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Found 14 results

  1. To find this Wreck site, you need to go on Daymar, moon of Crusader in Stanton System. First jump to OM-3 Then head toward the planet in heading toward North East (45°) Your are looking for this spot on the brighter yellow part between 3 hills : Please find Hereunder Farrister's location spotlight on the area : OM-1 : 577.0 km OM-2 : 459.4 km OM-3 : 204.5 km OM-5 : 492,2 km 58° heading 60° pitch BACK TO INDEX
  2. Want to sell standalone ship - WTS AEGIS JAVELIN - WARBOND - ILW2950 LTI $2700 plus Paypal fees At COST !!!!... Just trying to help out those that missed the F5 war
  3. Lycanthorpe


    Im wondering if the Vulcan would be a viable asset for the ship slot on the Javelin, given its supporting role and what it could offer in various scenarios, any thoughts as to the viability of the ship in this role are appreciated.
  4. Hello, A new timelapse about the awesome moons of Crusaders, with the great places to visit ! Enjoy and feel free to support me by voting, leaving a com, liking or subsrcibing ! Thx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yS4dMvdOhw
  5. Looking for players who'd be happy crewing capitol combat ships like Javelin, Idris-M, and Idris-P. Pre-requisites: Good in-game rep Can be in any ORG No backstabby stuff Brief: I'm in TEST Squadron and in the mining division. My goal in the Verse is to be a mining baron. Yes, you can make fun of me... lol. I'm not personally into starting big wars and aggressive PvP/combat, but I do have x1 Javelin (might get a 2nd with my old completionist token before release) x1 Idris-M x1 Idris-P Goal is have these capitols patrol and provide security in the system area(s) I'll mine. However, the ships will be free to do missions in the same system(s) to pay for crew wages and their torpedos and repairs... and encourage having some good fun overall. I plan on having the captain role for these ships be reserved for trusted TEST members, because it's that's my main ORG, but might do random one day promotions. e.g. Janitor might be the captain for a day as a thank you for his or her hard work. So if you'd like to have a home on one of these ships, I'd be happy to have ya! RP welcomed!
  6. Im liquefying. 2x Javelins, 2x idris-p and $1500+ worth of credit. DISCLAIMER: The hammer head, the p72's, and the m50 ARE NOT ON THE ACCOUNT. I sold them and am to lazy to retake the screenshots. https://imgur.com/a/p8Lolmw#CIu7SbU I've posted this to all the high rollers. First come first serve, I want fucking out.
  7. Enjoy the Javelin and other 3.0 goodies in all its sweet glory!
  8. We have a totally new paradigm where CIG is selling capital ships like never before. At the Anniversary sale 2016 an unprecedented amount of Idris was offered: 5 batches of 200 ships in each batch for a total of 1000 Capital ships in a single sale. The effect was grave, CIG killed off the demand for this previously rare ship and more than half of the ships remained unsold at the 26th of November -a week after the start of the sale. CIG now decided it was a bad idea to officially state how much they inflate the numbers of capital ships because that killed off the demand. The solution they came up with was to sell 100 Javelins in a stealth batch at the announcement of the final Grand Finale on the 26th November at 1PM PST, this was followed by yet another stealth Javelin batch of 100, none of which is officially mentioned in clear numbers as to not kill off the demand by the enormous volume dilution that these sales represent. It is also interesting to note that of the 450 Javelins that was sold in one week 300 were offered for Cash Only, so this is a clear cash-grab move. This represents a new paradigm in that CIG no longer cares about capital ship rarity, they care only about deceiving backers by not officially stating they they sell 100's and hundreds more ships than the sale description states as to not kill the demand and make the maximum amount on new fresh cash. The Idris and Javelin are no longer rare and powerful capital ships that needs to be kept at a low number. The only rarity concern CIG has is to keep demand high to maximize cash revenue, thus they have started selling capital ships in Stealth Batches that are totally unannounced and for Cash Only. The overselling of capital ships had grave implications. Not only do we now have over twice as many Javelins as before but these ships were available for hours and hours without selling out, a sign that the demand is sated and probably would they have sold out faster CIG would have offered more, as many as the market can bare for mazimum amount of New Cash. I can't imagine the completionist 17500$ Backer that probably justified his pledge level by getting a Javelin that previously was a ship only available in 1-10 sec sales out of a year being happy about that instead of paying 17500 USD before, you could have just taken your time and comfortably within a total of over 24 HRS of javelin availability spent 2700$ for the same ship. What we can abstract from CIG's new marketing tactics is: CIG is not anymore concerned with limiting capital ships for game balance reasons, they are only concerned in keeping demand high. CIG knows rarity is a driving factor for capital ship demand CIG wants to keep the true javelin numbers a secret/the official numbers low to not lower demand CIG peculiarly enough decided to go through with the unanounced 100 Cash Only javelin batch on 1PM PST 26th november at a time where only 50% of Idris had sold out, almost to the dollar making up for the projected loss of profit from the Cash Only Idrises. Using this wonderful forum as a platform I'm going to go on record and make a prediction about where CIG marketing is heading with their capital ship sales going forward. Based on CIG's clear will to sell javelins for cash only in unannounced not officially acknowleadged large volume batches I predict the following: A Holiday Livestream 2016 sale of unannounced Cash only javelins of up to three batches of 100 each adjusted after demand with a possible addition of 50 javelins Store Credit allowed to not upset previous backers too much. The secret sale would be launched at the commensation of the Holiday Livestream at a time with maximum site traffic for maximu sale speed/sales oppurtinity. The sales will not be officially acknowleadged and no numbers of batches of numbers of ships in each batch will be mentioned to keep the image of javelin being a rare ship alive. The goal is to sell as many javelins for cash only as the market can bare. So the prediction is we will se another 350 Javelins sold for a total of 700 javelins sold in 2016. What does this new marketing tactic mean for Capital Ship numbers on launch of the PU? 2012 100 Idris-M sold 2013 150 Idris-P sold 2014 200 Idris-P sold in 4 batches of 50 2015 Introduction of the 2500$ Idris-P containing Armada pack (unknown amount sold commonly predicted thousands) and 100 Idris-P sold 2016 1000 Idris-P sold in 5 batches of 200 So almost a Tenfold increase of the amount sold in previous years in 2016. Extrapolating the new annual sales volumes and using the Roadmap laid out by CR (which is aleady heavily delayed) we are looking at a 2020 PU release at the earliest which gives us 1000 more Idris in 2017, 1000 more Idris in 2018, 1000 more Idris in 2019, and a possible 1000 more Idris in 2020. Total number of Idris at PU release with current sales volumes= 4550 to 5550 plus an unknown amount of Armada packages for a total of a conservative 6000+ estimate. These are not numbers that support a 1250$ price, these ships wil e so common that everyone will aim for one and thus the acquisition time will have to be lowered accordingly and thus the USD convert price from CIG's own UEC ingame store will be much lower than the 1250$ we paid. 2014 200 Javelin sold in 4 batches of 50 2015 200 Javelin sold in 4 batches of 50 (officially excused by a growing number of accounts allowing more to be sold though Turbulent has claimed the real backer numbers when we had 1,5 million accounts was 500 000 persons with 3 accounts each) 2016 250 Javelins sold officially 100 javelins sold off the record, And a prediction of 350 more sold in the anniversary sale Thus in 2020 at PU launch (according to the roadmap laid out in citizencon 2016 this will be the earliest launch date) and taking the new yearly sales volumes into account we will have 400 + 350 + 350 2017 + 350 2018 + 350 2019 = 1550 at the lowest plus the additional completionist owners and my prediciton: 400 + 700 + 700 2017 + 700 2018 + 700 2019 + 700 2020 = 3900 Javelins at PU launch.
  9. I posted this on RSI. What do you think of the idea?
  10. They will sell some Idris and Javelin again on December 16th 19:00 UTC with their livestream source is Ben in today's Reverse the Verse
  11. It is with deep humility and admiration that I offer my sincerest congratulations to two who, only mere hours ago were among the indefensible, have risen to the ranks of now being the indispensable Mini F5 Game heroes. We are fortunate to call these mighty men, fellow Blood Moon brethren.
  12. greystroke

