKAGE: DIGITAL FREELANCER - LTI - 185USD$ - VERY RARE Verified PayPal only. Stand alone ships - Original price + 15% ( includes PP fee) PM for details
  7. LTI Xi'an Scout (Khartu-Al) $155+ fee Aurora MR Game Package (sq42 & sc) $35+ fee p-72 $40+ fee LTI Herald $90+ fee 300i Game Package (sq42 & sc) $35+ fee I use a middle man. It protects me and you. I have sold several ships through www.star-hangar.com and every transaction is flawless. People try to down play the importance of LTI. True it won't be a game breaker, but RSI has said the more you use insurance, the more your premium will be. Also, extra insurance will need to be purchased to cover any upgrades you make to your ship.. weapons, power plant etc. The convenience of it, the savings, only needing insurance for your upgrades.. for the ENTIRE 10 years you could play this game.. I say that's worth a little extra. with that said.. I have trust issues. I sell through star hangar. Too many scammers out there. I've sold a few ships through them already and it is a pleasure. No stress. You will have to ask them what their fee is. Thanks for reading.
  8. Hi. I m selling ships that were CCU'd from new Prospector LTI Esperia Blade X3 275USD$ Vanguard Warden X2 285USD$ Khartu-Al X4 185USD$ 350R 165USD$ Prospector LTI : 175 USD$ I will accept only verified Paypal , fees already included All prices are final.
  9. I have the following items for sale: 150 RSI credits in the form of a Xi'an Khartu-Al for $144 PayPal, fees included. 275 RSI credits in the form of a RSI Constellation Aquila for $207 PayPal, fees included. Upgrade it to an Aegis Retaliator Bomber for $27 more (2 available). Every ship is upgraded from a regular standard insurance (6 months) Aurora ES standalone. After payment of invoice, virtual items will be gifted to your Paypal email. I'm an experienced trader here in /u/starcitizen_trades, eBay and several other forums. My timezone is GMT+1, so delays are to be expected during the night time. Buyer goes first and/or pays middleman fees. And please, get Paypal verified before contacting.
  10. I have the following items for sale: - Mustang Gamma game package with Squadron 42 for $70 PayPal, fees included. https://imgur.com/sQU0zrz - 150 RSI credits in the form of a Xi'an Khartu-Al for $145 PayPal, fees included. - 350 RSI credits in the form of an Aegis Reclaimer, Anvil Carrack, MISC Hull D, MISC Endeavour (base model), or Anvil Crucible for $295 Paypal, fees included. Every ship is upgraded from a regular SHI Aurora ES standalone. After payment of invoice the virtual items will be gifted to your Paypal email. Buyer goes first and/or pays middleman fees. I'm an experienced trader here, in /u/starcitizen_trades, eBay and several other forums. My timezone is GMT+1, so delays are to be expected during the night time.
  11. Khartu-Al with LTI for $200. I am a US based seller. I'm a staff sergeant stationed at Fort Bragg in NC. I look forward to a clean fast transaction. See attached screen prints. P-72 upgrade to Khartu-Al applied and ready to gift.
  12. Greg

    Want to Sell WTS LTI 350R ($185)

    Price includes paypal fees for USD; add 3% extra for currency conversion fee if necessary. - Banu Merchantman LTI - $395 SOLD - 350R LTI - $185 - Xi'An Scout Khartu LTI - $200 SOLD Sold through verified paypal only; willing to use a middleman at buyer's expense. Not interested in trades, only seeking payment through paypal. I am paypal verified and have successfully sold a Caterpillar Retaliatior, and Superhornet on Reddit and this forum in the past, in addition to dealing ships through Kane and Loneshade.
  13. Greetings Citizens, Please note: this update applies only to backers living in the European Union. If you are elsewhere in the world, there are no store changes to announce. Starting February 1st, 2015, Cloud Imperium Games will be launching a European publishing arm based in the United Kingdom, Roberts Space Industries International, Ltd. While Squadron 42 is being developed in Europe, the publishing side of the operation has always been located in the United States. The good news stemming from this change is that we will now be closer to our many European customers (and able to establish community and customer service operations in dedicated areas) and will be able to ride out some of the exchange rate fluctuations troubling multinational sales operations. The downside of this organizational change is that starting on February 1st, we will be required to charge VAT on all purchases (including digital goods) made through the Roberts Space Industries International website, similar to how we must charge sales tax on items sold in Texas and California. And as you may have read in the press, as of 2015 every seller has to charge the rate applicable in the country of the purchaser. This means that in the coming days, the effective rate for European backers will go up depending on the VAT rate of their home country. We know that European backers are familiar with VAT, and likely have already encountered these charges on goods purchased elsewhere online. We wish there were an alternative to charging the tax, but also believe that it is in our best interest to expand Star Citizen’s footprint to a part of the world that has proven to be truly passionate about space games! We are informing you today, with two weeks before the switch on Feb 1, in case you have been waiting to purchase a ship or package at the current rates. By popular request, we will make a selection of limited edition and wave two ships available again during the week of January 26, in case there’s a past favorite you missed out on and would like to pick up before the international publishing switches over to RSI. Please check this space on the 26th for a list of available ships. Updates Non-EU countries that are in Eurpoe, are not necessairly bound to VAT. Norway and Switzerland are confirmed exempt from this. New subscriptions will be charged VAT. Current subscriptions are exempt from VAT. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Limited ship sale has started already! Ships come with the 2 year anniversary insurance. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14449-Limited-Ship-Sale Starfarer, Retaliator, Khartu, Merchantman, Caterpilar, Cutlass Blue, MIS, Gladiator, Delta, SH, M50, 350r, Aurora LX. Thanks to @JamesFV, @Viking and @TRON for the clarification on non-EU European countries and subscriptions. Check the link above on the 26th! My only suggestion here is for people to buy items/ships now and melt them for store credit. Unfortunately this of course means your items are account bound. Or work with someone you know and trust outside of the EU to do purchases for you. Below are the Paypal rates for different countries. Good luck everyone!
  14. Mods, isn't it time to open up a new subforum for the new alien ship manufacturers? Maybe not for each manufacturer, but at least a subforum for alien ships? Discussions on the Khartu and Banu Merchantman can be focused there.
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