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Found 2 results

  1. Welcome to the Imperium Newsletter for June! Let's start off with some updates to our Discord. We have added a new bot that handles temporary voice channels. To use this bot, simply find the “Other Voice” section in Discord, then join the “Create Voice Channel” and a new voice channel will be created for you! Second, Discord has added a new feature, Text chats in every voice channel. To find this, hover over the voice channel you would like to type in, you will see a chat bubble appear to the right of the name, click on it and you will see the text chat. Please get used to this feature as we have removed our Voice-text channel. Another topic related to Discord is, start thinking of some emotes you would like added to the server! We’re getting around to some Discord updates and one will be getting suggestions from you the community on Emotes you would like to see! We will create a way to track the nominations so hold onto them for now but look for it in the near future! We’ve had a great turn out for our events this month. They’ve been great fun and we appreciate all that create, help and attend. If you would like to create, host or help an event, please contact @REIGN-11-87 or @GRIZZ our event coordinators and they will help you! Lastly, welcome to all our new & returning members! If you have any feedback in regards to anything Imperium, especially things you’d like to see in the Newsletter, please contact @Switch on Discord and let's have a chat! We are always looking to improve and provide better content for our community, help us by providing input! Dimossa TheExchange Fireball08 Sicarius_Cato Ironcladpharoah zYomi VIPERCHIEFTAIN Seadoubleyoujay NightHawk555 Lock01 PurpleLilek GraySel None HR Human Resources has promoted a new officer: @Switch Divisions Recruiting All divisions except Military are recruiting! Please see this page for further information. Imperium Mining Op - June 11 Organized & Hosted by: @REIGN-11-87 Hammerhead Duels - June 17 Organized & Hosted by: @Morse & @macgivre Imperium Naked Bunker Runs - June 25 Organized & Hosted by: @J. Coren & @Sir_Belial Operation Revolving Door - June 25 Organized & Hosted by: @REIGN-11-87 & @Psychopath Monday Meeting - Every Monday Organized & Hosted by: @GRIZZ A note from our Event Coordinators: “If you would like your event posted to #Event-announcements channel in Discord, or the Imperium Facebook page, or the Imperium Twitter account please PM someone with the @Event Coordinator tag and we will be happy to assist you in making your event a success. Don't forget to add your event to the Imperium Calendar as it automatically converts start times for members around the globe." -Grizz https://forums.starcitizenbase.com/calendar/
  2. Hey all! The monthly report for June is up on the RSI update, as well as Part 2 of the Genesis Q&A and the first weekly FPS update (which I summarized here). I'm going to take a gander and post a TL;DR here as well as an expanded takeaway. Stay tuned while I read, or go read yourself. It's healthy, I'm told. Edit: Okay, here we go! TL;DR: Summarized Takeaway CIG Santa Monica Looks like they were busy. Engineering-wise, we had the implementation of vehicle parameters, so that they don't have to spawn something to look inside. Now they have a datasheet for every creation listing its properties and contents. Lots of bug fixes for AC 2.0 and FPS feature integration, including HUD (Vanduul glitching shout-out), vehicle code, and Radar 2.0 (can now track anything as opposed to just ships). Some spawning optimization and Hanger fixing, and the implementation of the multi-layer material system; they can now blend up to 4 layers of materials. Also, some AI improvements and troubleshooting, and some Large World technical development, mostly dealing with code parsing and triggers. For Design, they worked on the Genesis and fixed up the Constellation in-hanger and have continued prepping it for flight-ready. They also updated the Super Hornet, Scythe, Mustang Delta, and Retaliator. For Art, Merlin is in the final phases of flight ready! Besides that, they've been implementing the damage system and the non-marketing version of the Bengal is in the exterior white-box phase. There's been some revamping of all characters and the gold standard is almost prepped for PU and FPS - will be the go-to comparison for what characters should look-like/be animated/etc. Otherwise, lots of character development, from naval officers to city pedestrians to medics to marines... they're just about ready for 3D development. Vanduul is being finalized for skin and looks. CIG Austin Art. Major conceptualizations at the PU macro level. Polishing of paraphernalia, including military medals and badges, passes on landing zones and marketplaces, Levski (a landing zone) VFX and lighting... Stanton's being optimized for the Social Module, looking better than ever. SATA-ball character development looking sweet and complete! G-force animations are being updated, cockpit animations are being standardized, and the finishing touches on the final female skeleton are being completed. Design! They worked on some professions, including Search and Rescue, Smuggler, Piracy, Mercenary, and Bounty Hunter, as well as the Passenger Transit released earlier this month. The Usable Editor has been implemented, the thing that dictates friendly NPC actions. And, finally, general landing zone development. Engineering? Development on module and Gamescom demo releases! Includes the creation of the General Instance Manager, and other development tools. Also, proof-of-concepts for some professions. QA! Three playtests. Automation and tool development. Planetside and Social Module troubleshooting. Also will be working on multi-player experiences, including AC 2.0 and multi-player hangers. Game Support. System-wide administrative broadcast tool, for informing players on up-to-the-minute information! Server status page creation, and triaging of AC bugs, including ship damage and missile state bugs. Have also started reviewing/brainstorming administrative game support tools that will be needed, general MMO-admin stuff. IT/Operations! Uh... tech stuff, custom systems, and studio infrastructure. Yeaaaah. Dev Ops? New launcher, V2.1 (yes, skipping V2.0), all better, releasing next week. V3.0 to follow, will be similar to the final product. Improvements on development build infrastructure and iteration time for creating Virtual Machines, for testing and such. Also, creation of the "Phoenix" development system which allows them to do a whole bunch of stuff better. Check the spoiler for the copypasta. Foundry 42 Animation: basically systemic AI animations for FPS characters, featuring grenade reactions and such. Engineering: UI and AI! For AI, includes cockpit voices, CryAI and group AI integration, etc. For UI, exclusive rights to SQ42 HUD's and UI. Also have been developing unique feels for each manufacturer. Also display customization and lock-out for multi-crew ships. Graphics: meshes, gas clouds, and polygon count control. Design: soooooo much SQ42! Level development especially. They held an internal show and tell, and some jaws had to be surgically re-attached. AC team has the "large world" code now, can develop amazing maps. Also implementing "Quantum Jumping." Art and VFX: Very info dense. See the spoiler. Audio: the end of the WWise asset conversion is in sight! Work on prioritizing audio - how much to play at once, distance to be heard, etc. Attaching sound to new ship UI, and recording computer monologue. FPS and ambient music development tied up with WWise implementation... looks like WWise will be easy for modders to use. Lots of AC development. Also, SQ42 Dialogue development. New doors for the recording studios! Colour coordinated, oooooohh! Lots of implementation on sound editing tools, essential for one-off sounds and the like. Expanding the foley character library. QA: Star Marine and Gamescom. For the former, lots of major bugs to pop and polish to be done, as well as stress-testing. For the later, general QA. Also have been bugsmashing with SQ42. OKAY GUYS, that's it for tonight. Too much to summarize in one go. I'll be back tomorrow to finish 'er off with a short personal opinion, as well. Bit off more then I could chew. Thoughts on this topic and constructive criticism on my writing always welcome! G'night.
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