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  1. VoA

    Aegis Idris Frigate

    Aegis Idris-P new images and new sale allotments today Star Citizen Argo utility craft (comes with Idris and not a Spoiler - we have seen it before in JP)
  2. Hey everyone! I know most idris-M's are already account-bound and they are very rare in general. Though if anyone has one left or wants to sell an account with one included let me know please
  3. And it's beautiful https://imgur.com/gallery/hiD2dNh Although sorry, there is no internal geometry.. so it's just a husk full two hours of us exploring this husk of an idris If you're new to Star Citizen and looking for a referral code try this one https://enlistcitizen.com/star-citizen-referral-code/
  4. No words are needed.... just look at all of these shiny pic. https://imgur.com/a/zakFA
  5. Hi guys! How can I optimize my Armada Pack? I need your help on deciding on upgrading/changing some of the ships in my Armada Pack. I don't want to do a ton of combat, but I want to have capable ships in a pinch. I think my primary forms of game play organized by priority will be Exploration, Trade & Industry, and Escort (Protection). I do like high risk and high reward missions, so I do not mind going into dangerous areas. That's why I am at least keeping the IDRIS, STARFERER GEMINI, SUPER HORNET, AND RSI ORION. If you aren't familiar, the Armada Pack includes (as well as one upgrade I've already done): Considering Upgrades: GLADIUS RETALIATOR BOMBER GLADIATOR AEGIS SABRE Keeping For Sure: F7C-M SUPER HORNET STARFARER GEMINI IDRIS-P FRIGATE RSI ORION Thoughts? Any recommendations? Thanks, Jurai
  6. I was doing some research on spectrum in 2.6 when I came across some shocking stats on the Bengal... apparently it has 90 turrets room for an Idris in it's hanger and one of it's turrets is HUGE... and I mean HUGE. It's called a "Ship Buster" Railgun. According to CIG: I totally want to stand on that as it fires. I would love to fly an aurora up the cannon and watch the shell load in and be fired out with it. From what I understand the Bengal has a crew of up to 1000 people. Just imagine the depth of teamwork needed to get that one off the ground huh? What are you most excited for in SC concerning capital ships? Anyway all this had me really excited so I made a vid: I would love your feedback!
  7. VALOUR_1

    Complete WTB Idris P/M

    Wanting to buy an Idris capital ship PM me if you are willing to sell thankyou
  8. You know its the Crowning Jewel to any Persons Collection, It will be here Till Launch Day in 2016/17 ... Its so Mouth-Watering and its gonna drive some people INSANE!! $4999 USD
  9. CR please STAHP!!!! (said my wallet)
  10. I posted this on RSI. What do you think of the idea?
  11. The trend set from the latest CIG concept sales have been increased prices. We have had the Dragonfly for 35$ which is actually 10$ more than a capable Aurora MR. Then we had the Prospector for 140$ followed by Terrapin for 195$ (which I hope was priced low since I want it to be overpowered and have the longest range of all ships in the game) though it was still pricey for a 19,5m long ship intended for a solo pilot. After that we got the big hugely anticipated Polaris for 750 (not counting the 625$ pre-sale discount). The terrapin, prospector and dragonfly indicate that the smaller ships might be getting a price increase in coming sales for example the Cutlass might increase to 125$ after its rework and the 300i series might increase 25$ above their base-prices after the 300-series rework. We have already seen the m50 and 350r increase 20 and 25$ respectively from 80 and 100 original price so this is nothing new. Also the 750 Polaris brakes the trend of the next tier of capital ship being 200% the price of the tier below it that the Idris and Javelin has as a price relation. This might mean Idris is now intended to be 1500$ and Javelin intended to be 3000$, would make sense. So what do you think? Will we see an across the board price increase where Idris will be 1500$ at the next sale (probably in a big value-pack but valued at 1500$)?
  12. Just look at these beauties Here we can see how much bigger this beast got by the original concept and current flight deck size before now:
  13. Hello, up for grabs today is one of my accounts, I have a standard account with an Idris P, also tied to the account is an LTI Caterpillar, LTI Starfarer Gemini, Gladius Package, and Freelancer Package. The account has all the goodies from the 46- million backer rewards and onwards, and 15,000 UEC along with alot of random subscriber flair collected. The account is worth roughly $1700 ish which is my estimate and ill be selling it via verified Paypal only for $1400 ill pay for any Paypal fees. PM me if your are interested, This is a black market trade since RSI prohibits the sale of accounts for security reasons relating to billing information and what knot as far as i know, I've been apart of Imperium for a few years now since 2014 and have good trade credit. Just send me a PM if your interested in this Idris P account and we can do a paypal trade Thanks.