    Want to Buy WTB Javelin LTI

    Interested in buying a Javelin with account. Preferably from EU seller. Contact me with offers.
  13. Hi, RSI username is the same, starstuff, I've sold plenty ships on reddit under /u/xboston with ZERO issues and I have a listing on ebay right now for these ships HERE where i have over 400 positive feedbacks so I hope this is sufficient to prove my trust worthiness. Prices are below, willing to entertain offers as well. Javelin - $4,000 - comes with original email and an aurora LN with alpha package, pic in hangar: http://i.imgur.com/tkLJgkx.jpg [SOLD] Idris-M - $3,500 - pic in hangar: http://i.imgur.com/vuqfPfs.png [NO LONGER AVAILABLE] Glaive - $475 - pic in hangar: http://i.imgur.com/LzIZlG0.png [SOLD] Scythe - $2,000 - pic in hangar: http://i.imgur.com/EBrXC2f.png [SOLD] Hull-E - $550 - pic in hangar: http://i.imgur.com/qFiwQno.png [SOLD] All have LTI. It's my first time posting here, so if I missed something, please let me know and I'll fix right away. Otherwise, thanks for looking. Cheers.
  14. feindhammer

    Want to Buy WTB Javelin

    Looking to purchase a Javelin at a reasonable price. Please PM me if you have one for sale and are willing to part with it. Thanks. Feindhammer
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