  14. MELT VALUE: Imperator Prime Plan: $240 USD War Pack: $5,000.00 USD Constellation: $275.00 USD Hornet F7C-S Ghost: $140 USD Item Price Qty. Discount Total Cot ¤2,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤2,000 UEC Workbench ¤10,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤10,000 UEC RSI Zeus Model ¤5,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤5,000 UEC Fishtank Mark I ¤5,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤5,000 UEC The Lamp ¤2,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤2,000 UEC Freelancer poster ¤1,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤1,000 UEC Hornet poster ¤1,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤1,000 UEC Greycat PTV ¤15,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤15,000 UEC Retaliator Poster ¤1,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤1,000 UEC Ribbon fish (Vario Vittas) ¤1,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤1,000 UEC Vindel ¤1,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤1,000 UEC Thorshu Grey ¤1,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤1,000 UEC Oshi ¤1,000 UEC 1 ¤0 UEC ¤1,000 UEC $5,915.00 USDTOTAL SPENTREVEL & YORK HANGARSTANDALONE SHIP - AEGIS GLADIUSSTANDALONE SHIP - AEGIS REDEEMERTAKUETSU ORIGIN M50TAKUETSU RSI CONSTELLATION PHOENIX 2944GREYCAT PTVWAR PACKThis includes:-Idris-P Frigate-Aurora MR-300i-Freelancer-Constellation Andromeda-F7C-S Hornet GhostALSO CONTAINSStarting Money: 20,000 UECElectro Skin HullLifetime InsuranceSpaceship-shaped USB DriveCD of Game SoundtrackGlossy Fold-up Star Map5 Spaceship BlueprintsHardback Making-of Star CitizenHardback Engineering ManualHardback Squadron 42 ManualSquadron 42 Digital DownloadStar Citizen Digital DownloadDeluxe Silver Collector's BoxDigital Star Citizen ManualA second HORNET F7C-S GHOSTXI'AN SCOUT - KHARTU - LTIWEEKEND WARRIOR - LTISelling Star Citizen account with everything you see here!Looking to get around $4k, which is $2k less than what I bought it for.
  15. I would like to sell my Idris-M LTI Standalone ship for $2500.00 no trades, Pay through PayPal. Its a very rare Capital Ship and to the right person it might make your Fleet Complete. It is Giftable so if there is anyone interested in this let me know. You can email me at cyoung2400@yahoo.com Can pay for it through PayPal
  16. As the title says. (Background) I have 2x Occulus DK2 (One spare one for trade that is new and unused.). and just pre-ordered my CV1. I don't need the spare now and looking to offload it to someone not looking to rush into getting the CV1 just yet. _ More than willing to go with an alternate option of 2x 890J + Occulus DK2 for your Idris-M if that works for you. Trader must be Paypal verified and must produce both their Citizen Number and current registered RSI Handle NO EXCEPTIONS! The Trader's Citizen Number and Handle will be provided upon request. All scams or suspicious activity will be reported to the MODs and elevated from there.
  17. Trusted Protection. Dependable Professionals. Corporate Webpage RSI Organization Page History PALADIN is a leading interstellar security and transportation company with project experience in over 30 star systems. We have a galaxy wide client-base comprised of both government and corporate sectors. We are also a major security provider to the United Earth Empire government. From PALADIN headquarters in [REDACTED] we are able to reach clients throughout the galaxy, from the many UEE systems to the fringe systems in more dangerous, unsecure space. Our clients benefit from the extensive capabilities of our personnel, built up through careers in the UEE Navy and Marines. PALADIN was established as a UEE government security provider by UEE Navy veteran Jason “Paladin” Targus in 2944. This was the year PALADIN was awarded a primary contract with the UEE Navy to support military security operations in hostile systems by providing experienced pilots along with capable ships to protect government supply convoys and by providing assistance in protecting commercial shipping routes. The definition and requirements of security are ever changing. In recent years, we have grown a successful security service in support of the mining industry, focused on providing protection for gas and mineral extraction companies in the more dangerous fringe systems. PALADIN now provides a wide breadth of services to the government and commercial sectors, to include: protective services, cargo transport, exploration of uncharted systems, refueling operations, recovery operations, advisory support, and training. Across these areas we employ over [REDACTED] people at any one time and run a fleet of over [REDACTED] ships. Our Services In these times of galactic uncertainty and hostage alien threat, organizations are seeking a reliable partner to help mitigate risk, ensure business continuity and achieve organizational objectives. Governments, multi-planetary corporations and non-governmental organizations can rely on Paladin Government Services for our security services and robust mission support. From supply chain management and Personnel and asset recovery, Paladin Government Services delivers full-scale, contingency support services. Additionally, our integrated security solutions encompass the spectrum of safeguarding personnel, critical infrastructure and valuable assets. Security PALADIN is a trusted industry leader renowned for its Convoy Protective Services in high-threat environments across the galaxy. Our highly skilled Fleet Antipiracy Security Teams (FAST) are the industry standard in Close Protection and other Special Services. With decades of military experience, our security specialists undergo a rigorous pre-employment vetting process. With one of the best safety records in the industry, PALADIN’s employee’s are continually commended for their commitment to performance. Transport PALADIN provides Secure Transport and Delivery Services of commercial goods, valuables and other assets for government agencies, businesses, and individual clients. All of our transport operations are conducted using our specialized heavily armed and armored transports or in conjunction with armed escorts. Recovery In the event of a deep space incident it is imperative that every company has robust Emergency Response and Crisis Management procedures and policies in place. PALADIN’s personnel and asset Search, Rescue and Recovery (SRR) division provides that very important capability for the private sector, as well as in support of UEE military operations. TeamSpeak3: We have a dedicated TeamSpeak server for our members. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Come Join Us Paladin Government Services is a private military company currently seeking motivated and mature players, who enjoy working together as a team, and want to collaboratively work towards building a fun and successful Star Citizen organization and community. We need your help to make it happen! There will be numerous opportunities to specialize in a variety of areas, all contributing to the success and mutual benefit of all. There is room for casual and hardcore gamers alike; roleplay is okay as well but not mandatory. Want to experience multi-crew flight but don’t have the right ship? Never fear we have anything from the Freelancer to the Idris frigate for you to try out! Who We Are We are adult gamers with careers and families who understand that real life always come first. We don't require you to put in a set amount of hours per week, we don’t have mandatory log-on times, and we don't force you to participate in group activities, we just provide the environment to make it better and are here to cater to your needs. Our ultimate goal is to provide a fun, relaxing, and drama-free environment for all of our members. To join is very simple- we don't require anything from you except the desire to have fun. What We Offer ★ Respect - to all members. ★ Strength - we value quality over quantity, we never spam for recruits. ★ Structure - we have an organized corporate structure and rank system with opportunities for promotion and bonuses. ★ Productivity - earning serious credits in the Verse! ★ Teamwork - numerous multi-crew ships to play on and multiple guild allies. Our Goal Simply to create a fun and rewarding gaming experience for our members. Paladin Government Services is built upon a foundation of fun, trust and respect, while embracing creative and innovative ideas from our members. Members are encouraged to try playing in any amount of roles they wish within our three main Divisions (Security, Transport, Recovery), as well as developing teamwork in between them. Our Services SECURITY ★ Convoy Escort ★ Ground Security (FPS) ★ Mining Security ★ Antipiracy TRANSPORT ★ Passenger Transit ★ Cargo Transport RECOVERY ★ Survey & Route Planning (Exploration) ★ Emergency Refueling ★ Search, Rescue & Recovery (SRR) Disclaimer We do not endorse nor participate in piracy or criminal activity. Join today! Apply Now ------------------------------------------------------------------- UEE Business News Wire: PALADIN Awarded Contract for Security Post Kareah
  18. They will sell some Idris and Javelin again on December 16th 19:00 UTC with their livestream source is Ben in today's Reverse the Verse
  19. It is with deep humility and admiration that I offer my sincerest congratulations to two who, only mere hours ago were among the indefensible, have risen to the ranks of now being the indispensable Mini F5 Game heroes. We are fortunate to call these mighty men, fellow Blood Moon brethren.
  20. I have been thinking about selling my Idris-M and I was wondering what would be a good fair price for it. Let me know if anyone is interested in this matter.
  21. hello my friends!New here!I got a question,Idris M got a railgun as STS weapon ,but Idris P dont have it.is there any other difference between them? LIke Idris M got better armor or better shield?And they are in same size?Thank u!
  22. As stated, For sale: 1x LTI Idris-P Ship + all associated RSI and Email Accounts (All in good standing). **Payment options accepted:** Verified Paypal, Check, Money Orders, Bank Wire Transfer, and possibly BitCoin if necessary. Price adjustments may be incorporated to cover fees, alternative payment options eliminate fees. Financing is available at least 3 ways: 1) Paypal Bill me Later, 2) Ebay 6month installment purchasing, 3) Paypal preset monthly payments. (Edits may follow as necessary) Note: Any deals made via SCB may yield a donation to the site.
  23. Hello so im curious what are all of the additional items that come with an Idris? We know that a Constellation comes with a snub fighter, and that the Carrack and Reclaimer come with snub ships and in the case of the Carrack it also comes with a Rover, so i would expect a Idris Frigate to come with something... does anyone know what? i cant find information on this, any links? Or information would be appreciated!
  24. LTI & Discount starter ships: Idris-M (giftable) LTI standalone - $3000 Vanduul Scythe LTI standalone - $1750 Herald LTI standalone - $120 Reclaimer LTI standalone - $410 Orion LTI standalone - $400 Vanguard LTI standalone - $290 Hull A LTI standalone - $75 Reliant LTI standalone - $70 Mustang Alpha AC discount starter pack - $40 (melts for $38.25, store equivalent = $45) Aurora MR AC discount starter pack - $40 (melts for $38.25, store equivalent = $45) Upgrades and CCU's: Tracker to Gladiator Upgrade - $40 Tracker to Super Hornet Upgrade - $40 Cutlass Blue to Super Hornet Upgrade - $20 Avenger to Mustang Delta Upgrade - $15 Accounts for sale: 1. Gladiator (or Super Hornet) LTI Package (no alpha, locked) - rewards from $40M+ (see here) - $180 2. Aurora ES LTI game package (no alpha, locked) & $25 RSI credit - rewards from $40M+ (see here) - $100 3. Empty Veteran backer account (all rewards) - $140 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't see what you're looking for? Shoot me a PM. All sales will be conducted via verified Paypal only. Offers from brand new accounts may be turned down (I'm usually pretty flexible). Buyer will pay all associated fees (typically 4%).
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